mudajima · 1 year
cannibalism and the kin, a small research (carried over from my twitter thread)
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so, on twitter, someone mentioned artemy being a cannibal in canon (via drinking tinctures), so i looked into it a little. outright cannibalism isn’t explicitly practiced by anybody in the game (at least 2), though it’s mentioned in a nightmare that artemy has.
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so, it’s pretty obvious that eating others is equal to something like betrayal and shown in a bad light. in this reddit post,
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op makes a good point about how the kin would despise cannibalism due to it’s breaking of the cutting bodies rule. its noted that townspeople with closed minds do accuse the kin of cannibalism out of blatant xenophobia, though such an act would be considered unethical by the kin themselves not only in the context of the game, but also in real buryat culture.
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black shamans were disliked due to bringing about diseases which is a central theme of the game. these shamans and their patron zayans were feared.
however, i found something interesting. this article mentions a cannibalistic spirit called mu-shubun, also present in the game in the form of executors. i think this was pretty neat considering the practice of khun-dolyo rites involving sick persons.
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there’s a possibility that the kin could have accused artemy of being a black shaman during the time which he was tangled up in the mystery of his father’s death. i wish to look further into khun-dolyo and other buryat legends. you can read everything for yourself here.
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