#kill the monster with pitchforks and half of it don't even know why they just want blood
justaholeinmysoul · 1 year
Experts could be wrong but too many people just voice their wrong, emotionally driven, personal, science devoid opinions as facts and too many agree with the coldest takes because they're easier or more popular
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ampedupkaon · 6 months
World of our own chapter 10
Title: And if only they could feel it too, the happiness I feel with you
“Are you going to those two's place again?” Annie winced at the voice. Her father sounded like he was annoyed with her.
“Yes father.” Annie answered.
“Annie... you need to stop this madness. Those two are...”
“My friends. Who deserve none of the abuse hurled at them by the other villagers.” She pointed out, a tiny bit annoyed. More than a tiny bit annoyed; but she could hardly argue with her own father.
“Be careful. Demons are known to eat souls and...”
“Those two won't eat my soul. They're my friends.” Annie said to her father over her shoulder as she went out of the door. She knew where she was going; right to her two friends' place. Because... she wanted the two of them to realise their feelings for each other. Though... if he plucked up a bit more courage... he'd probably say it. Annie was rooting for him. Quit daydreaming and go see them. She scolded herself, heading up to their door and knocking on it. She got a 'come in' and did so.
“Morning Annie.” Derieri was grinning, though Annie wasn't sure why. She made her way over and then saw why. Monspeet wasn't awake yet.
“How should I wake him?” Kiss him, on the lips. Annie thought, not daring to say it.
“Shake his shoulder.” She suggested instead. Derieri climbed on the bed beside him and shook his shoulder. She didn't see how he reacted.
“We've got a visitor.” The other girl told him. That got him to sit up.
“Did we make plans today?” He asked.
“I came round to ask if you felt like a walk in the woods.” Annie asked them. She got an affirmative noise from the other girl almost straight away. He gave her a look.
“Can I put some clothes on first?” Annie nodded and headed outside so he could. She listened at the door.
“Derieri... I know you've already seen it... but can I have a little privacy?”
“Maybe I want to see it.” Annie could picture his cheeks going red at the other girl's words. Obviously, they'd worked something out, because they came out to join her after a couple of moments. She started walking, glancing back after a little bit to check she was still being followed.
“Look what's coming in.” Annie thought they meant her and waved innocently at the villagers.
“You ain't welcome here, freaks!” One of them shouted.
“We don't need monsters like you!” Shouted another. She half expected rocks... or pitchforks to appear from nowhere.
“I don't know why Annie puts up with you! All you pests do is munch souls and...” Annie felt rage bubbling up inside her. How dare they!
“Monsters!” Her friends did not need to put up with this. They did not! Half of it wasn't even true anyway!
“You're just biding your time, aren't you? You creeps wait until everyone's guard is down and then swoop in and kill everyone!”
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“Leave them alone!” Annie had had enough of this and shouted at all of them. She had several shocked looks turned on her and felt nervous. Everyone was looking at her.
“You corrupt the innocent too, I see.” One of them muttered, noises of assent coming from the others.
“Would you be doing this if they were goddesses like we first thought?” Annie asked.
“The fact is they aren't goddesses though, are they? They're filthy demons.”
“And they are also the reason there isn't a bear plaguing the village any more.” Which she knew was true. Monspeet and Derieri had dealt with the bear. She also suspected that the two of them had eaten it, but that was not a helpful fact.
“And they've been helping with errands around the village; just like anyone else does.” Annie felt an odd smugness when they all shut up and actually listened to her.
“You don't like them? Fine. That doesn't mean they need abuse hurled at them for walking through town. Especially not when you can just ignore their presence if it offends you so much.” She was right, she knew she was. Her friends had done nothing to earn this abuse. The villagers all headed off, leaving her and her friends in the middle of town. Whether they'd bother her friends again was another matter entirely... but she knew she'd made her point.
“Thank you.”
“Yeah, thanks.” Thanks from both Monspeet and Derieri surprised her.
“What are you thanking me for?” She asked, completely confused.
“For defending us.” He told her.
“Why wouldn't I? You're my friends. And they were being horrible to you for no reason.”
“They do have cause. We've done...”
“Not while you've been here you haven't. Everyone has their sins. The skeletons in their closets. And... you two are my friends; whatever the sins you carry.” Annie told them. She got a soft smile from Monspeet and a grin from Derieri.
“Now that half the village has finished hurling insults...” She heard a snort and then giggling.
“Walk in the woods.” Derieri remarked. She then realised the giggling had been Monspeet. She started walking towards the woods; her friends following behind her, hand in hand. A quick glance over her shoulder told her he was holding the other girl by the hand made of darkness. Annie headed towards the stream, her friends following her. Once they'd joined her in the clearing, she decided it was time to give them a little alone time.
“I'm going to look for flowers.” She told them, wandering off. She hid behind a tree with a wide trunk, listening to what was going on. She could peek around the tree without being spotted by either of them as well.
“Not sure where she's going. There's flowers around here.” Derieri shook her head, grinning in amusement.
“Perhaps they aren't what she's looking for. They would look nice...” Annie wasn't sure what he did, but there was a small squeak from the other girl at it.
“Like this.” She now dared peek. Monspeet had tucked a flower behind Derieri's ear and was stroking her hair. It was only when he stopped that he spoke again.
“Beautiful...” Annie saw the other girl's cheeks go pink.
“I'm not...” She grumbled.
“I say otherwise. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And you're beautiful in my eyes.” Annie bit her lip so she didn't squeal. That was so cute! And... it was so the right moment for him to give her a kiss; so why wasn't he?
“Why the compliments? Not that... they're not appreciated.”
“You deserve to be reminded how beautiful you are. And how strong and sweet and...” Annie heard a yelp and wondered what had happened. She peeked around the tree again.
“Quit it you sap.” Derieri complained, before splashing water at him. Based on the glare this earned her... that had been what she'd done to get him to yelp.
“You sure you want to do this?” Monspeet had a mischievous look in his eyes. The ginger girl flicked more water at him in answer.
“Remember you asked for this.” He started splashing water too, making shrieks and screams erupt from her. Annie grinned, deciding to leave them to it. She had to actually pick flowers or they'd wonder what she'd been doing. She found a few interesting sprigs nearby and arranged them to make a small bouquet. She made her way back into the clearing, finding both of them rather wet. She found it quite funny that their hair still stuck up even while damp.
“Did you two fall in the stream? You're soaked!” Annie chose to remark as though she hadn't seen what had gone on.
“Splash fight. I won.” Derieri smirked. Monspeet looked like he wanted to dispute the fact. As far as she could tell... they'd both lost.
“And now both of you need to get changed into dry clothes.” She pointed out.
“Or stay at home while these clothes dry by the fire.” Annie smiled at the soft look being shared between the two of them at his words. She knew what that meant.
“Let's go back to your place then.” Annie got a couple of nods; so headed back that way. This time, his hand clasped her flesh hand. He... holds both of her hands... Annie cooed; that was adorable. If she'd been closer to the two of them; she'd have saw that their fingers were interlocked as well, properly clasped together. She stilled by their door, guessing their wet clothes would quickly be shed once they'd gone inside. Both of them appeared and she held out the flowers.
“For you two. For being such good friends.” And adorable together. She added in her head. Monspeet was the one who collected them from her, Derieri waving with the hand not clasped in his. Annie waved back, before heading home. To her at least, her two friends looked like a cute couple. Now would be the point, in the literature she sometimes read, that he'd kiss his partner. Sadly... the two of them just headed inside.
AN: After their splash fight, both of them have soaking wet tops on and neither of them are wearing darkness underneath their clothes. Monspeet appreciates this more than Derieri does; but she still likes it! The title of this chapter is from 'Love Will Find A Way' which is from The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride (You can tell which series of Disney films are my favourite, can't you?).
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP Meme Lines from "AHS: Coven" Episode 13: "The Seven Wonders"
I've chosen caviar from the Caspian Sea served on blinis along with champagne as fitting stand-ins as we partake of our own last supper.
When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I understood like a child, I thought like a child. But when I became a woman, I put aside childish things.
Put aside fears, reservations and petty things.
Kick ass tomorrow.
What if I can't do it?
Almost sounds like you want it.
Commonly only known to the public as mind control. It's a tricky little craft. When properly exercised, can bend the strongest of wills to your desire.
Nobody controls my mind but me.
Knock it off!
Ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
Well done.
I'm not done.
Now, lick it.
That's enough. Let's move on.
Having fun yet?
If your soul hasn't returned to your body by sunup, you'll die.
You're the first to return.
It was horrible. I was stuck on a network musical. It was a live version of The Sound of Music. I wasn't even the lead.
I'm right here, it's okay.
Freak. You're a freak.
No, I don't wanna kill a living thing.
No, you can't make me kill a living thing.
We have to help her.
There's nothing we can do.
Follow my voice.
You're a stone-cold bitch.
When you play with fire, you get burned.
Tag, you're it.
Gotcha. No tag-backs.
Can't we just have a little fun?
Suck it. Ha-ha-ha!
Nothing's happening.
What's "deserve" got to do with any of this?
So either crown me or kiss my ass.
I can feel all their eyes on me.
Maybe we deserve to die out.
Why did you leave me? You said you'd never leave me
My mother was always right.
How true is it that a prophet is never recognized in his own country?
Well, I guess it's different when it's your own family.
You have royal blood in your veins.
I was a fool not to have realized it earlier, seeking all this time in the dust for that which may have been right before us all along.
You must let it out.
I'd stake your life on it.
I'm not stupid.
Are you ready?
What did you see?
This thing started as a competition. I say we end it like one.
Divination. Let's rock.
This is stupid. I'm not doing it.
Let me show you real power.
Divination first.
We're doing this by the book.
I'm sick of your book.
I have so many powers, I could tear this room apart until there's nothing left but your little trinkets, but, no, I have to do this bullshit.
There's something in the thing.
Because the game is rigged, [NAME]. Wake up.
You would accuse us of chicanery?
I didn't even wanna come here.
I'm going back to Hollywood where people are normal.
I suggest you change the locks, because when I tell TMZ everything it won't be long before torches, pitchforks, and Molotov cocktails become a real big part of your day.
Peace out!
What do you want, dumb-ass?
You let her die.
Why did you let her die?
You know that dark place! We've both been there!
I did it for us.
You're not that good an actress.
No one will wonder where the body went once we bury her.
Since your extraordinary public statement last month there has been quite a bit of fanfare.
We are not a cult. We don't proselytize. We have no agenda. We're not recruiting.
Women who identify as witches are born as such and their abilities, which we call powers are part of who they are, part of their DNA, if you will.
So in fact, you're saying that it's not a choice, being a witch.
There are so many young witches who have resisted their calling because they're afraid of how they may be perceived, or what's expected of them.
But you know, when you hide in the shadows, you are less visible, you have less protection.
We'll always be targets for the ignorant. It is what it is.
There is a home and a family waiting for you.
I'm so proud of you.
Start by telling them that being an authority figure requires you to make hard, unpopular decisions for the greater good.
Your tasteful modesty is out of fashion, so knock it off.
Thanks to you, we're entering a new era.
You've planted the seeds but in order to reap their harvest, you have to clear the rot of the past.
I love your metaphors, but I have no idea what you're talking about.
I'm not suggesting. I'm insisting.
You want to be burned at the stake?
At the start of your glorious reign the last thing you need is an ABSCAM or Watergate.
I killed and I must pay for it.
I didn't hear this.
I've made many painful mistakes in my life. I want my death to have some meaning.
Stiff upper lip, my dear.
You cannot be a hypocrite. I won't stand for it.
Any last words?
I'm excited. I wanna get in there and show what I can do.
You gotta check this shit out. Line's around the block.
We'll buy more houses if we have to.
I got your back.
Should we open the doors now?
There's just one more thing I need to deal with.
I saw you die.
You men, with your fragile egos.
We still have a deal, babe.
I'm going to Paris for just a couple days.
Why? Why would she decide to do that?
I mean, it won't be pleasant for you. But if you do it right, I promise you the world.
I'm gonna put something inside you.
What happens when I wake up from this vision?
If you're gonna offer me your spit, I'll take it straight from the spigot.
I ruined a perfectly good pair of Jimmy Chaos.
I knew you'd get rid of him for me, once he served his purpose.
Whose blood was it?
I never killed anybody. Not yet.
That was the plan. Let you do the dirty work.
You didn't come here to kill me.
You were hoping I'd put you out of your misery, but I don't need to. You're close. I doubt you'll make it through the night.
Is that why you were always so awful to me? Because you knew I was going to take your power some day?
A woman becomes a mother, she can't help but see her mortality in that cherubic little face.
Every time I looked at you, I saw my own death.
You were a constant reminder of my worst fears.
Oh, and all this time, I thought you just didn't like me.
It was nothing personal, darling.
I loved you plenty, though. Just my own way. Which, I'll admit, had its limitations.
I can feel the power vibrating off of you.
It feels good, doesn't it?
I have to die for you to truly live.
I'm not crying over you. I'm crying for me.
You were the monster in every one of my closets.
A lifetime spent either trying to prove myself to you, get close to you, or get away from you.
God knows you'll do a better job of it than I ever did though you won't look half as good doing it.
For God's sake, have mercy on me. Put me out of my misery. I hurt everywhere.
You're scared, maybe for the first time in your life.
You have to do this alone. And the only way out is through. So feel the fear and the pain. Let it all in and then let it all go.
I don't think we ever hugged.
You're up. I hope you're hungry.
Oh, get those goddamn things out of my face.
Why you always gotta be like this?
I'm tired of fighting.
How long have we been here?
If you want a stiff one, come over here.
Don't be vulgar.
Maybe you ought to lay off the sauce for a while.
Drink in the fresh air.
I can't spend eternity here.
This place it reeks of fish and cat piss.
I'm in heaven.
All right, let's open the doors.
We survived. Up until now, that's all we've done.
I know together we can do more than survive. It's our time to thrive.
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