#killing the monarch won’t solve monster racism
lil-oreo-crumbles · 4 months
I’m pretty sure this is a hot take/unpopular opinion in the Toffee fandom, but I’ve never been the fan of the theory/assumption that Toffee was framed for Comet’s death
I fully admit that the plot point was most likely thrown in there to completely demonize him in the eyes of the audience and make us sympathize with Moon (making his death more “deserved” (HEAVY airquotes) for general audiences), and it does feel random and out of character, but when you think about it, it does make sense why he’d be the culprit. You have to dig but he has at least two canon supported reasons for why he’d kill Comet Butterfly.
Now this isn’t commentary about if Toffee is taking orders from Seth, that’s a whole other conversation, but this is simply about the theory that Toffee didn’t have any part in her death (someone else did it) and he’s innocent of all charges.
I completely empathize with the theory, especially because the show demonizes him so much already and it’s just another scoop to add to the pile of “evil” he’s been boiled down to by the show, but Toffee was no doubt in my mind the one who made that blow on Comet.
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And he’s SO fucking proud of himself too
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