#kinda anti-hinanami at the end
serahne · 7 years
this question is silly tbh and i just started to check your blog lately so from curiosity i couldn't keep this question to my self it's fine if you want to ignore the ask though :) , but why you shipped komahina or why you choosed it over hina//nami , sorry if this ask was rude for you
Hi there ~ Don’t worry, there is no silly question and you aren’t rude at all ( good god, each time someone is saying that to me I wonder if I’m really that scary ). I can definitely explain why I enjoy Komahina more than Hina/nami, please remember that it’s mostly based on my own interpretation of the characters, and that someone else’s interpretation is just as good as mine.
Except when people claim that Hajime is a Griffindor. I’ll bite.
Why do I ship Komahina ? Well…
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( You may think it’s a joke but wait to read my answer, and you’ll see it’s not )
Anyway, if you even glanced at my blog you know that I’m unable to shut up, so under the cut !
To anwer your question, my main reasons to ship Hinata with Komaeda are… the characters themselves. Let’s start with Komaeda, because it’s easier. Shorter. Something.
Komaeda is a character who doesn’t do emotional connections. He has this kind of unbreakable mindset that is fascinating to study, mostly linked to his past and his luck where he seems absolutely unable of sympathy and rationalizes all his feelings. I’m not going to say that Hinata is the only person he ever developed feelings for, we can’t know that. But he is the first person he realized he developed feelings for.
Until then, he didn’t need to think about it. Of course he liked Hinata, Hinata is a symbol of Hope, he is talented and so better than he is ( there is… more to it especially the ‘I feel like we are similar but I promised to keep it short ). The equation was I love Hope = Hinata is Hope = I love Hinata. There was no… internal contradiction in him. And then, of course, chapter 4 happens and it’s the worst. Hinata isn’t talented. He is despair. Worse, he is actually Izuru Kamukura, some kind of abomination who is one of the leader of the Despair Team. And yet, he still has feelings for him. The equation doesn’t work anymore, Komaeda is broken, his world is falling apart, he is willingly pushed into a character development that he didn’t ask for, and it’s so painful for him that he kills himself, trying to take everyone else with him.
That’s… fascinating. Sad, too. But damn, Komaeda.
Dr:ae showed us that he could evolve, though. His mindset wasn’t set in stone. With time, with new objectives, he can accept that someone who didn’t have any talent ( Naegi ) was able to beat despair. Actually, he even says that someone who doesn’t have talent, who isn’t praised and elevated by the society, beating despair, is even more hope-inducing. Which is why I think he will come to respect Hinata, and by extension, himself. With time.
So Hinata is Komaeda’s hope to change. To get rid of this stupid mindset Hope’s Peak’s world gave him. Obviously after dr3 being with Hinata would also allow him to not suffer from his luck, which would also help him to develop real relationships with people without them dying, so it’s good for him.
Now, Hinata.
I’m absolutely fascinated by this boy, and I even started to write a complete analysis of his character here and here ( for now I only covered Hinata before Hope’s Peak Academy and Hinata in dr3 but it’s already giving you a lot of keys to understand how I see his character ).
To be short, Hinata is someone who is always trying to find a way to run away from an unpleasant reality. He numbs himself to block out the exterior world and not face it the way it is, because it’s easier. It’s easier to play video games with a cute Ultimate girl and forget about Hope’s Peak segregationist system ( Dr3 ), it’s easier to convince yourself that you are an Ultimate too and fit with everyone ( Sdr2 ), it’s easier to think that it’s going to be okay, that they’ll do their best and will get out of it without problem, it’s easier to think that they are good people who can do no wrong.
And that’s where Komaeda comes in. Komaeda doesn’t allow Hinata to take the easy way. Never. From the first chapter, can you guess what would have happened if everyone had taken the easy path and voted him as culprit after his breakdown ? Because that’s the logic though to have right ? The only one who can do something bad is someone who is unstable, right ? Wrong. And thanks Mikan to save the day, because Hinata would have ran into this one if you hadn’t been here.
Through the whole game, Komaeda is someone who motivates Hinata to face the truth. Not only Hinata, mind you ( In chapter two, he pushes Koizumi to play the game too ), but especially him. He is the one who spit out Hope’s Peak ideology, how people are born for greatness and can rise through society or are born to be trash and will never become anyone ( which is a terrible thing to think, but is nevertheless what’s Hope’s Peak is all about ), something that Hinata refuses to accept even though he suffered through it. Of course, he is also the one who tells him that he isn’t an Ultimate, and repeats it, again and again, so he won’t run away from it. Hell, in his FTE, Hinata tells Komaeda that he is trying to understand him, and Komaeda replies that it’s really brave, to try and understand someone that you don’t. And I agree. Hinata is never braver than when he is facing him.
Chapter 5 is everything. Komaeda’s final test. Hinata is the only one who keeps going, you know. Who refuses to vote a suicide, even though everyone is almost begging him to, that he doesn’t want to think about another possibility, that they are all so damn tired. He keeps going. And after that, he does something even Komaeda didn’t expect : he understands him. He understands his luck, his hope, his goal and he beats him. At this moment he doesn’t need to be scared of Komaeda anymore, because once you understand something, you stop being scared, that’s just as simple as that.
On a lighter note… I admit I adore how Hinata can’t help but care about him. How angry he is with himself when he realizes he is super worried about Komaeda when he is sick, how embarassed he is when they joke about the sticker, how upset he is when Komaeda starts treating him coldly and I love how hyped he is anytime Komaeda speak during a trial and how attentive to him he is. That’s the cheesy part of me talking, sorry.
I think after dr3, Hinata would need some time to think about himself, the world, the meaning of life, whatever else, for a while. So he wouldn’t rush into a relationship with Komaeda or anyone else. I’m just saying that after sdr2 these two have such amazing connection that it could definitely lead to something great, whether they get together or not.
TLDR ; I love that Hinata is the way for Komaeda to change, and I love that Komaeda is the way for Hinata to accept himself, as hard it is after everything he’s done and become. It’s… honestly so rare to find such amazing bond between two characters who are so-well written, without one overshadowing the over but completing each others.
You don’t have to read it if you enjoy Hina/nami, but since you brought that up, here is why I don’t like it : The reason I dislike Hina/nami, it’s that Nan/ami’s role is the exact opposite of Komaeda. Her role is to shelter Hinata, as part of the Neo World Program. Her goal is that he never remember who he was, that he erases from his past every bad things he did and never have to face them. If you observe her in the game, she is the one who always go for the ‘easy’ route. She is the one who suggests Komaeda as the killer, she is the one who stops Hinata to go through the Final Dead Room and to face whatever is inside, she is the one who say to Hinata that it doesn’t matter if he has talent or not.
That’s just what she is coded to do, but that’s also what dr3!Nan/ami does. She brushes off Hinata’s insecurities, saying that the only thing that matters anyway are friends, not realizing that it’s a very easy thing to say when you are a sheltered, privilegied girl who is adored by everyone for her talent while he is struggling with what looks like depression. She is always painting Hinata a reality that doesn’t exist to make him feel better and hum… I feel like he deserves more than a not-super-bright girlfriend holding his hand through life and forbidding any development on his part. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about her, by the way, she probably brought him comfort when he needed some.
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