#kinda difficult keep track everything so maybe some huge important thing am forget mention
magz · 11 months
what made you not able to type normally? because i remember you had perfect grammar before and used to make rly long text posts
Around December 15, 2022 was main one (more info below)
Had seizure / stroke-like thing. and bad covid - at same time. while also stress + abuse.
then started speak and type odd immediately after wake up. words arrange odd - in all language.
which then, similar health event happen multiple times after.
each time was improve from consistent effort speech + language therapy, would get worse after another event. but slight different.
It actually affect more ability speak irl. where it progressive lost any ability speak, besides. sounds.
as sometimes am able more coherence text. often with strain head.
and there Are posts with more edit where spend long time change, or use autocorrect more + languagetool + search online + ask help. so have better grammar. sometimes end up pass out after.
so am just focus those on describe post or transcribe. or if think post worth it have good chance feel physical awful.
have delete some the text posts around time of main incident, as was live document what happen - which not feel good - too vulnerable. though many mutual were there ... and know.
had previous seizure / stroke-like events before incident - which gave speech impediment (permanent), or made guts worse (permanent) than was before, or made unable move (temporary) / worse move (longer), or photophobia extreme light sensitive (frequent / chronic).
anyways, there times when grammar n logic n language general ability not great, n other times more manageable.
other times other parts cognition is affect instead.
is to point sometimes where see past self n posts n way speak n creation, n cannot recognize as self.
am have old videos with voice on old art channel. so we were not born nonverbal. n of course had many long perfect grammar posts without much effort on this account. most those followers were from back then. is not secret, is... burden.
have you ever had your body n brain / mind fail you severely?
anyways: dominican medical system have been subpar. n they made some worse. [insert traumatic n backwards medical]
n am kinda like this n there a lot am not know about future n present.
am hope this was make sense enough, did try, you know.
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