philipchircop · 8 years
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“Your Kingdom Come” we pray each time we say the Our Father. Unlike earthly kingdoms with borders, checkpoints and boundaries, the kingdom of God knows no boundaries: 
Nationality? - It doesn’t matter.
Liberal? Conservative? - It doesn’t matter.
Ethnicity? - It doesn’t matter.
Language? - It doesn’t matter.
Age? - It doesn’t matter.
Skin colour? - It doesn’t matter.
Political affiliation? - It doesn’t matter.
Religious affiliation? - It doesn’t matter.
Economic status? - It doesn’t matter.
Traditional? Progressive? - It doesn’t matter.
Theological position? - It doesn’t matter.
Sexual orientation? - It doesn’t matter.
If the “Our Father” is to be believed, we Christians are bound by cords of grace not only to all human beings but also to our other siblings often forgotten, the winged and the finned, the four-legged and the crawling, and to all Creatures that “praise the Lord.” (Psalm 103:22 and Daniel 3:57-88).
That is why perhaps it would be beneficial to consider the word “kin-dom” instead of “kingdom”, hearing in the word an invitation to see a kin - a brother and a sister - in all our encounters.
Do you believe in a world where there are no opposing camps? A kin-dom in which the differences that would divide are less important than the One whose kin-dom it is. A kin-dom where disarmament and non-violence are necessary prerequisites for entrance. Are we ready to embrace the person whose differences we find objectionable? The one with whom we disagree? Are we really ready to pray this prayer?
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jjrodriguezv · 10 years
For the liberationist, the center of salvation in this physical-historical and spiritual reality is Christ the Liberator. His life and ministry focus on the reconciliation of social and spiritual ills through his death and resurrection. By presenting the Christ as a Liberator who fights and defeats the unjust status quo, liberationists are encouraged -and encourage- to do likewise. Our lives become wrapped up in the salvific vision inaugurated by Christ –though certainly not foreign to God’s character- as we push towards the full Kin-dom of God.
Jorge Juan Rodriguez V
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