#king Laniel
poohsticksbridge · 1 year
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Hellooooo King Laniel
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caiapahas · 6 years
The crew (of malicious little bastards) so far
Fort Gagaroth - the greatest and oldest of the three ancient Swamp forts
Garibald **- Wind Lord of the Swamplands* (POV)
Kepler - Steward of Lord Garibald
Third Sky-Armada - of Gerolia
Edmond Torm - Grand Skymarshall of the Gerolian Aerial Navy (POV)
Emmanuel Torm - the father of Edmond Torm
Mortimer - first officer of the Majesty
Tenzin (Louis Torm) - Mage, Assigned sael listener of the Majesty
Aranos - Mage, Assigned sael dancer of the Majsesty
Borislaw Levantien- Gerolian ambasaddor of the Steam Cartel
Alt Gerol - the historical capital of Gerolia
Gregory Arail I - King of Gerolia, arch-duke of Seglaur and Egenheim
Thomas Merker - forger, smuggler, and labour activist, born as slave in Letten (POV)
Laniel (the “Black”) - Mage, sentenced to death for charges of Harnessing, and treason, on the run (partial POV)
Lorato - diplomatic capital of the five united cartels
Alexandra Polonsky - Chairwoman of the Steam Cartel
Ignas Karkan - Chairman of the Grain Cartel
Kye Lars - Chairman of the Iron Cartel
We also have...
Archmagister Brax - all purpose politician and badass mage
Edmond’s wife, family, childhood friends and children.
a yet unnamed whore in Zizkaja
The Judge - enigmatic militant dictator of Zizkaja
Manuel Lettois Adélard Amalen - President of the Committee of Safety and Prosperity, in the United Republics (Republics of Estemar), formerly General of the Imperial army and First Sword of the Ebony Guard (will be observed by array of different temporary POVs)
Maximilan Tirvik - Minister of interior-policy in the Committee of Safety and Prosperity, former director of “Reichsrechts” (Imperial truth)
Duncan Gray - general in the UR’s army
Everything beyond this line is stupid... but included.
swampland savages, anti republican fundamentalists, Gerolian rebels (of any political standing), east-asian slave trade, fantasy russians, a foreign legion of enlightenment era islamo-zoroastrians, American vikings, a sociopathic killer, crazy scientists, all kinds of soldiers and low-lifes, the most infuriatingly smug aristocrats, a bunch of angry royalty, and maybe JUST MAYBE a Dragon (cuz why tf not?)
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