#killing luci is probably a valid life choice though tbh
flownintothesun · 11 months
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𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐍, 𝐖𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐃 '𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋' on Westley and Marin in particular...should probably know that their husband ( @batteredoptimist 's Muriel) is 6'8, loves them to bits and has several verses where he's a trained killer. Good luck. 😂😘♡
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Winn Schott - He Protects the Stars (a S1 masterpost)
Me, rambling about my favorite cape-less hero, in chronological order. This is an appreciation post for anything and everything I can mention and that is all.
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Episodic breakdowns under the cut.
This post will be reblogged as I add in episodes.
1x01, Pilot
Jack-of-all-trades #1: Head IT Guy at CatCo
Does not push after being turned down for a date. (which, btw, considering how her dates goes, I can’t help but think Kara would have had much more fun having a chill friends night watching a movie with Winn)
Immediately ready to listen to whatever Kara is about to confess and validates her trust, and accepts his friend for exactly who she is - all the time??? #supportive friend
Jack-of-all-trades #2: Tailor (later says that “the Supergirl suit sucked” but that Kara didn’t need it to be amazing anyway.) Still. Makes her supersuit after a few...errors. Also works on this project for days to get it right.
Jack-of-all-trades #3: Hacker
Admits when he’s wrong: “a cape aids in aerodynamics!”
1x02, Stronger Together
tbh, Winn doesn’t get a lot of attention in this episode but
Encourages Kara after her first big mess-up, telling her she’s going to get better, and everything will be ok. #supportive friend
Is Supergirl’s information source and cohort, helping her fight crimes. Can you imagine early Kara Danvers trying to decide which emergencies to respond to first? (Later joined by James) #hero
Obviously jealous of the obvious attraction between Kara and James, but keeps his distance and doesn’t make things difficult.
Jack-of-all-trades #4: Mathematician/Tactician, instantaneous rattling off of an ambulance weight and the amount of newton force Supergirl needs to use in order to, as James puts it, be gentle. #genius
1x03, Fight or Flight
Creates the team’s first base of operations.
Writes and implements an algorithm that is somehow capable of sweeping an ENTIRe CITY for traces of radiation??? So that Supergirl can find one particular villain?? #genius
“This isn’t on you, Kara.” #supportive friend
Is the one to find Krull. -Because of making a connection between radioactivity in Chernobyl and MOLD (it’s a real thing btw) #hero #genius
Steps in and saves Kara from getting in trouble with Cat. #supportive friend
Okay, but whether or not you ship them, Kara and Winn are having so much fun dancing in this scene, they are too happy. Also, making Kara laugh when she’s stressed. Also, looks to Kara when James interrupts and doesn’t make a fuss when his dance is stolen.
Jack-of-all-trades #5: Dancer - how many IT guys you know who are also comfortable on the dance floor
Empathetic/Perceiving: “Hey, you okay?” the second Kara walks in and he can tell something’s wrong, and then makes an effort to cheer her. #supportive friend
1x04, Livewire
Righteous indignation at Leslie’s slamming of Supergirl/her costume/everything.
Does his best to make that dinner go well for the Danvers. #supportive friend
His little “grateful to be included/thankful for you” speech.
1x05, How Does She Do It
watches the phones for Kara so she can go Supergirl stuff. #supportive friend
Jack-of-all-trades #6: Reluctant Babysitter - despite feeding Carter nothing but junk food, is actually the responsible one looking out for the kid the whole episode. -James sat in the same space and didn’t notice the kid leaving apparently, soooo.
apparently makes a habit of camping out in Cat Grant’s office to play video games on all her monitors???
“Winn, you’re getting killed.” - “Every day, kid.” will never not be a line that doesn’t hurt.
“Hey, you alright?” Empathetic/Perceiving again when James is having trouble with Lucy. #supportive friend
Figures out where Carter went immediately. #genius
Is trusted enough by Kara that she abandons intel to pursue something else on his word - and it pays off. #hero
Probably is responsible for Carter gaining a sense of humor.
1x06, Red Faced
Another too-small Winn episode
Is alarmed and against the idea of breaking into the DEO database - as one should be. “That’s treason!” Initially refuses, even knowing it would earn him points with Kara.
“You’re the only one that can help us.” Alex’s words, not mine.
Relents and hacks the DEO anyway for Alex and Jeremiah’s sake. (yes, Kara, pulling the dad card was a dirty pull) #supportive friend
Not relevant but: Winn just casually/insistently pushing James’ arm out of the way of his computer screen after James sits on his desk.
“Wait, does the robot fight mean that game night is cancelled?” #priorities
Finds out about Jeremiah, and is the one to figure out that Hank redacted the files. #genius
1x07, Human For A Day
No, wait, he actually is The Best IT Guy for the job: gets CatCo back up and running in a matter of a few hours after an earthquake. #genius
Supergirl’s #1 Fan and always takes offense when she’s snubbed.
“That’s the story. Ordinary people like you, used to doing mundane and small things, finding themselves in the midst of a crisis doing something extraordinary. Heroes.” Cat said it, not me.
So the first time I saw Winn’s reaction to Kara and James hugging, I thought he was being pretty selfish. But his first words are to remind Kara about Lucy. And even if it’s out of jealousy, he’s concerned. Because he is right when he says Kara can’t have a normal life - she’s shown she doesn’t want one. Winn, maybe better than James or Kara herself, understands what that means. The superhero doesn’t get the guy is a lesson he’s been teaching himself, so of course it’s going to be how he reacts. James has a girlfriend, and Kara would never be able to settle into a human existence.
Is stressed after answering phones for Kara for a bit, but is the one to communicate to an entire floor of trapped people what they need to do, and that they’re going to be rescued. #hero
Uses a screwdriver in the track to keep the elevator door open. Idk if you’ve ever worked with elevators, but that takes maneuvering. #genius
He reaaaaally doesn’t like heights guys.
-BUT pulls people out of the elevator shaft anyway. #hero
Can I just point out this is the second, and will not be the last, time Winn has watched his friend(s) plummet to their inevitable doom?
Not here to justify Winn’s rudeness at the end of the episode, but Kara getting all cuddly with the guy she’s attracted to when he has a steady girlfriend is not a good thing. If it were my friend, I’d be disappointed in them too.
1x08, Hostile Takeover
So not only does Cat call Winn a handsome little Hobbit, she trusts him, and knows that Kara does too. #she gets it
“No one knows the computer systems better than you.” Kara said it, not me.
“Shouldn’t we be focusing on the whole Psycho Aunt Astra is back in town for round two thing?” #priorities
I’m 95% certain Winn’s passive-aggressive turns in these few episodes was a red herring of foreshadowing him to be a villain and I’m vaguely disappointed they didn’t do it a little more because red herrings and foreshadowings are my fave.
If Winn was petty like people sometimes think, he wouldn’t be hanging out on his break with James. Anyone who has lunch or coffee breaks with coworkers knows this is true. #supportive friend
Comes up with the plan to get Armstrong’s files and evidence against him, and runs the whole operation. #genius #hero
“What are you guys doing here?” “Saving the day!” ...okay those were Winn’s own words but he’s not wrong.
gosh he looks so happy to be sticking it the man here #hero
“You did it.” ^_^ #supportive friend
1x09, Blood Bonds
A good Winnisode means additional hashtags
Not really relevant, but the whole scene where Kara is freaking out about being “normal” is genius and hysterical. “Are you having a sTROKE??”
When James says he didn’t find anything out from Max Lord, Winn immediately knows he’s hiding something, though Kara is oblivious, and immediately calls him out on it, though he waits for Kara to leave, giving James the benefit of the doubt. #the most empathetic character on television #genius
“Kara’s a little too trusting to notice when you’re lying, but I’m definitely not.” Not many people have given him a reason to trust them. #protect him
James: “they’re targeting Kryptonians” Winn: “Including Kara.” #supportive friend (Credit to James for being on the same page.)
James: “do you really want Kara to find out you let me do this all alone?” Um. No. Bad. #too loving and forgiving and easily manipulated for his own good
Hacks Max Lord’s "not state-of-the-art security, it Is The Art” security, in a matter of hours. #genius
“You can’t kick lasers, can you.” #the snark
Stands in the way and successfully stops Kara at her angriest, the most dangerous we’ve seen of her yet, from going after Max Lord in a blind rage and doing something terrible. Bonus of Kara yelling at James that “you can’t stop me” and turning to the doorway to find Winn blocking her path. #supportive friend #hero
!!! watch that scene again.
Kara: “I almost did something today that I would have regretted for the rest of my life.” J’onn: “What stopped you?” Kara: “My friends. The DEO keeps you human. They do that for me.” #hero #supportive friend
“Eh, it’s why you keep us around, right?” #self-deprecating smile
Can I just take a moment to appreciate Winn’s wardrobe? Especially that fine choice in pants. 10/10 Okay, we’re good.
1x10, Childish Things
Oh here we go, friends, here we go, this is gonna be long. Full disclosure this episode is mostly sucker-punched emotions
Winn’s voice introducing the episode, yes please.
*insert mini rant about how this is The Worst prison ever (discounting Arkham of course), with horrible safety and security procedures and it’s a wonder they kept the Toyman in there as long as they did*
kudos for casting Henry Czerny as Winn’s dad, he actually looks like he could be Winn’s dad
Winn already looks distracted and sad in his first scene, trying to figure out what the special toy delivery means.
*insert mini rant that Agent Chase is actually pretty incompetent as an Agent and that’s a crying shame*
Winn and Kara’s whole relationship in this episode is about not wanting to change something good. Winn didn’t tell her about his dad because he didn’t want her to pity him
“He wasn’t always crazy, in fact he was a good dad - he was normal.” This is one of the things that causes Winn so much pain, thinking his dad was fine and then just completely snapped without warning, that this could happen to Winn too. I need to point out that Winn is probably wrong, as everything we see about Winslow points directly to a history of emotional abuse and manipulation. I don’t think he was ever actually a good dad. This explains why Winn never sees it when his friends/others emotionally manipulate him now, as James, Mon-el, Alex, Kara, and Lyra have all done at least once. #too loving and forgiving and easily manipulated for his own good
All of the things Winn says describing his dad are things that Winn faces too, hence his fear of becoming like him. #protect him
“You have a homicidal maniac in the family too, so you know where I’m coming from.” #self-deprecating smile
Immediately confesses about the toy as soon as he talks to Kara. (Thank you Kara, yes good) #hero
Talking into the wire. #NERD (I can’t use that every time, just - he is a nerd.)
Wouldn’t confront his father without Kara’s support. #protect him
Creepy place, but makes me think about the time Winslow must have spent there with his son, playing games, and winning toys. Kudos for the sign that says “one way” pointing the other direction as Winn is walking in.
Immediately tells his dad to turn himself in. #hero
After everything, even hating his dad, Winn just wants to help him in the best way possible. #the most empathetic character on television
Feds burst in and Winn just wants to stop anyone from getting hurt. #hero
Kara’s really good in this episode, being a true BFF, have to put that out there. Regardless of their relationship particulars, she is very much the best thing that has happened to him. #supportive friend (Kara edition)
Crossing his arms defensively while talking to Agent Chase, but immediately relaxing his posture when talking to Kara.
Also: “Are you sure you’re alright?” #supportive friend #the most empathetic character on television
Kara’s “I don’t normally...inhale” may be the best line in the entirety of this show??? XD
Kudos to Jeremy Jordan for taking the extremely melodramatic line “this is my burden” and making it work.
Making corny jokes to get Kara to laugh when he’s the one who needs to be cheered up. #supportive friend
Figures out where his dad is, but despite not wanting to involve Kara, doesn’t do anything stupid, and instead waits to tell her so she, the superhero, can take care of it. #genius
Aside: Winslow Schott Sr is completely cracked like wow
Mad at himself for endangering Kara and immediately wants to call the feds. #priorities
“Well then what’s to stop it from happening to me?!” is so awful ouch. Also, Kara trying to console him and ending up saying exactly the wrong thing. Sucker. Punched. #protect him
This. Whole. Scene. Hurts. Too. Dang. Much. To. Talk. About.
I want to point out that the whole terrible kiss is not completely and only Winn’s fault. Yes, he kissed her. Yes, that was wrong. But he has been in no way subtle about his feelings for her, including: asking her out, telling her she’s what he’s grateful for, saying “this is why you’re not into me” right before finding out she was Supergirl, that little peck on the cheek, Kara saying things like “we’re linked too” and “I would be lost without you” and etc when he is in an extremely fragile emotional state. Yeah. Poor kids.
At once - AT ONCE - apologizes, and excuses himself and honestly with emotions that high, that’s the very best thing he could have done.
The whole scene between the two Schotts. Winslow pretending he cares even while he has his son drugged and tied to a chair. Nobody stole anything from Winn and his father except his father himself. #protect him
The conflicting fear and rage in Winn though. *flops*
“How did this happen to you” may be the most important question Winn has ever asked of anyone in his life, to understand how his dad could become this and if he might become it too, and his dad completely ignores him and doesn’t answer.
Winn: “I am nothing like you.” Winslow: “Don’t underestimate yourself.” That’s it. I’m dead.
The panic on his face as he looks at Dunholtz, his target, and the steely resolve that comes when he looks at a child, someone who will be hurt if he doesn’t go through with this.
And even then. Even then. Winn can’t bring himself to actually hurt someone. #hero
I still am not sure if he says “I’m sorry” to Dunholtz for going to shoot him, or if he says it for the entire room, because he can’t go through with the awful deed and it’s going to kill them all. #the most empathetic character on television
Even after all that stuff Winslow said, he very calmly and coolly activates the bombs that will kill everyone, including the son he pretends to care about, because it really is still all about himself, and about his revenge. #NOT COOL WINSLOW
Apologizes to Kara again and comes clean about it all finally, it’s out in the open. Good.
That sigh at the end. He’s so upset, but there’s also relief. He doesn’t have to hide anything anymore. Now whatever happens, happens. *hugs him*
Last thing: this line gets me every time, and I know it doesn’t mean a thing, but it’s there, it happened. Kara telling Alex: “I screwed up with Winn. I might have ruined something and I don’t know if I can fix it.” Fix it, kids, please. Because Kara and Winn as brotp or otp is life.
This is the longest episode breakdown of this post. You’re welcome??
And that’s all for Part 1 of the masterpost. Tumblr hates how long this has gotten, so I guess I’m going to make a Part 2 for the last half of the season. This line here will turn into a link once I have that post started.
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