#kinda wanted to switch the roles bc usually the dubcon is on kid's side in fics
nethhiri · 5 months
Marooned: Chapter 33
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: Sex (dub con), violence, gore, murder
This was the room Kid liked to take people to torture, though none of the captives were there. It was just you. And you were being tortured. Your hands were shackled above you, your throat hurt from all the noise you were making, and there were tears running down your face. But you didn't try to get free. You wanted to be here. You could feel Kid's nails dig into the flesh of your hips. 
"Open yer eyes. Don't pretend ya don't like an audience," Kid barked in your ear between pants. 
You were strung up in the middle of the room, fully nude, with only Kid's grasp to steady you as he fucked you from behind. In front of you, the other three officers watched. Kid yanked your hair back, forcing you to look up at them. Their eyes clung to your form, hungrily devoured the scene in front of them. You couldn't make direct eye contact with any of them, especially not Wire, though to see him look at you with hostility would surely excite you. This was not the spectacle that you invited them to watch.
When next you blinked, they were suddenly all very close. Their hands went wherever they pleased, eliciting a shiver from you. Hot breath was against your skin and there were sweet praises and curses alike being whispered against it. If only your hands weren't bound so you could touch them back. 
"Who do you want next?" Killer's hand found its way to your throat, not squeezing, just teasing. 
"I don't think she has to pick just one. Right, rag-doll? You would let Wire and I toss you back and forth, wouldn't you?" Heat's voice was somewhere to the side of you, but you couldn't look. You were transfixed by the sight of Wire perusing a wall of various tools, some for torture, some for pleasure.
Killer didn't have his helmet on, a dead giveaway that this was only a dream. As if on cue, you awoke with a gasp and a burning heat in your core. Fuck that was a good dream. You were disappointed that it was cut short. One, because that fantasy was really hot, and two, because now you were exceptionally horny. Even the soft fabric of the shirt Kid let you borrow against your nipples was maddening. You thought about taking an early morning shower for some relief or you could always take care of yourself right here. What were you even thinking? Kid was right there.  
The living orgasm dispenser was snoring next to you on his back. You nudged him, "Hey." He snored louder but didn't move. You spoke directly into his ear, "I wanna fuck." Still nothing. You groaned disappointedly. Maybe this will wake him up. You slid your hand down to meet his shaft, which was half-hard, as sleeping dicks normally are. He twitched, both on his face and with his dick, but didn't wake up. You thought about yesterday when Kid was talking about touching you in your sleep and that he would participate gladly. Did it count if it was him that was asleep? He was begging for you to fuck him yesterday. Using your poor judgement skills, you decided to fuck him anyway. There had been plenty of times that he had snatched you away and you hadn't been into it at first. You figured he would probably like it. 
You scooted down in the sheets until you found his cock with your mouth, easy since he slept naked. It, very eagerly, stood at full attention with a few bobs of your head. You let a glob of spit drip onto the head for good measure, before getting on top of him. He grunted as you rubbed yourself against him. You lined yourself up and sank down on him. There was a slight sting with the stretch of your cunt around him, but fuck did it feel good to be full. You were wound up fairly tightly from your dream. The feeling alone almost made you cum. You moved experimentally, watching Kid's face. A few strokes with your body made him stir, praises leaking from his lips in the form of quiet moans and grunts. You were panting soon after that, trying to hold in whatever noises that so desperately wanted to come out. The sound of your name made you freeze. Kid was still asleep. Maybe I imagined that.You went back to riding him, chasing your own release. His hips moved ever so slightly below you. "Fuck," you moaned. You looked up at him and his golden eyes were staring at you with bewilderment and some kind of lustful reverence. It startled you. Not enough to stop moving this time. "Good morning, Captain." Now that he was awake, all the sounds you had been bottling up came tumbling out.
"Is this a dream?" Never in a million years would he expect to wake up to this, especially not with you. Sometimes people were afraid to fuck him while he was awake; he didn't think anyone would try it while he was asleep. Not that he thought you were afraid of him, but because you hated him. Why were you being so generous by fucking him? Your expression was lost in pleasure. When you were looking at him, you weren't really looking at him, your eyes just happened to land there. Oh. You weren't doing this for him. It was purely for you. She's using me to get off. Fuck that's hot.
You shook your head and leaned down to kiss him. Kid's hands grabbed your hips and pulled them down on him, repeatedly. "Fuck, Kid!" You threw your head back, feeling your impending orgasm. "Don't stop!" You cried out as a wave of pleasure wracked your body, toes curling, back arching, pussy clenching, waking the entire ship up with your curses. There were a few more wet slaps before Kid pulled you down for another kiss, this time groaning into your mouth as he came. Both panting, you rested your head on his chest while you caught your breath.
"Shit, Rotten. Where'd that come from?" Kid's eyes were glazed over, both with post-coital bliss and the grogginess of just waking up. 
"Had a sexy dream. Woke up. Used your body to take care of it." You grinned and bit your lip. "Sorry. Thought you wouldn't mind."
"Ya only gotta be sorry for not waking me up sooner." His hands moved to grip your ass, the cold metal of the one making you shiver.
You rolled your eyes. "I tried."
"What was this sexy dream?" 
Your face turned red. Obviously Kid would share with Killer, but did that extend to other crewmates, let alone his other two closest friends? You cleared your throat, drawing your nails down his chest as you spoke, "I was shackled to the ceiling. And you were fucking me from behind." 
"Go on." Kid moved your hair to look at his handiwork, touching the metal that adorned your ear. "I know that can't be it. What's my wee little bunny fantasize about?"
Goosebumps ran down your spine. "Killer was there, watching." You hesitated. "H-Heat and Wire were there, too..." You quickly mumbled the next bit about them tossing you around to share. 
The rumble of Kid's laugh in his chest sent a tickle into your own from the vibrations. "Bunny is greedy, is she?"
"That doesn't bother you, does it?" You were relieved that he wasn't jealous or angry, not that he had any right to be. He seemed like the type, though jealousy did not lend itself to debauchery, which he clearly participated in. "Variety is the spice of life they say."
"Fuck no! That's hot. I'll call them in right now if ya want." 
You could tell by the fiery look in Kid's amber eyes that he wasn't joking, and he was more than willing to indulge you, and by extension, himself. "Ahh that's ok. I won't have the energy for torture today if we do that."
Kid's eyes were half-lidded, "But what if I want that. I could ask Killer for those seastone shackles ya liked so much. String ya up in the middle of my bed. Then we fuck ya until yer a drippin mess."
Shit that was an alluring mental image. You were seriously considering it. "I don't think Wire likes me like that." A thought popped into your head. "You think he enjoys a hate-fuck?"
The cold metal of Kid's hand slapped your ass. "Yer a depraved little thing, aye?"
"Takes one to know one." You grabbed his chin and bit his lip, pushing yourself up to get ready for the day.
After breakfast, you had pulled aside everyone who had been injured yesterday so you could check them over again. You had finished healing yourself after you showered the previous night and you felt recharged enough to use your power if you needed. The infirmary was cleared out in a few minutes. No one needed additional care, not even Reck, who felt terribly about what happened. Though Quincy came around a bit later for the same problem she had been having a few weeks prior.
"This is your second UTI in a month." You eyed her, already knowing where this was going. 
"Yeah?" She looked confused.
You looked to make sure Kid wasn't eavesdropping in the other room. "Who are you fuckin?" 
Quincy turned beet red. "H-how? I mean I'm not-"
"Please. You want to tease me about coming back this morning in only a t-shirt, but you can't admit you're having sex with someone." Finally you could tease her back. Possibly a bit unprofessional. "You don't have to say who. I'm kidding. But will you at least admit you are?"
She nodded. 
"That makes this easy then. Take the same medicine I gave you last time until it runs out." You continued, "Listen carefully. You have GOT to pee after sex. Or this WILL keep happening." You looked at her to make sure she heard. 
"That's it?"
"That's it." 
Quincy hesitated when she got the door. "Hey, I'm sorry about Minerva. I'm grateful."
You glanced at the snoozing shape in the corner. "If she cared about getting hurt, she wouldn't have done it. Trust me. She only does what she wants."
The personal nature of Quincy's problem had you thinking. You were going to have to be the bigger person, figuratively of course. You couldn't be checking for Kid all the time, and it wasn't fair to the patients not to have privacy. Begrudgingly, you went to the Big Fucking Hole, as you had been affectionately calling it, and placed your hands on one side. The wood began stretching to cover the gap. The action made your heart sink. You kind of liked when Kid was being annoying and the dumb little ways he got your attention. You couldn't have him watching all the time, though. You were about to sail through more dangerous waters, and the infirmary needed to be ready in case things turned ugly. 
Watching the hole shrink put you in a weird mood. You grabbed some items and went below deck. There was no better way to cheer you up than to make other people suffer. You were indebted to these people, for they were going to help you find the worst way to kill Warthin and Van Kossa. Giemsa's death was partially satisfying, but Kid got carried away too quickly. 
The men you had incapacitated yesterday were all strung up against the walls. Your first order of business was to give control and feeling back to their bodies. Their spinal cords had been altered in order to make them easier to capture. Something small, yet so devastating. You could have left them that way to spare them some pain, but then this whole experiment wouldn't be worth anything. You needed to know what method was the most painful. 
They started to beg for their lives as soon as you relinquished their functions to them. You were sure that would act as chum for your soon-to-be audience. You didn't bother rounding them up, that wasn't your job and you couldn't care less if they were there or not. 
"Mini, which one do you want?"
The boar sniffed around and bit one of the on the foot. You watched as she got a better grip in her mouth and tugged. The skin on the man's leg started to rip. You wondered what would happen first: degloving of his leg skin or dislocating his shoulders. The man screamed as Mini shook her head with his leg still in her mouth. The shackles holding his hands against the wall made metal groans, firmly in place. It turns out there was a third option, which finally won out. The man's skin was shredded off his hands from the force of Mini pulling, his bones crunching together to be forced through the shackle. The man writhed on the ground but wasn't able to go anywhere. One of his legs was crushed and he was currently pinned by one hoof in the center of his abdomen. You were already in a better mood watching. 
"Who wants to go next?" 
There were all silent, save for some whimpers and sniffles. It was hard to hear them over the screaming of Mini's toy. 
"THE LADY ASKED WHO WANTS TO GO NEXT," Kid's bark came from the doorway. 
Just as you predicted, the gang was all here. Though you didn't notice them right away because Kid took up the entire doorway, and he was distractingly hot when he was yelling on your behalf. 
"I'll choose for you then." You grabbed the scalpel you brought from the infirmary and walked up to the nearest victim. With precision, you sliced at several places in quick succession, symmetric on both sides. Blood dripped down the man and onto the floor at a slow yet steady pace. You purposefully picked vessels that were medium to small range calibers, too big to clot and too small to bleed out quickly. He started to plead with you, and then looked to the others to see if he would have better luck with them. "Shut up or I'll rip your vocal cords out. They aren't going to help you." 
You threw the scalpel down on one of the tables that was there. That didn't feel satisfying at all. A slow, inevitable death, not very painful or grotesque. 
"Can you do that thing where you make them explode?" Heat asked. 
"Nah. I think that was a special occasion." 
He looked disappointed. 
You went to the next man, intending to put him on his back on the floor. Didn't want organs spilling out during dissection. The shackles were slightly out of your reach and you could hear snickering behind you. 
"Do ya need help, wee bit? All ya have ta do is ask nice." 
Glaring at him, you touched your hand to the man hanging. In a flash of light, he was now on the ground. His hands were still hanging, however. "We're fine here, Captain." You stopped the bleeding from the wrist stumps and straightened the man out on the ground. You also created new shackles that held him in place in the floor. His clothes were cut off in an instant and you went right to it with a new blade, incising a large Y on his chest, with the tail going all the way down to the pubic ramus. With some quick strokes, you had the skin and then the fat peeled back, exposing muscle and bone. The man had passed out almost immediately after shrieking in a pitch so high it could crack glass. It was mesmerizing to watch the organs continue to undulate, performing their functions. 
Killer squatted down next to you. "Why can't you be this attentive to detail in the kitchen?"
"I'm not going to dignify that with an answer." At least when Killer poked fun at you, it was kinda cute. You pointed out an area on the liver. "That's where Reck got hit."
"I see." Killer pointed at some other things and you identified them for him. As someone who had a small knowledge of healing, he was very intrigued by this new perspective on the human body. Usually he only got to examine it after death or in pieces. He figured if you weren't going to be a permanent addition, he should try to learn from this. 
"What is this? An anatomy lesson? I wanna see the walls drippin with blood!" Kid stood over the two of you, arms folded.
Of all the tools on the wall, you didn't see what you were looking for. "I'm getting to it. It's gonna have to be the hard way though. Don't see any pruning shears." You looked at Wire, who you learned was in charge of this particular room. He shook his head to confirm they didn't have any. 
Putting your hand under the ribcage, you felt around for the diaphragm. It was hot, gushy, and wet, creating all sorts of squelching sounds as you tickled this guy from the inside. Carefully, so as not to cut yourself, you slid your other hand with the scalpel to the same area, making a cut into the muscle through to the chest cavity. You set the scalpel aside and reached both hands under the ribcage, squeezing them through the hole. The pressure against your hands changed with every breath from the lungs. You were up past your elbows reaching into this guy. There were a few meaty tearing sounds as you tugged at various connections to free your prize. You grabbed the scalpel once more and shoved it into the chest cavity, cutting away the last tie, the great vessels. Then with one tug, your hands came out from under the ribcage with a grapefruit sized pulsating organ. 
"It still beats for a minute or two after you cut it out." Blood dripped from your elbows as you held the man's heart in your hands. "Could have shown it to you still beating in the man's chest if I had shears to remove the ribcage. Then you can squeeze the heart until it stops and watch them convulse in real time. And you can do it over and over again if you can release the  heart before it completely stops." You offered the heart to Kid, who seemed fascinated by the way it twitched in his hands. 
Kid marveled at the organ, but he was more entranced by the way you casually described torturing a man with his own still-beating heart. And the vision of you tearing someone's heart out with blood dripping down your forearms made his own heart squeeze in his chest. You were a feral little beasty that he hoped would never be tamed. 
Now that you were on a roll, you were flooded with ideas. For the next man, you pulled off all his nails and pulled out all his teeth, and there weren't many to begin with. Then you skinned him. He actually remained conscious the entire time, though his voice grew hoarse from screaming. You put a hand against the bare muscle of his cheek. "You're doing so well for me," you purred. Gently pushing his head to turn, you started flaying the muscle of his face, moving down systematically until all his muscles had been dissected away. When you focused on him again, he was dead. "Shit, I missed when he died." 
Heat pointed about halfway down the man's body. "It was around when you got here."
"Thanks, Heat. You're a real peach." You patted his shoulder and your hand slid around the back of his neck, tracing your nails over the skin, as you walked behind him to the next victim. You tended to be more of a flirt when you were riled up like this, though you didn't realize that you were doing it sometimes. You also missed the way Heat's entire top half turned red. 
You stood in front of the last man. He had given up begging and was full on sobbing. "Mama's gonna get you for this," he blubbered.
"Mama can suck the fattest part of my ass."
"Save that fer us," Kid snickered under his breath.
Your heart skipped a beat. What did he mean by "us"? Did he tell them about your dream? Were you embarrassed or a little turned on by that threat? This was not the time to be thinking about that. You focused on what was in front of you. You had yet to indulge in a good old fashioned beating, nor had you used your powers. Maybe you could combine the two. It would probably end quickly, but it would be fun, and it would inflict a lot of pain. 
If you started with the spleen or liver, he would bleed out internally very quickly. Kidneys were also fairly bloody. The stomach was a safer bet. So were the intestines. And you could blow out one lung. You started with the stomach, punching the man as hard as you could without haki, and at the end of the punch you used your power to make it burst. From the outside, you couldn't tell anything changed until the man started wailing about something burning inside. You punched him in the gut several times using the same method. From his shrieking, you thought maybe you had found the winning torture methodology. There was a harsh wheezing as you popped his lung with another hit. 
Panting, you observed your work. You had decided to try this method on his bones too. Pleased with the grotesquely bruised and bloody man, who was still alive, you contemplated what Heat asked. Placing your hand over his face, you summoned the same rage that you had felt when it happened the first time. Nothing happened. A disappointed huff left your mouth. You were about to finish him off a different way, when you felt a presence beside you. 
"You gonna give up that easy?" Killer challenged.
"It's not working."
"Try harder then."
You growled with frustration, but tried again. Letting your eyes close, you thought about Mini being hurt by that man's comrades. You thought about how they wanted to hurt Quincy and how Reck could have died. It didn't work. You knew they were all okay, so you couldn't bring yourself to the same level of anger. 
Killer lowered his voice, "The whole point of this is to eventually use it on the people that betrayed you, right? Why don't you think of them?" 
One flash of Van Kossa's face in your mind and you felt the familiar spray of viscera. Beside you, Killer jerked back. The wetness soaked through your clothes and, just as Kid wanted, coated the walls.
"You did it!" Heat's former disappointment evaporated. He and Wire really only wanted to watch to see you do it again. 
Kid's hands clapped on both of your shoulders and gave you a shake. "Atta girl." 
You looked up at Kid with a sickening grin. If you could control this power at will, you would be a force to be reckoned with, to be feared, respected. You turned so that you were facing him, tapping your fingers on his chest. "You know, I was thinking."
Kid thought you were gonna say some nasty shit to him. He, for one, was definitely turned on watching you eviscerate these losers, and he knew you got some pleasure from it as well. Maybe you were about to tackle him to the ground right there. Apparently you weren't opposed to having the other three around. 
You continued, "Wouldn't it be something if you could control blood? I mean there's iron in it, and you control that." You licked your lips, tasting the iron that clung to them. "You could keep the blood in them longer so they wouldn't die as fast. Or even better, you could put the blood back in and I could heal them. Then we could do it all again. It would be an eternal hell."
"I like the way ya think." Kid smeared the blood over your lips, bending down to taste it for himself, his arm snaking around to pull you tight to him. "Depraved little bunny," he growled into your neck, continuing to nip and suck at the blood that stained your skin.
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