pizzaloops · 1 year
Pepperman, I know its probably your job to fight Peppino, but I have it on good authority that he could easily kick your ass. Maybe you should try to find a peaceful resolution, for your own sake.
{ his teeth grit together, grinding in a painfully forced grin }
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"'Kick my ass'? 'Easily'?! Pfft, 'for my own sake'… Come now! I may be more skilled with the arts of creation rather than destruction but even so! I'm quite capable, I assure you! Big, strong and plenty more than enough to take out that pest without issue!"
"And I've been anticipating this since the moment I woke up, you know! Business aside, that guy just rubs me the wrong way for some reason..."
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eway · 7 months
So I don't feel comfortable posting my Halloween Costume online because I don't want my face online. So I'ma tell ya right now, I'm going as an Inkling!
Tagging my mutuals (if I forgot anyone I am sorry)
@mysteriouslynn-art-and-ask-blog @supbreak20 @isummonedadragon @toastsoupyum @kid-az @deathbylag2 @simply-icarus @streetplants @miniaturefunguspatch @subakitheshapeshifter @cjcrossssy @soxiedibasil @just-an-otaku-fox @johnlocsin-johnyakuza @cat-boy-eve-nier @anth4rax @kimnowls @halfmoon-horse @alex-just-vibing @omorinintendoswitchedition @vilelittlecritter
Tell me what your Halloween costume is gonna be! And tag people too!
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fandom-meet-fanthem · 6 months
Nine people i’d like to get to know better ^.^
omg thank you sm for tagging me @artknifeandglue so happy to find another active kingsman blog in 2023 💖💖💖
Last Song: “BATTLE OF THE LARYNX” by Melanie Martinez
Favorite Color: It’s a tie between pink and black >.<
Last TV Show: “New Girl” which is currently on the television 🤣
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: All three. don’t make me pick i beg. i am a foodie and a black hole gimme all of them
Relationship Status: Single and newly celibate by choice, avoiding relationships and everything associated w them like the plague rn
Last Google: “dead dove do not eat” i searched that to find the arrested development clip it came from to explain to a coworker why people use that label for fanfiction 🤣🤣🤣
Current Obsession(s): the “Now You See Me” movies and paranormal investigation 👀
not tagging a full nine individuals but some people i see in my notifs i’d love to know more about ^.^ no pressure tho! @witches-unruly-heart @thyneighbors-wife @narcassistic-bitch @ughwaitwhat @kimnowls
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