#kids love asking me questions cause i would wear disney pins or fun stuff so i was just a really big kid to them
leaderintitleonly · 3 years
Thoughts on Frozen?
Anna gets screwed. Promotional and just...yeah. These days, Disney is allergic to giving women complex emotions because otherwise it'd make them seem less perfect and that would anger Twitter. I mean they already lose their shit if a Disney princess cries! /Tom Hanks voice There's no crying in Disney Princessing! Elsa and Anna needed to hash things out, which really strikes me funny when I remember the making of this movie and they had this whole sister meeting. I'm estranged from my half-sister now. We don't talk. I had to accept I needed to let go and stop letting her blame me. There's a time when you stop fighting... It's when you need to fight for yourself. Sad side note, sure, but I needed to really see Anna and Elsa willing to fight for each other and hash out their problems. Show frustration. Show getting mad. Show getting upset. Emotion is healthy! So long as we process it and we learn to listen to each other, that's important. Frozen needed to work harder than that instead of "BIG HUG OKAY LET'S FORGET THIS!" Yeah that cut song probably shouldn't have been cut but Disney can't stop doing the "lol musical" meta either. And this could get longer but then that gets into Elsa's half as well. To be honest... Once Upon a Time, much maligned as it is? It does a pretty decent job expressing Elsa and Anna's post Frozen feelings and I somewhat love how on edge they are. I really believe these are sisters who would die for each other despite their ups and downs and have fought for each other. They have differences but that does not stop them. It's something I know Frozen can (and eventually does) achieve but it struggles to get a footing. Also just Anna really deserves more than to have Do You Wanna Build a Snowman, much as I love that song and whisper "Do you wanna hide a body" to my boyfriend like the sadist I am. I could mention surprise villains but that's been done to death. People have covered why Disney needed to be more firm with Elsa having anxiety if that's what they wanted to do. Generally I'm beating a dead horse here. Any problems I've had, so many other people have had them. Hey Elsa, you know what queens did? Arranged their sisters marriages so don't give me that "marrying in a day" shit. Frozen 2 does address some of my irritations which is great! But... that is not the point of a sequel. A sequel should be building on the story and not fixing the holes. Sure we can clarify some things but I should see some new story and a lot of it! I should have been enjoying Kristoff and Anna getting closer! And I have...no idea what we do with Elsa because those problems needed to be addressed then so we start a new story for her. I've lost how count how many times I watched Frozen. My nieces were enamored with the movie and then we had a little trip to Disney World. Weren't huge fans after that. I tried to watch it without them because it was only fair to do so. ...Did this turn into a pseudo Anna defense post? Oh my god. Oh my god it's a secret Anna defense post. You know I'd argue that Elsa doesn't get a good way to process her feelings, either and I'm equally angry about that. Generally every problem with any new "Disney Princess" movie is "why didn't you let the heroine have feelings and get to have healthy choices" and Elsa gets to share in that with Anna so... it's a defense post for her as well. It took me all day to write this. I hope I did right by you, anon. So many revisions. <3
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shae-ster93 · 6 years
Lazy Sunday
One Shot
T’Challa x BlackReader
Just some fluffy shit :)
In honor of @brianabreeze 4K Celebration Fest
Prompt: “Dance with me.”
You and T’Challa have a rare, Royal Duty-free day
Warnings: None
- 9:00 am
Wakandan sunlight entered your bedroom, giving everything in the royal chambers a warm, golden-brown glow. You felt the sun’s warmth on your shoulder and blinked your eyes open. You smiled. Turning over, you found your husband still asleep. You traced a fingernail up his spine and down his arm. You snuggled closer and placed gentle kisses on his bicep and shoulder.
“Good morning, love.” you cooed. T’Challa stirred and turned over to face you. He smiled and placed a kiss on your forehead. He opened his arms, allowing you to lay your head on his chest. He rubbed his hand along your shoulder giving it gentle squeezes.
“Same to you, Mrs. Udaku.” You both chuckled at the formal title.
“What should we do today?” you asked intertwining your fingers with his. “There’s nothing on the schedule for us to do. No royal duties. We have a free day.”
“So lets do ‘nothing’’.” He replied with a shrug. You picked your head up to look him in the eye not sure if he was kidding. “What? Days like today are rare, love. Let’s take advantage and spend it enjoying each others company. I’ll have our meals sent up. We don't have to leave the room. Lets be lazy.”
You smiled and placed a kiss on his chest. “I’d like that.”
- 10:00 am
The both of you sat on the adjoining balcony overlooking the beautiful Wakandan view. T’Challa had ordered breakfast to be sent to the room and you both enjoyed the meal prepared by the royal chefs. You sipped your orange juice and popped a grape in your mouth. 
He swallowed his bite of toast and looked up at you. “Yes?”
“How are you baby?” you asked. He smiled. “I’m fine. Although, I do wish my eggs were cooked a little longer.”
You laughed. “No baby. I meant how are you? You often have a lot on your plate... figuratively speaking. Being a King, a superhero, a brother, son....an eventual father?” T’Challa raised an eyebrow in your direction. You shook your head ‘ no’. You continued “How are you handling it? Does it get to be too much?”
T’Challa took a deep breath and reached for your hand. He stroked his thumb across the back of it. “sometimes, yes. I do get overwhelmed at all of my responsibilities but it was to be expected. I knew being a King was a lot of work. Look at my father, he went gray at 36!”
You snorted and ate another grape. T’Challa continued, “but that is what the council is for, to ease a little of the workload. I have a strong support system behind me. And a strong woman at my side.” He gave your hand a gentle squeeze. “I’m okay.”
You smiled. “If you say so, but you know all you have to do is say the word and I’ll pack our shit and we’ll get the hell outta dodge.”
T’Challa chuckled. “I’ll be sure to let you know.”
- 11:10 am
“Oh yes baby, right there.” you moaned as T’Challa scratched shampoo into your scalp causing your eyes to slightly roll back into your head. T’Challa smiled and kissed your full lips swallowing another moan. 
“Okay, okay. Time to rinse.” The King gently pushed you under the running shower water. You threw your head back allowing the hot water to run over your head. T’Challa took advantage of your exposed neck and began to suck on your sweet spot. 
“Baby,” you whined. “I still have to put the conditioner in.”
“Go ahead, I’m not stopping you.” He replied in between sucks and kisses to your throat. You poured a dollop of conditioner into your palm and lathered it into your hair. You wrapped a cap around your hair to let the product set in.
“Okay, now I’ll just leave this in for about fifteen minutes.”
“Fifteen minutes?” Challa asked.
“Yeah, why?” you questioned. He effortlessly picked you up and wrapped your legs around his waist. He pinned you to the shower wall and attacked your neck with more kisses. 
“It’s not a lot of time but I’ll make it work.”
You bit your bottom lip and let the water run over both of your bodies while T’Challa continued exploring your slick body with his mouth and hands.
-12:15 pm
“Cinderella was my favorite Disney princess. You know Prince Charming, Fairy Godmother and all that jazz.”
T’Challa hummed in response, concentration plastered on his face as he sat at your feet painting on a second coat of white nail polish to your toes. You rubbed some oil into his scalp and finished your thought. 
“But ever since ‘The Princess and the Frog’ Tiana’s been my fave. She’s smart, headstrong, she didn't need a man to save her, plus, she was from NOLA, AND she could throw down in the kitchen?!? I stan. Tiana’s bomb.” You sighed in awe.
“Tiana. I like that name.” T’Challa spoke softly as he blew on your toes while lightly tracing the trail of tattooed stars on your foot with his finger. You finished oiling his scalp and lifted his chin with your finger.
“One day baby.” You blew him a kiss. The topic of children had often come up but you both decided to take your time and enjoy being married. Although, after 14 months, Shuri was itching for a niece or nephew to spoil. T’Challa went back to your toes, now painting on the top coat.
“What I don't understand,” he began “is why she spent most of the movie as an animal. What gives?”
“I know right?!” You hallway shouted. “Some bullshit if you ask me.”
- 1:00 pm
Once again, the King of Wakanda had ordered for your meals to be sent to the bedroom. The lunch was mostly eaten in silence with a few stolen glances here and there. Along with a few blown kisses and a couple of winks.
You watched your husband enjoy his meal and asked yourself how you got to be so lucky. God knew what he was doing when He sent T’Challa to you. And for that, you were forever thankful. 
You reached across the table and took his hand in yours. He smiled warmly at you and you returned it. “I love you.”
He gripped your hand tighter. “I love you more.”
- 2:00 pm
“Esh, how long is this stuff supposed to stay on?” T’Challa whined resisting the urge to scratch his face. You had the bright idea to do couples facials and you were enjoying it significantly more than your husband.
You looked over at your man and fought the urge to chuckle at his charcoal covered face. “Ah ah, leave it!” you scolded. “It stays on until its tacky and rubbery. Just a few more minutes babe.”
“I don't see why I had to wear this mask..” Challa complained. “My pores are fine. In pristine condition.” He continued making the ‘OK’ sign with his fingers.
You rolled your eyes. “Sure.” *DING!*
“Okay baby, ready to peel it off?” you asked. The next ten minutes were spent painstakingly peeling off the concoction from your faces. you winced with every pull of the dried mask. “why? Why did I think this was a good idea?”
“Agreed. Am I still going to have face skin when this is all said and done?” T’Challa asked tugging at his own mask.
You sucked your teeth and gave him the side eye. “Face skin?”
“Ey, this was your bright id- ohh hold on.” You glanced at your husband to see he had freed himself of the mask and was now rubbing his face. “My face is a lot softer,” he examined the sheath of charcoal in his hands. “and it did remove some gunk out of my pores.”
You looked at yourself in the mirror, your face still halfway covered in the mask. You rubbed your cheek and gasped. “You’re right! She is smooth under here hunty.” You did some mock poses in front of the glass.
“Now I just have to get the res-”
You shrieked. “BABY!!”
“What? It had to be done quickly, like a bandage.” The King said shrugging.
“Is my cheek still there?!?”
- 4:25 pm
You snuggled under T’Challa and shoved another handful of popcorn into your mouth. You had convinced him to watch ‘The Princess and the Frog; because after all, he owed you. He did almost snatch your face off. 
“Be careful love, you’ll get popcorn in the bed.”
“I’m always careful. Now shush, movie’s on.”
He chuckled and pulled you closer to his chest. You were so enthralled with the television that you didn't notice him sneaking glances at you as you watched the movie. Watching you enjoy yourself was one of his greatest pleasures. He’d watch whatever you wanted if it made you happy. Even if the movie was created for children. 
T’Challa stroked his chin “I like that Charlotte isn't in-your-face about her riches...well, not as in your face as she could be. She’s not the bratty rich kid you typically see in these types of programs.”
You nodded in agreement. “Exactly, even though she and Tiana come from different sides of the track, she doesn't make a big show of it. You can tell she really cares for her best friend. She’s a rare one.”
You looked up at your King. “Just like someone else I know.”
He blew you a kiss and you gave a wink back before turning your attention back to the movie.
- 6:30 pm
“Babe, you’re getting paint on the floor.” You looked at the mess your husband was making. Brushes and paint droplets were scattered on the bedroom floor.
The King waved you off, “It’s fine. It can be cleaned.”
The sun had begun to set on your beautiful country and you husband thought it would be fun to paint the sunset. He’d ordered canvases, brushes, and a variety of other art supplies to be sent to the room. 
“Meh, I guess.” you replied with a shrug. “Are you almost done?” you asked.
“Aaannnd there. Now I am.” he said matter of factly. “On three?”
You nodded. “One...two....THREE!” You both turned your respective canvases and studied each other’s work. T’Challa’s take on the sunset was a nice oil painting while you opted for a more watercolored effect. 
You nodded slowly. “Not bad chief, not bad at all.”
T’Challa slung an arm around your shoulder. “Not bad for you either.” You both smiled at each other. “Shall we hang them?”
You smile grew bigger. “Absolutely.”
- 8:30 pm
For the last time that day, you and T’Challa sat on your spacious balcony and had a meal. This time enjoying the delicious lemon butter chicken, steamed vegetables, and roasted potatoes the chef’s had prepared for dinner.
You looked up at your husband to see him already staring at you. “What’s wrong baby?” you asked.
He cleared his throat. “I was wondering, would you be opposed to doing this, say, once a month?”
“doing what?”
“This. Today.” He took a napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth before finishing. “I really enjoyed spending the day with you today. Just me and you. no council, no meetings. It was just what I needed. Maybe you too?”
You nodded. “I agree. It was nice having the day to ourselves.”
“So what do you say? We clear our schedules for one day a month?”
You raised your glass of champagne. “To lazy Sundays.”
T’Challa raised his glass and clinked it to yours. “To lazy Sundays.”
-10:20 pm
You sat on top of your shared bed perched against your pillows dressed in a tank top and shorts with your hair in a messy bun atop your head. Your reading glasses sat on the tip of your nose as you scrolled through The ShadeRoom’s Instagram. You giggled at the posts on their funniest tweets of the week’ segment completely oblivious to what your husband was doing a few feet away.
It wasn't until you heard the familiar opening chimes of Jodeci’s ‘Forever My Lady’ that you looked up from your phone. You saw T’Challa standing by the record player with his eyes focused on you and he wore that crooked smile that you loved so much.
“Oh no.” you playfully groaned covering your face with your hands hiding your blush.
“Stop it, stop it.” T’Challa walked over to you with his arms extended. “Come here. Dance with me.”
So you’re having my baby
And it means so much to me
There’s nothing more precious
Than to raise a family
You stood up and allowed yourself to be embraced by your loving husband. Letting him gently sway you back and forth.
“If there’s any doubt in your mind, you can count on me.” T’Challa sang along to the music still rocking you back and forth.
“Ah, look at you. Brushing up on your 90′s R&B I see.”
“A little bit,” T’Challa said with a laugh “It’s very comforting and extremely sexy. I can see how many children were conceived to this music. Especially that R. Kelly.”
You laughed loudly “Yeah, R. Kelly will set the mood alright.’
Forever my lady
It’s like a dream
I'm holding you close
You’re keeping me warm
If this is ecstasy
“Do you know how I danced with my father as a little girl?”
“Hmm, show me.”
You kicked you pink slippers off your feet and gently stood on the tops of T’Challa’s feet.
“Ah, I see.” T’Challa balanced you on top of his feet and continued swaying you about the room. you head laid on his chest and you listened to his heartbeat as it matched the rhythm of the music.
The two of you stayed like this, even as the next few songs began to play:
‘All I Do Is Think of You’
‘This Woman’s Work‘
The two of you were serenaded by the sensual sounds of R&B and truthfully, you could’ve stayed like that forever.
- 11:05 pm
Back in bed, you and T’Challa were resting against the pillows, your head on his chest as he silently read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Between the World and Me.
You traced a finger around his nipple absentmindedly and ran your fingernails along his chest.
“Will you read to me?” you asked before yawning. 
T’Challa looked down at you. “Are you sure? It’s not really a bedtime story, love.”
“I know. But I like the sound of your voice. Plus, it’ll help me fall asleep.”
“Oh, so my talking puts you to sleep eh?”
You playfully smacked his chest. “Just read.”
-”but this banality of violence can never excuse America, because America makes no claim to the banal. America believes itself exceptional...”
You felt your eyelids getting heavier the longer he spoke. You yawned again and continued to listen, eventually letting sleep take you.
T’Challa noticed your light snores and kissed your forehead. “Goodnight, sithandwa sam.”
Tags: @brianabreeze @kumkaniudaku @sarahboseman @dramaqueenamby @royallyprincesslilly @afro-royalty @avengersandlovers @sisterwifeudaku @elixirtchalla @eerythingisshaka @ororowrites @dreamingoftchalla @bosemanforever @captiansaveasmut
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annamaetion · 7 years
30 OTP Questions Answered For Dakavendish
Because I was bored, I answered all of them.
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?
Cavendish thinks it’s him, because he finds himself picking up the check at restaurants. However Dakota is probably having to spend a lot of money on shipping paradox Dakota’s to the island, unbeknownst to Cavendish.
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap?
Dakota probably falls asleep pretty easily if he’s warm and feels safe, so yeah.
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes?
Dakota clearly tells us he doesn’t wear much on Sundays (much to Cavendish’s chagrin).
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?
I don’t think either of the guys are really bad about going to sleep at a reasonable time. (If only because neither likes to sleep without the other)
5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies?
This one’s a tough question because we’ve not really gotten any indication that either of them cooks. Milo’s done more on screen cooking than ,I believe, any other character (adult or otherwise) sure...it’s his show but that feels odd somehow.
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”?
I think either of them can admit to similarities that they see between these prompts and their relationship.
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?
I really love the idea that Dakota constantly gives Cavendish his track suit jacket because Cavendish gets cold really easily.
8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?”
Cavendish runs errands and is the one constantly asking if Dakota remembered to get something he needed.
9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?
Cavendish is often the one driving on missions, and when Dakota does drive its often on simple ‘milk-runs’ when they’re not driving for any specific reason. However, after what we’ll term ‘the mustard on the steering wheel’ incident, I don’t see Cavendish willingly allowing Dakota to drive for a while.
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws?
I don’t think either of them draw all that much? But Cavendish probably wouldn’t mind being a life drawing reference?
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips?
While not back-flipping per-say, I think Cavendish would exaggeratedly duck and weave through lasers while Dakota just follows casually behind eating a bag of chips he got from a vending machine.
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?
Neither drinks I think, if they do it’s not to excess (this is a Disney show, after all)
13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?
Well we outright see Dakota surprise Cavendish with ‘borrowed’ experimental time devices because he thought he it would be fun to play with them.
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?
Dakota 100%. “Hiya, Vinnie Cavendish...Dakota. Vinnie Dakota, nice to meet you.”
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside?
Cavendish is wigged out by insects but since Dakota values all living things Cavendish doesn’t squash them. Both of them find themselves corralling various bugs outside of their apartment/flat
16: Which one gives the other their jacket?
Dakota totally gives Cavendish his jacket all of the time. I have it in my head that Cavendish gets cold really easy.
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling?
I don’t think either of them have met any of the others family...so.
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other?
It depends on the scenario I think, especially since I think Cavendish has got to come to terms with his feelings himself first.
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting?
They’re both Honorary Time Uncles To Milo (and his friends, to a point) Cavendish is the disciplinarian, but isn’t above having fun when Dakota ropes him into it.
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?
Cavendish doesn’t like texting but when he does it’s always full sentences and proper spelling (With the British spellings, like ‘colour’) And Dakota’s texts are like 75% Old-School Emojis. XD)
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them?
Their boss and fellow time agents are constantly berating both of them, so they find themselves constantly coming to the defense of the other.
22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?
Dakota loves making puns and jokes and always explains them if he’s not sure you immediately appreciated them. He sometimes doesn’t even go for the more obvious pins too. (I mean: “I’ve got a clock face for a face, you get it? I got hands on my face, I’m hand—some”)
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy?
Cavendish has totally been surprised with a stray animal that Dakota’s brought home at least once. Also they’ve totally adopted Catvendish and you cannot convince me otherwise.
24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired?
That’s not really their thing? I mean Dakota loves giving piggy back rides to Milo (in my mind anyhow) but like neither one of them really would be able to carry the other on their shoulders for any real length of time.
25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering?
Cavendish would probably do something in the realm of a classical musical event with his concert piano skills. Dakota doesn’t follow proper appreciation etiquette when he starts cheering. Cavendish will give a golf clap unless he’s really excited then he’s just as energetic as Dakota when celebrating.
26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder?
Dakota takes the selfies, Cavendish rolls his eyes at the notion of taking a ‘self portrait’ at arms length like in a stuffy ‘you kids and your technology’ sort of way, but he thinks the pictures are cute.
27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked?
UH... I feel neither would ask.
28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of?
Again, neither.
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains?
Cavendish, cause he’s the taller of the two and it’s less strain for him to hold it. If Dakota were to hold it he’d have to extend his arm constantly to make sure to not hit Cavendish with the umbrella.
30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures?
Well, they had a whole day where they ditched work and went around on a boat, went bungee-jumping and all sorts of other stuff.
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