#kevin day my bitchy wife <3
fmnlibrary · 4 months
I think maybe Kevin Day isn't so much a coward as he is self-saving and afraid. BUT I do think many of the other characters would think of him as a coward
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thevampslyssa-blog · 6 years
C18- A Much Needed Break
{August 4th, 2011 Los Angeles, CA Nick-18|Mel-17}
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It had been one hell of a year, Nick and Melissa had finally had a full year where they hadn't broken up at all. It was quite the success for the amazingly adorable couple.
Right now, they were currently in LA, have been for a few months as Nick was staring as Link Larkin in the musical, Hairspray alongside some of the biggest names in the business at that moment.
Melissa had never been this starstruck in her life, yeah, she had met many different stars because of the life the boys have... but this was different.
I mean, come on... Corbin Bleu... John Stamos...
They were hand in hand as they made their way into the Hollywood Bowl, as Nick had one more dress rehearsal before the real shows start the next day. This musical was definitely one of Melissa's favorites... so she didn't mind seeing the show over and over again.
"Are you getting nervous?" Melissa asked, looking up at her boyfriend. She smiled big, leaning a little closer to him.
A few seconds passed and Nick nodded, "definitely am. Even though this show is amazing, it definitely is out of my comfort zone. But I love playing Link." he grinned, as he walked them towards the dressing room. "I think mom and dad just got here if you want to go find them." he suggested, knowing that this wasn't like the JB concerts... she couldn't just waltz right into the dressing room.
She nodded, leaning up to kiss him gently, "love you." she whispered and squeezed his hand once before walking away.
"I love you more." he whispered back, watching as her figure disappeared. ——- {August 5th, 2011 Los Angeles, CA Hollywood Bowl}
It was the day, the day that everyone on the Hairspray cast had been anticipating. Melissa was bouncing off the walls, beyond excited for the performance tonight.
Even though she could basically recite the musical word for word, and dance every number. Hell, she could probably go up there and be Tracy Turnblad herself.
Melissa was just getting out of the shower in hers and Nick's hotel room, and was drying herself off. She didn't realize how much her scars could be seen on her small frame.
Not to be a debby-downer, but she had a past of self-hatred... still has flare ups all the time. But with how good things were going between Nick and herself, she was happy. She didn't have a need to hurt herself, to mark-up her pale skin.
There was a soft knock at the door and she saw Nick come in, "Hey baby, we have to leave within the hour...— mhm, angel." he smiled, chewing on his plump bottom lip.
She gasped, wrapping herself in the fluffy towel immediately and looked over at him. "B-Babe!" she exclaimed and felt the tears spring to her brown eyes.
He noticed her change in demeanor, coming up to wrap his arms around her, looking her right in the eye; not caring that he was gonna have to change his clothes before they left.
"You are beautiful Lyss. I don't want that pretty little head of yours worrying about anything. You are to precious to this world... to me, to have those bad thoughts." he told her, resting his forehead against hers.
"I-I..." she stuttered out, her little hands clutching onto him. "But when you're not with me..." she cried.
"...then I won't leave you. We can move into mom and dad's house in Wyckoff, and you can finish school. Since they are living primarily in Dallas now." he told her, "I mean mom and dad will have temporary custody of you once school starts back up."
She nodded slowly, taking in his words, and her anxiousness practically disappeared from listening to his calming voice. He always knew exactly what to say and how to say it.
"You... you s-sure?" she mumbled, looking down at her shaking body.
"Positive angel. Remember, it's you and me forever. I promised you that 3 years ago, and I fully intend on keeping that promise." ——- {March 15th, 2012 Wyckoff, NJ Nick-19|Mel-17}
"C'mon babe! We have to be at Kev and Dani's by 4pm... it's almost 3:45." Nick called up to his girlfriend. She had spent the last hour getting ready and trying to pick out the perfect outfit.
"I'm comin', I'm comin' babe." she giggled and made her way down the stairs with some cute skinny jeans on and one of Nick's nice sweaters that fit her perfectly.
"You look so beautiful." he smiled big at her, kissing her cheek.
"Did ya leave out enough food for Elvis?" she asked, and smiled down at the golden retriever that stood in between the couple. "Always do, angel." he replied, they walked out the door and he locked it behind them. ——- Soon enough they were pulling up in Dani and Kevin's driveway. "Ready for this?" Melissa asked, looking over at Nick. He grinned, nodding at the love of his life, "yup, hopefully you and Dani get along well. You two haven't seen one another in forever." he said softly.
At that moment, the rest of the Jonas family was pulling up. "Hey!" Frankie exclaimed as Nick opened the door for his girlfriend, helping her out.
"How ya doing?" Aunt Denise came up to the couple, hugging Melissa and then hugged her son.
"We're doing well. Nick's rehearsing for How to Succeed and I'm still doing good in school. How are things down in Texas?" Melissa smiled as the whole family walked up to the front door.
"Hot. It's super hot, all the time. But that's Texas for ya—" Denise smiled as Kevin answered the door.
"Hey guys! Come in, come in!" he opened the door wider for everyone to make their way in, as the married couple's puppies were yapping away, excited that people were over.
After the normal chit chat, everyone sat down to dinner, and the family said grace that was led by Kevin Sr. Melissa sat beside Nick with Joe on the other side of her. "So, there's something important we need to talk about... quite a few things actually." The eldest Jonas began, as the boys looked at each other, knowing where this talk was going immediately.
Joe knew that his father would go on and on, so he just cut to the chase, "is this the time that you two are telling us you're about to have a baby?" Joe simply put it.
Kevin sighed, looking down at his food, "we don't know where we're at..." he looked over at his wife, who was staring into space, a very uncomfortable look on her face.
"...as far as kids go." Nick interrupted his brother, and Melissa gasped softly at how rude her boyfriend was and slapped his thigh lightly, "b-babe!"
"Yeah, as far as kids go. Even though we have a responsibility to get back on the road and to do different things." Kevin continued, and saw the surprised look in his wife's eyes, as she couldn't believe they were actually talking about planning their first baby with his family.
"Well, that's part of the bigger conversation, is what that timeline looks like because it affects, ya know the two of us. And the decisions we make within that." Nick said, and pointed at Joe and himself.
"You need to get back out there and tour, obviously." Denise said, budding her way into the conversation.
Kevin Sr. nodded along with his wife, "You-you're first call is to protect your wife, but there's also the reality that—it's your career."
Nick looked over at his father, finishing up the point they were trying to make, "...and towards the end of the pregnancy you will be with Dani for three or four months of that."
Kevin agreed with his brother, "I'd hope so, and that's what I've been trying to," he looks over at his wife, grabbing a hold of her hand lightly, "explain to her, is that God's one gift to us is, that we know the timeline."
Nick spoke up again, "Yah, and that's pretty far in advance, if we can plan that out." Melissa sat there quietly, knowing it wasn't her place to bud in, so she just kept her hand on her boyfriend's thigh, while eating with the other.
"I took Nick on tour when he was just six weeks old. Denise said, almost trying to reassure Dani that it is possible to have a baby on the road like that, that young.
"Six weeks?" Dani questioned, quite amazed at that thought.
Denise nodded, "You obviously married one another to have a family. You didn't just get married because you like each other, want to hang out, and be together... and build a cute, you know... little mansion."
Melissa's eyes went wide as she was looking down at her food, she couldn't believe the statement that the boy's mother just made.
Kevin Sr. shushed his wife, "now, onto the other topic. It looks like the only show you will have in the US this year, will be at Radio City Music Hall. On 10-11-12, October 11th."
"That's amazing.." Melissa said under her breath as she looked up at Nick who was grinning proudly. ——- Once dinner was finished:
"Hey, Mel, can I talk to you for a second?" Danielle asked as they were beginning to clean up the dishes from dinner. Melissa's head shot up and she smiled at the woman.
"Of course." Melissa smiled, and grabbed some plates to take to the kitchen. Nick watched as his girlfriend's figure disappeared behind the door.
"So... uhm, how do you have such a good relationship with Denise?" Dani asked, just going head first into the conversation.
"Well, I-I... I've been apart of the Jonas' life since the minute I was uhm... born, our mom's are best friends." Melissa smiled weakly, "and you just have to not get that offended when she seems like her bitchy side is coming out. She can get territorial when it comes to me and the boys... especially their career. So you have to take almost everything she says with a grain of salt." she explained, as she cleaned up everything with the older woman.
Dani nodded, taking in a deep breath, "thank you. Now... you know if you ever get lonely when Nick is off doing things with the boys, or performing in How to Succeed, you are always welcome here." she said, looking over at the 17-year-old.
Melissa smiled at her, knowing that the relationship between the two of them has never been all that much of a good one, "thank you. Yah, when he's working... I sometimes don't know what to do with myself." she giggled, knowing that this was just the beginning of trying to build with Dani, and she couldn't wait to see how close they would be in the future. ——- {August 23rd, 2012 Jonas Family Compound Dallas, Texas Nick- 19|Mel-18}
The boys, Dani and Melissa were all said to come down to Dallas, to the Jonas Family Compound to be make a visit to Denise and Kevin Sr. Everyone was super excited to all be together for almost a week.
Melissa had flown down with Nick as he had to finish up a few work-related things then would be on the next flight there.
As the rental car was parked in the driveway by Kevin, Melissa smiled up at them, taking in a deep breath, she was nervous... she really didn't know why she was nervous. "Is it bad that I'm shaking so much?" Melissa mumbled to the married couple.
Kevin grinned back at his "honorary" little sister and shook his head, "You're nervous Mel, I can see it written all over your face. Once Nick makes it here, I think you'll be better." he said, a sparkle in his eye.
Did he know something Melissa didn't?
She nodded and opened the door, getting out and went to grab her suitcase out of the trunk.
They walked up to the front door, and Melissa's small hands clutched onto the suitcase handle so tightly, she grimaced in pain.
As they opened the door, Kevin let the girls inside first, "Hey!!" Kevin called out, and at that moment Denise, Kevin Sr. and Frankie all came up to the door. "I just put out a little bit of snacks and such." Denise smiled at the three of them.
"Oh good, I am so hungry, and I have got to pee so bad." Kevin chuckled, hurrying off to the nearest bathroom.
Melissa and Dani giggled as they looked at Denise, "That's how your dad greets me all the time." she joked, "Hi, I love you, I gotta go to the bathroom." she recited, giggling herself.
The older woman pulled both girls into a hug one by one, "Nick just called, he just got off the plane, should be here within a few hours, depending on how traffic goes." Kevin Sr. said as they all walked into the kitchen.
Joe made his grand appearance about an hour after the others had gotten there. Along with Denise's parents, Fran (Mama), and Jerry (Papa), who had come for dinner.
"So, I was talking to a friend back home, and they were like, 'so you're going to your parents house?' and I was like, 'Yah, I am...' but I stopped myself, and went, 'no, actually, no it's my-my house too, actually.'" Kevin said, his voice going higher with excitement.
Kevin Sr smiled over at his eldest son, "this is the Jonas Compound." Melissa smiled up at her Godfather, knowing that was the truth.
Melissa soon felt her phone vibrating and she looked down seeing Nick's picture, "I think he's here." she said, stepping away to answer the call, "Babe?" she said into the phone.
"Hey Angel, sorry it's taken me longer to get there. I had to stop off after the flight to do a few errands. I should be there soon, how was your flight, are you okay?"
Immediately after hearing his voice, she smiled big, all of her nerves and worries immediately vanishing, "Yah baby, I'm okay. It was good. Your brother kept nearly the whole plane up with his loud snoring... but what else is new?" she giggled, peeking over at the family.
"That's Kevin for ya." He chuckled, "So I'm about 10 minutes away, see you soon? I love you." his voice went a tiny bit deeper there for a second as he got all sincere and shit.
"Mhm, can't wait to see you, I'll go wait outside for you. I love you." she said, a grin on her face.
The line went dead, and she made her way back out into the Texas heat, playing on her phone as she waited for her boyfriend to make his arrival.
As soon as the black vehicle showed up, Melissa's head shot up, even though the couple had been apart for not even 24 hours... she missed him. Hell, when she was with him, she missed him.
"Babe!" she exclaimed and right when his feet got back on the ground, she engulfed him in the biggest hug ever. "I missed you." she whispered, pressing her head into the crook of his neck.
"I missed you more." he replied and grabbed his suitcase, then locked the car. The couple ventured into the humongous house, ready to get this mini vacation started. ——- Dinner and everything went well, everyone got to take a dip in the pool and just spent some quality family time together. But soon it was almost 9pm, and Melissa was dozing off, her head in Nick's lap.
"Baby, we should get you up to bed, yah?" Nick whispered, running his hand through her hair.
Melissa whimpered, looking up at him, "no, you should spend time w-w-with..." she tried to say, but was almost a goner.
"Let's go angel." he demanded softly, picking her up and they said goodnight to the family. Nick walked them up to his room, effortlessly carrying the sleepy girl.
"Now, don't fall asleep just yet baby. I got something for you." he stroked her cheek lightly, trying to wake her up just a little bit.
"Hmm...?" she mumbled, looking into his eyes as she leaned into his loving touch.
He got down on his knees... well practically one knee... holding a small ring box in his hand. "So, I was going to do this tomorrow, but I just can't help myself when it comes to you..." he started, "but don't freak out, I'm not proposing." he tried to calm her nerves. "You and I... we got something special. Something that amazes me every day, and I'm beyond thankful for you... for us. But this is me, promising you right now, Melissa Lynn that I will marry you one day. When the time is right, and we're old enough to understand exactly what marriage is all about. But will you marry me... one day?" he asked, opening the ring box that had a small diamond ring in it.
Melissa felt the tears immediately spring up in her brown eyes, "I-I..." she mumbled, not looking away from Nick's hopeful face, "of course I will. You indeed are the one for me." she grinned, as he placed the ring on her finger, and kissed her lovingly.
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{October 11th, 2012 New York City, NY Trump International Hotel & Tower Nick-20|Mel-18}
3 hours before the show:
"How are you doin babe, you okay?" Melissa came up to Nick who was standing by the balcony, nerves settling in. Melissa was sporting the really cute concert shirt they had made just for the show, and some jeggings.
"Yah, I'm okay. Just starting to get the normal jitters... this show is being broadcasted all over the world, Lyss." he said, his voice cracking.
She wrapped her arms around him from behind, burying her face into the small of his back. "I know baby, but you boys will do amazingly well up there. You always have... after the first song, you guys will find your rhythm and everything will be the way it was before the hiatus." she promised, she had complete faith in the boys... in Nick.
"You always know exactly what to say." He smiled back at her, turning around and wrapped his arms around her. "I love you, ya know that?" he asked, and kissed her lightly.
"And I love you, ya dork." she giggled, chewing on her lip. ——— 2 and a half hours before the show: {Radio City Music Hall}
The car pulled up by the side entrance, with fans waiting patiently, Melissa looked over at Nick with anxiousness filling her. "Just stand by me, don't let go of my hand, okay?" he asked, kissing the side of her head before getting out. When a few fans asked for autographs, Melissa knew exactly what to do, and that was to clutch onto the back of his shirt as he signed a few things and took some pictures.
Even though it didn't mean anything, Melissa looked down as a few fans glared at her... out of jealousy... or was it pity? Yah, it had to be pity, or at least that's what Melissa thought it was.
"Alright, lets do this." Nick grinned as he reached for her hand again, smiling at her reassuringly before walking them back to the entrance. ——- 2 hours before the show:
"That shirt's awesome." Joe said to Kevin, who was standing beside Phil McIntyre-the boy's manager- and Nick, and Melissa were on the other side of Joe. "Why don't you just wear that?"
"I like that, put that shirt on, with the jacket." Nick said, as Melissa watched on, never budding into these sorts of situations.
"Alright, if I'm gonna wear this, I'm gonna take this off right now.. cause I'm already starting to sweat." Kevin said, shrugging on the leather jacket.
Nick nodded, "Yah, that looks cool."
"Are you sure, you'll be like dying, Kev." Joe said, then went into a "gay male model" kinda voice, with a fake European accent, as Nick laughed, "Spin around."
"Spin... I said spin, Goddammit!" Joe grinned, laughing as Kevin gave him a look and did as he was told. "You have guitar, show me guitar in hand."
Kevin held out his hands like as if he was holding his guitar, and Nick looked over at Melissa, then over at Joe, "we hate it." the younger Jonas said.
"We hate it, change." Joe said, finishing off the accent with a hand wave to Kevin. Everyone in that little corner began busting out laughing.
Kevin took the jacket off, "alright, so this is what I'm gonna wear tonight?"
"Perfect." Kevin grinned.
"Can this show happen like right now? I'm so pumped..." Joe said. ——- 30 minutes before the show:
In the dressing room that had, "Nick/Mel" written on the outside, the couple was sitting in there. Melissa perched on his lap, leaning against him, "We need this show to do well... what if it doesn't?" Nick asked anxiously.
"What did I tell you in the hotel baby? It will... you boys know what you're doing. It will be the most amazing show you've ever put on." she promised him, looking him straight in the eye.
"You think so?" he asked, his grip on her waist tightening slightly.
"I know so." she smiled big, kissing his lips as the boys were all called to get in-ears on, and get hooked up.
Melissa was beaming at Nick as they stood behind the big curtain, ready to do the one thing that she always did before a show he was in, kinda like as if she was his good-luck charm.
"I love you." they each said to one another and she leaned over to kiss him lovingly, hoping that he could feel the love radiating off of her. ——- The show went amazingly well, nothing went wrong, the fans were the loudest anyone had ever heard them.
They finished with Burnin' Up of course, cause what other song would they finish with?
As they got off the stage, Nick immediately handed someone his guitar, then looked for his girl, "where is she?" he asked.
Once his eyes landed on her, she blushed deeply, and he took her into his arms, "you did it babe. Congrats." she whispered in his ear, kissing him.
"I was able to get through it all because of you. I love you." he grinned at her, kissing her once again. ———
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