#khalida nybn
eclecticfiend · 1 year
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The Dark Mirror: S1 vs S2 Coteries
I know that everyone built their own characters, and that this is entirely a coincidence, but that makes it all the more interesting that the Camarilla coterie of season 2 really does work beautifully as dark mirrors of the Anarch coterie.  
I got to thinking about this when I realized that, while season one had a lot of talk about convictions, morals, and struggles with the Beast, we have had virtually none of that from the Camarilla coterie.  And that makes sense.  The Camarilla don’t really have morals; they have rules and regulations in place of morals. The Anarchs have to rely on personal codes and ethics to keep themselves sane and in line.  The Camarilla play a different game, at least so far in S2 of New York by Night.  We haven’t seen any ethical quandaries.  We haven’t seen them have to grapple with much yet that wasn’t just an assignment from their elders.
Which makes them interesting comparisons to our Anarch coterie, who are nothing but ethical minefields, struggles with the Beast and struggles to cling to whatever humanity they have left. They feel, on the whole, much closer to humanity than the Camarilla coterie, who seem almost entirely divorced from it.  Isaac is the outlier in that he is the Anarch who really does accept his own monstrous nature, even while he tries very hard to keep a low profile and to cling to his own particular ethics.  He values manners and politeness.  He treats his ghouls more like friends than servants a lot of the time.  He is better at hiding his humanity, but it’s still very much present.
On the other hand, Brawn is the most human of the Camarilla coterie.  Him slipping in the most recent episode and admitting his real name was so devastatingly sweet.  He wants to be tough, but he has such a depth of emotion in him.  His coterie mates do seem to appreciate that, but all of them seem to struggle to meet his emotion with their own.
And this is where the dark mirrors come in.  Because the coteries seem to have pairs of characters who highlight what the other could be if they walked a slightly different path.  Season 2 feels so much like a mirror version of season 1, where the kindred are more successful, more comfortable, and much more monstrous.  
Fuego vs Khalida
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This is the most obvious parallel, given that they’re the equivalent of ‘vampire sisters’.  Khalida has embraced what Rafferty offers.  She is something of a pampered princess, even as she’s warned that Rafferty is in it for number one.  But in many ways she’s been shielded from this, because she does play the dutiful daughter.  She does as he asks and he takes care of her.  
This is the reality Fuego could have had, the reality her intense blood bond with Rafferty offers up to her every time her Beast talks to her.  But Fuego has intense ties to community and to family, and that was more powerful than the bond.  So instead of being a willing puppet, she ran.  She fled all the way back to the Bronx to protect it rather than give in.
Khalida definitely has the ready road to power, at least on the surface.  She has the contacts.  She has the political acumen.  She is not only in the Camarilla, but she’s the one member of her coterie who seems genuinely happy to be a part of the Camarilla.  And why wouldn’t she be?  She’s clearly a natural social climber who sought out Rafferty for what he could do for her.  She is in it for number one, and fully expects everyone around her to be the same. She seems to view other perspectives and altruism as adorable naïveté.  Not bad, per se, but unrealistic.  She understands Camarilla politics on an instinctual level.  If any of the Cam coterie ‘chose’ to be in the Camarilla, she did.  And that gives her strength.  She has a network of Rafferty’s making at her disposal.  She has money and connections and social standing enough that she can garner a great deal of power far faster and easier than Fuego could ever hope for.
Fuego, on the other hand, is a community activist.  She loves her family, her community, and that’s more powerful than the pull toward power that comes with being Ventrue.  She will always feel the pull to be in power.  I wouldn’t be surprised if she eventually became the baron of the Bronx, and did so to protect it.  Because that would be squaring the circle for her, taking her new vampiric nature and trying to turn it into a superpower to care for her people.  And that’s both what makes her more vulnerable than Khalida—she wears her associations and her loves on her sleeve—and stronger than Khalida—she gathers people around her.  She shows them genuine care.  She not only wins over people like Richter with her charms, but her more earnest and kind side has won her the friendship of all of her coterie-mates.  They may struggle with that friendship, because that sort of thing is never simple for vampires, but even Isaac seems to like and respect Fuego on a level that none of of the Camarilla coterie so far feel for Khalida.
Isaac vs Coco
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The ice-cold competent characters from former Sabbat clans were another obvious parallel.  Both Isaac and Coco have a lot to prove, and face discrimination and threats based on what they are at every turn.  Neither the Camarilla nor the Anarchs trust the Lasombra or the Tzimisce, but each has chosen a clan to at least tolerate.
But being only tolerated is wearing, and it’s interesting to see their reactions to it.  Isaac embraces his outsider status, or at least he appears to.  He is all smiles and politeness, leaning in to the creepy manners and courtesies of Clan Tzimisce.  He is unfailingly well-spoken around other kindred, only slipping around his coterie mates, and only after some time of being acquainted.  He acts as though he enjoys the discomfort of people who learn what he is, and he acts as though their disgust doesn’t bother him.  It’s difficult to tell if this is true or not, as Isaac’s masks are frankly impeccable, but it’s telling how much he clings to his coterie.  These are not people he seems naturally inclined to want to spend time with.  They are all far more reckless and far more prone to messy violence than he is.  He clearly gets frustrated with them.
And yet he keeps trying to make things work with them.  He asks Michael and Angela to be more free with their feelings and thoughts around the coterie, as he understands that Serif in particular is uncomfortable with his ghouls, and he knows he needs to show her that he doesn’t treat Michal and Angela as disposable or faceless servants.  It helps that he really does seem to view Michael and Angela as his closest friends, to the point where it’s unclear if he realizes exactly how much of their free will he took when they agreed to be his ghouls.
But Serif’s comfort matters to him.  It matters enough he let her rearrange part of his home, which is a huge thing for a Tzimisce.  And Fuego’s opinions matter to him.  During the blow-out in the season finale, he was the one who noticed she wasn’t speaking. He wanted to know what she was thinking, because he understands that Fuego gets community, and she gets family, and she’s got a good head on her shoulders.  He even seems to care about Rey.  After all, Rey’s betrayal seemed to hit him particularly hard.  Perhaps a part of that was the shock that he really had started to trust Rey, and that trust wasn’t well-founded.  
As much as Isaac values his privacy and his solitude, he seems to crave contact.  Not just because he knows that without a coterie he’s as good as dead, but over the course of the season it seems more like he wants at least some people he can trust, some people he can relax just a little around. There are flashes of loneliness about Isaac that make his connection to the coterie, his offering of space and advice and contact with his own sire more than just convenient.  And it means that, if he’s ever in trouble either due to his background or his clan, I think the coterie would rally around to help him out of a sticky situation.
Coco is also isolated. The Lasombra are treated with less disgust than the Tzimisce, but are treated as inherently untrustworthy.  She is in a dangerous position, and she finds her clan to be just as much a burden as a blessing.  She has power, but she can’t use technology.  She can’t even see her reflection anymore.  Much like Isaac, she has a ghoul who helps care for her. We haven’t seen much of their relationship yet, but I would be interested to find out if that was a friendship or more of a traditional ghoul relationship.
Both of them were thrown into a coterie without their own voluntary choice.  Richter played matchmaker in season 1 and made them a coterie mostly because they all fucked up at the same time.  Rafferty built the season 2 coterie from the ground up. Coco has been told to socialize with these people, but she is constantly reminded not to trust them.  
And this leads to distance. She is quick to snap at her coterie-mates, particularly butting heads with Khalida, but also keeping herself apart from them.  She seems to have forged a tentative friendship with Brawn, and it was interesting to see her go out of her way to punish someone just for commenting on his appearance, even though that someone was one of Khalida’s pets.  
There is caring in her, but being Lasombra beats that down in her.  She is pushed to be the best, and that manifests in competitiveness and distrust.  She needs to be accepted in the Camarilla because that was where she was told she needed to be.  She’s questioning if that’s true, yes, but changing sides would be too much like defeat, and she can’t accept that.
So Coco is finding ways of being more and more Camarilla.  She dresses in her designer clothing and has her PA do her makeup.  She focuses on the rules, reciting them faster than anyone else in the coterie.  She pushes to get in with power players like Aisling and Rafferty while being fairly open about the fact that she doesn’t trust them.  She doesn’t trust anyone, and in the Camarilla that paranoia is praised.  
Both Isaac and Coco are emotional fortresses, with chinks in the armor where their tempers are concerned. Both are outsiders, but while Isaac leans into that status, Coco tries desperately to be accepted, to shift herself into a shape acceptable to the Camarilla.  Neither approach is without cost.  Isaac is basically doomed to always be on the outside looking in with the Anarchs, his coterie being the only people who act as though they genuinely don’t care what he is.  Coco’s cost is that is constantly tested and pushed, and she can never let her guard down, especially around a coterie that seems ready and willing to stab her in the back.  Maybe that’s why the only one of them she seems to actually like is Brawn.  He’s the one who has been open with her, who has trusted her, who has treated her as more than an outsider pretending to fit in with the Cam.
Serif vs Brawn
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These two have more in common than taking on single-noun names.  They were also the two who were apparently crafted for singular purposes. Serif was crafted to be the legacy of Argus and Alicia.  She was meant to be an artist for Argus and to care for Alicia’s gallery.  They built her as their child (though I doubt she is Argus’ biological child), and like overbearing parents everywhere, Serif’s individual interests were superseded by their desire to have her be what they need.
Brawn was even more directly created to be something.  In his case, he was built to be a weapon for the Camarilla.  Glass Jaw chose him, built him, and then sent him out to Rafferty less as a person than as a tool.  Rafferty said as much this week to Khalida: Brawn is a weapon of the Camarilla, and only Rafferty and the other higher-ups in the Cam are allowed to wield him.
These are two characters treated more as objects than people, but again their responses to those circumstances are radically different.  Brawn wants to be ‘worthy’ of being a tool.  He is constantly trying to prove himself, constantly downplaying any positive attributes he might have outside his ability to hit things.  He clearly has crippling self-esteem issues, desperately wants people to like and respect him, and the only way to that end he can see is to follow orders.  To be the weapon, even if there are hints that he’s starting to find being a tool to be unfulfilling.  
But every time he doubts, every time he wonders if he could be more, he stomps that feeling down.  He doubles down on his loyalty to the Camarilla, his ability to follow orders, his existence as the ‘right hand of the Camarilla’. Yet the conflict continues to build, because he, most of his entire coterie, is still deeply human under the monster.  He still feels everything acutely, and this makes him far more open and honest than the others.  He is better suited, probably, to being Anarch, but he’s trying to make himself fit this mold, because he was told he didn’t deserve it.
Serif took one look at the mountain of responsibility that was being someone else’s tool, and she ran as far and as fast as she was able.  She is also a deeply human character.  She loves her mother and wants to save her.  She loves her sire, but also hates him for the twisted family situation he’s created.  
But no matter what they feel, Serif craves freedom.  She said it herself: the one thing she wants more than anything is to be simply viewed as herself, and not as whatever other people want from her.  That’s what makes the coterie so important to her, because they were the first people to just accept her as Serif.  If Brawn wants to be respected for being the thing he was made to be, she wants to be respected for being the thing she chose to be. It’s notable that Brawn is the identity of the weapon, while Derek is the complex person beneath.  Serif, on the other hand, is the complex person bled out onto the concrete in spray-paint and rage, and Theodora is the tool she left behind.
They are walking in opposite directions.  Neither of them are happy.  Serif is quickly realizing that freedom is complicated and constantly curtailed by forces all around her, even in the Anarchs.  Brawn is realizing that he is more than a weapon, and hates the thought because it introduces doubt.  Both of them want to be certain of their place in the world, and respected for their talents, and both are finding the attempt far more difficult than anticipated.
Rey vs Kiem
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Both these characters are well-dressed and seem, at first glance, to have their shit together. They also lose that shit at the first provocation, showing off massive anger issues, and general lack of self-control. They also, notably, both seem to believe they’re in the wrong place.
Rey is the member of the Anarch coterie who wrestles with his Beast and his choices the most.  He puts up a tough front.  He’s loud and brash and constantly on the verge of losing his temper.  But he also clings to his humanity fiercely.  He hold the ID of the man he killed.  He ghouls a security guard so another person doesn’t die on his watch. He loathes his Beast even as he recognizes how powerful it makes him.
And he cares.  At every turn there is a deep level of caring in conflict with his ambition.  He’s attracted to Fuego; he wants Serif to like him and take his advice about self-worth because he sees worth in her; he wants Isaac to respect him and is envious of his self-control.  He wants to protect all of them.  Part of his central conflict in the last episode is the pull of getting his old life back vs not wanting to give the Camarilla what they want, which is everything. The cost of entry for him is Fuego and Isaac, and he genuinely wanted to give the Camarilla the wight instead in a hope he could have both.  He wants to achieve his ambitions, but he’s not yet willing to step on his coterie to do it.  
Kiem, on the other hand, is what Rey could be if he embraced the Beast, if he reveled in violence and enjoyed pain.  Kiem is, frankly, more unhinged than most kindred.  There was something of an implication in this most recent episode that she might have been a hunter prior to her embrace (she was sent to ‘take care of’ her sire, making me wonder if he’s not so much missing as she’s already killed him).  This would make sense.  She’s proficient in several weapons.  She is good at stealth, and she looks at everyone around her less as people and more as assemblages of parts.  
Her obsession with the human body feeds into her dehumanization of everyone.  She has none of Rey’s guilt, none of his questions, none of his humanity.  She revels in violence.  She laughs at pain.  She enjoys the suffering of others to a level that worries even her morally dubious coterie-mates.  They both fall victim to rages, but while Rey fights it, Kiem embraces it.  For her, the anger is incandescent.  It doesn’t hurt her like it does Rey; it lets her be her truest self.  And if other people have to burn to get her there, they weren’t any of her concern to begin with.
Rey feels like he doesn’t belong with the Anarchs.  He likes his suits and his luxuries.  He likes Manhattan, and he likes the orderly image of the Camarilla (I think he’d be disappointed in the reality of the Cam, but that’s neither here nor there).  The season ends with an abortive betrayal by Rey, a discussion of defection.  He is torn between his desire for Camarilla power against his care for these people who have been forced to be his something-like-family. It puts him at a moral and emotional impasse.
Kiem also doesn’t feel like she fits with the Camarilla.  She had almost the same image of them as Rey did, but it’s far easier for her to be disillusioned, being in constant contact with the reality of Camarilla and with Rafferty in particular.  Kiem talks about joining the Anarchs, clearly exploring that philosophy, but her behavior and her viewing of others as either tools to be used or as a collection of attractive parts she wants to collect is not the behavior of an Anarch.  
Kiem acts like a member of the Sabbat.  And that’s the logical end-point of the violence and the anger.  Especially with Kiem, who has already lost most ability to empathize, who delights in pain and violence, there are very few other places she could go.  
Neither of them can control themselves very well.  Both have revealed frequently the anger and the feeling of not belonging that drives them.  But while Rey struggles every time to master his Beast, Kiem almost never contends with it.  She sees something that enrages her and she goes for it.  Her existence is simpler, cleaner, more focused on the goal without the distraction of morals or emotional ties.  She may well have an easier time in her unlife while Rey tears himself apart trying to hold onto the scraps of who he used to be.  
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I was sick and away from home but...
Xander, XANDER!!!!
I’ll give my blood, my life, and my unlife for Brawn.
I’ll kill and die without hesitation to see him happy!
I just..!!!! AH!
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bloodoftremere · 2 years
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Coteries of New York By Night
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verflixture · 10 months
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Fanart commission of Coco & Khalida from NY by Night from artist @neonjess 🖤
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kindredbynight · 3 months
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blighted-elf · 2 years
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"Remember - the real first tradition is..."
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wren-blue · 2 years
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the queen of poor decisions herself! I love her so much
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Camarilla Coterie Question
So I’m trying to remember some info about the Camarilla Coterie. Can someone tell me what Brawn, Khalida, Coco and Keim predator types are? The only thing i remember is Khalida’a feeding restriction is  she can only feed on people of a certain net worth but I can’t remember if it was stated or explicitly shown what their predator types are. I only remember them feeding in Simons club which doesn’t help me figure it out. Or they just that hasn’t been established yet in the episodes.  
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naazaif327 · 2 years
I looooove that we got the Ventrue overlap between our two coteries for NYbN, not just because of the endlessly juicy drama of Rafferty’s two childer and the tension of that soon-to-come meeting, but also because of the two different flavours of Ventrue that we’ve gotten to see with Fuego and Khalida.
I like to categorise Khalida as a Dominate Ventrue and Fuego as a Presence Ventrue, though this is not simply based on the mechanics alone as both of them make ample use of both disciplines. The Ventrue compulsion is arrogance, a desire for power and obedience, and more than most other clans new Ventrue are very often chosen for already displaying an aptitude for this desire. But how they go about achieving this is what differentiates them.
Khalida is a dominator. She has a specific vision of what she wants from the world, and she will (somewhat ruthlessly) shape the people around her in order to get it. She uses The Forgetful Mind and Mesmerize flippantly, rewriting the world in her vision. She is measured and calculated, arguably much more so than Fuego, but that does not stop her from using her abilities as she sees fit, even going so far as to Dominate Simone, a much older and more powerful kindred, into giving her what she wants, despite the danger. She even uses Presence the same way, as a cudgel to command those around her. She uses Awe on mortals the same way she uses Mesmerize, to have them do her bidding. I think this is deeply informative of who she was as a mortal, and why Rafferty chose her in the first place; you get the sense that she was equally as cutthroat as a highend art dealer, taking what she wanted whenever she wanted it regardless of the consequences, an endless ambition for power that made her shine to her future sire.
Fuego is a manipulator. Aabria described it best during ep 3 of Club Auspex, in that she has a soft command of power over those around her that she’s slowly learning to make use of. She isn’t a Queen on a throne making demands, she understands that (unlike Khalida) she doesn’t have guidance or actual political power in this world yet. And so she watches, looks for the soft, vulnerable parts of the people around her, and quietly molds them into what she wants them to be. We talk a lot about that delicious moment in episode 3 with Rey and the businessman, but look at it again: both in luring that man to the alleyway and in asking Rey to kill him, she doesn’t even use Presence or Dominate, she doesn’t need to. She already knows what buttons to push, what poisonously honeyed words to whisper in someone’s ear to get what she wants out of them. Even her use of Dominate reflects this. She doesn’t try to push beyond her means, force someone to kill themselves (I doubt she knows that wouldn’t work yet, but even if it did its just not her style), she just nudges them in the direction she wants. Sit. Stay still. Give me the gun. Its quiet and simple, and lethally effective.
Ironically I think the two of them would have a lot to learn from each other if daddy dearest doesn’t succeed at pinning them against one another. Simone is right that Khalida sometimes uses her disciplines as a crutch, one that might get her killed if she continues to wield it so openly against other kindred; she could stand to learn from Margot’s more subtle manipulation tactics. But outside of her disciplines, Fuego is a deeply impulsive individual, taking risks and making big in-the-moment emotional decisions because of her desires (killing the security guards, trying to dominate the skull, dancing with Riktor in front of Consuela, etc) that could seriously get her hurt or worse if she doesn’t learn. Khalida’s cool, cold, slightly detached and measured outlook could help Fuego’s survival chance quite a lot. But this is just speculation of what’s to come, and I’m deeply excited to see how it all transpires.
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raindropsonwhiskers · 3 months
Isaac NYbN for character bingo :) + your favorite cam coterie (Camterie?) member if you have one
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Brawn,,, he is. So sad. He needs friends that don't suck (Khalida wins for anti-blorbo I do not want to like her but I think about her way too much)
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eclecticfiend · 1 year
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NYbN as Tumblr text posts
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A quick thing about tonight’s episode that I found myself wondering more and more as the episode unfolded:
I really want to know what Khalida’s long game actually is.  Because sticking with Rafferty after Renatto reveals to the Camarilla that Rafferty’s got an ‘arrangement’ with the Sabbat seems like a massively losing proposition.  If Rennato’s smart, and it seems like he is, he’ll get a blood hunt on Rafferty in a matter of seconds.  The prince will want to know who he was working with and how big the Sabbat presence is in New York, and she’ll want to know it yesterday.
So what’s the play?  What does Khalida gain from sticking with Rafferty, turning on Coco, and whammying Brawn into helping her, thus earning Coco’s enmity and likely Brawn’s as well in the longer term once he realizes exactly how badly she forced him to betray all his friends for a man he hates.  She is isolating herself with Rafferty.  
She must have a very strong belief that sticking with him will gain her more than turning on him, but after everything, after he altered her memory not five minutes before everything went down, she stuck with him and guaranteed she would be on the outs with the Camarilla along with him.  
For what?  She either has a very impressive master plan, or she’s way stupider than she thinks she is.  Because Glassjaw and Brawn will jump ship the second Brawn is capable of it, either back to the Camarilla or, if they’re in closer proximity, possibly to lay low with the Anarchs.  Kiem is teaming up with Simone and likely going to the Ministry for help, but one of her primary goals now is to kill Rafferty and Khalida with him.  Coco and Rennato are now taking over Rafferty’s old holdings and will guarantee that his name--and Khalida’s by extension--are mud with the Camarilla.  If they play it right, it’ll even mean a blood hunt.
What does Khalida gain by sticking with her sire at this point?  The only things I can think that she gains are his gratitude--which seems as fickle as anything else about him--and contacts with the Sabbat that few other people seem to have.  And unless Khalida is planning on switching allegiances, no longer playing in the ivory tower, but instead going Black Hand, then I seriously don’t see what she gains in all of this aside from a load of people who now really want her dead.
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 NO! They took my girl!!!
omg, and Airbox still trying to defend her even if Brawn is on him...
I just can’t.
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bloodoftremere · 1 year
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Kindred of By Night
LA coterie ◦ Anarch coterie ◦ Camarilla Coterie
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verflixture · 5 months
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ultimate takeaway from ny by night season 2 episode 8
(text from this ask)
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