#This is a mass eugenics event
zoekrystall · 1 year
Since a tweet put me in a short rage state here's a reminder if you do not care abt disabled people and just like. Your fellow humans in general. In this still ongoing pandemic then I do not want you near me. Keep masking get the vaccines.
Since our german government absolutely sucks at this and also the usa and various other ones is here a compilation of studies in case you don't know abt them. If being unaware or lies made you stop then my hatred is purely aimed at the ones that made you believe that and not you.
I have such a burning hatred for the govs anyways how likely most already do but this just amplified it for me. I cannot believe I thought germany would handle it better. Hate hate hate living in hell state bavaria.
(could prob write this neater but I am awake since 24h and will pass out now before splatfest focus but needed to get this out. under the cut is just angry talk. I want to keep the tumblr blog positive for the majority but welp)
I am like the only person still masking at the places I have to go to and I genuinely got nothing but hatred left after three fucking years. Am I disabled myself? I wouldn't be suprised if my ed worsened things but would personally still count myself as abled. Albeit less than a normal healthy one around my age. But either way it does not matter.
Why the fuck is it so hard to fucking care about others and not yourself why the fuck is a jab and a mask such a huge problem for some I am genuinely at the point where I want to push a knife through their heart and whatnot. Why the absolute hell should I still be nice to people that talk absolutely heartless about the death of others bc "oh they were already old/disabled/prob had smth anyways". Not a single life is disposable. An ex friend said oh they don't care if they themself die bc depression and like sorry not sorry but while this is an explanation is this absolutely not an excuse. If you get it can you give it to others who did not fucking consent to get roped into your death wish. Maybe I was too mean to him but it got tried nicer for months and it did not work. As if I can still spare any niceness. I want to strangle everyone who goes welp it doesn't concern me the most tho. Next to like all those fucking governments.
I got it once it was "mild" but I either way do not want it ever again or want to ever give it to literally anyone.
How I said yeah sure maybe nicer but I do have to admit I still wear this as some badge of honor.
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Ig you don't ever want to talk with me one on one abt this if you don't do anything. Other alters are nicer. That or way too burned out to even start anything anymore. In a pandemic do actions speak louder than words. I also just want to state I did in the end get him to wear a mask at least w me but I highly doubt he did when with others. Literally yanked him to make him stop so he first put his mask on I will absolutely get handsy. Glad he's gone.
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neuroticboyfriend · 10 months
the genocide of palestine is a mass disabling event. if you said this about COVID, you need to be saying it now, too. you cannot only care when there are dead. you must care about the living - the suffering and the disabled, too.
this is one of the most grave examples of what disabled activists mean when we say that our suffering does not mean we do not deserve to live. giving voice to suffering and uplifting those speaking on it does not mean disabled people should not exist.
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free. and so will all her disabled people. they will live - even the dead will live on in the survivors. we must do everything in our power for there to be as many survivors as possible.
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verschlimmbesserung · 1 month
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inter-volve · 1 year
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Okay, @sihatn wishes to be so hung up on the particular war crime the Israeli government is using to excessively slaughter innocent Palestinian civilians, so let’s explain the difference between Genocide, Ethnocide, and Ethnic Cleansing:
Genocide: the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group
Examples: The Armenian Genocide (where the term actually originates), the Shoah/Holocaust, Taíno Genocide, and Rwandan Genocide to name a few.
I have seen some Zionists on this platform and on Instagram argue that Israel cannot be committing Genocide because it is a “very specific instance in history that only includes the Holocaust”. That fact is ardently incorrect. For one, the first event to be called a Genocide and where the term was coined was the Armenian Genocide and countless events have been labeled a Genocide since 1943/1944 when the term was initially coined (including events coined after the fact that had already happened like the aforementioned Taíno Genocide).
Ethnocide: the deliberate and systematic destruction of the culture of an ethnic group or nation without deliberately killing large numbers of people within that ethnic group or nation
Think “kill the Indian, save the man”, the American and Canadian policy against American Indian tribes and First Nations that sought to forcibly assimilate them into W.A.S.P. culture. A similar policy occurred in Hawaii during the “Republic of Hawaii” and “Territory of Hawaii” days, and even the destruction of Yiddish Culture by Zionists in Israel who feared it for being “too Middle Eastern”. Most Re-Education camps fall in this category too.
Ethic Cleansing: the mass expulsion or killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in a society
This term is relatively new and was coined in the aftermath of the collapse of Yugoslavia and Serbia’s treatment of Croats, Bosnians, and other ethnic minorities, as well as the Stalinist movement of ethnic minorities to different SSRs.
Mass Homicide: the deliberate killing of a large number of people
The only distinction here is the people are not being killed because of their ethnicity or nation, but for ✨ other reasons ✨
Now here’s the kicker, most Zionists would say they are committing Ethnic Cleansing. They might not say it out right, because the term has a nasty connotation, but they will say they’re doing the definition of ethnic cleansing.
Some propaganda reblogging Zionists might claim that they’re just committing Mass Homicide but here’s the thing, almost every example of mass homicide being committed by one nation to another nation has been an example of one of the first three categories. The only real examples of Mass Homicide actually being Mass Homicide occur within a state (see Mao famines, Pol Pot’s mass killings, or the countless purging of communists or anti communists during the Cold War).
Some (wrong) historians may claim the Bengal Famine and Irish Potato Famine were examples of mass Homicide but here’s the thing, in both cases aid from other nations and governments were barred from entering the effected places because the UK forbid it. Food exports were forced to continue to come from Ireland and Bengal because the UK forced it. The reasons these famines were so severe was because the UK had a eugenics inspired belief that the Irish and Bengalis were “sub human animals” and “less deserving of food than the Brits”.
The Irish Potato Famine and Bengali Famine were Genocides, with famine being the preferred method of killing.
Was it intentional at first? Maybe not. Did it become intentional after the fact? Yes.
But this takes us to the most important point. The difference between Genocide, Ethnocide, and Ethnic Cleansing AND Mass Homicide is the intent.
But the intent isn’t truly known until after the fact, when internal government documents are released and the facts of the situation are holistically known.
The Jews/Poles/Romani/etc knew they were going through a Genocide (or well, they didn’t know the word, but they knew what was happening) but most of the outside world didn’t because the N@zis were secretive about it. Yes some activists and Jewish/Polish/Romani/etc diaspora groups warned other governments, but these other governments (US, UK, USSR, China, France, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Italy even) were skeptical.
We don’t full know intent now, but given Herzl and Jabotinsky’s rhetoric which essentially established modern day Zionism and the Israeli state, and the establishment of Area C for Israeli settlement after conflict in the West Bank, the fact that Israel has threatened a Second Nakba, an event internationally acknowledged as ethnic cleansing, the fact that there are oil reserves underneath Gaza and the forcing of 2 million people into an airport sized camp would allow Israel to open up drilling where the ruins of Gaza city lay, or the fact that Israel is an Ethnonationalist country that relies on the superiority of Israelis over Palestinians and other neighbouring countries in order to exist makes the intent known to those of us familiar with the history of this conflict.
Ok ok ok ok ok here’s where I M. Night Shyamalan this whole thing: Genocide, Ethnocide, and Ethnic Cleansing are all the same crime according to multinational organizations like the United Nations. They are all Genocide.
All Ethnocides are Genocides, but not all Genocides are Ethnocides.
All Ethnic Cleansings are Genocides, but not all Genocides are Ethnic Cleansings.
The Nakba was an Ethnic Cleansing, therefore the Nakba was a Genocide.
The Netanyahu administration claims that their on going attack on Gaza is a “new Nakba”.
Nakba = Ethnic Cleansing = Genocide
The Netanyahu administration claims that their on going attack on Gaza is a “new Genocide”.
Genocide carries with it negative connotations. If the term was as widely used in 1944 as it is today, Hitler would deny genocide allegations, just as the Turkish continue to deny genocide allegations from the Armenian Genocide, why the Japanese continue to deny Genocide Allegations during their rule of Korea, Taiwan, parts of Micronesia, Manchuria, and Nanjing. Why the British refuse to acknowledge the Irish Potato Famine or Bengal Famine as Genocides. Why the conservative right want to ban the teaching of American genocides against countless groups (namely Native Americans, African Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Chicanos). And why Zionists get so offended when you refer to the actions of Israel as a Genocide.
Those who commit Genocide will never acknowledge that they are committing genocide. The fact that the current mainstream Zionist reaction, like @sihatn, is to deny that the ongoing genocide exists just proves that one is happening… if the horrific videos didn’t prove it enough (this one is from an American pro Israel source, but it doesn’t not take long to find ones from individuals in Gaza)
In conclusion, Israel is committing a genocide, and if you say otherwise, you are blinded by Ethnonationalism just like the Germans were in the 30s/40s, the Turks were during the 10s/20s and onward, the Brits were for (well forever), and the American right wing is.
If you don’t acknowledge the fact that Israel is committing a Genocide you are part of the problem shawty, and it’s not a good look 😬
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bonefall · 4 months
i saw one design where they gave her what this person described as "a hapsburg jaw, because incest lol" and the way i physically recoiled
I am keeping a personal folder of fucked up shit people have been saying about Moonpaw (with the names of posters removed). Some of the things I've seen and screenshotted include;
A person hoping that Moonpaw "dies of inbreeding complications to make the Erins face the consequences of their actions." As if she's a real person the writing team has no control over?? The ink on the page is going to die of incest???
Open calls and wishes for a "mass extinction event" in ThunderClan because "we need to kill them off" for being too genetically unhealthy
Delight and revelry in the fact that Moonpaw's chimerism probably comes from inbreeding, often paired with conflating chimerism with mosaicism
LOTS of jokes about "ugly, misshapen, deformed" Moonpaw, some saying she would be mentally impaired, even comparing her to unethically bred animals because her parents are "practically siblings."
So forgive me for having a hunch that these people don't actually give a shit about the victims of incestuous abuse. I've got a feeling they just want an acceptable target to make ableist comments about. Something tells me they might not think eugenics isn't all too bad if it's done against populations they think are "actually" undesirable.
These jokes and comments are not fucking funny and the fact that some of these are the very top of the Moonpaw tag makes me sick. I NEVER want to hear these ghouls complain about the tangled family tree ever again if your reason for it being bad isn't because of intense social control or authorial carelessness, but because it might produce ugly and/or disabled people. Wither and rot.
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wanderh3art · 4 months
i am too communist for syscourse bullshit.
even if the coexistence of multiple beings in one body ONLY exists as a biological reaction to chronic stress—a colonial imperialist viewpoint—it is counterproductive to gatekeep plurality on that basis
humans bodies are specialized for community and play. human bodies are NOT specialized to do labor for multiple hours every day. human bodies are NOT specialized to live under the "work or die" paradigm.
there is not a being alive on this planet not feeling some of the environmental stress of living in a world undergoing a manmade mass extinction event
and the vast majority of people i know are struggling to make ends meet. pressure is building, it's been building for awhile.
depression is rampant, and still undercounted. given how many people actively lie to therapists i think it's no joke fair to say the vast majority of people in my country, especially same age peers, are dealing with a chronic anxiety disorder and/or mood disorder
and we've all been going through it since we were young, right? how many of us had friends who were and are fully okay? chronic stress, anxiety, and/or depression since childhood are literally traumatizing.
in the united states, children have no rights. the american education system is traumatizing by design. it teaches youth how to be deprived of rights.
"but multiplicity is an extremely rare phenomenon"
Nope, it isn't. It simply isn't. Even by official metrics (which are always undercounts when it comes to stigmatized diagnoses), DID diagnoses are more common than red hair.
Psychistry lied. Psychiatry stigmatized plurality as a part of its colonial agenda to police ideas of self, body, and spirituality that don't fit into the western imperial dogma of One Self One Reason One God But Don't Think About That Last One Too Hard.
so listen. i don't actually give a fuck about scientific research into the "etiology" of my existence as a being, i find that offensive and adjacent to eugenics in mindset.
why am i here? well you see i'm an ex-imaginary shadow siren. i came here through the television while my then 5yo host was playing the thousand year door, i used to be an imaginary friend made out of shadows, i can operate in shared reality and also hold these beliefs about my self concept, it's not impossible.
even IF i thought there was a legitimate line of inquiry to be made into the "etiology" of multiple beings existing in one body
where is the untraumatized control group?
first off, you cannot accurately control for trauma or for particular types of trauma in this world. you just can't.
even if you could somehow only survey very honest people, i have had more than one clinician literally ignore me about not having had certain kinds of trauma and tell me that i must have experienced that trauma bc i'm multiple. so how the fuck can we trust these people's data on what causes multiplicity and plurality?
second off, everyone is traumatized. psychiatry and pop psychiatry lied about there being a meaningful divide between weak victims and resilient survivors too. - Vivian 🔥
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Looming vs. Natural Reproduction - what on Gallifrey's going on here?
aka What is looming and how does it exist alongside natural reproduction?
As the first of the trending topics, GIL's noticed some confusion about the concept of looming vs. natural reproduction in Gallifreyans. Have no fear; GIL's here to help.
🧬 What is looming?
It's a bit like 3D printing, but for people. These Rassilon-created Genetic Loom Breeding-Engines weave new Gallifreyans from a mix of matter and biodata. Looms produce Gallifreyans of all genders, (though females are loomed slightly less frequently). Each House has its unique Loom, which embeds familial traits into its creations.
❓ Why is looming a thing?
The invention of Looms was Rassilon’s grand solution to a serious problem. Following the catastrophic Curse of Pythia, Gallifrey faced extinction. The Looms became lifelines, ensuring the continuity of Gallifreyan civilisation.
🔮 What is the Curse of Pythia?
The Pythias were a kind of magical matriarchal monarchy, with rulers known as Pythias ruling over ancient Gallifrey in succession. Pythia number 309 (out of 309) was elbowed out by Rassilon. She was, understandably, really hacked off. She condemned Gallifrey to wither and then threw herself into the Crevasse of Memories That Will Be, never to be seen again. This 'withering' is known as the 'Curse of Pythia'. It resulted in mass sterility of Gallifreyans - supposedly instantly killing babies in their mother's wombs, and preventing any Gallifreyan from reproducing naturally from that point forward.
🍷 So Gallifreyans used to reproduce naturally?
Yes. Before the sterility curse, Gallifreyans reproduced just like humans, with a little wine, a candlelit dinner and maybe an album by Barry White.
✨ So does this 'Curse' still exist?
No. The apparent lifting of Pythia's curse was marked by Leela's pregnancy (yes, THAT Leela), which hailed a return to natural reproduction among Gallifreyans. Others besides Leela have also been able to reproduce naturally.
🔄 So what method do they use?
This blend of technological and biological means of reproduction leaves Gallifreyans in a unique position. They could use both methods depending on social, political, or personal factors.
🧐It can't all be that simple, GIL ...
Wow, you've been here before, haven't you?
There are accounts that the supposed 'Curse of Pythia' didn't actually come from Pythia.
Self-inflicted: Some say it was a side-effect of a massive time tech experiment that went awry.
It never existed: Others suggest there never was a curse. Rassilon, seeking absolute control, concocted a narrative to enforce a sterile, controllable society, eradicating the unpredictability of natural birth and driving forward eugenics in his perfect society.
🏫 So ...
Thus, the plot thickens. Were Gallifreyans always capable of natural reproduction but held back by societal constructs and fear? Did Leela's pregnancy unveil a truth long buried or simply reawaken a dormant biological ability? That's up to you.
But of course, GIL denies this version of events, cos how else would we get the funding for all the biscuits in the canteen from the High Council? Praise Rassilon!
How to acquire a Loom?: Practical guide to acquiring a loom, legally or not.
What are the top ten Houses for weird biology?: How Houses affect biological traits in Gallifreyan society, ranked by weirdness.
Why is Rassilon everywhere?: Who Rassilon is and why he’s so important.
Hope that helped! 😃
More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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pangeen · 2 years
The Penrose process:
(also called Penrose mechanism) is theorised by Sir Roger Penrose as a means whereby energy can be extracted from a rotating black hole. The process takes advantage of the ergosphere --- a region of spacetime around the black hole dragged by its rotation faster than the speed of light, meaning that from the point of an outside observer any matter inside is forced to move in the direction of the rotation of the black hole.
In the process, a working body falls into the ergosphere. At its lowest point the body fires a propellant backwards; however, to a faraway observer both seem to continue to move forward due to frame-dragging (albeit at different speeds). The propellant, being slowed, falls to the event horizon of the black hole. And the remains of the body, being sped up, fly away with an excess of energy.
The maximum amount of energy gain possible for a single particle decay via the original (or classical) Penrose process is 20.7% of its mass in the case of an uncharged black hole (assuming the best case of maximal rotation of the black hole). The energy is taken from the rotation of the black hole, so there is a limit on how much energy one can extract by Penrose process and similar strategies (for an uncharged black hole no more than 29% of its original mass; larger efficiencies are possible for charged rotating black holes).
Via Wikipedia
Animation:  © Eugene Pylinsky
Throat singing: The Gyuto Monks of Tibet
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anarchotahdigism · 7 months
I know i say "wear a mask and riot" and "fuck a peaceful protest" but I'd had a nice long post about how digital work and advocacy is praxis (or can be) on my old account. Right now, COVID is spreading and killing thousands of people in the US alone and nearly all """radicals""""" and """""leftists"""" are philosophically no different than the fascists they claim to oppose because they are so thoroughly wedded to eugenics that they refuse to wear and enforce masking. COVID causes long COVID in 10-30% of cases so the so-called US alone may well be a majority disabled nation now due to rampant eugenics forcing the spread of COVID. Long COVID is a rotting death and makes everything an order of magnitude more difficult if you still are able to do the things you were prior. Repeated COVID infections means you're guaranteed to be immunocompromised permanently and disabled in other ways you'll likely find out the hard way. With 40% of cases being asymptomatic and most only showing severe symptoms after 2-3 infections, and many starting to drop dead after 3 to 5 infections, many people accrue damage from and spread COVID without realizing it until it is far, far too late. As a result, it's guaranteed that the ableists have disabled and killed people. They've kept disabled people like me who are high risk out of radical spaces & communities. They've abandoned solidarity for everyone but the abled, ableist middle class while focusing most of their efforts on electoralism, despite the clear and constant failures of such actions. The BLM Rebellion of 2020-2021 had significant---albeit broadly temporary--impacts on electoral politics, society, and communities because it was a constant and ongoing rebellion that was also much more disability inclusive than prior leftist movement moments. For the first time, people recognized the need for remote actions & support because while masking was at the high water mark, more abled people understood that a lot of us disabled could not and would not risk COVID but we had had skills vital to the project. Things disabled people were absolutely critical for during the BLM Rebellion: police scanner observation and transcription, evacuation coordination, event & route planning, translation services, postering, graphics art & design, self defense seminars, radio nets, mutual aid fundraising, mutual aid distribution, bail fund coordination, zine writing, mask & test distributions, contact tracing (remember this??!??!), car brigades, organizing medical supplies, teaching first aid skills, and countless other roles often organized & performed remotely. For every fighter, there are at least a dozen support roles and with some thought and effort, those roles can be aided or done digitally. Posting on its own can be praxis in that it shares information, knowledge, tactics, demonstrates that there are other radicals out there willing to do what they can, normalizes radicalism, and in some cases, regimes pay close attention to internet support.
During the height of the Jina Amini rebellion in 2022, the Iranian regime tried to cut the internet repeatedly to stifle information out of and into Iran to hinder protest coordination and outrage. It also paid extremely close attention to when the rebellion was trending and refrained from reprisals until the mass attention of the internet citizenry turned away. Posting literally helped save lives by forcing the regime to wait, buying people time to organize, prepare, and act accordingly in Iran and internationally. Personally, I will always remember and be grateful for the Palestinians who turned out across the world, but especially in occupied Palestine, for Iranians. Iran is not the only regime that will wait until posts slacken and attention wanes before massacring people. If you are disabled, if you have arrest risks, if for any reasons you don't want to be involved in a radical riot, but you want to support those who can and do, there is so much you can do year round but especially things kick off!! Any skills, resources, knowledge, or support you can organize or contribute is valuable! eSims for Gaza right now are monumental in ensuring Gazans can coordinate information, requests, record Israeli occupation war crimes & apartheid cruelty, and many disabled graphics designers are offering their services in exchange for esim donations. It's been incredible to see.
The people who are against digital activism are ableist and racist and ignorant as hell beyond that. You can make an impact and even save and change lives while homebound. Begging genociders to stop profitable genocides has never and will never work. Riots & boycotts work because they directly confront and attack power and if those actions are supported by communities, they can continue for quite some time, as we saw with the BLM uprising. Regimes do not fall because people ask regime leaders to please stop committing atrocities; they fall when the people are able to bring to bear the sum of their hopes and wrath and bring the fight to those who have been oppressing them. That requires inclusive community & an outright rejection of the regime and its systems of cooptation & recuperation.
If a revolution or movement isn't inclusive, if it excludes the disabled, the poor, the marginalized, the oppressed, it's not a revolution or movement, it's just another genocidal regime change.
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gramaphonejammin · 1 month
This drabble exists only because I was compelled by the sheer enjoyment this scenario brought me. I joked on @swifty-fox 's beautiful beautiful Brady art that he is my sweet Catholic boy and if he lived in the modern day would love being involved in the gay community building part of his local church. Hence this short modern AU! Drabble was born. Brady's characterization is largely inspired by "understanding in a plane crash" but he has slightly less issues bc he got access to the socialist Catholics at like age 18. So obv this is dedicated to Swifty-Fox for the brain worms!
(Brief Catholic explanation: the Catholic church is really big globally, in cities each church community is divided up into "parishes" where one or more priests manages that local community. Pastoral councils are volunteer/community groups that advise the parish on certain social issues and run events etc. In the modern day there are growing numbers of LGBTQIA+ groups that seek to create belonging and advocate for change in the church. I'm a part of one and think John would be too. Cue comedy.)
A once-white plastic fan that’s been pulled to the end of its cord up to the plastic folding table is the only thing fighting against the oppressive late evening heat. This meeting should have ended an hour ago and John Brady knows it’s at least partially his fault.
John sighs, wiping his forehead with a handkerchief, “we are not changing the entrance hymn and I’m not budging on that.”
Thanks to this very pastoral council, their parish has been hosting a bi-monthly LGBTQIA+ affirming Saturday evening mass for years. Working with this fine group of people has been so good for John (or at least that’s what his husband tells him) but sometimes some of them can get on his nerves.
John is not even sure how they got to this topic. The entrance hymn has worked just fine for the past eight years, does it really have to change now? If anything, they should be talking about getting some A/C installed in this church. But this is the discussion they’re having, and John intends on finishing it.
Eugene, a retired older gentleman sitting across from John, is his main opponent. “I just don’t understand why not, it could be good to have a change. Spice things up!”
“It. Sets. The. Tone,” John says. Really, he’s the one who leads the church choir every mass you’d think they’d trust his musical opinions.
John looks around the table for back-up and realizes he’s almost out of luck. With summer vacations in full swing, there’s only five of them at tonight’s post-mass meeting and everyone (other than Eugene and John, of course) seem too tired to put effort into wrapping this argument up.
River, the youngest member of the group, is very clearly on their phone. David, Eugenes husband, is hopeless. (John doesn’t have anything against David, in fact he bakes wonderful shortbread, but he is Eugene’s husband and therefore a coward.)
John turns to his last hope sitting beside him and stares at her imploringly until she speaks without looking up from the rosary she’s thumbing, “we should listen to little John, he is usually right.” A Filipino grandmother to a transgender son, Mary Evangeline is the one voice of reason that John can always count on.
“Well, that’s two voices against one and—” before Eugene can interrupt him, John’s phone begins to buzz in his pocket. It’s his husband, “hold that thought, Eugene, I have to take this.” John rushes into the hallway and answers.
DeMarco’s smooth voice comes across clear and bright through the speaker. “There a battle going on down there?”
John laughs and silently sends a thank you to The Lord for gifting him this wonderful man. Benny knows him better than he knows himself. “And what makes you say that?”
“Could there be another reason why you’re late?”
“You know I don’t mean to fight I just—”
“Don’t like being wrong. I know.” John can hear the smug smile in his tone.
“I’m not wrong, that’s the thing.”
“You never are, dear. But it is getting late and I was expecting to spend my Saturday evening on the couch with you.”
Out of the corner of his eye he can see Father George shuffling down the hallways towards him.
“Sorry, love, I have to go. I’ll be home soon, I love you.”
“I love you, too. Play nice now!”
John hangs up just as Father George sidles up to his side, out of breath from the walk, “hello dear Bernard, are you all still here? It’s nearly 9!”
Pleasantly plump with tiny wisps of white hair and small rectangle metal glasses, Father George is the oldest priest in their parish and no matter how many times he earnestly gets his parishioners names mixed up no one has the heart to correct him. John, like everyone else in the parish, knows that that Father George has a weakness for treats and likely came by the meeting hall looking for any leftovers he could nibble on before going to bed.
“Yes, Father. But we are just wrapping up and will head home soon. There’s still some carrot cake that David baked left that you’re very welcome to, Father.”
“Now that, my child, is an offer I cannot refuse.”
Father George walks into the meeting hall alongside John to a chorus of hello Father. The Father walks over to the slices of carrot cake with intent and John watches aghast as Eugene turns to speak to Father George. That sneaky rat.
“Father George, you know that we’ve had ‘All Are Welcome’ as our entrance hymn for song long now and I was thinking that it would be great if—”
“Oh! I just love that hymn. What a joy it is to hear it!” Using the plastic fork he’s just grabbed as a mock-baton he starts singing in his nice but age-roughened voice, “let us build a house where love can dwell and all can safely live…all are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place!” Father George chuckles at the soft clapping he gets from River for his impromptu performance. “Now what were you saying about our entrance hymn, my son?”
Eugene looks defeated, “nothing Father,” he says. John smiles. Victory.
Time to get home to Benny.
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fallloverfic · 1 year
"Nimona" fandom informational rundown
New to the fandom and a bit confused about things? Hopefully this will help!
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Nimona was a webcomic by Nate Diana Stevenson/ND Stevenson that was first shown on tumblr on December 14, 2011, and Nate later launched it as an official webcomic on its own website on June 19, 2012. It was contracted for publication post-completion as a graphic novel sometime before November 1, 2012. The webcomic finished online publication on September 30, 2014. Shortly afterward, most of the webcomic was taken down as part of the contractual agreement for publication as a physical graphic novel, leaving only a short bit of the opening as a preview. The website for the webcomic later went down entirely, and is no longer accessible.
The comic was published in entirety as a single graphic novel on May 12, 2015. The movie adaptation rights were sold to Fox in 2015, as well, and the project was given to Blue Sky Studios. The comic was later adapted into a full cast audiobook on October 4, 2016. The graphic novel is available for purchase in paperback, hardcover, and as an ebook, and the audiobook is also available for purchase. (The link has international seller links). The graphic novel has been translated into 16 languages. It is also available in a special edition English hardcover via Illumicrate. They only ship from the UK, but ship internationally, and you don't need a subscription to buy the book. As the standard graphic novel and audiobook are ~7+ years old now, if you have a local library, you can see if either of them are available that way.
Disney bought 20th Century Fox Animation (later 20th Century Animation, the purchase completed in 2019), but later shut down Blue Sky Studios in 2021, cancelling the still-in-production movie. Crew worked on shopping the movie around for a new home after talks with Disney. The movie was later picked up and completed by Annapurna, DNEG, and Netflix, premiered June 14, 2023 in France, showed in select theaters starting principally on June 23, 2023, and released to general audiences on Netflix for streaming on June 30, 2023. I have more info on this here.
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In English, Nimona is voiced by Chloë Grace Moretz, Ballister Boldheart is voiced by Riz Ahmed, and Ambrosius Goldenloin is voiced by Eugene Lee Yang.
If you're looking for official merch, the movie soundtrack is up on multiple platforms, including YouTube, iOS, Spotify, and Amazon, and a vinyl version of the soundtrack was sold by iam8bit. There is an official humanoid Nimona plushie, a whale Nimona plushie, and a shark Nimona plushie, available via Gee and Hot Topic, as well as a variety of official shirts available via Hot Topic and Amazon (just search Brand: Nimona). Nate also still sells "Nimona" comic art on his INPRNT store.
Netflix released a free-to-read digital-only multimedia 358-page artbook for the movie (but took it down in March 2024). (It's also been released at least for crew/friends of crew(?) in physical release, so maybe it'll get mass release as a hardcover). Outside of this, a lot of the crew for the movie from both Blue Sky and DNEG have been releasing a ton of concept art and development stuff, and the cast and crew have been doing a lot of promotional interviews and videos going back through like April 2023, so there's a lot of material to look through on YouTube, tiktok, tumblr, twitter, Instagram, Facebook/Meta, and Vimeo, as well as various news and media sites. Nate is active on tumblr, his personal blog, twitter, and Instagram. Annapurna, DNEG, and Netflix also have multiple accounts on many platforms, including their own websites, YouTube, Facebook/Meta, and Twitter, and have been sharing clips and behind the scenes stuff.
Nimona actually has been added to a video game: Nimona was included as an event companion in SharkBite 2, a Roblox game.
If you're looking for fanworks, the fandom is active on most platforms, and has been ever since Nate started posting early art of the characters. Nate's talked at length in multiple places about how big the fandom was during the webcomic's publication. Mostly back then folks were very active in the Disqus comments on pages, which are a bit harder to find these days. There's a lot of the older comic fanart still circulating in different places (particularly tumblr, where the fandom was most active), some of which Nate reblogged. There is crossover between the comic and movie fandoms, as many fans of the comic love the movie and vice versa, and both fandoms are quite active. There is at least one active subreddit and fanwiki (and many others on assorted fantasy, comic, movie, and non-English language sites), as well as TV Tropes pages for both the comic and movie adaptation and a number of Discord servers.
For fanfiction, there are a ton of fics on Archive of Our Own in the comic tag and in the movie adaptation tag. There are also a number of fics on tumblr, some fics on fanfiction.net, and some on Wattpad. There are fanvids on tiktok, Instagram, and YouTube. There is fanart on tumblr, twitter, deviantart, instagram, and pixiv. There are cosplayers, meta analysts, roleplayers, music makers, and many other fanworkers
Some tags to use/browse for posts on tumblr and other sites:
Nimona fanart
Nimona comic
Nimona movie
Ballister Blackheart
Ballister Boldheart
Ambrosius Goldenloin
Meredith Blitzmeyer
Ballister x Ambrosius / Goldenheart / Boldloin / Boldenloin / Blackenloin / Blackloin / Goldheart
Will update this post as I come across new things.
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mayra-quijotescx · 1 year
A properly worn N95/KN95 will also protect you from doxxing attempts.
Leading with the conclusion I desperately want my fellow queer people to arrive at as Pride events start kicking off, because I know once I keep talking about how we're still in a plague, eyes will start rolling, but if you're going to take the government at its word that there is no more pandemic emergency (you shouldn't, they have literally never been trustworthy when it comes to queer public health because they see more of us dying as a good thing), at least protect yourself and others against the uptick in fascist violence against us by covering your face and helping others do the same so y'all can't be picked out of photos and hunted down after the parade/storytime/whatever.
I would be a lot happier if queer people would lead by example in terms of pandemic mitigation and inclusion of immunocompromised folks without having to be begged to do so, especially given our community's storied history of having to fight an autoimmune pandemic/mass death and disablement event effectively unassisted for over a decade while the bodies of our loved ones stacked up and conservatives joked about it being 'god's will'... but it unfortunately bears repeating that COVID is a mass death, mass disabling pandemic, there is no cure for Long COVID, and politicians didn't end COVID mitigations ASAP because it's safe to, they did it because it's cheaper to (and because marginalized populations have a higher mortality rate. Win/win, and all that's needed for the continued success of this informal eugenics program is for everyone to keep accepting the comfortable lie that it's over or that it's 'part of life' now.)
But if somehow none of that bothers you, please at least mask up so some dipshit with a camera who wants you dead can't just immediately get cracking on ruining your life. No face, no case.
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methed-up-marxist · 5 months
"We Communists are all dead men on leave. Of this I am fully aware. I do not know if you will extend my leave or whether I shall have to join Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. In any case I await your verdict with composure and inner serenity. For I know that, whatever your verdict, events cannot be stopped. The Prosecuting Counsel believes that the leaders incited the masses. But just as leaders could not prevent the mistakes of the masses under the pseudo-Soviet Republic, so the disappearance of one or other of the leaders will under no circumstances hold up the movement." -1919, Eugen Levine's last words at his trial
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hyumjim · 4 days
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Very intelligent german person, very serious: eugenics is a left-wing movement. I can’t think of a single event in history that involved mass murder of disabled people by a fascist government. I’m sure if there was such a thing that the people doing the murdering were very liberal. The Nazis were liberal #lowkey
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The first question about January 6 was asked at minute 41.
Donald Trump replied with a barrage of crazy lies, ending by seeming to blame Nancy Pelosi’s documentarian daughter.
Then, just to be fair, CNN moderator Jake Tapper followed up with a question to President Joe Biden. Did he really mean to imply that Trump’s voters were a danger to democracy? Biden fumbled the answer, as he fumbled so many other answers. The octogenarian president delivered a fiasco of a performance on the Atlanta debate stage. But the fiasco was not his alone.
Everything about the event was designed to blur the choice before Americans. Both candidates—the serving president and the convicted felon—were addressed as “President.” The questions treated an attempted coup d’état as one issue out of many. The candidates were left to police or fail to police the truth of each other’s statements; it was nobody else’s business.
It may be no coincidence that the modern television presidential debate was born at a time of national political consensus. In 1960, John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon presented a choice very familiar to viewers in the days of three big channels and a limited number of mass-market products: You could choose Crest or Colgate, two very similar products to meet a similar need. One might be a little mintier, the other a little spicier, but both did the job. Now we live in a very different world, a world in which the choice is much more existential—and yet we retain the Crest-versus-Colgate format.
How could it be otherwise? We live in a political culture in which some of us think the supreme issue of our time was an attempted violent overthrow of the Constitution, while other Americans think it was Hunter Biden’s laptop. There are means and institutions to arbitrate those differences. That’s what elections do. But television debates cannot do it, because television debates don’t happen unless they get buy-in from both sides. Therefore, television debates are designed necessarily to ratify the concept of “both sides.”
Ferocious controversy will probably now erupt over Biden’s leadership of the Democratic Party. We’ll hear all kinds of plans to swap him out somehow. Maybe those plans will be workable, but probably not. Through the uproar, it will be important to keep in mind that this election is not about Biden. It’s about you and your commitments and your values. Biden is just the instrument. Like any instrument, he’s imperfect. But better an imperfect instrument than a would-be autocrat who demands a cult of personality.
A century ago, the socialist leader (and presidential candidate) Eugene V. Debs rebuked followers who idolized him: “I would not lead you into the promised land if I could, because if I led you in, someone else would lead you out. You must use your heads as well as your hands, and get yourself out of your present condition.”
Against the threat of Trump, Americans must save themselves. The job of doing so cannot be delegated to some charismatic savior—and anyway, that charismatic savior has yet to present himself or herself. Television always wants to reduce active human beings to passive viewers. The presidential-debate format has especially served this purpose: “Do I prefer the candidate in the red tie or the blue one?”
This most recent debate has taught the danger of spectatorship. The job of saving democracy from Trump will be done not by an old man on a gaudy stage, but by those who care that their democracy be saved. Biden’s evident frailties have aggravated that job and made it more difficult, but they have also clarified whose job it is. Not his. Yours.
David Frum is a staff writer at The Atlantic.
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