#kinda bummed at the Lawrence tease but s1 cycle. sure
Claire! Omfg what was that finale? Like god damn it Shiv! (My friend said that she’s a mirror of her mother, unhappy ceo wife) Roman just losing his marbles and I really thought Kendall was gonna off himself.
Ah so true! Bringing a kid directly into what she grew up in, being cold and seemingly out of touch with her own feelings, knifing family at the last second to give her husband a leg up. Woof. I will be excited to read smart people's takes about it because emotionally it's so easy to view Shiv as villainous after blatantly backstabbing. Caroline still not actually not prioritizing them in her final scene. Fucking dumbass big head Tom really makes sense with the way men be failing up huh? Mr. Servitude.
We all fully snot nose ugly cried at the sibs re-team even knowing it was going to crash, right? But the sweet scenes are just so sweet when we get them.
At this point, Colin is guarding Kendall from himself. I love the slow walk to the water, the tease of this man throwing himself in. Gag.
Roman got a lifetime of shit to work out with his crossed wires but he's okay. I feel so okay with this for him because being outside is what he needs. And being the aware one to tell Kendall they're bullshit, his little smirk, he fucking knows it. It's always been a game and he finally gets to stop playing. The tease of an empty chair next to him had me chanting for Gerri even though I knew that would be too cheesy for this show.
I'm heartbroken for Connor because he actually was winning in the ways you hope to win in this show. Had his functional partner, best friend and the most accepting relationship with alive & dead Logan, but he and Willa going back to a long distance relationship? Damn let the man have it!!
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