#kind of just a lighting/scenery practice tbh
commoncoel · 10 months
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lazy morning
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haikyunicorn · 4 years
halloween with kuroo, iwa, asahi and suga
@mer92​ asked “Hiiii I've just started to follow you! Would it be possible to request HC for Kuroo, Iwa, Asahi and Suga on a Halloween date with their S/O? like what kind of costumes will they wear if they will be wearing matching costumes... Or if they would go to Halloween parties or just stay home? Thank you if you decide to write it down! 😊”
Hi, lovely! Thank you for following and requesting<3 it was very fun writing this! this is less plot-filled than my other hcs, i hope that’s ok with you
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kuroo tetsurou
Kuroo likes Halloween
He’s not super hyped up about it, but he loves playing scary pranks on his friends and then using Halloween as an excuse :)
He tells Lev and Inuoka that the boy’s toilet on the 2nd floor is haunted and do they believe him?? Absolutely, yes. 
He doesn’t mind going on spooky dates, either!
In fact, he’ll drag you to watch a horror film or stay up all night exchanging scary stories
He would also probably take you and the team “ghost hunting” around the school after volleyball practice when it’s dark and no one’s around
Nerd boy with his nerd costumes
He doesn’t want to spend too much effort or money in a costume he’s only going to wear once this year, but he doesn’t want a lame costume, either
He’d love to get matching costumes with you!!
But all his suggestions will be either memey or nerdy costumes
The firsts that come to mind are the ‘woman screaming at cat’ (he’ll be the cat) or he’ll get you both matching t-shirts with the elements copper (Cu) and tellurium (Te) printed on them “so when we stand next to each other, everyone can see how CuTe we are”
He is also not opposed to character costumes like Rick and Morty or Hogwarts wizards/witches
Kuroo will go to a party with you and slip away for a while the second you both get there with no explanation and then very unsuspiciously hang around you all night
Later you find out he has signed you both up for the costume contest
The both of you are definitely not the best dressed ((read below: suga and his s/o)) but strut on the stage like it’s a fashion show
Or if you refuse to go up and participate because you were involuntarily signed up, Kuroo will still go up alone, pick up a microphone with a deadpan face and say “this is supposed to be a matching costume but there were some technical difficulties” you brought this on yourself, kuroo
Haunted houses and horror films are definitely his favourite things about Halloween!
I feel like Kuroo isn’t afraid of the ghosts and stuff, but he doesn’t handle being jumpscared well
When he gets shocked while in a haunted house or during a movie, he’ll yelp out a bunch of swears lmao
But he loves the temporary adrenaline rush and 10/10 will do it again
If you tease him and call him a scaredy cat, he’ll pout
And you can expect him trying to sneak up on you and scare you the next day
iwaizumi hajime
Iwa doesn’t care much for Halloween
He gets a little annoyed at all the Halloween-themed products that stores come out with because he thinks it’s just a marketing scheme to sell some overpriced shit (it is)
But if you want to go try out pumpkin desserts or visit a haunted house, he’ll indulge you just because he loves spending time with you no matter what you two end up doing
He’s usually not one to dress up for Halloween
The most he’s done is put on a t-shirt with a superhero logo on it 🙄
Oikawa has tried multiple years to get him in “matching best friend costumes” but Iwa has never once agreed
But if you pout a little a few weeks before Halloween, bribe him with some kisses, catch him in a good mood, he’ll say yes (make sure to say no takebacks)
Deciding on a costume consists of you giving suggestions and Iwa saying yes or no to them
He doesn’t want to do something very costume-y, he prefers to wear an outfit that can pass as a regular outfit but it’s based on a character from a movie or series
E.g. Kim and Ron from Kim Possible, Ash/Misty and Brock from Pokemon (Iwa would be perfect as Brock??? he’s already got the hair down fdkjs), Sandy and Danny from Grease (show off his arms yes)
Iwaizumi will go to a Halloween party because all his friends are going lol
Oikawa will be devastated when he sees Iwa wearing matching costumes with you and this is partly why he agreed to do it with you
He’ll keep you by his side or follow you around for most of the party because “the costume won’t make sense if he’s standing alone” or whatever sir just say you’re too shy to do it alone
If you want to stay home, he’s fine with it too
Whether you want to have a movie marathon, bake something, carve pumpkins, anything really, he’ll do it with you
Lowkey wants to watch scary films so he can “protect you” if you get scared
Like if you’re squeezing his arm during a scary scene he’ll be like “it’s not that scary, you wimp” but also he’s pulling you closer and putting his arm around you and his heart is fluttering-
so in conclusion: iwa is a simp for you
Bonus: one time you came over to his house and his mom showed you a picture of 6-year-old Iwaizumi dressed up as godzilla for Halloween💖
azumane asahi
Halloween isn't his favourite holiday for um.. personal reasons
Once October comes around, Asahi is already being tormented by some of his friends (it’s suga) scaring him
He doesn’t despise everything about Halloween, though - in fact, there are some things he really loves about Halloween
Like going to a pumpkin festival, baking sweet treats together, enjoying a walk in the park with the pretty autumn scenery, or choosing and DIY-ing costumes
Asahi loves the costume planning with you!!
The both of you will take days or even weeks in advance finding the perfect costume and figuring out how to make them
He definitely prefers the cute costumes over gory costumes
Some of the costume ideas are Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, Cheshire Cat/Alice and the Mad Hatter/White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, or characters from the Wizard of Oz
i don’t know why all of these are from children’s fantasy stories im sorry-
You and Asahi will take turns going to each other’s houses after school or on weekends and working on your costumes together (It’s his favourite part (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ))
If he goes to a Halloween party, it’ll probably be a small gathering, such as a potluck with the Karasuno volleyball team
Everyone will be in awe of how cute you two look!!
If the team decides to switch off the lights and leave a flashlight on, gather around and tell spooky stories, he’ll want you next to him and you two will be holding onto each other
the first and second years are so jealous of their senpai and his cute s/o
Haunted houses are a no-no, sorry
Asahi doesn’t mind staying in either!
If you have a movie marathon, you guys binge Harry Potter or Studio Ghibli movies (they have magic so they’re Halloween movies right?)
Though if you’re a horror movie fanatic, he’ll try to watch a scary film with you
He will also have a lot of snacks! And the best hot chocolate you will ever have
I can also imagine Asahi doing your nails? And maybe he’ll let you do his nails too
You two make cute designs of little ghosts and pumpkins but don’t let each other see until it’s finished so it’s a surprise
You share lots of cuddles and kisses afterwards, and Asahi can’t wait to spend another sweet Halloween with you🥺🥰
Bonus: Kageyama showed up in his volleyball uniform and said his costume is a volleyball player :)?
sugawara koushi
Suga loves Halloween!!
It’s an excuse to have fun, cute dates under the guise of “keeping up the tradition”
Even before Halloween, he’ll take you on cafe dates to a different place each week to try out the pumpkin specials
You two will make jack-o-lanterns and then compare to see who did a better job, which could potentially end up in a tickle fight
This boy is going all out with the costumes!!
Maybe it’s the mom instincts, but he’s not settling on some cheap online/store-bought costume and he’ll DIY for both his s/o and himself
It’ll be an iconic couple and something very chic
Like you know Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka‘s family halloween costumes? That’s the vibes you two have
Examples of your costumes include: Morticia & Gomez from The Addams Family, Jack and Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas, Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask (plss)
You help each other put on each other’s costumes and make-up <333
Both of you will go to a halloween party, even if it’s just a few close friends gathering, and you two are gonna be the IT couple
your outfits and makeup will be on point all through the night and everyone will be so jealous💖
He’d probably take you trick or treating to a few houses for fun tbh HAHA
Your neighbours open up their front door to see.. Two grown ass children?? With costumes looking like they were professionally made??? Grinning and holding out their trick or treat bags?????
They’ll be so confused they end up giving you guys candy anyway
Suga is also a horror fanatic!
If you let him, he’ll drag you to a haunted house attraction
He’s the type to laugh at the scares :)
But he’ll hold your hand and let you cling to his arm if you’re scared, trying to reassure you
He’ll also arrange a horror movie marathon + sleepover!
After you get back, clean up and change into your comfiest pyjamas, Suga has already set up the living room
The couch is stacked with pillows and blankets, some of the lights are switched off, there’s a large bowl of popcorn and your trick-or-treat loot on the table and the movies are already queued on the TV 
If you’re not a big fan of horror movies, he’ll opt for less scary but still Halloween-themed movies like Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas or Coraline (coraline’s kinda creepy but so good), or the “horror/thriller” movies that are just bad so you both can laugh at them
You and Suga snuggle under the blankets with pillows all around, munching on your snacks and watching the movies until you both fall asleep together
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thank you for reading! hope you enjoyed~
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Midnight, The Stars, and You
Jack Torrance x Victor Gamble
Word Count: 1067
Tag List: @heartstringsymphonies @ghostlyvenus @heavenshipped @the-schizotypal-cryptid
Summary: Essentially in my self ship verse, Wendy and Jack split ways before the events at The Overlook. Thus, when Jack gets the job, I/my self-insert go with him, and I imagine they end up managing to get him out of the hotel when they notice him acting strange. Also yes they have The Shine as well bc 1) why not, and 2) I actually think I’m a pretty good candidate for the power if we consider canon?? idk shgshgsh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Warnings: I don’t think there’s any tbh but let me know! :o)
Victor hummed as he picked through Jack’s closet. He had a job interview soon and trusted his partner to pick out a nice outfit for him, which Victor was glad to assist with. Eventually, he took out a brown, tweed suit jacket, matching brown slacks, a cream button-down, and a dark green tie with a maze-like pattern on it.
“How’s the outfit coming along?” Jack asked from their shared bathroom as he shaved his face.
“Frankly, I’ve already picked something out,” Victor responded, wandering over to the dresser where the two kept their perfumes and such, “but I was wondering if you wanted me to scent it with anything.”
“Mmm… no, the aftershave I’ve got here will be fine. Thank you, dear.”
The author exited the bathroom and kissed Victor’s cheek as he passed, and thus they traded places.
“Good luck,” Victor wished when they had both come to the front door, “I believe in you.”
Jack smiled and kissed his partner briefly as he hung in the doorframe, “thanks, Vic. I’ll be back…” he glanced at his watch, “between noon and two, if the traffic’s favorable.”
“Alright. Don’t dilly-dally too long on your way home.”
Jack nodded and stole another kiss before leaving. Victor waved until his car disappeared down the street and closed the door, sighing. They didn’t much like being alone for so long, but they supposed they might get some work done on their book at the very least.
“I got the job,” Jack’s voice was full of relief when he called up his partner.
“Ohh, that’s wonderful!” Victor chirped as he prepared a celebratory dinner for the evening.
“Ullman’s kind of a prick, though,” Jack’s voice lowered and Victor could practically picture him glancing around before he spoke. He chuckled softly.
“Ah, well, at least you won’t have to deal with him for too long if you’re taking the off-season.”
Jack hmmph-ed affirmatively.
“Alright pumpkin, I’ll be home soon.”
“Love you, Jack.”
“Love you, too.”
Once Jack got home, he gratefully engulfed Victor in his arms.
“Sheesh, I’m glad I won’t have to make that drive but two more times.”
“Traffic?” Victor inquired as he took Jack’s jacket.
“Yeah, and sharp turns up in the mountains,” he sighed and let his posture relax, “but I suppose the scenery somewhat makes up for it.”
He swept his boyfriend up in his arms again, barely giving him time to fold and set aside his jacket in a neat manner.
“Jack,” Victor giggled as he attacked his neck with feather-light kisses, “what’s gotten into you?”
“I suppose I’m just. Content, for once,” he grinned and kissed his forehead, “so, what’ve you been up to since I was out?”
“Oh, I tried to get some work done on my book but I mostly resorted to cleaning and organizing to keep me busy. Dinner’s just about ready.”
Jack nodded and let him go, but not after one more squeeze.
“Well, I better let you tend to that. What’re we having?”
“I made your favorite in celebration of securing the job,” Victor smiled and went off to the kitchen.
It was only a few months until it was time to head up to The Overlook. Jack and Victor packed practically their whole wardrobe and personal belongings they considered “needed.” After all, it would be practically like moving houses; they’d be holed up in that hotel from the last day in November to the middle of March, possibly early April if the weather interfered, and Colorado’s winter weather, especially in the mountains, was nothing to sneeze at.
“Oh, you were right- it’s gorgeous out here!” Victor marveled at the passing scenery and Jack smiled.
“And just think of what it’ll look like when it’s buried in six feet of snow,” he half-joked, not caring much for cold weather but willing to work wherever as long as it was work.
“Ah, isn’t it exciting? The prospect of spending a Christmas in such a fancy hotel…”
“Yeah, and we don’t even have to pay for the room!”
They both laughed at this.
“There’s supposed to be someone there to give us another tour, Mr. Ullman walked me around a bit but we didn’t go far.”
Victor nodded, excitedly fidgeting with their hands.
“... Remember, when we get there… don’t work yourself too hard, okay? It’s a big place.”
Jack smiled at Victor’s adoring concern.
“I’ll take breaks,” he assured them, “I’m sure we’ll find some ways to have fun around the hotel.~”
His hand rested on Victor’s thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze, making them flush and giggle.
“Oh stop it, flirt,” they playfully smacked his hand and he grinned wider.
When they arrived at the hotel, it was like a whole other world, up in the mountains. They met up with a man named Dick Halloran, the head chef of the hotel. He showed Victor the kitchens and assured him they weren’t as daunting as they seemed, and reiterated what Mr. Ullman had said to Jack; each wing of the hotel had to be heated regularly, day by day, and occasionally he might have to go out and trim the hedges, but that’d likely be more toward the spring.
“Well, I think that’s all Mr. Ullman wanted me to tell you two… ah, there’s a two-way radio in the office, tools and extra fuses and such are in the shed…” Halloran’s eyes met Victor’s and they shared an odd mental connection, “and I’d not bother with room 237 if I were you.”
Jack tilted his head but didn’t press on. The chef nodded and bid the two adieu before leaving, having mentioned he was off to spend the summer somewhere much warmer. And once those heavy front doors closed… Jack and Victor were officially on their own together for four months, give or take a few weeks, with little contact with the outside world.
“Race ya,” Victor challenged playfully before patting their boyfriend’s rear and dashing for the stairs.
“Aw, no fair, you got a head start!” He called after them like a child, youthful energy suddenly returning to him at the prospect of winning something.
By the time they reached their room, they had both collapsed onto the bed, laughing and out of breath.
“Jacky,” Victor spoke.
“Yes, darling?”
“I love you,” he rolled over to kiss him.
“I love you too,” he purred, pressing his forehead against Victor’s.
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Hii!! This is my first time requesting anything for you but could you write a blurb or oneshot about Tom Holland x shy!reader and they're hanging out with his family it over at his family's house? Thank you Katiee (Also I don't mean to spell your name wrong I just put extra letters to emphasise the way I talk haha 😅).
Hi lovely! I loved this request and I hope this is okay! It’s a bit longer than I intended haha. I also don’t know how well I write the Holland family so I’m sorry in advance.
WC: 1.3k
Warnings: implications of anxiety, shy!reader, 
You were nervous to say the least. Meeting your boyfriend’s parents was a big deal and it also didn’t help that you tended to be quieter around new people. 
Tom stopped singing along to the radio as he saw how nervous you were from the corner of his eye, your own transfixed on the window and the passing scenery even though he knew you weren’t paying attention to any of it. 
“Darling, it’s going to be ok. They’re going to love you.” He reached and took your hand, squeezing a few times to reassure you. You smiled at the gesture and turned to him with a small nod, trying to ignore the nervous butterflies in your stomach as Tom started to talk about something to distract you. 
It wasn’t long before you pulled up to his parent’s house. You took a deep breath and smiled as you remembered the things Tom had told you about his family. Your smile only getting wider as he took your hand once you were out of the car and walking to the door. 
It felt like the butterflies in your stomach were fighting each other with how nervous you felt but one squeeze of Tom’s hand seemed to calm them for a little while. He knocked on the door and you straightened out your dress for the fourth time since standing there. 
The door opened to reveal Tom��s Mum on the other side, a kind smile on her face as she saw you and Tom. She quickly wrapped her son up in a hug before turning to you and whilst you expected a handshake or a simple smile, she wrapped you up in a hug just like she had with Tom. It was comforting. 
“You must be Y/n.” She pulled back and smiled as you nodded with a blush. “Tom’s told me all about you of course.” Your blush turned a darker shade of red as you giggled and Tom rolled his eyes fondly. 
“Mum!” There was a slight tinge of pink to his cheeks as he shook his head and laughed. She held up her hands in mock defence and laughed.
“Thank you for inviting me Mrs Holland.” You brushed a hair behind your ear just as something to do with your hands other than fiddling. The nerves continued to rage rampant in your stomach but the warm atmosphere and smiles were enough to calm you a bit more.
“Please Nicki is fine dear. And it’s a pleasure to have you.” She smiled sincerely at you and Tom before leading the way into the house after you took off your coat. As soon as you entered the kitchen, you heard yells and 3 boys run at Tom, practically tackling him to the ground. Nikki laughed and rolled her eyes. “They’re always like that when he’s been gone for a while.” 
You giggled and nodded as you watched the four boys laugh before they got up and dusted themselves off. You fiddled with your sleeve and bit your lip before Tom’s brothers came to introduce themselves. The youngest one, Paddy - you remembered his name was, smiled at you and nodded whilst the two twins said each other’s names instead of their own. Tom nudged them before coming to stand by you and taking your hand again. 
“Guys, that never works.” Tom shook his head and laughed at his brothers as you smiled. 
“No I know you’re Sam and you’re Harry.” You pointed at each twin as you said their names and they sighed with a smile. “I’ve seen photos you know.” You giggled and Tom nodded. 
“Well it’s nice to finally meet Tom’s ‘dream girl’.” Harry said, smirking at Tom who nudged him harder this time. You blushed furiously, ducking your head down with a smile.
Tom gave a fake laugh and squeezed your hand. “Shut up you div.” He went to grab an orange and throw it at Harry before Sam took it from his hand. 
“Thanks Tom.” 
Tom rolled his eyes and laughed just as Nikki asked for your help to set the table out for dinner. You nodded and smiled at her, taking some cutlery in and missing the way Tom gave a silent warning to his Mum so she wouldn’t embarrass him. 
“Stop being dramatic Tom, I just want to talk to her.” Nikki laughed before following you into the dining room. 
“Yeah stop being dramatic.” Paddy mocked back to his older brother and Tom laughed sarcastically before ruffling his hair. 
You heard Tom and Paddy’s laughs from the dining room as you set out the cutlery next to the plates. Your brain was working overtime thinking of something to say before Nikki spoke. 
“I love your dress.” 
You looked up and met her polite, kind smile with one of your own. Your eyes glanced down to the dress you were wearing, it was simple yet fancy enough to impress. “Thank you.” 
“You have a lovely home.” You spoke sincerely, smiling at her as you over processed the words in your mind. Nikki smiled and thanked you, making the worry in your brain subside. 
“Tom really likes you.” She nodded, making you laugh and nod back with a smile.
“Mum!” Tom made a face and sighed as he walked in with plates of food, his Dad following in behind him. 
“It’s our job to embarrass you, son.” He laughed and patted Tom on the shoulder before smiling at you. “You must be the famous Y/n.” He shook your hand and you smiled at him.
“Dad.” Tom groaned, rolling his eyes before he came to stand with you. He kissed your cheek and took your hand as his parents went to get the food. 
“How are you doing?” He whispered and squeezed your hand.
“I’m good. Your family are lovely.” You squeezed back and smiled lovingly at him. He returned the smile and stole a kiss. 
“I love you.” He nudged his nose against yours making you giggle. 
“I love you too Tommy.” You could have happily stayed in that bubble with Tom forever, wrapped up in the warmth of his smile.
However, your moment was broken when a chorus of “awww”’s sounded from behind you. Tom looked over your shoulder to see Harry and Sam standing in the doorway with plates of food. 
You both blushed and laughed before taking your seats as the rest of the food was brought out. You smiled at the smell and look of the food, nerves bubbling at the thought of having to make conversation. 
Tom’s hand met yours under the table and squeezed gently to let you know everything was okay. Your heart slowed down a little and you relaxed as you started to eat. 
It turned out that you had nothing to worry about, the conversation was easy and Tom always helped you with conversation. You smiled at him as he talked about how you had first met each other, his face lighting up with every detail. 
Your heart fluttered as you smiled and laughed along with the story, remembering it as if it was yesterday. He squeezed your hand tighter as he finished the story and turned to smile at you, stealing a kiss. 
That night you felt confident as if you fit into his family as easy as a piece of a puzzle. His parents took an avid interest in you and you returned the same to them. You even stayed and played video games with Tom and his brothers after dinner. 
It seemed like too soon that you and Tom were heading home, saying your goodbyes and receiving hugs from everyone. He took your hand as you left and swung his in yours as you walked. 
“Told you so.” He nudged you and smiled smugly. You turned and kissed the smirk of his face. 
“Shut it you.” You giggled and leaned into him as you started walking back home. 
Permanent: @its-the-unknownspidey / @eeyore101247 / @hazmyheart / @thinkoutsidethebex / @parkersvibes / @aussie-holland / @moorehollandplz / @glowunderthemoon / @awkwardfangirl2014 / @buckysdoll / @ppkrtingle / @angelhaz11  / @devin-marie / @mlt2000 / @fulltime-fangirl-k / @emcsii04 / @afterglownights / @preciouspparkers / @hazzy / @aesonsgirl / @legendsofwholock / @maybemona / @biglouche / @hollandstom / @gennyld / @thomasholyholland / @writeheight / @xxtomxo / @parkerpuff / @xinyourdreamsx / @itsjusttor / @starkissedholland / @novaddictx / @waterspider7 / @tomhollandspideys / @juneholland / @simplyineffablesposts / @blackeighteen / @hollandisapuppy / @lovely-blackinnon / @laurarestrepooo / @miraclesoflove / @stiles-banshees / @xximaweirdoxx / @softbaby-tom / @u-rrose / @sarahkatexoxo / @worldoftom/ @inneedoftomholland/  @bansheeshavok/ @imdrunkisuposse / @captainbuckyy / @julimelodi / @peniparkerquill / @emistrash / @portgasdelisa /  @honeymoonparker / @spideyyypeter / @zeeneee / @disnakeshavebutts / @sholland4 / @CrazyStupidRach / @kristinathecarat / @imfreefallinall / @lonikje / @itjustkindahappenedreally / @mysticsprouts / @spider-leech / @tomscuddles / @tomhollandseverything / @msmarvel-19 / @ashleymariah19 / @happy-el / @blackeighteen  / @bitteral / @lilostif16 / @petesrparker / @friendlyneighborhood-holland / @the-crazy-fanfictionist / @averyfosterthoughts / @miraclesoflove /@realiteaas /@clara-licht / @farfromtommy / @mcuassemble / @esperanzavelez / @whodisgrace / @parker-holland-osterfield / @rebekkah4766 / @notevenlxvely / @averyfosterthoughts / @spidey-swift / @murdermornings / @juliebean247 / @msmarvel-19 / @tomshufflepuff / @awaywithtime / @rebekkah4766 / @bildungsroman-s / @hollandhearts / @americasmarauders / @spideygirl2003 / @greatpizzascissorstaco / @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh / @solarxmoonchild / @peterparkerbabyyy
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themysteriouslou · 5 years
👀 all of them for leslie?
The Basics
1. Give their full name, and describe them or post a picture! (Height, build, hair, eye, and skin color, etc.)
Full name's Elena Leslie Grünewald! Only a handful of people refer to her with her first name though. 5′4/5′5, lean and fit. Wavy, medium-dark chestnut hair; gray eyes, light skin that gradually tans, has a scar that runs across the right side of her jaw.
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2. How old are they? 
3. Sexuality and gender? 
Heteroflexible, cisgender female.
1. How did they end up at the Hope County Sheriff’s Department? How long have they worked there?
Her father told her about the job just as she graduated from the police academy. He had been a colleague of Whitehorse’s when the two were young men in the office and following his transfer he kept in contact with him, so he must have mentioned her interests in a passing conversation. As for the second question, she has been working there for a year.
2. Relationship with Pratt, Hudson, and Whitehorse?
Pratt: he was the first to welcome her to the department—it took them some weeks but they grew close to each other during that time. He teased her a lot (because he was a little shit) but they got each other's back and genuinely care about the other's well-being.
Hudson: one of the first alongside Pratt to welcome her to the county, as well as the one who gave her some insight and help on how to work at the station. It took longer to befriend her than Pratt for the simple fact Danny’s death had been a recent thing and she was still blaming herself from it, but she eventually warmed up to Leslie.
Whitehorse: She has a soft spot for Whitehorse—she knew him since she was a child and had enough good memories of him to consider working alongside him a blessing. Likely sees him as a surrogate uncle figure due to the trust he extended to her as soon as she was given the duty of a cop.
3. Do they have an education?
Yup! Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice.
4. Where are they from? Did they speak a different language there?
She’s from Virginia! Aside from speaking Italian in her maternal family’s household, English has always been her main language.
5. Is there anyone outside the valley that might have come looking for them?
Her relatives and some of her friends back at home—she keeps in contact with them occasionally so I'd think they wouldn't make a big deal out of her going radio silent at first. However, they'd definitely start suspecting something's wrong if there hasn't been a call from her in months...
6. Did they have a religious background of any kind?
Quite — the Grünewalds aren’t attached to religious institutions but they’re Christian nonetheless. Leslie considers herself a believer, just more laid-back and chill about it.
Inside Hope County
1. What was going through their head when the helicopter went down and during the subsequent chase?
It was a mix of words: an increasing stream of "fucks" on loop coupled with an exasperated “are you fucking kidding me”. She was almost moving on autopilot—it was a terrifying experience for her but she knew she had to escape, she had to be fast or else, it was over.
2. Were they afraid of Joseph and Eden’s Gate? Angry?
Leaning towards afraid—she didn’t know what was going on and the only thought on her mind was to get to somewhere safe. Leslie had a few run-ins with Eden’s Gate before the attempted arrest and could understand why the locals were wary of them. Mainly, she was cautious.
3. Did they trust Dutch?
Let's put it this way: waking up cuffed to a post isn’t the best way to start trust between two people.
4. How did they feel about their team being taken by the cult, did they count them as lost, did they want them back, did they not care?
Les was worried sick—the memories from hours before started to return as she recovered, which meant she remembered trying to stop the cult from taking Joey, Staci's and Whitehorse's screams, and the Marshal’s protests as he was found by the peggies. More than anything, Leslie was determined to recover them—she was not going to leave them behind if she had anything to say about it.
5. How did they take to the idea of being part of, if not leading, the resistance?
It… didn’t dawn on her she was leading the Resistance at the beginning. She was just doing what she thought right—if she could help the people of the county, so be it. Then one day she was at the county jail, talking to several Resistance members and one of them said “you gave us hope to fight back”. It baffled her at first, but eventually she slotted right into the leader role.
6. Which companions did they recruit, and who did they travel with the most?
All of them! Nick’s a constant companion of hers, the second companion often varies depending on the region she is at.
7. Did they have time to find romance amidst the chaos? How did they do it?
It's... complicated, considering she fell in love with one of her enemies. Not even her knows how did it happen.
8. Feelings about Joseph? 
Mixed. On one hand he's the man she was ordered to arrest and the accusations against him, the bad he inflicted onto the county's residents should've convinced her he should be taken down. On the other hand... Leslie can see his point. She gets what's he's trying to say and why he is doing all of this, she sees him treating her carefully and taking his time to make her understand (which in turn makes her feel more conflicted tbh). Reading the BOJ in an attempt to understand him only furthers these mixed feelings.
9. Feelings about the other Seeds?
Faith was the scariest Seed for her—she gets into your mind, her persuasion convinces you that you belong with the cult and her management of the Bliss is absolutely terrifying. Leslie feels like she was walking on thin ice around her, yet she didn't see the need to refuse to listen to her (likely because her story pulls her heartstrings and her instinctual need is to help others, even her enemies and people who wronged her).
As for John, Les can admit he doesn't put pretenses and is straightforward about his motives. He doesn't try to use pity or fear to get to her, rather he just tells her the reason he is the way he is. She appreciates honesty in people, so I think she'd be the same way with him. Snarks a lot at him through the radio, though, and probably enjoys messing with him way too much, but that's it.
Jacob... well, here's the complicated part—Leslie should fear him, shouldn't feel at ease in his presence, shouldn't feel safe when she's in his arms, yet she does. It was a matter of survival what made them grow closer and fond of each other and now they don't know how to deal with it. She wants to soothe his scars, both physically and psychologically, wants to be there for him. Wants to save him. For the most part she tried to pretend these obvious feelings weren't there, but as the war wages on, with every unplanned meeting... it's just more difficult.
10. How did they handle having to kill animals and other humans? Had they done it before?
Killing animals wasn’t hard—Les participated in past hunting trips with her male relatives and the county people before. As for killing humans… she tries to not do it when she has the chance. Killing Angels and peggies in self-defense still leaves a bad taste in her mouth though.
11. Which canon ending did they choose in-game, and would you have changed the ending at all?
She choose the Resist ending. Leslie is too stubborn to go back once she had made her choice. As for the second part of the question: boy would I have. I would have spared and arrested the Seeds. Having to kill them hurt me and made me wish we could've given them a chance at life.
Favorite weapon(s)?
Any type of rifles and explosives! Molotovs and pipes are a recurrent thing in her inventory too.
2. Stealth or firepower?
Most of the time she likes stealth. However, it’s not uncommon of her to go Rambo and punch everything on sight if she has no other choice.
3. How did they spend their time, when not fighting peggies?
Lots of time spent at Fall’s End and the 8-Bit Pizza Bar. You could also find her enjoying the regions' scenery, drawing, fishing or doing tasks for the locals—basically she spent her time on things that relaxed her or took her mind off the war.
4. Where did they live during the events of the game?
Les wandered A LOT. Her actual house is at the border of the Whitetail Mountains and Holland Valley region, but she has had few opportunities to go there after the Reaping. After, she mostly uses her secret log cabin and takes naps in abandoned cars and houses/bunkers.
5. Any other facts you want to share about your Deputy!
- can tie a cherry stem with her tongue.
- used to practice baseball when she was younger.
- doesn't know how to ice-skate for the life of her —her face practically belongs to the floor if someone manages to convince her to try it.
- will laugh at the dumbest of jokes.
- prefers calling to texting people but know she's a keysmasher.
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jojo-lity · 6 years
Can I get some merman/siren Gio with a surfer S/o?? (scenario or hc, which ever is easiest tbh)
fascinating idea!! i blame the number of words below on 2 things: hype for part 5, and a childhood obsession with the little mermaid. enjoy?
ao3 link
Painfully bright colours lurched back and forth, refusing to stay in a single place long enough to make any sense. For the unfortunate individual laid out in the hollow base of a seaside cliff, even raising a hand was an impossible abstract, let alone remembering how they had gotten there.
Had they been in a state to differentiate between the two, they might have picked a voice from the swirling landscape. As it was, all they could do was breathe, and even that took some effort.
Even before the idea of passing out occurred to them, they accepted it. Unconsciousness was quiet, even, and above all, painless. The only thing it wasn’t was permanent. The next time their eyes opened, they could see, and move, but an awful pain that they had been oblivious to was clawing at their chest and throat. 
“Wh…. where…” That was as far as they got before doubling over, a stream of water forcing itself from their mouth. All they could do was let it happen, spitting and coughing once it was over. “Ugh…”
“I’m sorry, that didn’t look pleasant… but I’m glad you’re alive.” The gentle voice came from below, where a boy looked up at him with concern. Though only his head, shoulders, and arms were visible, he seemed made for the water, sharp and streamlined in a way that let him float effortlessly. Even his eyes were the colour of the sea, shimmering at the dimmest hints of light. “I thought it might have been too late.”
“I’m fine.” They waved a hand. “But where am I?” No matter how far they looked, they couldn’t find a single sign of the beach. It was starting to come back to them- the search for the perfect wave, paddling further and further out while insisting it was perfectly safe. Afterwards, it was a blur, but the sharp taste of salt and the low rumble right behind them were enough of a clue. An accident, that could have happened to anyone, but could have easily killed them if they hadn’t been found.
“It’s not too far. It was just the nearest safe place I could think of.” He reached out with one hand, almost patting their shoulder. “Just one question… can you keep a secret?”
“Huh? Sure, no problem. I won’t tell anyone about this place.” They shrugged.
“No, no. Not that. A bigger secret.”
“I… guess?” It wasn’t as if they knew him, but something about him seemed trustworthy. Agreeing with him was easy, and when he smiled, the warmth inside them felt like a good decision.
“Good. Then I can bring you back myself.” He leaned forward a little, and a delicate, curling fin broke the surface behind him. It was followed by another, directly attached to the base of the first, and where the two met, rows of shining scales spanned the unbroken length of his lower body. They cut off neatly at the waist, joining an upper half that was human with a lower half that was decidedly not. And yet he was a complete picture, as natural and perfectly shaped as the sun itself.
At their shocked silence, his tail dropped a little, and his smile faded. “Or I could leave, if that’s what you prefer. Fishing boats pass by here every day, one of them will pick you up.”
“No, no.” Despite the pain, they reached with both arms, seemingly trying to prevent him from leaving even if they couldn’t actually manage to get anywhere near him. “I was just surprised.” Surprised that someone so beautiful had any right to exist, but they couldn’t say that. Though they had never witnessed a merman with their own eyes, spending all their free time on the beach meant hearing plenty of stories, ranging from the obviously fabricated to the surprisingly convincing. Sometimes they were cruel and vicious, but usually kind, or at least not actively hostile. Even when they caught a few glimpses of sharp teeth in his returned smile, it was hard to feel like there was anything to fear.
“Then get on.” He tapped at his back, where skin met scales. “Don’t worry, it won’t hurt. I’m pretty strong.”
With some help, they carefully slid themself off the rocks, sitting on his back as lightly as they possibly could. “Is this right?” They couldn’t shake the fear of hurting him, no matter how much he insisted it wouldn’t happen.
“Hmm, this would be better.” If he noticed their sharp, quickly cut-off stammering when he grabbed their hands, he didn’t take it as a sign of protest, pulling them forward to securely meet across his neck. “I wouldn’t want you to fall off.” With a flick of his tail, he turned back to the wider sea, skimming through the waves with all the grace and confidence of someone who owned them.
The view was beautiful, and it was a chance to see it in an entirely new way, but it just couldn’t hold their attention. In the position the merman had moved them into, they were much closer, heads almost bumping together whenever they took a sharp turn. Though his hair was perpetually wet, it cradled their face in silky softness every time.
It was over too soon. The scenery became increasingly familiar, until they approached the beach they had come from. The corner they were gently deposited on was virtually abandoned, but the merman still kept his tail below water, just in case.
“It was nice to meet you.” Without the echo of the cliffside, his voice was much quieter. “The ocean’s a big place. If it’s fate, then maybe we’ll meet again… but probably not.”
“Wait, don’t leave yet.” He hadn’t been in the process of leaving, but he still looked directly up at them, signalling where his attention was. “Can I at least know your name?”
“Of course.” A few droplets fell from his hair when he nodded. “Giorno Giovanna. And you?” Once their names were exchanged, he did start sinking back into the sea, but slowly, savouring one last look at the world above.
It was getting late, and the sun didn’t have long left in the sky, but for a long time afterward, they stood and watched the endlessly rolling waves. “Goodnight, Giorno…” As soon as they said it, a gentle gust of wind seemed to steal it from the air, leaving silence.
After Giorno’s insistence that only an accident of fate could bring them back together, they hadn’t really expected to see him the very next day. And yet there he was, seeming to think that they hadn’t noticed him watching from further out. They had hoped to get in a bit more surfing practice throughout the day, especially to make up for yesterday being cut short, but they didn’t hesitate to put the board aside and swim out.
“Hey!” They raised an arm mid-stroke. “You’re still here?”
He was still a little far away to hear, but his mouth opened in a way that suggested a small, surprised cry. Though he didn’t come any closer, he also didn’t move away, allowing them to approach. “Yes, I am. I thought I was going to be busy for a while… but something else seems to have come up.”
“Well, then.” They wondered what else to say. Giorno wasn’t giving away any hints about whether his previous responsibility was a good or bad thing, so they couldn’t congratulate or sympathise with him. “So you have new plans now?”
“You could say that.” He seemed to interrupt himself in the middle of a slow smile. “So how do you do that, with the board? I’ve seen other people doing it, but it doesn’t exactly come naturally.”
“Surfing? It takes some practice, but it’s not too hard once you’ve learned. Here, I’ll go get it and show you…”
Keeping his tail hidden enough to pass as a human swimmer, Giorno could enjoy watching his new friend ride wave after wave to shore. They even showed off a few tricks, making him clap with excitement. They were so talented! Of course, they did eventually get tired, and the two of them spent the rest of the day talking. It was only when darkness fell that they realised how much time had passed.
The pattern continued, day after day, though occasionally one or both of them had somewhere else to be.  It got to the point where Giorno must have seen every trick they were capable of three times, but still insisted on seeing them again, happily floating in the shallow bay while watching them.
It had taken some time for them to admit, but they had been charmed by him from the moment they met. And not only was he beautiful, but his quiet exterior concealed an unwavering kindness and love of life. Though his thoughtfulness and restraint were admirable, it did make it almost impossible to tell how he really felt about them. Of course, being his friend was enjoyable enough that it was only a mild frustration.
“Look at this.” One day, when they first caught sight of Giorno, he was apparently so dedicated to showing them something that he practically swam onto shore. Clutched in his hand was a huge pearl, flawless and shining.
“Wow, did you find that?” They leaned down to get a closer look, face dipping quite close to Giorno’s. If that affected him in any way, he didn’t show it.
“You could say that.” Was there a shifty look in his eyes? No, they must have imagined it, and any evidence of it was completely gone by the time he offered the jewel to them. His fingers brushed over their palm when he handed it over, damp and cool but bringing out a warm blush.
“For me?” They brought it to their face to get a closer look, admiring its flawlessness from every angle. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.”
“Of course.” He had been watching them carefully, but when their eyes met, he looked back down to the water. It wasn’t easy to tell, but it almost seemed like something was troubling him.
If there was, they couldn’t just let him suffer alone. “Is everything okay?” They stayed close to him, trying to meet his eyes.
He sighed, shoulders stiffening. “I haven’t been honest with you. About myself.”
“Huh?” That came as a surprise. Giorno didn’t exactly share much about himself in the first place, what could he have been lying about? Was he not really a merman? If that was the case, he made a convincing enough fake that they could only be impressed. “Hey, you can tell me. I promise I won’t be mad.”
“I don’t know about that.” He smiled, but there was no happiness in his eyes. “But you deserve the truth. I’m not a merman… but I’m not a human either, before you say anything.”
“Then what are you?” No matter what he was, he was Giorno.
“Ah…” He tilted his head. “I guess you would call me a siren, or something like that? Honestly, there’s only one big difference.”
“Your voice.” Growing up the way they did, it would have been almost impossible not to hear the stories. Sirens might have looked just like their more benign cousins, but their singing voices held a powerful charm, capable of luring anyone into death. “Right?” But maybe it was just a rumour, and Giorno was perfectly harmless-
“Yes, that’s right. Oh, wait, one more.” For the first time, he flashed them a full grin, letting them see just how needle-sharp his teeth were. “Our diet’s a little different.” Wide as his smile was, he didn’t seem able to keep it up for long. “I understand if that makes you uncomfortable around me.”
“No, no, not at all!” It was a lot to take in, and maybe it hadn’t fully registered yet, but they felt no fear. If Giorno had really wanted to eat them, he could have done it from the very beginning- they had trusted him the whole time. “So… do you sing very often?”
He shook his head. “Never. People should be free to follow their own path in life.”
“Then…” Slipping the pearl into a pocket, they took a gentle hold of his shoulders to draw him closer. “I want to follow the path that brought me to you.” They had braced themself for a strange taste on his lips, but besides the salt of the sea, nothing felt any different from kissing a human. He was slow to respond, only pulling them to hold against his chest when they were about to break contact.
“Thank you,” he whispered, maintaining the hug despite its awkward position. “I just need you to know one more thing, okay?”
“Well… if anyone asks about that pearl, you’ve never heard of me, okay?”
“Huh? Giorno, what did you-“ His smile said it all. “Did you steal this from someone?”
“I had no choice. It was the only one that was good enough for you.” He had been sneaking backward for the past few moments, ducking below water when he was deep enough. Before they could yell again, he had vanished into the glittering sea.
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jungnoir · 7 years
college boyfriend!rocky
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you know... this was going to happen one day.... don’t look at me like that
unlike his classmates from grade school up until his high school graduation, minhyuk had never,,, thought about college
like of course he knew it was a thing and it’s a thing people do usually if they don’t immediately get a job
but tbh, minhyuk just kinda doesn’t feel like he’s really into the whole 4 years or more wasting away with 20 page essays and eight powerpoint presentations on his computer clouding up his space for music
(all ppt’s are named something like “seifheoihfosh” or “huughsksl” because he did the research, professor. why must he be forced to title things appropriately too)
he didn’t like watching his friends stress over the stupid entrance exams and he didn’t want to spend thousands of dollars on studying for another good part of his life, but his parents had done a lot to give him that opportunity
and honestly? it sucks knowing how much his parents have slaved away time at work hoping that if he did aspire to go toward higher education, he wouldn’t have to cut half his studying time in half to work part time jobs just to eat and get by
he’d never admit it to their faces but... he really doesn’t want to study business
and yet here he is, seated in the back of a small classroom with a large air conditioner blowing behind him and making the entire room drop to 60 degrees or lower, learning about that very thing
honestly, when his dad asked him what he planned to major at the nearby university (he had never even been asked if he wanted to go to university, it was just an assumption that he would which made the situation even worse), he had lost what little peace he’d had in the moment and started to panic
there were so many professions, none of which minhyuk had ever considered studying at all, and yet here his parents were smiling at him expectantly like minhyuk had had university merch hanging on his bedroom walls since he was 10
and the first thing he spits out is “business” because that’s a mature thing to study right? that’s something successful people study
except it’s definitely not what minhyuk is interested in and that is made heavily apparent here and now, listening to his professor drone on and on at the head of the classroom
thankfully (not), the loud ass air conditioner behind him is blocking out everything that’s even being discussed, to the point where minhyuk thinks if he had his fancy studio headphones on high volume, he’d still be able to hear better than with the roaring machine in his ear
this detail ends up leaving minhyuk bored and irritated all the time, and he usually either snoozes on the desk until the next class comes in and he’s awoken or tries to focus his time on his phone, mindlessly scrolling as the hours pass and he remains just as unhappy as he had been the minute he’d entered the retched classroom
in fact, the only thing giving him any kind of joy right now was the fact that he had dance practice with the dance club on campus right after this, and he couldn’t be happier to work the cold air out of his bones through cracking out some new moves
since minhyuk’s seat is pretty undesirable, you can imagine no one sits in the three other chairs at that very table....... ever
like he’s never once seen anyone go near that table his whole time in that class
now you,,, you know just how undesirable that table is
even sitting all the way up front with your friends, you often had to bring a hoodie just to block out the cool air that your bumbling professor didn’t seem disturbed by
it didn’t help that you abhor the class as well
you honestly were just taking it for some credit you couldn’t get from the class you wanted to take, the roster having filled up within the first ten minutes of class enrollment opening
when you’d heard this class had an open spot, you had jumped at the chance
boy were you in for it
had you not been as polite as you were, you might not have even attempted to keep eye contact with the professor while he talked about god knows what all the time
but you have your friend, and you two are suffering together so that’s all that matters!!!
she gets a boyfriend!!!
you had no problem with her having a boyfriend, rather the opposite really
you were v happy for her!! but since he was in ur class.... and they were always together...... that meant that they always wanted to be close no matter what
the other two people at the table were also a couple, so it seemed you were the one to boot when her boyfriend decided he wanted to sit next to his girlfriend from now on
they had apologized profusely to you as you quietly scooped up your things and tried to keep a calm smile on your face but,, that was your seat
if you didn’t love your friend and her happiness so much, you might’ve threatened the boy to fight you for the seat like a man
but u were nice and civil and it was just a seat
u could manage with a change of scenery in that boring class, couldn’t you?
well, turns out loverboy’s old seat is right next to a gamer who perpetually smells like monster energy drinks and hot cheetos
plus,,, he never covers his mouth when he burps
needless to say, one class of sitting next to him had you desperate to find another seat
until you spotted the back one day
from what you could see, there was no one there yet as you had arrived early, so thinking you had no other choice, you sat yourself in the seat next to the end seat and set your stuff up
even the a/c was off!! this was your lucky day!!
you busy yourself with writing some of your english paper as students pile into the classroom one by one, but you’re not interested enough to people watch today
you’re about nine hundred words longer into your essay and feeling satisfied when you decide to give your hands and eyes a lil break
you smile to yourself and look up, only to nearly jump out of your skin
because there is a boy there, curly hair a mess on his head like he’d just awoken and a hoodie far too big for his lean frame hanging off his body. his backpack is just as huge, practically hanging off his shoulder had it not been for his hand clasped around the strap
and he’s just. staring
he’s staring at you like you’ve killed his mother in cold blood
you stare right back with just as much surprise, wondering if he’ll say anything in particular, but he stays silent
“uh” you finally utter, frowning as he seems to snap back to reality
he points at a chair and mumbles “my... um.... that’s my seat”
it happens to be the seat directly to your left, the aisle seat
you stare at the seat for a few seconds and then slowly scoot your chair over a bit, moving your mess of notes from the space that would intrude his and mutter a quiet apology, suddenly not as pepped as you were before about your new seat
the boy slides into the seat and stays to the very edge of the seat like you have a disease, and you start to feel a little upset at that
even though you don’t know him and he doesn’t know you and is therefore in no way obliged to be friendly with you, it still makes you feel bad
after all, this was his seat
for all you knew, it had been his seat damn near all semester and here you were just intruding on his space out of nowhere
you mutter another apology and type away at your computer much more quietly, wondering if maybe you should just move to the other end of the table to give him space, but you feel it’d be too awkward
plus, the professor just walked in
you watch as the wiry old man flips a switch next to the light
almost immediately, you feel a sudden freezing cold on your back and you wince, realizing that you’d forgotten a very important item despite your preparedness this morning as you strolled to class
your freaking jacket
you left your freaking jacket at your dorm
the mystery boy beside you notices your wince and frowns, feeling suddenly v hot in his large warm jacket that moonbin had given him
here you were, in a tank top with almost all your arms’ expanse exposed to the cold air and your poor body was beginning to shiver as ten minutes of class turned into twenty, which turned into half an hour and you were starting to feel your blood completely turn to ice
“are... are you cold?” mystery boy leans over to ask, spooking you from your trance of squinting at your professor
“huh??? oh... uh... yeah. i was kinda dumb and forgot to bring my jacket this morning. i’m usually on top of that” you explain, turning back to the professor in an attempt to decipher what he’s saying over the loud blowing in your ears
“i would give up if i were you... it’s super hard to hear back here”
you frown and look over at him but he just shrugs, “have you not been able to hear him all semester?”
again, he shrugs
you kinda wonder how he hasn’t failed this class already, but even you can’t talk
even without the a/c, you don’t know what the professor is blabbing about anyway
you sigh in defeat and lean back in your chair, cursing the cold air that’s slowly starting to chill your bones when you feel something warm brush your arm
you’re about to attack the boy next to you, thinking he might be trying to overstep some boundaries, but your face softens when you see he’s shrugged out of his hoodie and is now holding it to you, avoiding eye contact
he shakes it when you don’t immediately accept it, “you need it more than i do” is all he says
you decide that you’re too cold to act courteous and instead you accept said jacket, nearly shuddering when you feel his warmth still lingering on the warm cotton lining inside
you slip it on and are suddenly barricaded in not only warmth, but the mystery boy’s scent
it smells of fruity shampoo and “boy smell”, but it’s not a bad smell
it’s actually kinda........ nice
you find yourself snuggling into the thing so much that by the time the class ends, you sincerely don’t want to part with it, but it seems the mystery boy has somewhere to go and you don’t want to hold his clothes captive
you would retreat to your bedroom soon enough and relish in the warmth of the covers, so you didn’t need it
as you pass it back to him, he gratefully bows his head at you and begins to make his way out of class
until you suddenly call “what’s your name!”
him, and a few of the other students trailing out turn to look, but you’ve got eyes locked right on his
he seems to blush and says in a just loud enough voice, “minhyuk... and you?”
you say your name back, much louder than him, and grin when he smiles back a little before skittering out of the class
and so, you find yourself subconsciously waiting for the next day of class???
every monday, wednesday, and friday, you see him
you start your week with minhyuk and you end your week with minhyuk
for the first few classes after your first meeting, he stays quiet and doesn’t say more than he has to
you remember to bring your jacket of course, but part of you really wants to leave it behind just so you have the excuse of borrowing his again
because damn that thing smelled nice- i mean, ,,, felt nice
slowly, you learn the rules of the back of the classroom that minhyuk cutely calls “the void of room 203″
because of the loud a/c, nothing said back there can be heard for several tables in front of you both
so no matter how loudly you’re dissing people, the rest of the class could be none the wiser
and yes, while it is terribly cold, minhyuk manages to take your mind off it the more you get him to open up
he goes from blushing and going wide-eyed every time you’d talk to greeting you with a shy smile in the hallway when you’d pass each other on the way to different classes
sometimes you’d find him surrounded by a group of five other boys on campus, some you recognized as members of the infamous dance club headed by kwon soonyoung, the dance genius himself
when you asked minhyuk the following day of class about it, he had practically lit up
he seemed all too eager to tell you about his dancing, about how long he’s been interested in it and how kind the older boys in his dance club are
he tells you how one of the boys, moonbin, had given him the jacket he was so fond of and wore to class all the time
you made a mental note to track down this moonbin kid and ask where he got that thing
though you doubted it would feel as nice as minhyuk’s what huh i didn’t say anything
he was v passionate about dance, even blurting out that he thought you should come see him at the dance competition they were having next weekend
of course, right after he’d said that, he had shrunk in on himself and tacked on a “only if you want...” at the end
and sure enough, you had requested he point you in the direction of acquiring tickets to see him
at first he’s all like no!!! i was kidding!!!!
but you’re so insistent and you seem to genuinely want to see him dance so i mean
who is he to stop you?
(someone who thinks ur hella cute that’s who)
he ends up taking you with him after class for the first time, and you note with a little giddiness that you’ve never really been anywhere else with minhyuk outside of classes... purposefully
like you’ve seen each other and struck up conversations in line at the caf but you’ve never actually went somewhere with him, planning to anyway
so it’s kind of funny how you two linger near each other as he leads you to the arts building where the dancers reside
the top floor is for the ballet dancers, while the bottom floor is where all the hip hop dancers hang
he shows you one of the open practice rooms where a few of his dance crew are, and you can’t believe your eyes when minhyuk suddenly just.... changes
right before your eyes is no longer the shy boy you’d grown fond of
now he was all kinds of excitable, greeting his fellow members with big smiles and laughter and suddenly you feel like the shy one out of you two
he doesn’t even really seem to notice, talking to the boys about this and that
but then one of them spots you and coughs rather loudly, making gestures at you when minhyuk gives him a puzzled look
a glimpse of the shy boy comes back when he rushes over to you and places his hands on your shoulders, guiding you over to the group of boys
you’re honestly too stunned by the sudden touch he’s initiated that you pretty much blank out on him introducing you to everyone
it’s only when the boy who had initially noticed you walks up and holds out his hand, sweat dripping down his neck and chest but looking otherwise unbothered by it
“hi, i’m moonbin! i’m minhyuk’s friend,,, he talks a lot about you ya know”
you flush just as minhyuk drops his hands from your shoulders and whines back “i do not!!” indignantly, all the while the others simply refute his claim with a chorus of “yeah you do”‘s
you find it more endearing than you probably should when minhyuk stutters over a response to you, looking absolutely mortified and regretting bringing you here after all
but then moonbin takes control as if he hadn’t just utterly destroyed his friend’s confidence in seconds “so! what brings you here?”
“minhyuk said he’d sell me tickets to your dance competition?”
moonbin widens his eyes at you and then looks at minhyuk, “you’re making your friend pay?”
minhyuk seems to snap out of his pity party long enough to form a reply, looking a little pouty, “well, of course... y- we need it”
moonbin stares at him for a solid minute before he bursts into laughter, shooting you a smile as if to say he’s sorry for you being friends with the younger boy
then he goes over to his duffle and pulls out a ticket and hands it to you, shoving his hands into his pockets despite your confusion
“don’t worry, you’re minhyuk’s friend. you’re free to come. hell, you could sell the ticket for all i care”
you’re v thankful, telling him that you’ll definitely come and that you’ll definitely scold minhyuk for being so stingy, and then the both of you are walking out of the building with much less haste
as you’re walking, you turn to minhyuk to see he looks a lil deflated
“did it bother you that much the way they joked with you?” you ask quietly, watching his expression for any telling signs
but he shakes his head quickly, smiling reassuringly if only for a moment
he seems to be debating over what to say before he finally does, “it’s... moonbin.... he doesn’t have a lot of money to come to the school to begin with. we try to split up enough money from the dance competitions we win to go toward his tuition. since we also help sell tickets and advertise the venues we dance at, we send that money his way as well. he’s usually humble about the whole thing, which is why i was hoping i’d get tickets from soonyoung or something...”
you feel bad all of a sudden, wanting to go back and demand you pay to moonbin, but you know that would just make him uncomfortable
so instead, you slip more than enough cash into minhyuk’s hand and watch as his comically large eyes find yours
“don’t tell him i gave that to you, alright? i’ll beat you up right after he does”
all minhyuk does is nod, shoving the money in his pocket
and he lingers
until he throws his arms around your neck and you’re caught into a hug
and god.... this is the first time you’ve been so close to minhyuk.... you can feel his rapid heart beat and his breaths rustling the hair at your ear
“i’m sorry, it’s just... when people... are kind to the people i love, i tend to really like those people a lot”
you practically melt as you hug him back, despite your nervous movements that he doesn’t seem to notice
“I thought you already liked me” you joke, squeezing the fabric of his shirt in your hands
he pulls back, half a foot from your face
and those mesmerizing angel eyes catch yours
“...maybe i already did. maybe... this just sealed the deal for me” he mutters, though it’s loud and clear for you
from that moment forward, you can’t help but admit.... you’ve fallen for park minhyuk
suddenly when you’re sitting next to him in class, all you can think about is his quiet squeaky laugh as he makes you watch funny videos on his phone
suddenly you’re wanting to be in that jacket of his more
and even when he scolds you for forgetting your jacket again, you snuggle unabashedly into the warmth of his clothes and he can’t pretend he doesn’t like seeing you wearing his clothes often
he’s sneaking glances of you when you come to watch him practice, always showing off in the subtlest of ways just to impress you
schooling his expression into something he’d think is sexy, and what moonbin would call “constipated”
but shhhh moonbin u think it is kinda sexy,,, in a constipated way
plus, it’s not like you don’t just end up completely entranced by his moves when he’s really into it
you often imagine yourself, and you’d never admit this aloud, dancing with him
sometimes a particularly beautiful song will come on and you’d find yourself zoning out, imaging him holding you, moving with you, dancing as if you’re made to mold together
it’s the night before the competition when minhyuk calls you
he’s asked you to come to his practice this time instead of having you come without invitation because he wants to be sure you’ll be there
he tells you that he’d bought you dinner, and that he just wanted you to tell him if he needed to fix any part of his dance
even though he had perfected it weeks ago, he still agonized over it
you really just want to bop him upside the head and tell him that no, there was nothing to fix. there was never anything to fix because he was perfect
still, you do as told, sitting up against the mirror that he faces when he dances
it feels so different compared to sitting against one of the walls like you usually do, because you can see all of his expressions clear as day
you watch as he stops in the middle of his routine, taking in a few deep breaths as he tries to regain his energy
“minhyuk-” “i don’t think it’s good enough yet”
you frown, “it’s perfect, minhyuk!”
he just looks at you with a dejected look, “you have to say that.... you’re my friend”
you frown and set your orange chicken to the side, crawling across the floor to where he’s now crouched and taking a swig of water
when you’re within inches of him, you hold out a hand “you wanna see not good enough? put on a song and dance with me”
he looks at you for a moment and laughs, “what?”
you shrug at him and head over to the stereo, putting his playlist on shuffle and laughing when a particularly cheesy 2000′s r&b song comes on
you watch as minhyuk cringes, trying to muffle his laughs as you start to dance over to him, looking extremely awkward yet managing to lift his spirit in seconds
he’s so attracted to your personality,,, you just have a light that makes him look twice
so he takes you up on your offer and decides to dance with you, knowing he looks super goofy and knowing if any of the boys walked in he’d be roasted within an inch of his life but he still,,,, has fun
anyone would argue it’s simply because it’s you and when is he not willing to make a fool of himself just to make you laugh i mean
the kid is just...... gone... for u
you two are just dancing like this, acting like a pair of dummies to like,,, sexy can i or somethin
and then the music ends as a softer song plays and you and minhyuk fall to the floor in a fit of breathless giggles
you land first and he lands across your tummy, effectively weighing you down to the wooden floor and making you swat at him just so he’ll let you breathe
he slowly slides off of you, laying down on his side beside you instead
“thank you” he says softly, smiling so big that you think it might tear his face in two
you just reach up a hand to his face and comb his hair from his sweaty forehead, smiling back just a little smaller bc you’ve only been this close to him once before and your heart wasn’t beating as fast as that time
there’s a calmness over you, a burst of confidence that you’re not sure where it comes from and you’re a little scared to see what it’ll drive you to do
but you rest your hand on his cheek, his eyes never leaving yours
“can i kiss you?” you both ask at the same time
and then burst into another fit of giggles
minhyuk looks both totally embarrassed and totally flattered, knowing that he wasn’t the only one feeling anything right then
“yeah... uh... let’s just...” minhyuk starts, trying to find the right words
(of which he doesn’t get to finish doing because you’ve already cut him off with a kiss..... it’s ok bud)
(if moonbin was here, he’d probably scream)
(if soonyoung was here, he would probably take pictures like a proud mother) (that’s weird, soonyoung) (don’t do that)
from this moment on, you could say you and minhyuk begin to engage in some,,, sor t of courting
i say “some sort” because if you thought minhyuk would get any better at being around you after kissing you then,, heh
the poor bean is just a bundle of nerves every time he’s around you!!! like even more so!!! bc he hasn’t dated much in his young life and he likes you a heck of a lot
most dates he went on back in high school were with ppl his friends would set him up with, which usually either ended in him being turned down or the other way around
but you? he’d be crushed if this didn’t work out
he takes most of his dating tips from the older boys which is a Bad idea but he also doesn’t have many reliable sources to begin with i mean
his mom suggested a good date idea would be bringing you home for scrabble night
so, needless to say, your first couple of dates are just some awkward mixture of candlelight dinners in stuffy clothes and movie dates where he’s spent half an hour debating if he should put his arm around you or not
but one day, you’ve had enough
and you suggest a date at the arcade
and jesus christ you never knew minhyuk was this competitive asufheoihfi
he loosens up so much playing around with you, whether shooting baskets at the basketball game or trying to slice off the other’s fingers during a game of air hockey
you actually end up winning the most tickets tho, much to his pouting dismay
that is, up until you combine all your tickets and buy him a giant stuffed panda
“i’m the luckiest guy in this arcade tonight :)” “you’re on a date with me, of course you are”
you and minhyuk just have this natural best friend kind of relationship?? like if no one ever told jinjin that you two were together, he’d be none the wiser
you and minhyuk: *eskimo kissing while snuggled against each other*
jinjin: aw i love friendship :)
but it’s just expected that you two are mostly distant pda wise, unless you two are alone
if you are alone, you have to kind of ease minhyuk into initiating skinship with you
but from there? u don’t have to ask
he’s got a hand on you always
he just likes having u close. it’s a pisces thing
sometimes he jokes that after a few years into your relationship, he would be comfortable enough to hold hands with you in public (at least most of you hopes he’s joking)
he doesn’t take nearly as long to get comfortable with you, though he often felt bad when he’d see a couple in public hugging or one with their arm around the other, and he just wasn’t sure he was ready for that
but you had assured him countless times that you’d wait. that you would never go so far that he could not follow
and minhyuk likes that you don’t try to force him. he likes that he can comfortably mold with you
often times, you feel as if you need to guide him along,,, which can be a bit tricky
bc while you do want to be there for him, there are times you wished he would be more assertive
when you guys fight, it’s only after days of bubbling tension that boils over
minhyuk would often brush you off if he was annoyed with something you did, while you were one to confront him
his passiveness would start to crumble after a while of this
when minhyuk gets into arguments with you, it’s one of the few other times you see him get so passionate
he comes at you full of emotion like a hurricane of upset that you had no idea you’d let loose
and at first, it really kind of throws you off
but you notice that minhyuk is the type to try and pretend everything is okay, even if he knows it’s not
if only to keep from facing reality for a little bit
it’s something he hates about himself and he promises he’s working on it
that’s why when you finish fighting, he habitually takes your hands in his and kisses them both, never breaking eye contact with you as he asks “are we okay?”
when you nod, he knows he can survive another day
because you’re both young and you’re both trying to figure this whole thing out, and he’ll figure it out with you because he doesn’t want to lose you. he won’t let himself sabotage one of the best things that has happened to him. not ever
minhyuk tells you about switching majors a few weeks after you get together
he explains that while he had initially intended to stay in school as a business major and land a stable job so that his parents’ work wouldn’t be in vain, the dance club was the most fun he ever had at school
moonbin, being a dance major, had also tried to encourage minhyuk to pursue his dream
every sign was pointing toward switching, but minhyuk didn’t want to let his parents down
so you decided you’d go with him to talk to his parents
you’d met them once before, so they already had a positive view of you, but from the way minhyuk talked about disappointing them, you were legitimately worried they’d be mad or something
it’s only when minhyuk sits them down and tells them that..... well.....
“oh? is that all?”
minhyuk is O.O
his parents look completely unbothered, “if that’s what you wanna do, do it honey” “you mean.... you’re not upset? being a dance major doesn’t promise a stable career” “we didn’t spend our lives working to send you to school to do the safe thing, we did it so you could do what makes you happy”
you just smile brightly next to minhyuk, rubbing his shoulders as he lets the info sink in, and then he just can’t stop thanking them for loving and caring for him so much
you can tell changing his major just makes minhyuk become so much brighter, literally
every time you see him, he’s sparkling and so happy
he loves that he’s dancing for more than just a side hobby and that he can focus on what he wants, and while you miss him in your boring business class, you can bet he’s waiting outside in the hall for you after class each day
...even though he only has fifteen minutes to book it to his next class
you love him but he really is quite a romantic dolt sometimes
you love seeing your dancing machine so happy, and if he’s happy, so are you
enjoy him!!! he will love you to the moon (bin) and back
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aesjae · 7 years
Boyfriend! Johnny
#8 of Boyfriend! Series
Taeil | Johnny | Taeyong | Yuta | Kun | Doyoung | Ten | Jaehyun | WinWin | Jungwoo | Lucas | Mark | Xiao Jun | Hendery | Renjun | Jeno | Haechan | Jaemin | Yang Yang | Chen Le | Jisung
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Word Count: 1,216 Style/ Genre: Headcanon/ - Date Posted: 30 Sept 2017
johnny seo
seo johnny
seo youngho
the chicago pizza
okay so johnny being your boyfriend would be full of chivalry! ! !
like johnny would be one of the sweetest boyfriends ever ? ? ?
johnny would be the kind of boyfriend who would be shy about certain things yet have that immense surge of courage to do stuff on impulse
like kissing you on the lips at the most unexpected times just because the urge was overwhelming him
maybe in class?
or maybe him just looking at you and his insides just go rAWR MY GIRL IS TOO BEAUTIFUL I JUST WANT TO KISS HER SO BADLY (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ
huehue ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
okay but johnny being a chivalrous boyfriend?
yes please
from the most simple acts of opening the door for you, always asking for your opinions on things to always making sure that his and others’ decisions do not put you in a difficult/ bad spot 
like that NNN video of johnny calling to wake you up in the morning
“(Y/N)-ah, are you not awake yet? Wake up! Quickly wake up and see me~ I really really miss you~~”
“Johnny, we facetimed till 3am last night, how are you not tired...”
“I’m not tired because I’m excited to see you again!!”
Johnny be that guy in school with excellent grades but is quiet about it so nobody knows that he actually this super smart alec 
so when uall got together
he would become your personal tutor
tutoring you on subjects and topics that you were not very good at
despite school taking up most of your time to go on dates with Johnny, the tutoring and study dates with him would be very enjoyable
uall would probably study in either cafes or the library
after several hours of studying, Johnny would slide a post it note towards your side of the table, his expression remaining indifferent
but the post-it note would contain very encouraging messages to you
“You can do it (Y/N)! You’re the biggest hit, I believe you are really capable, don’t give up! Love you much ❤️”
“The numbers in the world will never be able to express the love I have for you. Hwaiting babe, I’ll be supporting you always, we can get over our examinations very soon 💪”
ohmo so sweet
Johnny also be that super sneaky boyfriend
“Hey (Y/N), can I try your drink?”
“Sur-” *passes Johnny your drink but gets interrupted by Johnny’s lips on yours*
“Uhmm, that was delicious~”
“(Y/N)? Are you okay??? I don’t really want a tomato for a girlfriend you know..”
says Johnny who would have a light pink flush on his cheeks because he would be embarrassed by his boldness
but he would have no regrets! ! !
and let’s talk about Johnny being a tall beanstalk
your nickname for him would be Sunflower!
so technically that’s my reblog tag for johnny
because he’s really tall like a sunflower stalk and he brings you and everybody else happiness
there’s always a smile on his face regardless of whatever has happened
and you would just love that positivity radiating out of him
Johnny might like to tease you being shorter than him (i’m assuming most of you are)
but in a very friendly and fun manner
“(Y/N)! Look! How do I look? I think I look super sexy~”
*appears Johnny in your heels/ platforms as he poses with his butt protruding out sideways and a kissy expression on his face*
“I think I finally understand why short women like heels, it’s like experiencing a whole new world never before”
and also? selfie times with Johnny?
uall would have the most adorable couple selfies
numerous selfies with tons of different filters
cute, retarded, stupid, pretty filters
uall would probably like to do faceswaps with each other and laugh at the result too
“aaaa my girlfriend is pretty on anybody’s face,, i’m jelly,,,,”
“whAt johnny seo i think i need to get your more mirrors, have you seen yourself gLISTENING”
“well then i guess i’m the brightest in your eyes ;)”
yes as you can tell johnny seo would be extremely cheesy too
and also let me put johnny’s guns to use
he did not carry every nct member that has been on NNN for no use
secretly, they were all practice to carry you bridal style on your honeymoon night ;-) 
but johnny would actually like to piggyback you
especially when you’re tired and all
he would almost automatically ask if you would like to be carried
which most of the time you would be too exhausted to reject his kind offer
but you wouldn’t mind anyways
because johnny’s broad back would be very comfortable to lean against
he would always make sure he brought you home safely
even tucking you comfortably in bed before he leaves
which most of the time he wouldn’t
because you would either pull him down into your bed to snuggle sleeping with you
or he wouldn’t even want to leave your side
even from 1mm away, your sleeping face would still be absolutely beautiful to him
smiling sweetly to himself as he took in every feature of your sleeping posture and calm expression while sleeping
giving you a soft kiss on your forehead or nose as he wished you good night
i would actually picture Johnny liking to bring you to peaceful places away from the city crowds for dates
he would really appreciate and enjoy the serenity of the atmosphere
probably like empty grass fields along hills
or maybe along the han river late at night
he wouldn’t want anything else to distract him during his sacred time with you
every moment with you was precious to him
honestly, he would actually really like taking midnight strolls with you along the han river or in parks
as he admired the beautiful night scenery
he would just turn to his right and realise that the scenery could only second to the beautiful person beside him
no matter what others said, you would be the most stunning gem in the world to him
chill dates at home with johnny would consist of both of you lying down lazily on the couch
you playing lazily with johnny’s luscious brown hair
and him just nuzzling his head into your stomach
he would play soothing melodies on the piano
filling the whole house with his amazing playing and occasional vocals
have I mentioned backhugs?
johnny would go absolutely soft for backhugs
a backhug from you would make him melting in the knees ! ! !
so soft like woogly boogly 
johnny would actually be a super soft, super considerate, super caring, super loving boyfriend
he would never fail to make you happy
he would never fail to make time for you
he would never fail to lend a crying shoulder and listening ear to you
he would never fail to give you valuable advice
he would never let you down
tbh if you could find another better boyfriend that also goes by the name Seo Young Ho 
call me up at XXX-XXX-XXX
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misskikuwrites · 6 years
Hiya, misskiku!! I have a quick question, I'm not sure if it was already asked- but do you have headcanons of your own for certain fe characters or ships??
I HAVE. SO MANY. mainly ships. 
For Takumi/Corrin, I feel like they’d get together during the war but would keep it lowkey/a secret because neither would want to draw attention to their relationship in the midst of a war and most people wouldn’t know that they weren’t actually siblings. As I wrote in Rebirth, I feel like Takumi (or Ryoma, or both) would sit down with their siblings and explain that they’re not actually related to Corrin, because they deserve to know that information. It’s not really fair for Takumi and Corrin to keep that to themselves and I feel like they’d want their siblings to know. Takumi and Corrin would take little moments with each other, away from everyone else, to just rest. To sit beside each other, holding hands, just relishing in the comfort between them. No words would need to be said. They just need the presence of the other to recharge. 
I feel like Camilla would become like a mother figure for a lot of the people in the army. Reluctantly for some, but she slips into the role with ease. Especially after she gets together with Ryoma. They’re a power couple. Camilla would be more open with her affection towards him, regardless of who was around, but Ryoma would always be quick to drag her away/find a moment away from everyone else to express himself. No one wants to get between them. Or accidentally walk in on them, whether they’re just hugging or being more intimate. 
Xander and Sakura would probably be the last to get together. It’s more of a slow, gradual relationship between them as Xander slowly opens up to her and Sakura realises that theres more to Xander than she first thought. Xander would be very... timid? or shy? towards Sakura because he doesn’t want to offend/frighten her or put her off but he sees her strength and comes to admire her. He’s intruiged by how she doesn’t flinch or shy away from injuries, even the most grotesque wound that a seasoned soldier would loose his lunch over. And he finds Sakura training with the bow, as stubborn as Takumi in getting stronger, to be able to protect herself and those she cares about. She wants to do more than just heal, be more than just a burden and that suprises Xander and makes him look at her in a different light. She’s not as frail as her stature suggests, he realises. And so he seeks her out, finds an excuse to talk to her, to work through her shyness towards him. And Sakura finds that he’s actually very kind and gentle. And sweet. She doesn’t mind tending to his injuries any more, doesn’t find herself stammering when they talk. It comes as a shock when they get together after the war because no one would’ve put the two of them together! but they just weren’t looking hard enough. 
For Leo and Hinoka, I think they’d bond over their mounts tbh. They’d come across each other in the stables, tending to their mounts, and conversation starts. Leo had probably never been that close, let alone seen, a pegasi before. Wyverns, yes, but not pegasi. He’d be intruiged and interested in it, but pegasi don’t like men so it snubs him off which just frustrates Leo. Hinoka would find it hilarious. She could tell that Leo has a kind soul because his mount trusts him. She watches with a smile as Leo’s horse nuzzles into him, Leo not even noticing because it’s so normal. Leo takes time to berate Hinoka over her recklessness in battle, making her understand because it’s not just her she’s putting in danger but her pegasi, her mount that trusts her, as well. She might not care if she gets injured but her pegasi? That makes her think. As time passes, Hinoka’s pegasi gets slowly used to Leo and eventually Hinoka offers to give him a ride on her pegasi which he, obviously, agrees to. But then it’s the first time he’s been this close to Hinoka, sitting behind her on a pegasi and debates internally about where he should put his hands before the pegasi takes off in a start and Leo practically ends up hugging Hinoka from behind. He can’t remember much from the flight, not any of the scenery or anything Hinoka said, except for how warm she was, how solid she felt beneath his arms. She’s not fragile, she’s a warrior. He couldn’t help but notice how taught her muscles were. It’s then that he realises that he’s fallen for her.  
I’m still not really sure who I’d pair Elise with. I’m torn. But I love her friendship with Sakura and they’d be the first ones to really bond between the two armies. They’re both healers and spend a lot of time together because of that and Elise is so friendly, so eager to get to know Sakura that it just... happens? Elise’s energy makes up for Sakura’s shyness. They bounce ideas and methods of healing between one another and learn from each other. They become inseperable during the war and even after. They even end up creating better methods to heal and treat the wounded, putting together the best treatments from each country. The ease of their relationship is the catalyst to really bring the two armies together and soothe the wounds of the past. 
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What is your rank of the Jojo OPs?
Oooooh, that’s tough. It’s hard to rank them because Jojo openings are kind of different from your standard “song by some popular band set to formulaic generic cool anime shots”, so like, music-wise I like Bloody Stream but Sono Chi no Kioku is cooler as an opening for example... How about instead of ranking them from best to worst, I’ll critique them all instead! I’ll put it under a cut because this gets long.
Sono Chi no Sadame
Music: ★★★★☆ - It’s really good, and Tommy’s singing is always great because you can always tell he’s having lots of fun. That being said, it’s a little bit of an acquired taste. If someone who normally listens to pop music put on Sono Chi no Sadame in front of someone who doesn’t know Jojo, that other person would probably be very confused and might not like it. (As a side note, depending on my mood I sometimes prefer the metal version from the anthology CDs, but they’re both so good...)
Animation: ★★★☆☆ - It’s pretty cool, and I love the use of manga panels especially the split second where you can see Jolyne. It’s very well synced with the music, like the part where they shoot Dio? Holy shit dude... I also like the part where Dio walks up the wall. That being said, the stage feels a little cramped, and since this was the first of the 3D Jojo openings it’s not quite as polished as the others. I feel like the models look a little weird at times, and I’m not so fond of the shade of teal used for Jonathan near the end...
Jojolity (to borrow the term from EoH): ★★★★★ I would have honestly ranked this one a little lower, but I mean, come on. It’s Sono Chi no Sadame. It’s iconic! While the lyrics don’t have as many direct references to the series as some of the other openings, I like the frequent references to the Joestar legacy (both in the lyrics and at the beginning of the animation). And as I mentioned, Tommy’s singing is so fun it’s infectious. Plus this opening deserves a whole extra star just for the iconic “JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOJO!”
Bloody Stream
Music: ★★★★☆ - This is definitely one of my favorite Jojo openings, but again, it’s a little weird compared to most anime music. It’s not as energetic as Sono Chi no Sadame, and the lyrics aren’t all that imo. The bridge (or whatever, you know the “kyoumei suru / unmei no hamon / kokoro ni) part is kind of weird tbh. But still, I really like this one.
Animation: ★★★★★ - I absolutely love the visuals on this one. I love the Battle Tendency aesthetic in general, and this opening practically oozes that aesthetic. The way they combined 2D and 3D is really cool, and I love the use of color, patterns, and silhouettes. The typography is really cool too! I love that while it does manage to incorporate some story elements like the other openings, it’s mostly at the end, and overall it’s a lot more abstract and focused on the main characters as individuals. I also really love the beginning, with Joseph kind of walking onto the scene and getting ready to show off, like it’s his turn now! Welcome to part 2! However, with  all this being said, why the thing with Lisa Lisa... why. I’m so tired of Jojo fanservice moms.
Jojolity: ★★★★☆ - This is a great opening that, while certainly different from the others and not as connected with the series as a whole, couldn’t suit part 2 better. It’s not just another Jojo opening, you watch this one and you KNOW it’s Battle Tendency. There’s a lot of fitting use of patterns and motifs in the animation- stars and the manga’s “JOJO” for Joseph, plus the brief foreshadowing of Hermit Purple, then for Lisa Lisa we’ve got some swirls and ripples, and Caesar has the Zeppeli family checkerboard/harlequin pattern. And of course, the blood bubble, the bandana, and the scream at the end are fantastic(ly painful).
Stand Proud
Music: ★★☆☆☆ - It’s good, but it doesn’t really stand out among the other Jojo songs. It’s a lot more generic sort of sound, like a normal anime opening. Even as a song on its own, I don’t think it’s especially noteworthy. Maybe that’s just personal taste though. That being said, I like the lyrics a lot! And I don’t know if everyone realizes this in English, but the “alright now, alright now, alright now” part is pronounced in Japanese like “ora now, ora now, ora now”, so it’s kind of a neat pun, even if I feel like it sounds better when it’s pronounced closer to English. (You’ll notice the “ora” a lot more if you listen to that one clip of Daisuke Ono singing it.)
Animation: ★★★★★ - This is the third of the CGI openings, and the experience shows. The models are a lot smoother and nicer looking than the first two openings, imo. The camera angles are pretty cool, and it manages to have a good blend of overall story scenes with more character-focused, “cool factor” type visuals. The colors are nice, the space theme is really cool, and my favorite part is the bit where Jotaro’s kneeling at the bottom of a sort of Joestar family tree.
Jojolity: ★★★★★ - While this is not my personal favorite opening, the animation and the song do a fantastic job of living up to the series. Part 3 imo is sort of the “big finale” of Jojo (even if it’s only the third of eight parts, it’s one of if not the most popular, and sort of the culmination of the Joestars vs. Dio rivalry), and Stand Proud- both in animation and music- is suitably badass, as well as connected to Jojo as a whole. There’s a lot of references to the Joestar legacy, both in the lyrics and a lot of visuals that literally show past Joestars and lead up to Jotaro taking his place in the spotlight and carrying on the family destiny. There’s also some pretty cool references to manga art.
Sono Chi no Kioku
Music: ★★★★★ - There’s really no term to describe it other than “grand”. It’s almost orchestral or like an opera, very dramatic and cinematic in a way, but still has a rock style to it as well. The use of a heartbeat-like sound at the beginning is cool. The lyrics are great, and I love that not only is it sung by the singers of the previous three openings, but if you listen to the full version, in the bridge they all make references to their respective openings (”The destiny of light and darkness” “the swirling history is bloody” “an inheritance of undying pride”). And of course, my favorite part is where they yell “STAAAAAAAAAR PLATINUMMMM!”
Animation: ★★★★★ - I don’t have too much to say about this one, since it’s pretty much the same quality as Stand Proud, but it’s also full of little blink-and-you-miss-them details and foreshadowing; You can actually briefly see stylized examples of how every character dies, and if you watch very, very carefully during the shot with Jotaro frozen in time, the finger on his right hand twitches. I like the bit on the stairs with the Egyptian god silhouettes, and the broken clock motif is also really cool, while at the same time it ties in with the space theme of Stand Proud.
Jojolity: ★★★★★★★ - This, to me, is the ultimate Jojo opening. It’s so dramatic, so part 3, so very Jojo, and in a lot of ways it really is the culmination of everything that came before it. The animation and the music are both fantastic. Then on top of all that we have the unforgettable “ZA WARUDO” edition, which to this day is absolutely the coolest thing I have ever seen any anime opening do, by far. Sono Chi no Kioku is absolutely perfect for the end of part 3 and does a great job of embodying “This is it, everything has been leading up to this, this is the final resolution of 100 years of Dio tormenting the Joestars, this is where it all goes down.” I love this opening so much and I don’t know if any anime opening will ever live up to it, for me.
Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town
Music: ★★★★☆ - Dude, this one gets stuck in my head SO easily. It’s a lot of fun.
Animation: ★★★☆☆ - It’s really unimpressive after the amazing CGI openings, and doesn’t even have as much movement as most anime openings. But the colors are really fun, and it definitely shows of Morioh, with scenery from all over town as well as montages of Morioh’s residents.
Jojolity: ★★★☆☆ - It’s just pretty disappointing compared to the first four openings. It doesn’t have nearly the same level of dramatic action, nor as many references to the actual story. It’s much more mellow. Overall, it feels less like a story about Jojo, and more like a random dance party. However, one might argue that that’s perfect for part 4; with no more vampires and a protagonist who wasn’t raised as a Joestar, part 4 has much less to do with Jojo overall than the previous three parts, and is a lot more slice-of-life, so a Morioh dance party makes sense. I’ll also say that I do genuinely like Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town, and both the music and the animation remind me a lot of Bloody Stream. I’m not sure if that was intentional or not, but either way, I feel like it’s a great homage to the fact that Josuke is Joseph’s son.
Music: ★☆☆☆☆ - While I like the song itself decently enough, it’s even more generic than Stand Proud, and the only direct references to the series in the lyrics are the use of the word “arrow” in two lines. Also, the singer doesn’t sound especially passionate, and holy shit dude take a cough drop. You’re killing me here. I’d actually like this song if I could stand the singing at all.
Animation: ★★★☆☆ - It’s much more drab than Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town, but it does have a lot more action and movement to it, and more references to the story. I like the Killer Queen emblem thing, too. I feel like at times it’s not very well synced with the lyrics. However, Reimi is in it, so there’s that. I love you Reimi
Jojolity: ★★☆☆☆ - It just doesn’t feel like a Jojo opening. Jojo should be weird, fun, colorful, fashionable, and Chase just... isn’t. It’s dull. It’s generic. Where are the funky trumpets? Fun patterns and colors? Keywords like “stand” or “destiny” dropped into the lyrics? There are none. If you replaced the characters, you could use this as an opening for Death Note. A Jojo opening should be very unique to Jojo. That being said, at least the darkness of both the music and the animation are very fitting for the horror of knowing that Kira is out there somewhere, and it’s cool how they throw in things like the fingernails or the Killer Queen emblem as if he’s watching everyone.
Great Days
Music: ★★★★☆ - Now THIS is a Jojo opening. It’s no Sono Chi no Sadame, but it’s fun, hopeful, and has plenty of references to the story. Not to mention that right of the bat, it incorporates the main theme from the OST, which is awesome.
Animation: ★★★★☆ - Again, it doesn’t live up to the CGI openings, but it’s got some cool angles and such. There’s a nice balance of plot-appropriate darkness and Jojo fashion aesthetic, and it shows off the town and also includes story elements. There’s some cool emblems and poses, too. Not to mention that Reimi is right at the forefront of this opening! I love you Reimi
Jojolity: ★★★★☆ - Like Sono Chi no Kioku, this one definitely has a sort of “penultimate” feeling, especially due to the use of the main theme. It’s really fun and suited to both the part 4 finale and Jojo as a whole, and the pointing pose is straight out of the manga. And then of course we’ve got the “Bites the Dust” version, like The World and Sono Chi no Kioku. Great Days is perfect for the end of part 4.
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spacexace-blog · 7 years
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task one ; development
there is no BEAUTY without some strangeness
general info
full name: baek jinho
nickname(s): jin, jinnie
gender & pronouns: cisfemale ; she/her
sexual & romantic orientation: heterosexual & romantic
age & dob: 23 ; 09/17/94
birthplace/hometown: seoul, south korea
parents/siblings: baek jungho ( father, 44 ) , go chaeyeong ( mother, 43 ) , baek jinyeong ( half-brother, 19 )
astrological sign: virgo
dominant hand: ambidextrous
handwriting style: very neat when she’s trying; if not, her writing almost has a lazy feel to it
language(s) known/spoken: korean, conversational english and japanese
religion: christianity
current living arrangements: lives in an apartment with @mierred‘s mijin
occupation/major: usher at local theater & her schooling is on hold until she makes up her mind about what she wants to do
picture reference: x, x, x, x, x, x
blood type: a
nationality: south korean
skin tone/color: fair
birthmarks & scars: a light brown birthmark just below her left shoulder blade
height: 5′7′’ or 170cm
build: slim & fit ; pear body shape
hair color: brunette
hair length: falls mid-back
eye color: chestnut brown
eye shape: upturned?? let’s say upturned for now
diet: tries to eat as healthy as possible under a budget -- lots of fruits and veggies, no fried meats, yogurt as her dessert unless!! it’s her cheat day. drinks a lot of water, teas on occasion, and coffee in the mornings
exercise & level of fitness: early morning runs & gym sessions twice a week -- three times if she has the chance. but it’s pretty basic stuff, just enough to stay in shape
how’s their posture ( or lack thereof )? : really straight, proper posture bc her mom was big on making sure jinho looked and acted like a lady
typical style of dress:  Jinho definitely dresses to impress, though more out of obligation than actual want most days. Her usual style is neat, trendy, and feminine – typically consisting of dresses, blouses, and heels of some sort – while her preferred style is much more laid back, consisting of a baggy shirt/sweater, jeans, and a pair of sneakers. since living on her own, she’s started to dress more casually like she prefers.
body modifications: aside from having her ears pierced, none
body language and mannerisms
how does your muse walk?
back straight, eyes focused either on the ground in front of her or off in the distance; her steps are usually unhurried unless she's short on time. even when she knows where she’s going, jinho tends to look as if she’s aimlessly wandering.
how does your muse talk?
a soft tone is most common at a medium pace, though when she’s excited or heated, her speech becomes sharper, clearer, and faster. unless she knows for a fact that she’s older than you or you two are good friends, she’ll always use polite speech.
what accent/dialect does your muse talk with?
as jinho has lived in seoul her entire life, she speaks with a seoul accent/dialect ( also known as the gyeonggi dialect ) .
how high (or low) is the tone of their voice? are they loud or quiet?
i’d consider jinho’s voice to be medium high maybe? it’s not the highest voice you’ve heard, but not the lowest by far. she usually speaks loud enough to be heard but sometimes falls back into the old habit of speaking too quietly for most to hear.
what is their laugh like?
louder than you’d expect!! a lot of the time she does the whole silent, breathy laughter thing, but if you really get her going, her laugh is loud and high-pitched.
how does your muse typically smell?
sweet!! sometimes like dessert or sometimes a sweet, floral smell -- it usually depends on the time of year and her mood. sweet, dessert scents are usually reserved for the colder seasons while floral scents are used during the warmer months. and if she’s not wearing perfume, then she likely smells like her clothes detergent. or popcorn if you catch her after work.
what kind of air do they carry? are they intimidating?
jinho doesn’t think she comes off intimidating, but she does end up appearing standoffish to those who aren’t familiar with her from time to time; she’s often in her own world and comfortable in silence, so those who don’t know her mistake that for a reluctance to socialize or disinterest. while there’s definitely a reluctance because of her introverted tendencies, she is interested!! jinho loves meeting new people tbh. as for the air she carries -- i’d imagine she just kinda?? blends in the background most of the time. like she just sort of has this presence that feels like it’s always been there and always will be, and if you’re not paying attention, you won’t notice it’s even gone.
what makes your muse happiest?
spending time with jinyeong, making him smile and knowing that he’s safe and happy. the same goes for her friends. being surrounded by pretty scenery and having the opportunity to capture it by hand. watching others admire and get lost in a piece of art, be it her own or another’s. baby animals -- kittens, puppies, newborn seahorses -- and animals in general. finally finishing something that she’s worked her hardest to accomplish.
what upsets them the most?
her parents’ inconsiderate and irresponsible choices. finding out she’s been lied to. disappointing someone. seeing jinyeong or anyone close to her upset. people making assumptions and passing judgments on her when they don’t know the whole story. 
does your muse have any quirks?
frowns when deep in thought, clicks her pen repeatedly when thinking or reading through material, won’t step foot in a place that’s considered haunted ( she’s very somewhat superstitious ) , purposely gets lost just to see where one path leads, always ruffles jinyeong’s hair at least once when she sees him, wrings her hands and bounces her leg when nervous
what are their hobbies? how frequent do/can they do them?
baking!! and maybe cooking in general now that she’s the one providing her meals. she’d consider photography a hobby as well, and while she has plenty of opportunities to practice her cooking abilities, she doesn’t always have enough free time to take photos like she wants since she doesn’t often have her camera on her. so!! she usually picks a day here or there to go out and snap photos. 
do they have any guilty pleasures?
probably anime and manga bc her mother kind of stuck her nose up at that stuff and made jinho feel like it wasn’t exactly okay to indulge. 
is your muse an extrovert? an introvert? neither?
originally i figured jinho was an introvert, but recently i’ve felt that she leans more in the middle -- she’s an ambivert!
do they have high or low self-esteem? what about confidence?
she probably has average self-esteem and confidence most of the time, but it drops whenever she starts thinking about her weight. jinho was a chubby child as well as shy, so she had to deal with some teasing and bullying when she was younger; it didn’t really help that her mother was more concerned with making sure jinho slimmed down rather than making sure her daughter felt good about her own body. that being said, she’s very confident in her character and her work -- being 100% confident and satisfied with her appearance just isn’t gonna happen at the moment.
are they easily stressed? how do they respond to stress?
jinho is a big ol’ worry wart, so she probably gets stressed out easily. when she’s feeling stressed out, she usually just needs to be alone and do her own thing or be around someone she finds comfort in being around -- like jinyeong and close friends. but if the situation doesn’t allow either of those things, jinho is going to bear and grin it and try really hard not to get snappy.
what is your muses worst fear?
dying alone : ) no but really, she might just be a tad afraid that she’ll always get in the way of herself falling in love. also!! dying before she’s really LIVED. 
what is your muses biggest dream?
publishing her own manhwa!! 
is your muse an early riser? a night owl?
both bc sleep is for the weak actually jinho is both bc she’s recently had a lot of trouble going to sleep for extended periods of time
how intelligent is your muse? do they acknowledge it?
pretty intelligent but she doesn’t really think about it. she views herself as a hard worker and credits that for her academic accomplishments.
what is their sense of humour like?
she’s got a good sense of humor -- you can thank her uncle jinho for that. you wouldn’t expect it from her, but jinho’s secretly a pun-loving meme of a girl. witty humor!! is probably her favorite tho
relationship tendencies
what’s their sexual orientation? what about romantic?
this bean is heterosexual and hetero-romantic
are they currently in any sexual or romantic relationships?
what is their experience with relationships?
she’s dated a few guys, but jinho usually ends things the moment she feels things aren’t going to work out, or if she believes she feels more strongly for her boyfriend than he does for her. so she definitely has some experience with the social and emotional aspect of dating; however, she’s pretty inexperienced when it comes to physical intimacy bc like i mentioned here, it scares her a little. 
how does your muse view the idea of friends with benefits? have they ever had one, or would they ever?
the friends with benefits deal seems like a horrible idea to her bc she really can’t see how friends can expect to have that sort of arrangement and expect?? to not?? catch feelings??? and then one or both parties end up hurt and she’s just not down for that :// she’s never had one and never will.
sex, is it important to your muse?
jinho definitely views sex as a huge milestone, but it isn’t something that’s going to be a deal breaker for her. like if her bf says, “ actually i wanna wait till marriage, ” jinho will be perfectly okay with that and can actually appreciate the choice bc for her, sex is an act of love and commitment. that being said, she’s going to be a big bundle of nerves the first time she does it because it is such a big deal in her eyes, so it’d help if her loved one understands that and realizes the significance of jinho’s choice to do it with him.
overall, tho, jinho is more about the emotional connection in a relationship than the physical, so while she’ll enjoy having sex with her guy, it won’t be a huge deal if they don’t do it often. she’s more likely to go with the flow and adapt to her partner’s libido than to really act on her own.
what are their biggest turn on and turn offs?
big strong hands!!! especially if they’re grabbing and holding her!! praise and compliments bc she’s a self-conscious babe who needs reassurance (๑♡3♡๑) possessiveness but mostly during the act, i think? and in general she likes it when the guy is dominant, but!! she also lives to please, so once jinho gets the hang of things, it’ll be enough just knowing she’s the one turning her bf into a mess ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) as for turn offs, she’s probably going to dislike it if her bf gets a lil too rough, but she doesn’t always need to be treated like porcelain, either. i think she’ll be kinda?? open to trying new things if her partner wants to, but the important thing is not SPRINGING it on her in the moment. bring it up beforehand so jinho has time to mentally prepare herself ( and research bc she’s definitely going to do that ) . she wants to make her bf happy, but she also needs to feel comfortable.
does your muse find it easy to make friends? 
yes and no -- it’s easy for her to befriend someone and get on friendly terms, but it can be a bit hard for jinho to initiate things on her own. it’s easier to make friends if she already has a mutual friend beside her in the process.
how important is friendship to them?
super!! important!! friends are the family members you choose -- jinho’s a strong believer in that.
quantity or quality of friends?
quality for sure bc there was a time that she had quantity over quality and she hated it sm
how important is family?
super freaking important. that’s what she was raised to believe and why she can’t bring herself to hurt her parents and tell the whole truth despite feeling hurt and betrayed by them. but like... she’d fight someone for jinyeong. she’d take a bullet for jinyeong. she’d die for jinyeong. don’t touch her baby brother ໒(  ◉ ◡ ◉  )७
are they close to their family? why or why not ?
she’s super close with jinyeong, but her parents have royally screwed up their relationship, so they’re not even on speaking terms rn. my original intro post pretty much gives the short and sweet version of what’s happened.
weak for gong yoo ever since goblin
he’s replaced lee jong suk as her homescreen wallpaper ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)
probably really loves!! bittersweet endings ( happy endings are still the best tho )
90% of her jeans have stains on them from her paints and markers
i think?? she’s developed insomnia since moving away from her parents, but she honestly had some trouble going to sleep even before that
the bright side is you can text her at any hour of the day and she’ll probably be awake to answer : )
you can probably find jinho at conventions selling her artwork 
she doesn’t like being touched without her permission!! but if u have permission she’s ready for full on cuddle mode okay
would love to learn how to dance!! but that is a secret desire that she may never act on
jinho is not only guilty of pronouncing meme as “meemee” but also guilty of pronouncing pepe as “peepee” at one point in her life
she loves mysteries!! and thrillers!! and horror in general if it has a nice backstory/plot!!
secretly a sass master okay don’t leave yourself open for assault
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Idk if you have any experience with this, but how do you combat spiritual disconnection? I haven't been able to really read my decks well lately at all and I just feel blocked and in flux. It's really concerning for me because usually reading tarot is when I feel most connected spiritually to myself and others and now I just feel idk abandoned in a way. Sorry if I'm venting, idk who else to go to tbh.
Well, for me personally, when I experience spiritual disconnection, it’s because of something. Am I not getting enough sleep? Am I not eating enough? Am I around the the wrong kind of people? Is my deck itching for a very needed cleanse? Do I need a cleanse? Should I change my scenery? I try my best to find the source of the disconnect and fix it. 
A way to cleanse yourself for very little is to take a meditation shower. I do it all the time, since Im a poor witch. Imagine a white light falling over you as you stand there. Ask for the light to cleanse your energy points or your aura. And imagine all the negativity going down the drain. And sometimes I go the extra mile and do sort of a physical cleansing while washing myself (and once again, imagining all the negativity washing away).
I have selenite slabs that are wonderful for cleansing anything. It’s the moon in a crystal lol. But if you don’t have selenite (or clear quartz, because that works just as well, you just might have to program it) sleeping with my deck has always been equally effective. 
But sometimes, it not about doing all these cleansings on you and your deck. Sometimes its just that you need a break. I usually pamper myself, give myself extra naps, take a walk around my complex and to the park. Look at witchy movies that make my feel witchy again, read back on my witchy journal entries, scroll through the divination community or the witchcraft community. Let this little block be my away time from my deck and spiritual practice. And when ever I get the feeling I should pick up my deck or do something witchy, thats when I go back to it.
Sorry you’re going through this love, we all have our ups and downs. Hopefully this could help you out a little, and hopefully you’ll be back to the swing of things in no time 🖤
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