#kill nazis kill terfs kill rich assholes etc yeah w you on that but not people that don't harm anyone
zoekrystall · 1 year
Since a tweet put me in a short rage state here's a reminder if you do not care abt disabled people and just like. Your fellow humans in general. In this still ongoing pandemic then I do not want you near me. Keep masking get the vaccines.
Since our german government absolutely sucks at this and also the usa and various other ones is here a compilation of studies in case you don't know abt them. If being unaware or lies made you stop then my hatred is purely aimed at the ones that made you believe that and not you.
I have such a burning hatred for the govs anyways how likely most already do but this just amplified it for me. I cannot believe I thought germany would handle it better. Hate hate hate living in hell state bavaria.
(could prob write this neater but I am awake since 24h and will pass out now before splatfest focus but needed to get this out. under the cut is just angry talk. I want to keep the tumblr blog positive for the majority but welp)
I am like the only person still masking at the places I have to go to and I genuinely got nothing but hatred left after three fucking years. Am I disabled myself? I wouldn't be suprised if my ed worsened things but would personally still count myself as abled. Albeit less than a normal healthy one around my age. But either way it does not matter.
Why the fuck is it so hard to fucking care about others and not yourself why the fuck is a jab and a mask such a huge problem for some I am genuinely at the point where I want to push a knife through their heart and whatnot. Why the absolute hell should I still be nice to people that talk absolutely heartless about the death of others bc "oh they were already old/disabled/prob had smth anyways". Not a single life is disposable. An ex friend said oh they don't care if they themself die bc depression and like sorry not sorry but while this is an explanation is this absolutely not an excuse. If you get it can you give it to others who did not fucking consent to get roped into your death wish. Maybe I was too mean to him but it got tried nicer for months and it did not work. As if I can still spare any niceness. I want to strangle everyone who goes welp it doesn't concern me the most tho. Next to like all those fucking governments.
I got it once it was "mild" but I either way do not want it ever again or want to ever give it to literally anyone.
How I said yeah sure maybe nicer but I do have to admit I still wear this as some badge of honor.
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Ig you don't ever want to talk with me one on one abt this if you don't do anything. Other alters are nicer. That or way too burned out to even start anything anymore. In a pandemic do actions speak louder than words. I also just want to state I did in the end get him to wear a mask at least w me but I highly doubt he did when with others. Literally yanked him to make him stop so he first put his mask on I will absolutely get handsy. Glad he's gone.
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