#kicking my heels twirling my hair plz.
maraczeks · 1 year
bcs s5 thread pt 4
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33 and 45 with Hawthorne Michael plz. Maybe with a love confession and some cocky behaviour 👌🏻
33. An unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it. 45. Kisses exchanged as they move around, hitting the edges of tables or nearly tripping over things on the floor before making it to the sofa, or bed.
Thank you for sending this in! I hope this does your idea justice and that you enjoy! As for my usual disclaimer, Michael is over 18 (as characters will always be for me. Sorry--it’s just what I’m most comfortable with because I am OLD.) Sorry this took so long, I wanted to try my best to make this a good answer for you.
Hawthorne!Michael: Not Just Anyone
“Keep the hood up,” Michael whispered in your ear. The alabaster halls of the warlock academy were desolate at this hour, but he didn’t want to take any chances that would stress your already overactive concerns. You didn’t mind the precautions. His cloak draped around your body and obscuring your face smelled heavily of his cologne and helped to ease your mind. There was still the nagging in your conscience that you couldn’t quite silence.
“Michael, what if you get caught with me? You can’t afford to be punished now.” He turned and tilted his head down so you could see his face below the edge of the hood.
“They already know that I’m the Alpha. More powerful than any of the witch Supremes that have ever existed. I’ve passed their tests and been recognized by the witches’ coven.” Michael lifted an eyebrow in amusement. “You really think they’re going to do anything to me? I think I’m entitled to a bit of fun after all the prestige that I’m bringing to this school.” He straightened up again and placed one hand behind his back and guided the other around your waist. “Now stop worrying, or you’ll crease that beautiful face.”
Michael’s steps were even and regular while you felt like you had to walk on tiptoe. How was he so casual about sneaking you into his school? Surely there would be some sort of consequence. Every flame-thrown shadow had you jumping or tensing, certain that you’d been caught. But Michael knew his way around the school quickly. What’s more, Michael knew his way around his fellow students and any of the elder warlocks that you might encounter.
The flickers of the fires and torch lights sparkled in his eyes. Pure mischief. There was no denying that you loved the thrill he brought to your life. It always left your heart racing. You felt like you were free falling, only there was no parachute to pull and soften the landing.
He pushed open one of the doors in the long hallway and quickly ushered you inside. The fireplace ignited as soon as he crossed the threshold and illuminated the room. Clean and orderly, just like Michael. You turned to him with a smile and slipped the hood down to your shoulders. In the privacy of his quarters, you felt free to relax. The locks clicked into place on the door with a simple wave of his hand while his eyes remained fixed on yours until he turned around. For several moments, he stood perfectly straight with his back to you.
“Do you know why I’ve brought you here?” Slow, purposeful strides carried him to stand in front of you. Each heel-toe clack against the floorboards mocked the increasing beat of your heart. One of his hands reached out to twist a strand of your hair around his dexterous fingers, and you couldn’t help returning his smirk.
“I would imagine that has something to do with the “fun” you feel entitled to?” You reached up to stroke the thin silk bow at his neck with the tip of your index finger. He caught your wrist and brought the palm of your hand to his lips. The simple touch made your fingers twitch and a breathy moan sing from your throat.
“Certainly anyone could do for that.” Your eyes narrowed at his comment. Anyone could do? Asshole. Michael gripped your wrist tightly as you tried to pull your hand away. If he wanted to be like that, then he was welcome to go find anyone. “I mean why I brought you here. Specifically you.”
The struggle between the two of you stopped as your confusion set in. His hand around your wrist tugged you forward until he was able to lay his cheek against the warmth of your captive palm.  The soft fluttering of his lashes settling against his cheek seemed far too innocent a gesture coupled with the tone of his voice.
“I don’t know.” Michael tipped his head back and groaned in exaggerated annoyance. He released your hand so that he could hold his arms out at his sides.
“Do I have to spell it out for you?” The gentle tugging at the corners of his lips betrayed the intended vitriol of his words. Moments passed where his eyes darted between yours. Suddenly, his shoulder relaxed into a shrug.
“Because I love you.”
That...was not what you had expected. Just as he did not expect your arms to fly around his neck when you threw yourself into him. You could feel his gasp against your lips when you firmly captured his. He stared at your closed eyes in surprise before melting into your embrace. The crackling of the fire and the distant laughing of someone a few doors down disappeared as the thumping of your heart flooded your ears. Warmth circled you in the form of his lissome arms keeping you steady against him.
Michael quickly came to speed with the moment. He stepped with his legs on the outside of yours, forcing you to move with him. Deep inhales through your nose keep the chain of increasingly needy kisses from breaking. The loud thump of your calf hitting the coffee table left you gasping against his lips and turned into shared chuckles that were lost in each other’s mouths. More than likely it would be a bruise tomorrow, and you hoped it wouldn’t be the only one you woke up with from tonight.
Walking backwards proved a challenge for you in the unfamiliar room, especially with the two of you continuously attached from the lips down. Michael grunted into you when he kicked the corner of the leather sofa in front of the fireplace. It nearly sent the two of you tumbling over the arm and to the floor. You couldn’t help giggling, and Michael took the moment to skillfully twirl your tongue together--effectively turning your amusement to pleasure.
Hands moved in a flurry over each other and articles of clothing were sent sailing through the air one by one on your journey to his bed. Trying to remove your pants without breaking the heated open-mouthed kisses proved more difficult than you expected, and only Michael’s arms around you kept you from greeting the floor with your face. You could feel him smirk against your lips, to which you replied with a murmured “shut up” that was drowned out by another moan when your back finally landed on the bed.
“Michael-Michael, wait.” You had to place firm hands on his chest to keep those sinful lips at bay. You wet your lips and panted against his chest to gather yourself together.
“I love you, too,” you swore with a soft smile. The deep chuckle from low in his chest reverberated straight through you and made you clench your thighs together. His lips spread into a wide, satisfied smirk.
“I know,” he said, and descended one again upon your kiss-swollen lips.
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Three Little Words
Summary: Billy loves his girlfriend, he just can’t bring himself to say it. 
Author’s Note: Written from Billy’s POV!  More time jumps than I usually put in. Implied smut, big kids reading only plz. Shout out to Rachael and Emma for helping me with this one!
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She twirled her hair around her finger as the teacher lectured. Going over the third chapter of a novel she had finished long ago. I tapped the back of her chair with my foot, making her turn around to face me. She offered me a smile and a slight wave before turning her attention back to the notes she was pretending to scribble in her notebook.
She twisted back around, showing me a scribbled drawing of a stick figure, presumably of me from the looks of the hair,  making a disgruntled expression. She imitated the face she had drawn.
I rolled my eyes at her, giving her chair another kick. She stuck her tongue out at me just as the bell rang.
        “I don’t look like that,” I grumbled.
        “Yes you do, you’re a grump.” She beamed, holding up her masterpiece for me to look at again.
        “Only because I was sitting behind you and couldn’t see your pretty face.”
        “Oh, please.”
One of the things that drew me to her was that she saw right through my charm. The facade that I put on that allowed me to get whatever I wanted. She rolled her eyes, flipped her hair over her shoulder, and kept on walking. And she had me wrapped around her finger, following her around like a lost puppy.
                       Oh fuck. I think I’m falling in love with this girl.
As she swung around to strut away, she reached out behind her, an invitation to take her hand. I accepted this request, entwining our fingers as she led me through the crowded hallway and back to her locker.
She let go when she arrived at her number, dialing in the combination and opening it before tucking a couple books in and taking a couple others out.
        “Remember, we have to go to the dance tonight.” She reminded.
I let out a long groan.
The winter formal was tonight, and she insisted on going. Not that she wanted to go, but that her mother demanded she participates in school activities. Whether it was football games, student council meetings, theater productions, dances, she struggled to go to as many as possible.
        “I know.” She responded, letting out a sigh, “We only need to stay long enough for a couple pictures.”
 The bell echoed throughout the hallways,
          “Gotta go, can’t be late for Chem.” She hurriedly said, pecking me on the lips before bolting down the hallway.
 I licked the artificial cherry flavor of her lip gloss from my lips. The boys would mock me relentlessly if they caught me with pink lacquer on my lips.
I recoiled as she tugged at the collar of my shirt, buttoning it up all the way.
        “Are you trying to strangle me?” I choked, tugging on the collar with my finger.
          “I will if you don’t hold still!” She threatened as she wrapped the red tie around my neck, the same color as her dress.
          “Remind me why we’re doing this again?” I fussed.
          “Mom wants pictures.” She exhaled, “We don’t have to stay long if you don’t want to.”
 She evened the ends of the tie, brows furrowed in concentration, tongue peeking out from between her teeth.
          “I hate these stupid things.” She hissed when she messed up, untangling it and evening the ends once more.
 I looked at her and saw my mom. Forcing us to go to church, frantically getting ready because we were late. But she would slow down, take her time on my tie. Tongue sticking out between her teeth as her maroon painted nails worked on the knot. She always grumbled about getting me a clip-on tie though she never followed through.
I think she appreciated the bonding we did over that stupid, navy blue tie. Too long for my small frame at 7 years old. She’d finish by poking me in the belly, picking me up and hauling me out to the car.
Y/N looked up at me and tucked my hair behind my ears, clutching my cheeks before looking me up and down.
          “You’re starting to look like a proper gentleman, Mr. Hargrove.” She grinned, “Except for that.”
She had finally noticed that I had been resting my hands on her ass the whole time.
          “Sorry,” I smirked.
          “No, you’re not.” She quipped, seizing my wrists and arranging them at my sides.
We both let out an annoyed sigh as I parked the Camaro. She scowled at the steps leading to the dance, lined with tinsel and string lights.
        “Let’s get this over with.” She groaned, slipping her heels on and stepping out of the car.
I linked her arm with mine, leading her up the stairs and into the bustling gym. The music pumped in the background, lights and balloons littering the rafters.
A flash from our left stunned us both. Our eyes drifted over to the photo set up. A backdrop painted with snowflakes with a pine tree. 
        “Well, this is what we’re here for.” She exhaled, dragging me through the fake, cotton snow that sat on the ground.
Jonathan Byers was behind the camera, shooting me a stare as he snapped the photo.
We both stepped away, blinking our eyes to clear the spots caused by the flash.
        “Let’s get out of here.” She declared, clutching my hand.
        “Where to, princess?”
        “Ice cream.” She replied, “The parlor on Main by the theater.”
        “Ice cream? It’s freezing!”
She pouted at me, batting her eyelashes. My already weak resistance crumbled,
We relaxed in the back seat of the Camaro. She had a strawberry cone and I had a chocolate one.
        “Drip on the seats and I’ll kill you,” I warned.
She rolled her eyes, knowing damn well she could drive the car into a building and I wouldn’t even bat an eye.
I never much enjoyed ice cream, the California sun melted it in seconds, leaving it to drip down your face and hands. My mom would always laugh to herself, snapping a picture before using her thumb to erase the dried chocolate from my chin.
Y/N glanced up at me, letting out a giggle. She licked her thumb, running it along my cheek.
        “You’re such a mess.” She beamed.
        “Good thing I got you,” I replied, resting my hand on top of hers where it sat on her lap.
The way she smiled at me then. I realized I was a goner. But was it love? Maybe she only sees me as the newest thing in town. Something different than the boys in Hawkins.
But what if she doesn’t feel the same? What if her heart doesn’t flutter when she sees me like mine does when I see her? What if she doesn’t anticipate every phone call? If she doesn’t smile when she hears our song on the radio?
She leaned in to kiss me, the taste of strawberry ice cream on her tongue. We sat in silence as we finished our ice cream. She snuggled into my side, tucking herself under my arm. She hummed along softly to the radio, playing with the pendant that hung around my neck.
        “You never did tell me where you got this.”
        “Uh. My mom gave it to me… Before she died.”
She frowned at me, squeezing me a little tighter. She knew what happened with my mom, I had dropped it on her like a bomb one night. I came staggering over to her house, drunk as I’ve been.  
I had been drowning my sorrows on the anniversary of my mother’s death. Each year somehow became harder and harder, despite the passage of time.
She held me as I cried, didn’t ask any questions. Didn’t say anything. She just listened. It was cathartic, having somebody just listen to me.
        “It’s supposed to be for protection.” I explained, “For delivering good graces.”
She ran her finger over the engravings,
        “Does it work?” She asked.
I glanced down at her, staring back up at me with twinkling eyes,
        “Yeah. I think so.” I smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
I tugged her over to sit sideways on my lap. She settled her head on my shoulder, her forehead resting against my cheek.
She ran her hands through my hair, twirling strands of it around her finger. I closed my eyes, savoring the feeling of her hand on my scalp.
Her fingers slowed to a halt, making me let out a whine. I opened my eyes to see her passed out. She looked ethereal in the blue fluorescent light from the ice cream parlor.
The sweetest girl I had ever met was asleep on my chest. She couldn’t help her motherly tendencies. Hell, she even practiced them on Tommy H. Tommy H. Who she detested with every fiber of her being. The idiot had dropped his food on the floor and she gave him her sandwich. Whether it was to be nice or to quiet his complains, I’m not sure. When I asked if she was still hungry, she said not really, only taking one chip from my plate.
Although, when we left school that day, she promptly started to complain how hungry she was.
        “I hope Tommy doesn’t expect me to be nice to him all the time now.” She mumbled through a mouthful of cheese burger.
        “Oh please, you don’t have a mean bone in your body.”
        “Yes I do!” She fought.
        “Yeah, right.”
        “This bone.” She added, raising her middle finger at me.
I chuckled to myself at the recollection, making her stir. I let out a slight gasp, mad at myself for waking her up.
She glanced up at me,  her eyes half open as she squinted against the harsh neon light.
        “Did I fall asleep?” She asked, letting out a yawn.
        “Only for a few minutes,” I told her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
        “I need to go home and get this shit off my face.” She groaned, wiping her face on the back of her arm and smearing red lipstick across her cheek..  
She crawled off of me and into the passenger seat, sitting back and closing her eyes once more.
        “Home, please.” She yawned.
        “Your wish is my command, princess,” I replied, climbing into the driver's seat.
Just fucking say it, Hargrove. Just fucking tell her you love her. Don’t be such a pussy. 
She was too sleepy to notice how I gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles, my mouth hanging open as I tried to force the words out.
Before I built up the courage, we arrived at her house. I hurried out, running over to her side of the car and helping her step out. I placed my arm around her waist as she fished for the house keys in her purse.
She unlocked the door, stepping inside and rapidly slipping off her heels. I lingered on the porch, recognizing she didn’t want any funny business tonight.
        “Breakfast in the morning?” I asked. Saturday mornings, we went to Benny’s diner and got waffles. She got a cappuccino, extra whipped cream. And I got a black coffee. Every Saturday for the past year.
        “Of course.” She smiled sleepily, propping a hand on my chest and pressing one last kiss to my lips, “Night, Billy.”
        “Night,” I began, my heart racing as I geared up to say the words, but she had already begun closing the door. I cursed myself for not calling up the courage to just fucking say it.
But I knew I would be crushed if she didn’t say it back. And what we had going now was so good. Whether or not she loved me, I didn’t want to ruin that. I strolled out and got into the Camaro. I rested my forehead on the steering wheel.
I could’ve said it.  I had so many opportunities to say it.
But I couldn’t
What if she didn’t love me back? I mean, how could she? A piece of shit like me? No job, no ambition, going nowhere in life.
But she had to love me, right? We had been together nearly a year. The playful teasing, her wiping the ice cream off my face. Fixing my suit for me. Hell, putting up with me in general.
But it had been nearly a year…  Nearly a year and she hadn’t said it yet… she can’t possibly love me and not say it after being together that long.
But why else would she stay that long? 365 days of putting up with my asshole antics. That had to be love.
The argument continued in my head as I backed out of her driveway, speeding off down the street towards home.
        “The usual?” Maria asked as she approached our table.
        “Actually… can I try the chocolate chip cappuccino this time?” She asked, smiling politely.
        “Of course, darlin’. Extra whipped cream?”  
“         You know me so well.” She smiled.
A few moments later, Maria returned with our mugs, setting them in front of us. Y/N let out an excited hum as she took a sip of her cappuccino, wiggling in her seat. She set her mug down, looking at me with an expression that said “try it” as she pushed it across the table to me.
But my focus was exclusively on the whipped cream stuck to the tip of her nose.
        “You got a little…” I told her, pointing to the spot.
She poked her tongue out, swiping it across her skin and giving me a questioning expression.
I laughed at her pitiful attempt to lick her own nose,
        “I got it.” I leaned across her licking the whipped cream off her nose.
        “Ew!” She squealed, letting out a giggle as she pulled away. I marveled at the way her nose crinkled when she laughed. She swiped her hand across her nose, getting rid of any saliva I had left behind.
        “Funny, that’s not the last thing you were saying about my tongu-” She slapped her hand over my mouth, giving an apologetic glance to the elderly couple that sat at the booth across from us.
        “Stop it.” She hissed, unable to withhold the giggles that were bubbling up in her chest.
It was one of those moments where I realized how much I loved her. She was equally amused and disgusted. Her cheeks bright red as she laughed and covered her face. Her sleeves were tugged over her hands, her chipped painted nails peeking out. I pulled her hands away as I leaned in to kiss her, pushing her back against the booth.
One of her hands slipped to the back of my neck and the other rested on my chest, pushing me away after a few seconds.
        “Keep it in your pants, Hargrove.” She whispered, looking past me to the couple behind us.
        “You make it so hard, though.” I whimpered, “In more ways than one.”
        “Billy!” She shouted, giving me a whack on the arm.
        “Did you get your report card?” She inquired, changing the subject.
I had gotten it, but I hadn't opened it yet. Not ready to face the potential severity of my father’s rage.
        “Gimme.” She demanded, grabbing at me.
I handed over the envelope and observed as she opened it. A grin spread across her face as she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek over and over again.
        “I’m so proud of you!” She exclaimed.
I glanced at the paper, seeing that I brought my math grade up from a D- to a C+.
Proud of me…
It had been years since somebody said that to me.
Susan and Neil rented a cabin for the weekend and Maxine was staying the night at a friend’s house, so we had the place to ourselves.
She led the way up to my room, dropping her purse on my dresser and slipping her converse off.  She tucked herself under the covers in my bed, opening her novel. I slipped off my boots and jeans, sliding in behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist. My hands slipped under her sweater, tracing circles on her waistline.
I read over her shoulder, not absorbing anything on the pages, only taking in the scent of her shampoo.
        “Stop sniffing me, freak.” She complained, turning the page.
I forced her sweater aside, pressing kisses to along her shoulder. She let out a gasp as I gently sank my teeth into her skin.
        “Billy. I have to read this chapter by tomorrow.” She warned, shrugging me off.
        “Didn’t you just finish a book?” I whined.
        “Yeah. And now I’m starting a book.” She retorted.
        “How many pages?”
She let out a hum as she flipped through the book, counting as she went,
        “Twenty.” She replied.
I let out a groan. She was turned away from me so I couldn’t see the smirk I knew was there as she wiggled her hips against mine.
        “Stop it.”
        “I’m not doing anything.” She replied sweetly.
I let out a grunt, continuing my work on her shoulders.
        “You know, if you keep distracting me, it’ll take longer.” She flipped another page.
I ignored her, slipping my hands further under her top, brushing along the wire of her bra.
She rolled over, scowling at me and thrusting the back of the book in my face in an attempt to get my hands off her.
Instead, I plucked the book from her hand, folding the corner of the page in and throwing it on the ground beside the bed.
        “Hey!” She complained as I rolled over on top of her, pressing my lips to her’s.
I trapped her underneath me, hands on either side of her shoulders as I dipped my head into her neck. Her hands snaked up the back of my neck, holding me in place. I smirked against her skin as she emitted soft sighs,
        “Isn’t this more fun than reading?”
        “Hmm… No.” She countered, mischief in her voice.  
I reached down, picking up her thighs and forcing them to wrap around my waist. She let out a surprised squeal as I pinned her hands above her head and gently sank my teeth into the spot on her neck that makes her squirm.
I whimpered as she picked her clothes up off the floor,
        “Where you going?”
        “I can’t stay the night, Billy.” She told me, leaning over and pecking me on the lips.
        “I’ve got an interview in the morning. I gotta get up and get ready.”
She pulled her top on over her head and bent down to put on her jeans. I snuck up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her back onto the bed with me. I rolled over on top of her, resting my head on her chest.
        “Billy.” She protested as I tightened my grip on her
        “Just stay for like… five minutes.” I urged.
        “Fine.” She sighed, wrapping her arms around me and closing her eyes.
Soon five minutes had turned into five hours, the sun slowly coming up above the horizon.
        “Oh shit!” She exclaimed, looking over me and to the alarm clock, “Shit, shit, shit!”
She scrambled out of bed, collecting her jeans from the floor and stumbling into them, doing a little hop to get them over her butt.
        “I have a job interview in like, ten minutes!” She shouted, pulling her boots on and running into the bathroom.
She returned a moment later with brushed hair and a toothbrush hanging from her teeth.  
        “Can I borrow the car?” She mumbled through the brush,
I reached over to my nightstand, grabbing the keys and tossing them to her. She smiled, shoving them into her pocket before returning to the bathroom to spit out her toothpaste.
She scooped her purse up off my dresser, pressing a kiss to my lips before running out of the room.
        “Love you, bye!” She called.
My world stopped, only continuing to turn once the front door slammed and broke my trance.
Love you. Bye.
The words played in my head like a broken record. The words that I had been poring over, searching for every detail as to why we hadn’t said it.
And she let it fly from her lips in passing, when she wasn’t thinking about it. Just something she hollered as she rushed out the door.
A smile crept onto my lips. I gripped onto my necklace,
Good graces.
        “Hey.” She grinned, handing my keys over to me as she pecked my lips.
        “How’d it go?”
        “Made it just in time. Manager seemed to like me okay.”
        “Do you… uh… do you remember what… what you said… before you left?” I asked, anxiously playing with my hands.
She took notice of this, taking my hands in hers and giving them a comforting squeeze.
        “I uh…” She pondered for a minute, thinking back to this morning, “I told you I had a job interview….then I said bye…”
Her eyes grew wide in realization,
        “I said I love you.” She murmured.
        “That’s uh…you’ve never said that before.” I stiffly shuffled my feet, cheeks burning as I refused to meet her gaze.
        “Yeah… I thought it was pretty obvious that I love you, goofball.” She smiled, taking my cheeks and making me look at her.
        “I-uh.. yeah… I mean… it.. I.. you’ve…” I stumbled over every word that came out of my mouth, “I just… can’t… why… me?”
        “Why you?” She scoffed, “You may be an asshole, but you’re all mush under that leather jacket of yours.”
        “I- I just… I don’t- I don’t deserve you.”
        “Hey.” She hissed, abandoning the sweet tone in her voice. “You deserve the fucking world, do you understand me? Besides, we don’t get what we deserve, we get what we need.”
I nodded, her gaze piercing through mine.
        “I love you, Billy Hargrove.” She told me.
        “I love you, too.”
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