#ket had high speed wings
primevein · 1 year
The Prime of the Youth: Book II: Quest for Fire: Ch27: The Trap
Bulkhead was stretching as Roxana rushed up to him with her medkit. "Really?" Bulkhead asked.
"You need treatment." she asserted.
"Need is a strong word." he grumbled, and then soundly sat down, leaning against a concrete barricade.
"Boss?" Smokescreen asked.
Jack breathed in deeply before turning around to look at him, "I'm assuming they know where this base is. We just pissed them off." Smokescreen listed backwards at how forward he was being. "We have to setup a trap for Ser-Ket."
"Already?" Miko asked.
"Is she going definitely going to attack?" Jack asked her, "Don't know. But chances are good enough that we have to be ready." He then looked at Bulkhead, "Any ideas."
"I barely survived one chunk of ToxEn." Bulkhead stated.
"I am prepared to treat it." Roxana stated.
"What?" Miko asked, "You weren't even there."
Roxana looked at her for a moment before returning to her treatment, "Ratchet, obviously." Roxana stated.
"Oh, right." Miko replied.
"And the fact she's almost a Predacon?" Bulkhead asked.
Jack snapped out of his concentration before looking back at him, "We can use my sword as a trap, set it up on the most likely approach route, around the corner, and too high for anyone but Predacon wings to be struck by it."
"And?.." Smokescreen asked, "If she doesn't take the best route?"
"We're screwed?" Jack asked, "Unless we can set up another trap." He then looked at Bulkhead, "Maybe collapse the cave?"
"Oh, that will work." Bulkhead stated. "If you pick a small enough section."
Jack turned back to Smokescreen, "Shockwave also ramped up the aggression."
"Meaning they are more likely to take the direct approach." Arcee stated.
"And you couldn't tell us this ahead of time?" Smokescreen asked.
"Information control." Bulkhead stated.
"That," Jack said to Bulkhead, and then looked back to Smokescreen, "and we might have had to abandon the base."
"THAT is combat." Arcee added. Smokescreen nodded, slowly at first, but soon enough with more speed and clarity.
"We'll go as soon as Bulkhead is patched up and Miko has eaten." Jack stated.
* * *
Windblade and Smokescreen stood guard by the barricades. "So, how did you get guard duty?" Smokesccreen asked.
"Wrecker tricks are not my style." she simply stated. "And we are the best able to provide reinforcements. You show alarming alacrity for someone so young. I am happy to serve with you."
Smokescreen looked at her in complete and utter shock.
Arcelia giggled as Roxana whispered into her ear.
* * *
Bulkhead held Jack up as he attached his sword extended into a whip to a low cave wall, just around a corner.
* * *
Bulkhead was adjusting a device, and Miko looked at him curiously. "What are you up to?" Miko asked.
"Audio sensor. Arcelia found the sound data for Ser-Ket." Bulkhead replied. "I just have to tune it."
"And what?" Miko asked, "You set it up to a det. pack?"
"Exactly." Bulkhead replied. "She comes in this way, and it's going to cave in on her."
"And if it doesn't kill her?" Miko asked.
"We'll know where she is." Bulkhead replied.
* * *
Bulkhead drove up to where they had setup Jack's trap. "We're at the drop point." Bulkhead stated.
"Add 5." Jack stated.
"Good thing I've still got miles on my odometer." Bulkhead stated.
"Is this how you usually talk on the coms.?" Miko asked.
"You have to." Bulkhead replied, "Try to say as little as possible, and when do say something, not enough for the enemy to figure it out. They won't know the drop point is where we set the trap, they don't know what 5 miles are. If we don't use it too often, they won't even know where it is."
"Isn't the point of the trap to... wait behind the trap?" Miko asked.
"We don't want her to know the trap is there." Bulkhead stated, "We can't act like we know about the trap."
"So, we're just acting as we would without the trap?" Miko asked.
"Without giving anything away." Bulkhead replied. "As far as they know, we are setting up forward positions."
"We're not?" Miko asked.
"Jack is having us raid targets at range. More damage. Less risk."
"But we want them to think we're setting up like an army?" Miko asked, "So, if this not-a-Pred flies by, what do we do?"
"It depends." Bulkhead stated.
"On what?" Miko asked.
"What Jack wants to do, if the Dinobots are back." Bulkhead dismissively said. "Who else is coming. The best way to make a plan is to not worry too much about it."
"Why?" Miko asked, "Isn't that the point of plans?"
Bulkhead let out a brief chortle, "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."
"Who says that?" Miko asked, "Optimus? Is it a Wrecker thing."
"A Human named Murphy." Bulkhead said jovially. "The plan has to get you to the battle, and away from it. When the battle actually starts, plans never work."
"So, why is Jack spending so much time planning?" Miko asked.
"Huh?" Bulkhead asked, "Because it's working. We're out-manned and out-gunned. If we want to do anything, we need to someone like Jack to make sure everything we do matters."
"Whoa." Miko said, as the revelation hit her.
"That's why Optimus was able to do that on Earth. We had one base, little energy, and a fraction of their numbers."
"And we won!" Miko exclaimed.
"Because we had someone like Jack." Bulkhead simply stated. "And now it's his turn."
* * *
Miko sat back in Bulkhead's passenger seat as they were pulled off in a small alcove, looking back at the tunnel. "How can being a warrior be so boring?" Miko whined.
"Warriors have to be in the right place at the right time." he said, and paused, "Or for a Wrecker, the wrong place at the wrong time. Either way, most of being a Warrior is traveling and waiting."
"Can't we at least turn up the sound?" Miko asked.
"Unfortunately, heavy metal isn't so good for listening." Bulkhead replied.
"What should we do?" Miko asked.
"Chill?" Bulkhead asked, and Miko sighed, but then smiled as she relaxed.
* * *
The Dinobots walked by and Bulkhead turned on his headlights. They looked at him for a moment before Grimlock jovially walked up to him, "Wrecker!" he exclaimed, "Why here?"
Miko opened the door and stepped out. "We might have pissed off Ser-Ket." She paused for a moment, "Hopefully." They just kind of stared at her. "What?" she asked, "We've beaten real Predacons. How hard could a fake one, be?"
Arcee had rolled up behind the Dinobots. She stopped and Jack climbed off of her. "We have a trap set up ahead."
"Sludge." Arcee added, "You'll want to watch your head."
"And what do we do?" Swoop excitedly asked.
"Whatever you want to do." Jack said to Grimlock. "You can wait, and hope she shows up, or just do whatever you were doing."
"Our smash and grab might have been too good for them to follow us." Bulkhead stated.
"Does Ser-Ket not know where your base is?" Jack asked.
"Barely spend time in base." Grimlock replied.
"We basically just come back to refuel." Snarl stated.
"So, we just wasted our time?" Miko asked.
"Ciel was looking through the records." Jack said as he stepped back to Arcee before standing astride her. "Let's go see what she's said." He then looked at Bulkhead, "Could you help me get my sword back?"
"Miko?" Bulkhead asked, "Why don't you join the Dinobots. You'll probably get alone."
Miko put the Apex Armour on and walked up to them. Bulkhead closed the passenger door behind her. Miko clapped her hands together, "I want to hear some stories."
* * *
Arcee carrying jack showed up with Bulkhead right behind them. "Where is your counterpart?" Windblade asked him.
"Catching up with the Dinobots." Bulkhead said, "She'll probably love their stories. I can take over if you guys want?"
"And where else should I go?" Windblade asked.
"We'll figure that one out." Jack stated as he climbed off of Arcee.
Arcee transformed to her dollform and walked beside him. "I've been a good girl." Arcee stated, "But I demand cuddles."
Jack just looked up at her with a smile.
* * *
Jack cuddled between a dollform Arcee and Arcelia as they looked at Arcelia's tablet.
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suite43 · 3 years
PS Neither the egg fic nor the vegan freak have anything to do with M/gastar before you try it. That's all pure Starscream stanning, baby. And one of them is St/rop, the supposedly ""good""" ship LOL.
List of female Transformers Main Complete list Following is a thorough list of the various female Transformers in canon thus far. Many of these characters were Japan-exclusive, featured only in fiction, or exist as limited-run exclusive toys. Female characters who had multiple toys are listed only once. Generation 1 (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Chromia (1) Moonracer (2) Firestar (3) Elita One (4) Greenlight (5) Lancer (6) Arcee (7) Beta (8) An Autobot rebel (9) Paradron Medic (11) Nancy (12) Minerva (13) Clipper (14) Karmen (18) Glyph (20) Road Rage (21) Discharge[1] (22) Windy[1] (23) Vibes (24) Roulette (25) Flareup (32) Flip Sides (34) Rosanna (35) Windrazor (38) Thunderblast (46) Cassiopeia (47) Nautica (51) Windblade (52) Victorion (61) Velocity (63) Javelin (62) Proxima (64) Roadmaster (65) Acceleron (66) Override (69) Rust Dust (70) Pyra Magna (71) Skyburst (72) Stormclash (73) Jumpstream (74) Dust Up (75) Scorpia[1] (76) Eos (80) Lifeline (83) Quickslinger (84) Hotwire[2] (98) Strongarm (99) Slide[2] (104) Crush Bull[2] (107) Oiler[2] (108) Broadside[2] (109) Sky High[2] (110) Circuit[2] (116) Pyra Ignatia Spark[2] (118) Scorchfire (122) Orthia (126) Smashdown[2] (128) Esmeral (15) Lyzack (16) Clio (17) Nightracer (19) Shadow Striker (26) Howlback (31) Flamewar (33) Flip Sides (34) Crasher (39) Freezon[1] (44) Nightracer (49) Slipstream (50) Twirl (54) Nickel (60) Swift (77) Killjoy (79) Blackout[2] (81) Spaceshot[2] (82) Crash Test (85) Trickdiamond (92) Moonheart (93) Megaempress (94) Flowspade (95) Lunaclub (96) Megatronia (100) Buckethead[1] (103) Diveplane[1] (112) Seawave[1] (113) Mindgame (114) Tracer[2] (115) Devastator[2] (117) Cindersaur[2] (125) Shadow Striker (127) Nova Storm[2] (129) Termagax (133) Kaskade (135) Heavywait (138) Tyrannocon Rex (139) Cheesecake robot (10) Roulette and Shadow Striker's sister (27) Path Finder (28) Small Foot (29) Devcon's galpal (30) One of Optimus Prime's rescuees (36) Angela (37) Four members of the Kaon upperclass (40-43) Ma-Grrr (45) Red waitress Transformer (48) Windshear (53) Solus Prime (55) Female protester (56) Lightbright (57) Strafe (58) Mistress of Flame (59) Exocet (67) Vertex (68) Aileron (78) Gnash (86) Slice (87) Thrashclaw (88) Shred (89) A pair of Devisen twins (90-91) Maxima (97) Sieg[3] (101) Kari (102) Anode (105) Lug (106) X-Throttle (111) Rum-Maj (119) Praesidia Magna (120) Fastbreak (121) Crash Test (122) Stardrive (123) Magrada (124) Leviathan (130) Codexa (131) Gauge (132) Lodestar (134) Shutter (136) Sharpclaw (137) Cargohold (140) Half-qualifiers: Alana, turned into a Transformer for a short time. Aunty, female Cybertronian intelligent computer. Combination granny and attack-dog-bots, human-sized drones supposedly based on Transformer technology. One of Maccadam's bartenders Nightbird Overlord, has a female side to him. Some of the "Teletraan" computers like 15 and 10 are female. There appears to be a female design among a group of old generics. Bayonet, the fake female Decepticon disguise of Britt. In the French dub of The Transformers: The Movie, Shrapnel and Starscream are considered female. Shrapnel is also female in the Russian dub. Beast Era (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Airazor (2) Kitte Shūshū (5) Rage (6) Botanica (7) Sonar[1] (13) Crystal Widow (14) Crossblades (15) Stiletto (16) Transmutate[1] (18) Binary (19) Wedge Shape[1] (24) Aura (25) Legend Convoy[1] (26) Stockade[2] (28) Rav (29) Hammerstrike[2] (31) Triceradon[2] (35) Skimmer (36) Nyx (44) Blackarachnia (1) Scylla (3) Antagony (4) Strika (8) Manta Ray[1] (17) Ser-Ket (20) Dead-End[2] (27) Jai-Alai (30) Max-B[2] (32) Gaidora (33) Soundbyte/Soundbite (34) Liftoff (37) Freefall (38) Snarl-blast[2] (39) Vertebreak (43) Skold (45) Libras (9) Virgol (10) Cancix[1] (11) Possibly Sagittarii (12) Dipole (21) Vamp (22) Plasma[2] (23) Deep Blue (40) At least two bridge officers of the Terrastar (41-42) Half-qualifiers: NAVI-ko, female Cybertronian intelligent computer NAVI (Yukikaze), female Cybertronian intelligent computer NAVI (Gung Ho), female Cybertronian
intelligent computer DNAVI, female Cybertronian intelligent computer Medusa, an Intruder-built robot modified with Cybertronian technology Robots in Disguise (2001) (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Optimus Prime[2] (1) Nightcruz[1] (3) Scourge[2] (2) Half-qualifiers: T-AI, female Cybertronian intelligent computer. Unicron Trilogy (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Airazor (5) Arcee (9) Autobot nurses (10) Two Velocitronian band members (11-12) Override[4] (13) Joyride[4] (15) Quickslinger (16) Crystal Widow (24) Treadbolt (33) Chromia (34) Thunderblast (14) Spacewarp (30) Sureshock (1) Combusta (2) Falcia (3) Twirl (4) Sunburn (6) Cliffjumper[1] (7) Ironhide[1] (8) Spiral[1] (9) Offshoot[1] (17) Breakage[1] (18) Kickflip[1] (19) Mudbath[1] (20) Heavy Metal[1] (21) "Disco ball" (22) Road Rebel[1] (23) Guardian Speed[1] (25) Mugen[1] (26) Bingo/Triac[1] (27) Wedge Shape[1] (28) Sprite (29) Boom Tube (31) Windrazor (32) Rán (33) Half-qualifiers: A possible scooterformer Dark Nitro Convoy, evil clone of a character whose gender was switched in translation Red Alert, minimally-altered release of a toy that was female in Japan Midnight Express, unaltered release of a toy that was female in Japan Hourglass, a female character who might be a Cybertronian Bombshell, a female character who might be a Cybertronian Carillon, a female character who might be a Cybertronian Vector Prime, the former multiversal entity who was female in some universes Movie continuity family (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Arcee (1) Elita-One (2) Chromia (4) Perihelion (8) HMS Alliance (9) Windblade (13) Fracture (3) Alice (5) Shadow Striker (6) Override[3] (7) Diabla (10) Howlback (11) Shatter (12) Nightbird Airazor Half-qualifiersJetfire claims to have a mother who may or may not have been a Transformer. Animated (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Sari Sumdac (2) Arcee (3) Elita-1 (4) Red Alert (6) Botanica (8) Flareup (10) Rosanna (11) Glyph (12) Lickety-Split (13) Lightbright (14) Chromia (16) Clipper (17) Quickslinger (18) Kappa Supreme (19) Override Prime (20) Windy (21) Road Rage (25) Flashpoint (26) Minerva (27) Sureshock (28) Nightbeat (29) Sunstreaker (30) Blackarachnia (1) Slipstream (5) Strika (7) Flip Sides (9) Antagony (15) Wingthing (22) Beta (23) Drag Strip (24) Half-qualifiers: Teletran-1, female Cybertronian intelligent computer TransTech (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Blackarachnia (5) Strika (3) Unnamed medic (1) Andromeda (2) Cyclis (4) Sonar (6) Hammerstrike (7) Scorpia (8) Proxima (9) Half-qualifiers: Axiom Nexus News Editor, a 'bot with one male and one female personality Shattered Glass (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Crasher (1) Esmeral (6) Howlback (7) Arcee (2) Andromeda (3) Elita-One (4) Strongarm (8) Windblade (9) Nautica (10) Beta (5) Half-qualifiers: Teletraan-X, female Cybertronian intelligent computer. Aligned continuity family (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Akiba Prime Arc Arcee Arcee Blade Assault Star Brushfire Cameo Catapult Chevalier Chromia Deep Blue Ether Walker Firestar Galaxy Flare Galaxy 'Questrian Glow Matronly Docent Quickshadow Rocket Plume Solus Prime Strongarm Tempest Spin Thunderclap Upkeep Windblade Airachnid Astraea Aurora Speeder Balewing Coldstar Crimson Phantom Cyberwarp Cyclone Dancer Diabla Duststorm Fallen Angel Filch Flamewar Flash Runner Glowstrike Hoverbolt Helter-Skelter Hurricane Hunter Ida Lensflare Metal Thunder Nebula Ripper Night Dancer Overhead Retrofit Rollcage Scatterspike Skyjack Slink Slipstream Spiral Zealot Supernova Flame Variable Star Void Pulse Zizza Ser-Ket Ripclaw Azimuth Cogwheel Elita One Mercury Moonracer Nightra Override Bot Shots (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Buzzclaw (1) Kre-O (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Chromia (1) Arcee (3) Strika (4) Minerva (5) Windblade (6) Paradron Medic (10) Strongarm (12) Skimmer[1] (13) Airachnid (2) Thunderblast (7) Blackarachnia (8) Slipstrike (9) Ida (11) Liftoff[1] (14) Freefall[1] (15) Angry Birds Transformers (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Stella as:Arcee
(1) Airachnid (2) Chromia (4) Novastar (10) Moonracer (11) Greenlight (12) Silver as:Windblade (3) Energon Windblade (5) Elita-One (8) Matilda as:Energon Nautica (6) Nautica (7) Strongarm (9) Zeta as:Nightbird (13) Rosanna (15) Zeta as:Slipstream (14) Cyberverse (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Arcee Chromia Clobber Jazz[3] Windblade Alpha Strike Nova Storm Shadow Striker Skywarp Slipstream Blackarachnia Cosmos Operatus Solus Prime Half-qualifiers: In the Japanese dub of Cyberverse, Thrust was female, and went by the name Red Wing. Acid Storm fluctuates between the male and female Seeker body types in show. Mae Catt would explain this on Twitter as this being "just something Acid Storm likes to do" and that pronouns are "up to Acid Storm". This would imply Acid Storm is non-binary gender fluid, thus they semi-qualify for the list. BotBots (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Aday Angry Cheese Arctic Guzzlerush Bankshot Big Cantuna Bok Bok Bok-O Bonz-Eye Bot-T-Builder Bottocorrect Bratworst Brock Head Chef Nada Clawsome Crabby Grabby Cuddletooth Dingledeedoo Disaster Master Disgusto Desserto DJ Fudgey Fresh Doctor Flicker Drama Sauce Drillit Yaself Face Ace Fail Polish Fit Ness Monster Flare Devil Flood Jug Fomo Frohawk Frostfetti Frostyface Glam Glare Fancy Flare Glitch Face Goggly Spy P.I. Gold Dexter Goldface Goldiebites Goldie Terrortwirl Goldito Favrito Goldpin Baller Gold Punch Grampiano Grandma Crinkles Grave Rave The Great Mumbo Bumblo Greeny Rex Grrr'illa Grimes Halloween Knight Handy Dandy Hashtagz Hawt Diggity Hawt Mess Highroller Hiptoast Ice Sight Javasaurus Rex Jet Setter Knotzel Latte Spice Whirl Leafmeat Alone Loadoutsky Lolly Licks Lolly Mints Miss Mixed Movie Munchster Ms. Take Must Turd Nanny McBag Nomaste Nope Soap Ol' Tic Toc Ollie Bite Outta Order Overpack Pop N. Lock Pop O' Gold Pressure Punk Professor Scope Rebugnant Roarista Sandy Shades Scribby Sheriff Sugarfeet Shifty Gifty Sippyberry Sippy Slurps Skippy Dippy Disc Slappyhappy Smooth Shaker Smore N' More Sour Wing Starscope Sticky McGee Sugar Saddle Super Bubs Sweet Cheat Technotic Sonic Terror Tale Torch Tidy Trunksky Tricitrustops Tropic Guzzlerush Tutu Puffz Twerple Burple Unilla Icequeencone Venus Frogtrap Vigitente Waddlepop Wasabi Breath Whirlderful Whoopsie Cushion Wristocrat
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