#kian is still miserable but this time trying to help people
leafatlaw · 5 months
oh ! Idea I had last night, bitb swap au! Rand moves to cali to become a rockstar, Kian becomes a lawyer and rolan stays in Galloway !
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kikiyakno · 3 years
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Where:  Kian’s Grandparent’s Home. Santa Monica, California ( MAGIC AU ) When: Monday, December 21, 2020
It was starting to become all too common for Kian to hear his grandparents' voices creep in from underneath the crack of his door. Their conversations were hushed, the warm voices he knew straining under topics of low profits, slow business, and lessening finances. Kian wasn’t supposed to know any of this, of course. Not that he could miss how their glances frequented that of worry and how they danced around conversations about their work days at their restaurant. Kian was more than aware of the situation. He had snuck in his grandpa’s office to borrow some paperwork.
$32,676.13 Their building was three months behind on rent. Three months and a final notice had just landed in the mail. Kian had added up the math in his head, once, twice, maybe ten thousand times in his head. How much business they would need to meet at least half of it. How much would have to be cut to try to accommodate the workers without watering down service. His grandparents were trying not to cause their grandson any turmoil and Kian knew they meant well. But sadly, while the money was what made up most of the conversations held between them, how to meet that price in a short amount of time reeled through Kian’s head.
However, what wasn’t that common for Kian was waking up to those hushed voices slinking in so early from under the crack of his door. By now his grandparents would have both long been off to the restaurant. Head lifting sleepily while his eyes protested against opening, Kian’s face soon scrunched in confusion as he listened in, a frequent word they were using falling on his ears that just didn’t make sense.
Kian repeated it out loud, still groggy and settled into his confusion as it kept being used frequently in the kitchen. The kitchen of his house — his house located in Santa Monica, California. Snowstorm? Blizzard? Clearly, he had to be hearing the word wrong....although...his room did have a chill to the air that definitely wasn’t the usual one caused by the fan he kept on in his room at night. And now that he was slowly becoming more awake he did vaguely recall opening his window before bed and forgetting to close it. But it had been just a crack... even that wouldn’t cause such a chill. What was going on??
Eyes still protesting, Kian wrapped himself in his blanket to make a move to get out of bed. Suddenly on autopilot, his feet slid into his house slippers and frankensteined him to his window. Outside his room, he could still hear the word blizzard come from his grandmother again, but this time mixed in with a troubling sentence. (Something about how they were already barely able to stay open much longer if things didn’t change soon and now a BLIZZARD was preventing them from a day of work?) He must just be hearing the word wrong, it wasn’t difficult to mishear things said quietly. Or this was just a very surreal nightmare that he hasn’t woken up from yet. Betting on the latter, one blanketed arm rubbed across his face as the other reached out to close the window. The shock of an icy touch finally sprung Kian’s eyes wide open, retracting hand back as he dumbfoundedly blinked at his window. There, dangling in a few spots between the crack he had indeed left open were small icicles. A bewildered sound sprouted from his chest as he bent in to make a closer inspection. His gaze didn’t linger on the sparkling icicles long, drawn to this new bright, white world outside his window. Much like him, it was blanketed. In snow. It wasn’t his first encounter with snow (and not even his first with snow in California after a few snowboarding trips with the boys) but it was certainly his first encounter with it here at home in Santa Monica.
“Wow.” The word broke free in his wonder. His amazing was completely childlike as he leaned more into his window to peered out. He was going to have so much fun with Sunwoo and Jae in the snow later after work! They could have snowball fights with the nephews! Sledding?? Snow angels! Maybe they could pin Jae down long enough to bury him! With a “hehehehe” bouncing from his lips, Kian excitedly turned away from the Winter Wonderland awaiting him. His mental list of activities to do after work was already endless.
Oh. Work.
His excited, bouncing shoulders stalled out as his grandparents' situation slammed back into mind. The scrunched up cheeks from his beaming smile withered into sad, frown lines. They must not have been able to get out and get the restaurant open today because of the snow....that was an entire day of profit lost! Maybe he could see if they could set up shop here and cook things here at home! He’d make deliveries! It wasn’t the season, but a snowboard was always calling his name. Maybe Sunwoo and Jae could even be corralled in to help! They all could be authentic korean cuisine elves, dropping the packages all over town to people who could place orders! Knowing their state of finances wasn’t exactly best currently, Kian was trying to do what he felt was the best and only thing for him to try and do in distressing situations — find a positive mindset and set out to fix the problem.
Pep back in his step, still unaware that all of this snow had them trapped in Kian opened his door and shuffled out into the hallway and toward the kitchen. As he made his way to the room, he noticed his grandparents abandon whatever they had been talking about as soon as they heard his shuffling steps. As he expected, Kian was greeted brightly by them both and in usual routine, he as enthusiastically mirrored the forced hopefulness in their morning pleasantries. It wasn’t long before he was launching into a spiel that outlined his amazement at all the snow and his genius idea on how they could work from home that day. The excited and determined posture Kian held as he explained, once again slumped when his grandparents rejected his plan, fearful of the strange, new conditions. There was nothing he could do today to help. The joy of the snow was for now lost on him as he sat with a miserable slouch at the table.
As promptly as he had slumped down, his grandmother instructed him to cheer up. With the most relaxed smile she goes on about how they all deserve a nice day to rest at home and soon there’s a fond nod from her husband agreeing. Kian tried his best to give them a smile but it didn’t climb too high, still able to see the worry in their eyes despite trying to reassure him. He agreed and went on to another plan about how maybe he could climb free out his window and meet up with the boys for some fun. They better agreed to that plan, Kian hoping the false cheerfulness in his voice would make his grandmother feel some bit of relief.
Upon mentioning the boys, a lightbulb seemed to go off in her mind and Kian’s grandmother shuffled away. Returning, she excitedly places two gift boxes in front of him, smiles true and genuine as she steps away from them. She explains that her and his grandfather also received ones as well but that they were thinking of saving them a few extra days to put underneath the tree. Upon the sight of the presents she reasoned that they all had most likely come from either Sunwoo or Jae or most likely, both of them. All three boys took care of each other like family and that always extended to their respective families as well. Plus, surprise gifts weren’t all that uncommon. Especially since all three of their birthdays were also around the corner. A true smile was back on Kian’s lips, but this time as he looked between the red and the green boxes, wondering which to open first and which had come from who, it fully reached it’s climb.
Things might be getting scarier by the day, a fact he was still hiding from his hyungs, but at least he still had love in his life.
Red? Green? Both at once? Wait?
Spotting a tag on each, he shook his head with a fond smile when he realized the words were typed. Sneaky hyungs, masking who had given what!
Green. Open to discover who you truly are.
That was a bit strange...it was probably some strange self-love book from WuWu. Kian could already imagine how pompous and utterly cringey ( but hilarious ) the title would be.
Red. Open to reveal what you truly want most.
Hm…. curiouser, indeed.
Right now….all he wanted most in life was to save the restaurant from the track it was on currently. Rent was overdue to an extent that there didn’t seem to be a future where they would be open much longer. Kian couldn’t let his grandparents lose their entire lives like that. Not because of the suits and the Pinterest Mom’s who had closed in on Pico like it was some DIY project. But...Jae and Sunwoo had no idea how serious the situation had gotten so there was no way this box really contained what he wanted most.
Fingers tracing over a design in the paper, he felt his curiosity pull him more towards the red box to be opened first.
With no hesitation he ripped off the paper excited to see what could possibly be inside. He lifted a corner of the box for a peek in but slammed it down quickly. Kian’s eyes suddenly felt dry, probably because they shot wider than they’d been at even the marvel of the snow outside. Excusing himself from the room, Kian scurried back into his room and shut the door. Easing the box onto his lap, he took a glance around then covertly opened the box.
There, stacked accordingly, looked like more money than he had ever seen in the same moment of time in his entire life. His eyes sparkled in green, but his fingers trembled in disbelief. He started pulling stacks after stack out, counting as he went. The markings on the binding that held each stack aiding his count.  Chest tight, he felt a sting in his eyes as he took his time counting, numbers uttering over his lips as his count creeped in close to that magical number that had been keeping him and his grandparents up at night.
“No....” Kian stopped, eyes bleary as he took the last stack from the box. Thirty-two thousand six hundred and seventy six dollars. He gathered the pile in his hands, tipping over the empty box that fell to the floor. A rattle of change rolled from the box. Kian leaned over slowly to find a dime and three pennies .
— thirteen cents.
Thoughts of the other green box vanished from mind — Kian quickly counting again. And again. And again.
Soon he was certain of it. This was the EXACT amount needed to pay off the back rent and then a little more to safely cushion off another month’s worth. EXACT amount. Tears brimming, Kian had no idea how this gift was about to become a curse in more ways than one.
That was until his next thought crashed out loud.
“But...I don’t wanna to give this up. I could....finally get a Nintendo Switch.”
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kianlawleysprincess · 7 years
Never wanna leave you
I woke up in the morning surprisingly later than usual. Since I gave birth four months ago I was pretty much only asleep when she was, and she was definitely awake already. I roll over and notice that Kian wasn’t in bed. He must’ve gotten up with her so that I could sleep in. I smile and roll out of bed and walk down the stairs into the living room. I walk in and see Kian, my boyfriend of three years, rocking our sweet little girl in the rocking chair and singing her nursery rhymes. I pull out my phone and snap a couple pictures and post them onto my Snapchat. I walk over and kiss the top of his head. “Good morning my handsome boyfriend, and my gorgeous little Harper.” He smiles at me, and leans in for a kiss. “Good morning beautiful. Did you sleep well?” “I did, thank you.” I smiled and sat down on the couch. “How long have you been up?” I asked him. “A few hours.” He replied not looking up from our babies sweet face. “She’s so perfect” He cooed. “I don’t know what I’m going to do when I have to leave tomorrow for tour.” He says quietly. He’s been dreading having to leave since the day she was born. “I know baby, but it’s only for three months, you’ll be home before you know it!” I reassured him. “And we’ll FaceTime every single day. You won’t miss a thing. Ill send you daily videos and pictures, it’ll be like you’re here.” I kissed his temple. He was really worried about leaving. “What if she forgets me?” He asks quietly turning his face away from mine. “Kian” I started “you’re her daddy, She could never forget you baby.” I gently reassured him. “I know but I worry that’s all.” He answers. Wow, I thought, this is really killing him. He doesn’t put Harper down all day, and he begs me to let him move her crib into our room until I agree. I shoot JC a text as Kian moves her crib into our bedroom “hey JC, uh Kian’s really freaking out about leaving for three months, I just wanted to give you a heads up he’s going to be pretty miserable tomorrow.” “Thanks y/n, I’ll try to cheer him up! I’m pretty depressed about leaving lil Harper too honestly. She’s so cute!” I shake my head and put my phone onto my nightstand. I stare lovingly at the man who came into my life all those years ago and changed it for the better. I couldn’t imagine where I would be if I hadn’t met him. Somewhere in between my trail of thoughts and Kian climbing into bed after putting our princess into her crib I drifted off to sleep. Only to be woken up by Kian’s alarm what felt like only minutes later. I could hear the fear in his voice as he leaned over and whispered into my hair “baby, I’m so sorry that I have to leave. I don’t want to. I’ll cancel the tour, I’ll just stay here. I need to be here.” He starts to cry. “Ki,” I whisper back “we’re going to be okay, I promise. You can’t cancel your tour because you would let a lot of people down. I love you and I wish you could stay but it’s okay, we’ll be okay.” I kiss his wet cheeks, and cuddle in his arms for the last time in a long time. “Come with me.” He whines “baby we talked about this, Harper is too young to travel that much. She could get sick, she’d fall off her schedule we worked so hard to get her on, I wish we could but it’s better for her to stay here.” I started to cry. I hated seeing him like this. “I promise we’ll come visit as much as possible. I’m going to miss you so much.” “I’m going to miss you too y/n, more than you know. Are you sure you’ll be okay here by yourself? I can call my mom, or Fran they’ll come stay with you and help you take care of Harper. You shouldn’t have to do it alone.” He kisses my forehead. “I already talked to Fran, she’s driving up later today.” I reassured him. “Now go baby, you’re going to miss your flight.” I leaned in for one more kiss before he ran out the door. God this was going to be a rough three months. Kian’s POV it’s been a month since I have seen my family. I was dying. All I did besides my tour responsibilities was eat and sleep. I FaceTimed them every day, but it wasn’t the same. My arms ache to hold my little girl. I didn’t think it was going to be this hard. “Today’s the day” JC smiled at me. I nodded and smiled harder than I had all tour. Y/n and Harper were meeting us at the hotel today and staying all weekend. I was so excited. I was finally going to hold my two favorite girls. After what felt like years I heard a knock on the door. I bolted up to the door and quickly opened it grabbing my girl and holding her close to my chest. “Finally” I breathed. I kissed her forehead and bent over to look into the stroller that held my sleeping little princess. “There she is” i cooed “I’ve been waiting for you to get here” I gently lifted her out of her stroller and held her in my arms. “Dude are you crying?” JC teased “dude why are you still here?” I snapped at him. “Okay okay, I’m out.” He stopped and kissed Harper on the cheek and then leaned down and kissed y/n’s head. “Have fun.” He whispered. “He’s lucky I have Harper in my arms or I would have kicked his ass for touching my girl like that.” I muttered under my breath hoping y/n didn’t hear me. Your POV Kian muttered something rude about JC under his breath, probably hoping I didn’t hear him but I did. “Excuse me?!” I shouted “He is your best friend and our daughters god father do you really think that he would do something inappropriate towards me? He’s like my brother. You kiss your sisters on the head. It’s fine. Jesus you need to calm down Ki. I know it’s been a long time but you really need to relax. I’m yours. You have nothing to worry about, you don’t always need to be so protective.” I reassured him. I wasn’t trying to start a fight but I just got off a five hour flight and I’m exhausted and I am not in the mood for his jealous bullshit right now. “I know baby, I’m sorry. I’m just possessive and I know you wouldn’t do anything and I know he wouldn’t, it’s just been so long and I missed you and I want you two all to myself I don’t want to share with him.” He said reluctantly knowing that he didn’t have much of a choice. “Too bad.” I answered. “JC is very much a big part of our lives, so you have to share us this weekend.” I leaned over and kissed his head. “I love you Ki.” “I love you too Princess.” We laid down on the bed and turned on the TV to watch a movie while Harper slept in the portable baby crib I brought. I curled up next to my handsome boyfriend, and kissed his bare chest. “I missed you Ki.” I whispered. “It’s so hard to be away from you.” “I know baby, I think I cried more than I thought I could these last two weeks” he replied truthfully. “I knew it would be hard but this is too hard.” I bury my head into his chest not wanting him to see me cry. “Babe I can feel your tears on my skin. You’re not hiding anything from me.” He says as he pulls my chin up so I had to look at him. He reached down and wiped my tears away with his fingers and pulled me closer to him. “We’re gonna be okay baby. I promise.” He reassured me. “It’ll be over soon.” Soon enough three months had passed and Kian was on his way back home. I was so excited for him to finally be home with us. The door opened and i ran to him and jumped in his arms. I had only been able to visit him once on tour so it’s been two months since I saw his face. “God Ki, I’m so happy you’re home I missed so fucking much.” I screamed as I held on for dear life. “Never let me go.” I said much quieter. I didn’t like to let him see my needy and clingy side but after two months it was hard not to show it. “Babe I’m right here. I’m not leaving.” He reassured me and he squeezed me tight. He held me for as long as I needed not once trying to put me down which I thought was really sweet considering I knew how much he wanted to run over and pick up Harper. I jumped down and took his hand and we walked over to Harper’s play pen. She smiled up at him for the first time ever and he screamed from joy “did you see that? She smiled at me!” He picked her up and started dancing and singing and holding her close. It was quite possibly the cutest thing I’d ever seen.
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