#ketterdamn kink meme
i-can-read-to-him · 8 months
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The Ketterdamn Kink Meme (2023) is brought to you by The Wesper Fic Club, but this event is open to the public, all creative mediums (fic, art, etc), and all Grishaverse ships. If you'd like to share your prompt fills with us, you can tag our blog and use the tag #ketterdamn kink meme, or add your fics to our AO3 collection (anonymous submissions are permitted).
Please note: The mod team reserves the right to remove fics from our AO3 collection which are deemed irrelevant or in violation of our community's rules (for example, we do not permit sexual content involving minors). Thanks for your understanding!
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i-can-read-to-him · 8 months
Just a heads up that we're getting ready to launch a two-part NSFW event! The first part of this event, the Ketterdamn Kink Meme, will be going live this weekend, along with sign-up instructions for the second part, the Ketterdamn Exchange (a kinky gift exchange).
If you're not interested in seeing this content on your dash, you can block the following event tags: #ketterdamn kink meme and #ketterdamn exchange. Prompt fills and gifts exchanged for this event will be thoroughly tagged by their creators and any previews will be entirely SFW, so you can easily avoid clicking into content that doesn't interest you.
Interested in participating? The kink meme prompts will be shared publicly this weekend and anyone is welcome to use them as inspo! The gift exchange is restricted to server members with a "Crow" role only, so if you're interested in how you might join our server and earn that role in time to participate, please contact me: @sparrowmoth.
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