#kh script writers love saying specifically zexion/ienzo’s name so often
firestorm09890 · 11 months
okay here's something that's been plaguing my thoughts since I made the "did Ienzo help with the gummiphone" poll
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I'm sure Ienzo could have made some educated guesses about the involvement of the replicas in the Keyblade Graveyard but how the hell did he manage to guess one might be left empty there? Why wasn't it Vexen who tipped Demyx off about something like this? And the way Demyx says this makes it sound less like Ienzo just went "well I'm not really sure because I never saw the original replicas perish but maybe there could be one available on the battlefield" and more like Demyx is coyly referring to a credible source and was waiting for an event he knew would happen. which is. peculiar.
so peculiar, in fact, that I felt the need to go check the Japanese version (because you know how the localization gets sometimes) but uh. I don’t know colloquialisms in that language (and Demyx is very colloquial) so it wasn’t that helpful when it came to parsing the tone. The meaning is roughly the same- “they need another replica, Ienzo told me I might be able to find one here, so I’m waiting”- HOWEVER, there’s an indication that Ienzo is merely the named representative of a larger group, which I do know is a thing that happens that often gets translated into English oddly.
that actually solves a few things questioned above. how did they know something would happen to one of the organization members that would leave a replica available? well that one’s still a mystery. probably not a relevant one. the when and where’s of it? from Vexen. why didn’t Demyx mention Vexen then? because Riku knows Ienzo better and Demyx likes Ienzo better and the writers wanted to get in another “Zex- er, Ienzo” in. simple as that. though Ienzo being considered the “leader” of the RG crew even after Ansem TW came back is a great sign for Ienzo fans and Ansem haters alike
hope you enjoyed this net zero information post 👍
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