seijuurouxryuu · 6 years
No Control
Rating: G Relationship: Reborn & Sawada Tsunayoshi Characters: Sawada Tsunayoshi, Reborn Warning: None
Day 4: Unite
He groaned and ducked his head down, cupping his forehead. "Oi, what's wrong?" He could barely register what Reborn was even saying as the man jumped down and knelt in front of him, trying to get a proper look.
His head hurt. Tsuna rubbed his temple, trying to ease away the headache. His intuition has been ringing the whole day, but he had no idea why. As far as he could tell nothing was happening so far. Hibari and Mukuro was away on missions, of course separately and on the other side of the world to each other, Gokudera's researching on their newest found on flames, Lambo lazying around somewhere, Ryohei with his wife and Yamamoto visiting his father back in Japan. It was peaceful, for once, but something just didn't sit right for the whole day.
Whatever was going to happen wasn't going to happen on his guardians, that was one thing he could confirm.
Sighing, he closed his eyes from the words littered in the report. It seemed like he wasn't going to finish it anytime soon. He had been trying to work on the documents since morning but he wasn't progressing well.
He leaned back onto the office chair and forced himself to relax. "Maybe I should've taken some painkillers.."
"Slacking off, I see?" He didn't even bother to open his eyes to know who it was, neither was he worried about the statement that held no heat nor poison. He merely grunted and slumped further into the chair. It elicited a tut from Reborn, but in his defence, the chair was too comfortable not to do that.
He heard a few rustle and before he knew it, Reborn was sitting on the table right in front of him, long legs dangling by the side of his chair. His eyes snapped open and saw the blank look on the hitman, watching, observing. The man said nothing and simply leaned closer, grabbing Tsuna's head on both sides.
Before Tsuna could even utter a word of protest or question, his thumbs rubbed on the pressure point with just the right strength. Tsuna groaned in relief, the pain slowly, but surely easing away. Reborn scoffed at that, clicking his tongue. "You should take care of yourself more. What would your subordinates do if you are to suddenly collapse?"
Tsuna chuckled, knowing that Reborn was actually concern of his well-being. "Hmn, they're more capable that we all think. Besides, you wouldn't let that happen, would you?" He gave Reborn a smile that had him snorting, but didn't deny. He didn't need to since it was the truth anyway. He wouldn't let him collapse, since he was always watching him, making sure that he was okay.
Tsuna sighed, shoulders sagging as all the tension left, his mind finally calm. "Thank you." Reborn hummed, but he didn't stop his ministration.
"How's Yuni?" "She's alright. Gamma has been hovering her like an overprotective father twenty-four-seven." Tsuna laughed. "Well, in a sense, he is his father."
Reborn rolled his eyes and stopped, shifting his hand to cup Tsuna's cheeks instead. Over the years, the brunette had lost most of his baby fat, jawline sharper and cheeks more define, but it was still softer than most. He squished it, which earned a noise of protest from the other.
He smirked and stretched it instead. Tsuna winced, hands shooting up to pull Reborn's away. "It hurts, Reborn!" He tugged once before his headache came back tenfold.
He groaned and ducked his head down, cupping his forehead. "Oi, what's wrong?" He could barely register what Reborn was even saying as the man jumped down and knelt in front of him, trying to get a proper look.
The both of them shot up and immediately dived to the side of the shelves, away from the window as bullets ran through it, shattering the glass into millions of sharp shards. Reborn had his gun out while Tsuna went into his hyper dying will mode. He sneered at himself. "Of course it would be an attack my intuition is warning me about. Why didn't I think of it?" He growled at his own stupidity.
Reborn would've rolled his eyes if he wasn't focusing on finding the target. "It seems like you need some training again." He mused. "Two sniper, one with machine gun. Six moving towards us." Scoffing, he clicked off the safety of his gun. "These people must be underestimating you."
He moved far too quickly for the snipers to react and immediately subdued them. The six assassins jumped in through the window, each holding weapons with flames, storm and cloud mostly. They didn't get too far, however, as Tsuna swooped in and punched two of them in the face, sending them flying back.
One of them tried to stab Tsuna when he came too close but Reborn had put a bullet in between his forehead a second faster. It didn't take them too long before they were all on the ground, either dead or unconscious but severely wounded. Reborn crouched down and peeled the mask off from one of them. "It seems like your enemy is on the move."
Tsuna narrowed his eyes as he looked over Reborn's shoulders. He huffed, frustrated as he ran a hand through his hair. "Finally. They took longer than I'd expected."
Reborn stood up and hummed, patting off imaginary dust of his hands. "They knew that you're keeping an eye over them after all." He turned, shoving a hand into the pocket of his dress pants. Tsuna tapped his chin for a while, as though he was thinking but it was all for a show. Reborn knew that as well.
"Well," The brunette drawled slowly. "Since the others are mostly unavailable now, why don't we go hunting, just the two of us?" He smiled innocently, too innocent. If Gokudera were to witness it, he would pale. Reborn, on the other hand, was far too proud of that. "And here I thought you're supposed to be a pacifist." He teased.
"They gave me no reason to stay a pacifist for them." Tsuna shrugged, eyes glinting. "They have a huge debt that they need to pay after all." Their enemy had ambushed their teams, whether if it was the scouting team, the research team, basically most of them, continuously for the passing months. There were casualties and Tsuna was beyond enraged. He had wanted to do it diplomatically by calling the boss of the Famiglia out and discuss, but his calls were ignored, ridiculed.
Tsuna was done being nice. "Well then, shall we?"
Reborn smirked. He tipped his fedora slightly and they moved out.
It wasn't the first time they had teamed up against an enemy or two, but clearly, it was the first time that it was only the two of them. Usually there was Gokudera or Yamamoto or Chrome there to make sure that they wouldn't go overboard. As they had said, Reborn and Tsuna teaming up together is far scarier than Mukuro teaming up with Viper. (That one incident between the two illusionist still gave all of them shivers.)
Let's just say, the enemy was never to be heard of ever again. (Gokudera was exasperated and immediately tired upon knowing.)
A/N= I like Tsuna being badass.
I like Tsuna fighting alongside with Reborn.
I like them being too OP for the world to take as well.
[I apologize for any grammar, spelling, etc. etc. mistakes]
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k0saji · 6 years
Changing Minds, Shifting Hearts
Rating: G 
Characters: Yamamoto, Gokudera Warnings: None Notes: Part of a series to be written so forgive me if this seems disjointed. 
Day 3: Observant
If anyone asked him a year ago what he thought of Gokudera Hayato Takeshi's answer would probably surprise them.
Hot-headed, is one of the first words that comes to mind, watching the silver haired boy explode at the slighted provocation. It's the one everyone thinks so it would not be a surprise to hear him say that.
Unreliable, weak, selfish. Those would be the words that would make people pause, not because they were untrue but the fact that Takeshi would have said them outright, with a bright smile on his face as he watches Gokudera snarls at someone trying to talk to Tsuna in the background.
Intelligent would come later, after multiple study sessions with Tsuna, after a peek at Gokudera's test scores despite Takeshi watching him sleep through every single class without a care.
Stubborn to a fault. Takeshi knew but doesn't really understand until Gokudera refuses to work together during the fight with Gamma, that Gokudera refused to bend even when it meant their lives. It bothered him back then, he remembers, because yes they weren't friends but they were Guardians and that meant something.
Hard working shows up during their time in the future, watching him pour over books trying to learn how to use his box weapon, the way he drilled Sasagawa-senpai and Lambo despite the two of them barely paying attention (Takeshi doesn't blame them, Gokudera gets too technical when explaining anything, and has little to no patience on a good day).
It's easy to dislike Gokudera, to dismiss this angry boy who's issues have issues. Takeshi certainly didn't like him at first, even if he tried to get along with him to make things easier for the group. That's why its a surprise when he starts looking at Gokudera and the familiar flaws are accompanied by snatches of something warm and soft.
Stubborn, this time said with a fonder voice, as he watches Gokudera try to win over his cat, hands covered in angry red lines.
Obsessed is accompanied by an indulgent smile as Gokudera buries his nose in a cryptid magazine, shouting about sightings of imaginary beasts as Kurokawa needles him.
Intelligent is thought with more respect when Gokudera maneuvers them away from Hibari during the Arcobaleno Trials and figures out how to take out the two Vindice when Tsuna's team was trapped.
Weak echoes in his mind as he watches Gokudera skirt around the piano in the school’s music room, hovering but never approaching. Yamamoto finds himself moving, one arm thrown around Gokudera’s shoulders to drag him away with a question on the previous nights homework.
Unreliable has removed itself from his vocabulary completely as he walks to where Gokudera waits in front of his house for him so they can pick up Tsuna before school.
Unpredictable smacks him across the face in surprise when he sees Gokudera jogging with Kurokawa, Kyouko, Haru and Chrome, and again later that week showing the girls how to fight dirty in Hibari’s family dojo. He kneels at the doorway, peeking in. Chrome sees him but a finger to his lips keeps her quiet as he watches Gokudera show Haru and Kyouko how to go for the eyes, patiently and firm as he makes them practice different holds while Kurokawa and Chrome spar.
Beautiful whispers in the back of his mind when he catches Gokudera mid conversation with Shitt-Pi, his eyes bright and a wide smile on his face as they talk in Italian.
So yes, if anyone asked him two years ago how he felt about having Gokudera as a soulmate, it would be a much different answer than the one he thinks now, staring at the name scrawled in black across his wrist in the morning light.
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seijuurouxryuu · 6 years
To The Beat
Rating: G Relationship: Reborn/Sawada Tsunayoshi Characters: Sawada Tsunayoshi, Reborn Warning: None
Day 6: Rhythm
Tsuna hummed under his breath as he walked down the street with a bounce on each of his steps.
Tsuna hummed under his breath as he walked down the street with a bounce on each of his steps. His headphone fitted snugly on his head, a soft smile on his face, hands shoved inside the pocket of his coat. He didn't really have to pay any attention to where he was going as he knew the area like the back of his hand. Not to mention it was still early, where only a handful of people were up and about so he didn't really care.
(Some of them gave Tsuna a weird look, wondering how could the brunette even function that early.)
When his shop came in view, Tsuna's smile stretched into a grin. It was his partner's turn to start the day in the shop and unlock the door, so he simply pulled the door open. The bell attached on the door chimed, announcing his arrival as he skipped in, pulling his headphones down. "Good morning!" Reborn, his barista, turned from the coffee machine and raised an eyebrow at him.
"Seems like someone's really happy." Tsuna merely laughed as he went to the staff room. Placing everything in the locker, he pulled on the apron, all the while humming the same song that was stuck in his head.
"So," Reborn drawled, leaning against his elbow that was on the counter, holding onto a cup of espresso with another hand as Tsuna bounced towards the radio placed near the wall. "What happened?" Tsuna pouted, turning on the radio. "Do I need a reason to be happy?"
Reborn shrugged, sipping on his espresso and watched the brunette brighten up at the song that came up. He raised his eyebrow again when the younger man started singing to the song. It wasn't as though he had never heard of the man singing, but rarely since Tsuna was really shy. He sounded nice, so he didn't mind.
"I've been hearing symphonies Before all I heard was silence A rhapsody for you and me And every melody is timeless Life was stringing me along Then you came and cut me loose Was solo singing on my own Now I can't find the key without you."
Tsuna was so deep in the song that he unconsciously started swaying along as he swept the floor. Reborn smirked. He pushed himself from the counter and sauntered up to the unsuspecting man. Tsuna jerked at his presence when Reborn pried away the broom from his hand. He grasped his hands and swayed him to the beat, dancing.
Tsuna laughed as Reborn continued the song.
"And now your song is on repeat And I'm dancing on to your heartbeat And when you're gone I feel incomplete So if you want the truth."
Tsuna smiled and joined in.
"I just wanna be part of your symphony Will you hold me tight and not let go? Symphony Like a love song on the radio Will you hold me tight and not let go?"
The two of them laughed and butchered the whole song with it since they couldn't control it, dancing together in each others arms, smiling. Even when the song ended and switched, the DJ's voice filling up the atmosphere, they didn't stop. Instead of dancing to the beat of the next song, they slowed to a sway, following the tempo of their heartbeat.
Reborn's arms had wound itselves onto Tsuna's waist, the latter's around the taller man's neck. They leaned their foreheads together, looking into each others eyes. Reborn's usual facade had faded into a soft look that he had only shown to a few people, especially to Tsuna.
Tsuna chuckled as he leaned up to place a chaste peck on his lips, tasting the bitter espresso that the other loved so much. "Love you." He said, breath ghosting on Reborn's lips, which were merely a few millimeters away.
Reborn smiled and captured Tsuna's lips again, kissing him deeply and holding him closer, the other standing on the tip of his toes.
"I love you too."
That morning, even though Tsuna woke up without his lover beside him, he was happy. Because instead of his lover, it was a small box.
The sliver rings on their fourth finger shone.
A/N= I was actually writing this to Coldplay's Hymn For The Weekend. I changed it to Symphony because it.. Suits this more? Idk.
This is considered an AU. Reborn's 28 while Tsuna's 26. They both met in college and got together two years later. Four years into their relationship and graduating, they decided to open up a coffee shop.
Reborn's the barista, of course. He doesn't trust anyone other than Tsuna or Luce with his coffee. Tsuna's the manager, also the pastry maker. The cook of the cafe was Kyoko and Haru. Lambo, I-Pin and Fuuta are parttimers.
Their regulars are Gokudera, Yamamoto, Dino, Lal Mirch, etc. etc. They've quite a handful of regulars, who are mostly their friends.
[I apologize for any grammar, spelling, etc. etc. mistakes]
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seijuurouxryuu · 6 years
Yamamoto Being Yamamoto
Rating: G Relationship: None Characters: Sawada Tsunayoshi, Gokudera Hayato, Yamamoto Takeshi, Reborn, Dino, Byakuran, Yuni Warning: None
Day 3: Observant 
There was a reason why Yamamoto was said to be a natural born hitman.
There was a reason why Yamamoto was said to be a natural born hitman. The teen has keen eyes and sharp instinct, which most knew but that wasn't exactly the reason why. It was because he was too observant. While it was true that he can come across as dense and an airhead sometimes, but he notices things. He notices minor details that most overlook. (Which was probably why he was the leader of the scouting department.) Even Gokudera acknowledged it after years knowing him.
It made him deadlier, if the sliver-haired man was to be honest as he watched the taller man laugh at whatever a group of girls that surrounded him were saying. Being a natural born hitman was already dangerous, topping up with a really good acting skill, one wouldn't even know what hit them when he strikes. Perhaps that was why Reborn chose him to be one of the guardians years ago.
Taking a slow sip on his champagne, Gokudera scanned the crowd, taking note that Tsuna was beside Reborn. It was an annual ball for the mafiosi, held each year with rotating host Famiglia. A time where they forget their ranking and feud with one another and mingle. Although, that motive never really work. People are too stuck up to forget it.
This year, it was hosted by Milliefiore and as usual, Gokudera and Yamamoto had accompanied Tsuna. Usually either Chrome or Mukuro would follow as well, but not this year. Not when there was a rumour about an attack happening. No one knew who was the target, nor who was going to be the attacker, but it was a threat nonetheless. Milliefiore almost had to cancel the ball because no one could find out who it was but decided against it. Probably to drag out whoever who planned it.
Byakuran and Yuni had seeked out for the Vongola's assistance, so there they were. Chrome and Mukuro had been sent to scout the area while Reborn, who came as an independent kept an eye out inside. Plus, even though he has no bond or contract with Vongola, he wouldn't abandon Tsuna when it comes down to it. Not that the brunette need any protection.
Which was probably why Gokudera weren't even beside his boss, since he needed to keep an eye out. The three of them had spreaded across the room, with each on the opposite end of each other.
"Gokudera!" Yamamoto grinned and waved at him. He clicked his tongue as the other slung and arm over his shoulder. He didn't attempt to shove it off as it doesn't really work. Yamamoto was a clingy person with a tight grip. Not to mention that he was tapping out a code.
"Man! Those girls are funny!" He laughed, not breaking from his tapping. 'Code Red: Bomb implanted somewhere in this room.'
"Yeah, fun." Gokudera gritted out, feeling himself tensing slightly at that. Yamamoto's flames immediately calmed him down discreetly just so they wouldn't bring attention to themselves. "You really enjoyed giggling along with those girls." 'I don't think there was a specific target.'
"Ahaha! Are you jealous?" 'It might be a plan to kill as many big Houses in here.'
"Hah?! Like hell I'm jealous! They're disgusting, ergh." Gold-diggers. All of them. But that wasn't Gokudera's concern at the moment.
Yamamoto grinned and finally, Gokudera shoved him off with a snarl. He grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close. "Get away from me. I'll blast your head off if you come anywhere near me." And he stalked off as Yamamoto shrugged, fixing his suit and appearance when he let him go.
It was all for a show.
Gokudera immediately walked around the ballroom, slowly sauntering as he acted as though he hated Yamamoto and his guts and all. He was over that, no longer the short-fused teen he was towards the other. He actually respect Yamamoto and could get along with him, just as long as he doesn't piss Gokudera off. He did that just so no one would be suspect anything.
He was actually searching for the said bomb. He'd had to find it fast. The night was slowly coming to an end, and the bomb could blow anytime soon. He had to dispose it. Fast.
Frowning, he stopped by the window and glanced up.
He left the room all together.
"Heyy Tsuna!" Yamamoto draped across Tsuna making the brunette stumble. Tsuna laughed at his friend's antic, not the slightest angered even though the other had interrupted his conversation with a Don from another Famiglia. The said Don wasn't so happy, but he did a rather good job at hiding it.
"Takeshi! Are you having fun?" Yamamoto nodded, humming. "Everything is so nice. Don and Donna Milliefiore has done a really good job!" Tsuna agreed cheerfully. "Ah right, it would be your Famiglia's turn next year to host, isn't it, Don Marian?" Don Marian nodded. "It is. We won't lose to Don and Donna Milliefiore in terms of extravagant!"
Tsuna chuckled good heartily. "Of course! We'll be looking forward to it."
As the two Don chatted, with Tsuna distracting the other, Yamamoto sneaked a look with Reborn, who was quiet the whole time. A glint of irritation flashed in his obsidian eyes, but his facial expression didn't change. As on cue, the hitman's phone rang and he excused himself. The Don was none the wiser, too caught up chatting with Tsuna to realize anything. Not even when Yamamoto detached himself, grabbing a champagne from the butler and lingered behind the brunette.
Until, that is, a loud explosion followed by shrieks outside of the ballroom. Everyone jolted and turned to the front door where the sound came from. Another loud thud resonated in the room before the door opened and Gokudera's head popped out. He looked a bit singed. He smiled brightly and said, "Please don't mind the noise! Everything is fine! Please, enjoy your night!" And he popped back out, door closing.
Everyone blinked, dumbfounded. Byakuran, from where he was at the center of the ballroom clapped his hand to gather their attention. "Well, we've heard the man! Let's enjoy the night to the fullest!" Since the boss of Milliefiore declared that it was nothing, everyone returned to their conversation, all none the wiser. Maybe except for the Milliefiore and Yamamoto. Tsuna as well, since he decided to cut short his conversation with Don Marian.
"Takeshi, what's going on?" He whispered, standing closer to the taller man.
Yamamoto, who was stifling his laughter since the beginning coughed loudly and harshly. Tsuna gave him a raised eyebrow as he patted his back. "Pftt- Nothing. Gokudera will fill you in later." Tsuna frowned but decided not to pry when Yamamoto waved his hand dismissively.
"Well alright. Let's go find Dino-san and Yuni." And they did. The three Skies soon chattered and laugh about whatever came in mind, more relaxed around each other. Yamamoto lingered back as well, smiling and answering when addressed. It wasn't long before the three of them totally forgot his presence in the midst of a heated discussion about their subordinates- or co-boss, in Yuni's case- shenanigans.
Reborn came back and they switched. The hitman rolled his eyes upon meeting Yamamoto's gaze as he fell into position beside Tsuna as the Rain fell back and made a beeline out of the ballroom.
The moment he saw Gokudera, he laughed again, obnoxious and loud. Gokudera snarled at him, but did not stop kicking the poor victim, who seemed charred even though the man had already passed out. "Shut up."
Yamamoto shook his head as he walked over. When he was close enough, he crouched down and pulled the head back to see the face, Gokudera backing away. He whistled. "Never knew the Marian got guts to do this."
Gokudera squinted his eyes at the man. "You already knew, didn't you?" He hissed. Yamamoto merely smiled innocently up at him. "Ugh, should've known." Yamamoto shrugged as he stood up. "Well, then. Shall we escort the man out?" His eyes glinted, Gokudera twitched.
Honestly, he should've known that Yamamoto had already know who it was. That man was too observant not to notice. Gokudera need another drink.
A/N= Ehhhhhh you can exactly tell when I lost any motivation and just winged it.
The guy Gokudera was kicking wasn't Don Marian but his subordinates. The Marian is a medium sized Famiglia and wanted to overpower the other strong houses.
Gokudera had went to find the bomb while Reborn went to drag out the culprit.
The bomb was diffused, of course. The culprit was charred because of Gokudera's dynamite. Gokudera was a bit singed because he almost got electrocuted. (Pst, the bomb is on the roof.)
[I apologize for any grammar, spelling, etc. etc. mistakes]
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seijuurouxryuu · 6 years
Rating: T+ Relationship: Sawada Tsunayoshi/ Yamamoto Takeshi Characters: Sawada Tsunayoshi, Yamamoto Takeshi, Sawada Nana, Sawada Iemitsu Warning: Major Character Death, Cutting, Suicide, Self-harm
Day 7: Ill-fated
He could still hear the cheerful laughter ringing so beautifully in his ears, the soft murmurs of nothingness, the steady voice. He could still remember those pair of beautiful eyes, shining brightly, the strong arms, the expressive face.
One line, two line, three, pause. Dark red liquid slowly flowed out and dripped onto the sink, the pain throbbing.
Four, five, six, pause. He watched as more dripped down from his forearm, finding it calming, satisfying.
Seven, eight, nine and ten. He breathed in deeply and dropped the bloodied razor onto the sink, eyes never leaving his forearm. His mind cleared, peaceful and quiet, the pain grounding him.
Tears ran down his cheeks.
"Tsuna!" The said brunette whirled around at the call and almost immediately, a grin tugged up on his face. "Yamamoto!" Tsuna opened his arms wide just as the taller teen ram into him, hugging him tightly. He squealed when he was effortlessly carried and swung in circles, strong arms holding onto him, laughing and ignoring the glaring eyes of multiple people. "Okay okay! You can stop!"
Yamamoto soon set him down, but not after another full spin. He laughed, loud and short but genuine as Tsuna had to hold onto him to regain his balance. The brunette pouted but he himself was chuckling.
"It's been soo long! I missed you so much!" Tsuna blushed sightly, smiling shyly. "I missed you too." Literally beaming like the sun, like Tsuna had gave him his world, he pulled Tsuna into another embrace. Tsuna buried his face into the crook of Yamamoto's neck, taking in the sweet, comforting smell. "I missed you so much." 'So much that it hurts.'
Yamamoto held him tighter. After a few moments, they finally pulled away. Linking their hands together, Yamamoto tugged him gently, guiding him down the streets, chatting about everything and nothing. If their conversation made any sense, they didn't care, relishing themselves in each other's presence.
He could still hear the cheerful laughter ringing so beautifully in his ears, the soft murmurs of nothingness, the steady voice. He could still remember those pair of beautiful eyes, shining brightly, the strong arms, the expressive face.
He could still feel the warm from him as he held his hand, held his being whenever they could. The strong stature, giving him a sense of safety, giving him peaceful dreams and warm night. The soft lips that kissed away his tears, kissed away his worries.
He yearned to feel it again, to feel his presence beside him, to look into his eyes, to kiss him.
He felt cold, so so cold.
The sun shone brightly, cicada chirping in the background, the waves crashing, and the ice pops slowly melting. Yamamoto was humming to the pop song they had heard over the radio, legs swinging freely. Tsuna watched him looking off into the distant, smiling at how happy he was, eyes soft.
Yamamoto turned to him and smiled from years to years. Tsuna felt himself returning the smile, as he looked into his eyes, finding nothing but happiness and love. 
The hand that held his tighten as Yamamoto slowly leaned in. Tsuna closed the distance halfway and kissed him, slow and chaste. Declarations of love were silence but loud against their lips, eyes closed as they etched the moment into their heart.
In the apartment they had rented, laughter bounced off the walls as they played, soft sobs while watching movies, silence as they soon fell asleep in each others arms. Tsuna lied his head on top of Yamamoto's chest, lulled into sleep by the steady heartbeat. Yamamoto smiled and kissed him on his forehead, sighing as he closed his eyes in contentment.
"I love you."
"Mm.. Love you too."
"What do you mean you want to marry him?" Iemitsu's voice were unsteady, disbelieved, angry. Tsuna did not yield even though he could feel himself slowly trembling, his mother gasping. "I-it's as what I have said." He forced himself to sound firm as he unflinchingly met Iemitsu's glare.
He watched, as the man's face got redder by each second, and even though he knew that he was furious, he continued. "I love him and I wish to marry him."
A loud slap.
"You good for nothing-" "Dear! Please stop!" "If you truly want to marry him, a guy, you're no son of mine! You might as well die in a ditch! Why did we even-"
The pain on his cheek was nothing compared to the pain in his heart. The words Iemitsu spatted at him were nothing but incoherent garbles as his ears rang. He knew this would happen. He knew it all along. Which was why he had kept their relationship a secret.
But now, he would no longer stay silent. He could no longer hide his love for him from the world. He wanted to tell the world. He want them to know.
Wordlessly, he stood up, causing Iemitsu to cut his angry shouts midway. He turned his back on them, only gazing back with burning eyes. "I do not need your permission. I will marry him." And he left even when his mother tried to stop him. ("Tsuna, dear, please stay. He doesn't mean it. It's all words of anger, please Tsuna.") He left, each steps getting lighter and lighter, heart thumping loudly.
He picked up his pace and soon, he started running back to the apartment, to his home. Bursting through the door, he heard a loud yelp and something falling onto the floor with a dull thud. "Gosh Tsuna, you scared-" He saw Yamamoto's eyes widening through his tears as he panted. "What's wrong?!"
He didn't answer as he clumsily kicked off his shoes, running into Yamamoto's arms and burying his face in his chest. "I love you I love you I love you-" He kept saying, as though he was chanting. He didn't know what kind of face the other man was making, but he could feel the pain he had for him, for the both of them.
"I love you so much, Takeshi." Save me.
He felt a kiss placed on top of his head. "I love you too, Tsuna. So so much. " Let me hold you, let me love you, I'll save you from the world.
"Takeshi, let's stay together, forever."
A smile. Two.
Til death does us part.
The whole apartment smelled like him, the walls, the sheets, the floor, everything. He was surrounded by traces of him, but he was not there. He himself was not there with him. He was not there to relief the pain from his heart. He was, but no longer is.
He was no longer around to save Tsuna from the world.
Scream echoed in the air, the smell of iron stinging his nose, the wetness of red liquid on his hand, soaking into his sleeves. His eyes were wide, focused on the tangled body of his husband as the same liquid slowly flooded the road, tainting. The light in those beautiful eyes slowly dimmed, the hand he was holding growing colder by each second.
"I.. Love you, T-Tsuna.." Tears rolled down Yamamoto's cheeks, blending in with the blood as he breathed out those words.
"P-please, Takeshi- No, don't leave me-" He plead, sobbing hard as he leaned down, placing his forehead against Yamamoto's. Yamamoto smiled one last time. "Forever." And he was gone.
Tsuna's breath hitched as he felt Yamamoto's hand slack, his head lulled to the side, eyes closed.
"No- T-Takeshi, please. Please-" He cried, anguished as he held onto his body tightly, crying loudly to the sky as thunder roared. Rain drops fell, pitter patter, soaking him, washing away the blood. It did not wash away his lost.
He choked as he dropped onto the cold tiles, sobbing uncontrollably. It hurt. It hurt so much he wanted to die. He want to see Yamamoto again. He want to feel him again, want to hold him again, want to bask in his warm, his smell, his kiss. He want to feel his love.
He want him back.
Slowly, he reached over the sink and reached for the razors with trembling hand.
Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, he continued until his whole arm was littered in cuts.
And he stopped.
He lied down on the floor, tired, spent, and lightheaded. Staring into nothing, he whispered, "Forever."
He closed his eyes.
A/N= I'm sorry. I've no excuse for this. AU where they're civilians :3c
[I apologize for any grammar, spelling, etc. etc. mistakes]
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seijuurouxryuu · 6 years
Weeping in Silence
Rating: G Relationship: Gokudera Hayato & Sawada Tsunayoshi & Yamamoto Takeshi Characters: Sawada Tsunayoshi, Gokudera Hayato, Yamamoto Takeshi, Reborn, Sawada Nana Warning: Major Character Death
Day 2: Crying
He had vowed to never cry again when he was ten.
But he couldn't stop his tears.
He breathed in shakily, trying not to choke as he silently wept. Tears rolled down his cheeks uncontrollably, pained. He hated crying, ever since he was young, and he had never stopped hating on it. Everything he cried, he was always exhausted, spent and giving up.
He had vowed to never cry again when he was ten.
But he couldn't stop his tears. He couldn't stop all the bottled up emotions from overflowing out for the world to see. Everything was just too much for him to handle. Too much that he broke. It hurt. It hurt so much he just wanted to rip off his heart and never stop feeling ever again.
Coughing as he hugged his knees tightly, nails digging through his black trousers. His head ducked down, eyes shut as tightly as his mouth was. He was curling in a small, dark corner, trying to hide himself from the world.
"Juudaime.." He heard Gokudera voice and jolted, immediately rubbing his eyes furiously to get rid of the tears, to no avail. He sniffed loudly, scrambling to put himself together, trying to return the facade back into its place. He couldn't.
His hands were tugged away and Gokudera was kneeling in front of him, face heavy with grief. Through his blurred sight from the tears, he could see that Gokudera's eyes were wet as well. Right. He couldn't do this. He's the leader. He has to be strong for his friends.
"A-are you okay, Gokudera-kun?" He stuttered, coughing a few times to get his voice steady. Gokudera frowned, lips pulled thin as concern flashed in his eyes. "That should be my question, Juudaime."
"I'm oka-"
"No, don't." He cut him off, surprising Tsuna. "Please.. Please don't say you're okay when you're not.."
"But-" "It doesn't matter if you're the boss, Tsuna. You can cry. You can break. You can scream." Yamamoto came up as well and for the first time, Gokudera didn't yell at him. His ever bright smile was absent from his face as he knelt down beside the Storm, taking Tsuna's other hand and clutched it tightly. "Please, let it out. Don't hide it. Please."
Tsuna's lips trembled as they both looked at him, concern in their eyes, grief tinting it along with acceptance. "You're just as human as we are, Tsuna." Gokudera shakily said. "We," He choked. "We are not perfect. But we will be together through each step. So please, don't hide it from us."
Halfway through Gokudera's words, tears had came back full force. He did not threw a tantrum like Lambo in the next room, nor did he screamed in denial like his father did. He just silently cried in grief. There was nothing they could do but mourn. He could do nothing but accept the reality.
Gokudera and Yamamoto hugged him tightly, as he cried. He felt his suit getting wet on both sides but he couldn't careless. All three of them sobbed, clutching onto each other tightly as though they were each other's pillar, each other's life. As though the other would disappear if they don't hold them tight enough, slipping through the gap of their fingers.
They cried to the raining sky that wept along with them for their lost.
Reborn was on the other side of the building looked up the same sky, leaning against the wall with his fedora tilted down to shield his eyes. Silently, he allowed one tear to escape from the corner of his eyes.
On the 14th of May, Sawada Nana was involved in an accident that immediately took her life. On 14th of May, they lost an accepting woman with an open mind, a beautiful wife with an equally beautiful soul, and a brave mother with a loving heart.
A/N= I'm sorry for this.
Timeset 5 years after canon. Reborn's now physically an adult. (If you guys wanna see this as a sequel to the previous on it's okay as well :3)
[I apologize for any grammar, spelling, etc. etc. mistakes]
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