#kinderGarten ship lilly × nugget
jujubin-123450 · 1 year
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Lilly × nugget 💙🧡
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awkwardmazard18 · 7 years
Kindergarden Game headcanons (Highschool Au)
-still has his haircut from kindergarten (doesn’t wanna change it)
-wears dark blue zip up sweatshirt with a striped shirt
-Buggs picks on him about his hair
-Kid is a curious lil shit
-Teachers love him
-Best friends with Nugget and Billy
-Great friends with Lily
-Friends with only Lily, Billy and Nugget
-Kind of friends with Jerome and Monty
-Fuck Cindy and Buggs
-refuses to get into fights unless he really needs to
-Kind of Paranoid
-kind of popular?
-Sexuality who the fuck knows
-70%+ student
-sweet heart
-hair is a little longer
-puts it up during school
-medium height skirts and dress’s are her shit
-Talks to Jerome sometimes
-Very awkward with Monty
-Shes just awkward an awkward Human
- gets picked on by Cindy and all the other popular girls
-Kid and Billy comfort her
-protective over Billy
-Flower clips
-80%+ student
-Teachers love her
-silent teen
-reads fantasy books
-Always seen with her bother if not in class
-hates when Nugget, Billy or Kid get into fights
-great friends with Kid
-tries to get close with Nugget but still hangs around him which shes with Kid or Billy
-Billy will forever be her best friend
-She questions her sexuality
-tried to join theater But Cindy ruined it
-All I have to say is Cindy a bitch
-“Emo kid”
-wears dark Clothing
-Lily made him wear bright colours Nugget and Kid thought he was sick
-is actually a confused sweety pie
-Bags under his eyes
-gets picked on -Nugget kicks anyone’s ass that picks on Billy
-Kid makes sure he doesnt kill them
- 50%-60% student (he tries)
-Lily helps him study
-it barely helps
-Air head
-is actually the kindest teen you’ll ever meet
-best friends with Nugget and Kid
-Will choose Lily out of everyone
-Loves his Sister more then anything
-Shy but will try to defend Lily when she’s picked on
-Black bushyish hair
-Oh boy
-Will kill if he has to
-Very protective over Billy, Lilly and Kid
-Kid often has to pull him off people
-Still speaks third person
-Kid tries to fix that
-it works for a day -starts talking third person again the next day
-Still has a crush on Lily
- Is sweet when you get to know him -Checkered clothing 100%
-rarely wears Plain clothing
-gets higher Grades then Monty
-Monty is salty
-85%+ student
-very smart despite his personality
-He’s 50-50 on teachers
-most of them think he needs help
-Hair is still curly and poofy as hell
-Kid loves it
-Kid plays with Nuggets hair when they are hanging out
-Nugget questions his friend ship with kid
-Buggs continued to pick on him til grade 10
-stopped after Nugget almost broke his arm
-Kid stopped Nugget when he exploded on Buggs
-Only known as a scary ass kid that has problems
-A little shit
-still sells people shit
-Hair is Wavy
-has a few curls -Jerome loves Montys curls
-Hipster glasses (round on the bottom square on the side?)
-Nerdy shirts with his plaid short sleeve botton up over shirts
-Freckles mostly show on his nose and cheeks
-faded ones show on his neck and upper arms
-Everyone knows the kid
-Refuses to sell drugs
-Almost died one time cause of it
-Fuck that shit
-Who needs sleep?
-“Ironic” earring
-Jerome and Monty Pierced their ears together
-Best friends with Jerome
-Has alot of Enemy’s
-Jerome is more popular then Monty
-Helps Jerome whenever he needs it
-Jerome gets things half off if he needs something from Monty
-Jerome and Monty live together
-Monty got kicked out of his house as soon as he turned 16
-Has enough money for his own apartment anyways
-Doesnt care for his parents
-his parents thinks gay is a sin
-He is gay
-80%+ student
-Teachers arent a fan but can’t do anything cause he does nothing wrong
-he’s just a smart ass
-Girls try to flirt with him
-he rejects them cause he’s gay and doesn’t care
-his Business is very important to him
- Only talks to Kid when Jerome is gone from school
-He’s silent around, Nugget, Billy and Lily
-tries to talk to Lily -always ends up awkward
-Fine with Talking with Kid
-the Popular kid
-still has a small afro
-Every girl loves him
-Bisexual? (He’s questioning)
-Best friends with Monty
-Party’s is his shit
-usually wears T-shirts or jackets Monty gets him
-His favorite jacket is one Monty got him
-its yellow
-as Monty says its a “jock jacket”
-60%-75% child
-Has to beg Monty to help him study
-he question his sexuality
-Teachers think he’s a brat
-He is
-Still a bully
-only to some people
-soft kid if you get close to him
-always has a pocket knife on him
-Still chubby
-gets into alot of fights
-Plain T-shirts (usually Brown, Grey or Black)
-his head is still shaves
-Hangs with jocks
-tries to lose weight
-Still has a huge crush on Cindy
-no idea why
-Cindy doesn’t care for her but she keeps him around for protection
-Will kill any man thar makes her uncomfortable
-Gets flustured Easily
-50% kids
-Teachers hate him
-Tries to get Monty to help him with work
-Monty always makes him pay $20
-alot of people think he’s a dick
-he is straight
-plz help this child he’s hurt
-Cindy is a bitch
-can get any guy to date her
-Once she gets out of a relationship shes back in one the next day later
-has alots of sex
- mini skirts and crop tops
-Teachers bet She’ll have a kid before shes out of highschool
-makes fun of any art student
-She joined Theater
-People hate her
-shes actually a pretty good actor
-her hair is down and long
-has a belly piercing
-Straight no doubt
-50% she doesnt even try
Guy’s please I want this in my life I need this Monty in my life
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