#kevin is a sweet guy but should have told paula right away
ansonmountdaily · 5 years
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Anson Mount filmography [1/?] → Ally McBeal 2x17 “Civil War” (1999), Anson’s first IMDb credit. He was 25.
Anson plays Kevin Wah who’s accused of fraud. Kevin hasn’t told his date Paula he already knew her from an online group chat where he pretended to be someone else. In the chat he learnt about her interests and what she looked for in romantic relationships, and he only revealed his secret after the third date. Kevin’s defense is he’s genuinely in love with Paula and was only trying to learn more things about her to get a head start and make a good impression on their dates.
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sorenmarie87 · 5 years
Opposites Attract
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Summary: Lunch time at The Roadhouse Diner
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Popular!Gabe x Nerd! Reader, Balthazar x Atropos (hinted at), Kevin x Cello
Word Count: 851
Warning(s): None really 
A/N:  This is what happens when a song gets stuck in my head.  Also have you guys been able to spot the show references?  
I do not own any of the pictures I used in the story aesthetic or gifs that I might use. The song used belongs to Paula Abdul.  
Part 2 of Valentine’s with Mr. Popular
The Roadhouse Diner was a five minute drive from Mystery Spot High School.  It was owned by Ellen Harville and had been in the family for generations.  
Currently, Gabriel was sitting in a booth in the back (your favorite) with Sam and Kevin and the girl Balthazar wanted him to hook up with.  Gabe was humming along with the song that was playing while they waited on their food.
I take - 2 steps forward
I take - 2 steps back
We come together
Cuz opposites attract
“Hey Edmund, what are your plans after school today?”  Gabriel looked over at Kevin and shrugged.  He honestly had no idea.  He watched as the waitress made her way towards them with a tray of food.  
“We have basketball practice after school.  After that though?  Probably nothing.” He shrugged before taking a sip of his chocolate milkshake.  “What about you Tran?  Got a hot date with anyone we should know about?”  
“Yeah she’s about 48 inches tall and I know exactly how to make her sing.”  Sam snickered as Gabe threw a fry at him.  
“You know he’s talking about his cello right?  I mean, there’s no way Mama Tran would let him out for one night.”
“I’m so glad Balthazar isn’t here.”  The girl rolled her eyes and placed the book she was reading in front of her on the table.  “I have no doubt he’d make some crude joke about how poor Kevin needs to get laid.”
“Atropos, why are you here?  I thought you usually ate lunch with your sisters?”
She sighed.  “Balthazar owes me a favor for this.  He wants me to go on a date with Gabriel.  No offense, I don't really want to date you."
"The feeling’s mutual.  Got it bad for ol' Balthy huh?"
"I don't have to answer that."
"Your face is already answering the question, sweetheart.  Balthazar can be a prick sometimes."
"I'm aware Gabriel.  I can handle him though." She slid out of the booth and turned to look at him before leaving.  "Besides, your heart clearly belongs to someone else and whomever she is, she's the lucky one for landing a guy as caring as you.  Take care, Gabriel."
“Good luck Atropos.”  He muttered as she walked away.  “God knows your going to need it.”
Sam cursed when he checked the time on his cell.  “I hate to eat and run, but I need to head back to the school.”
“Mind giving me a lift, Sam?”
“Oh sure.  Gabe, what about you?”  He waved his hand and Sam chuckled.  “All right, but don’t be late for your next class.”
“Okay mom, go.  I’ll be fine.”
Gabe didn’t want to go back to school just yet so he ordered another milkshake.  His next class was English, but his dad would understand why he skipped.  He got like this sometimes.  
“Go pick out a booth and I’ll order for us, okay?”  The best thing about coming to the Roadhouse Diner was that Charlie always knew what to order for you.  You got the same thing every time.  You were hoping that the booth in the back was empty.  The two of you always sat back there whenever you came in.  You stopped short when you saw that Gabriel was sitting by himself, just staring out the window.  You smiled and leaned down on the table.  
“Excuse me sir, would you care for the company of two fine females today?”  You giggled when Gabe quickly turned his head and looked up at you.  
“The only female I see in front of me is my girlfriend, miss.  I believe I was promised the company of two fine females.”  He waggled his eyebrows and you laughed again. “Waiter, this is not my order!”  
“You are such a nerd.”
“That’s your mantle baby.  I wouldn’t want to dethrone the queen of all geeks.”  He pecked your lips and you smiled.
“That mantle belongs to Charlie, not me.”   You grinned as Charlie appeared at your table with a tray full of food.  
“Are we talking about how awesome I am?”  Charlie smirked at the two of you before setting the tray down on the table and you playfully rolled your eyes.  
“You’ve been hanging around Dean too much.”  You took a seat next to Gabe.
“He’s a better wing-man.”
“We all have our strengths, Bradbury.  You should know that.”  You took a bite of your burger as Charlie snacked on some of fries.
“So Y/N, does Gabe know why you hate Valentine’s Day?”  She looked at you in sympathy as an awkward silence passed.  You toyed with the wrapper on your burger before you could even look at Gabe.  
“He’s aware but I haven’t told him the full story just yet.”  You looked away from both of them and took a breath.  “It’s not an easy story to get through.”  He laced his fingers with your and gave them a gentle squeeze.
“You can tell me when you’re ready.”
“I’m going to hurl because the two of you are being so sweet.”  The two of you looked at each other and grinned.
Forever Tags - @lovetusk @coffee-obsessed-writer@justballoonfishthings@mirajanefairytailmage@kazosa@wings-of-a-raven@docharleythegeekqueen@clockworkmorningglory@lefthologramdeer @ellen-reincarnated1967@holyfuckloueh@idreamofplaid@buckyscrystalqueen@ilovetaquitosmmmm@n3rdybird @super-fan-of-all-things@disneymarina @sandlee44@babykalika2001
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