cuntstable · 2 years
omg they put the flag up all over the country to celebrate narutos birthday
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kingofkinnie · 2 years
Hi, sorry for disapearing! just wanted to let u all know i am obsessed with dialtown, so much infact that i would prefer Phonegingi/Gingi just as much as i would prefer being called my actual name, in fact, it would b really nice if you guys just treated me like i AM phonegingi, thank you <3
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eleventhot · 5 years
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I'm so deep into this ship, send help
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it’s kinggy. king george iii x peggy inspired by a cast photo they tweeted out.
here’s the au written by ME <33
This AU is where America lost the war because too many people still supported King George III, so they were never separated. King George hosts a “royal ball” many years into the future where only the most prestigious can attend - and therefore the Schuyler Family is in attendance (except for Angelica who eloped away).
Eliza arrives with Hamilton in tow. (who has become depressed after the loss.)
Peggy arrives, single still. Upon entrance, she looks around the ballroom and meets eyes with the King who is on a balcony of sorts, looking over guests. She is helpless. “Helpless” is sung by Peggy and the guests of the party.
At the ball, King George comes to the main level and joins in the festivities. Peggy approaches him and asks if he’d like to dance. Curious and intrigued by this girls shameless yet brave way of speaking to royalty, he agrees to dance with her. Whilst they are dancing, they start to talk and he quickly learns she’s a Schuyler. He’s intrigued at how different she is from her older sisters and parents, but the dance ends too soon. When they seperate (with a cordial bow), he can’t stop thinking about that girl. She had been so strange and different from all the other attendees that it was mind-blowing how she even came from the family she did. When the Ball started to end and people started to exit, the King found Peggy just about to leave with her family and pulled her aside to explain that he wanted her to write to him. Eagerly, she accepted.
They began to exchange letters. Then soon, love letters. Eliza ended up finding one of Peggy’s letters to him and quickly brought it to her father’s attention. Philip was horrified at the relationship that had built between his daughter and this monarch, but the look in Peggy’s eyes was undeniable. It was the look Eliza had when she married Hamilton. Peggy asked for his blessing, begged was maybe the right word… and Philip, along with his wife Catherine, gave her blessing. Peggy was quick to inform George; and they went to visit the palace where George quickly proposed…
Eliza has written to Angelica about this and she returned on Eliza’s request; who are both terrified for their younger sister. At the wedding, both Angelica and Eliza sing “Satisfied” in a duet in a disbelief of the situation and hope that Peggy will be happy, safe, but in acknowledgement that a King like him will never be satisfied.
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fuwafuwamedb · 5 years
Someone is a terrible influence on me.
I went down the aisle at the supermarket and saw containers of frosting. 
Guess who’s going to be downing some frosting tonight in the middle of the night?
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444names · 2 years
american forenames + american surnames + theological angels + theological demons
Abnown Acquney Adianc Adolmee Adormer Adounle Agoffy Aguellin Ahooperry Alaimbs Alaumark Alberuccas Aldelico Aldsager Aleon Allas Allaugha Amenn Androsane Aphoreess Apult Aristil Astickie Atermster Avilkas Aylvar Aynnabene Azque Baleberae Baners Banjaielles Barkens Barki Bathithya Bathrie Batra Beancis Bearken Bechadyson Belie Bennitan Bericerie Beviaggia Bhara Biellmar Biffisey Blanker Bolew Bondanton Bonniolar Booke Bornasmi Bowelman Bowson Braynn Briamel Brich Brist Bristay Brithas Brochanight Bronickshen Bryanne Buccubb Bucheth Buckie Bukabarosby Buliniel Bullas Buramaniell Bursony Burtyste Caapruzziel Caimord Calachricky Calinston Camah Campbermac Candsoliel Carne Carodyel Caromong Carren Carse Castu Casuria Chalairbaas Charantred Chavaphimer Chmancia Cholle Chrik Chriley Clifel Cluiz Colaver Crowal Crysterson Cubin Cubur Dalber Daver Dawna Deatte Dececorosio Delowerrods Demar Demon Dence Denny Dershaasel Derson Dieldez Domiahmer Donich Dorie Duffelonn Dumblak Eavirrenn Editt Eiddi Eleonne Elither Emhanio Emorobs Enein Erveris Eshew Everad Fadkir Flaie Flary Flasa Flaurti Floanarrid Fochabie Forkinguis Forman Formwood Forya Fowarth Frada Freek Fremortie Frephax Frojan Furgudin Gaddie Gandavey Garley Garrey Garson Gatone Gayol Gelaurp Gelpson Gielie Gollon Gortathy Gretchon Grital Grolton Guirauld Gushah Halendy Hamalerne Hanchus Handa Harali Harihers Haritt Harivia Harlegory Hassiats Havielaurry Hayon Heckyl Heris Hillyn Hinson Hobbiel Hodel Hodertoyce Hodoll Hodson Holfergiah Holleraya Holphyatfie Hoodyster Hophana Hubur Irams Irwoodon Istins Jacha Jachwall Jacknos Jacoy Jamala Jandy Jasucy Javers Jealan Jeatkirapha Jeffmaray Jerbalbel Jikelitan Jimmeil Joang Johassey Joher Jophan Jophicken Joselling Josharela Josirges Joyanie Judicipson Jusal Kabollandre Kabon Kalthym Kandris Kardarnan Kavana Keiler Keldema Kenza Kinggie Kricedia Kriel Krimmy Kurson Lachedin Lainerrey Lanald Lancia Laught Lemilles Levalton Lichught Litafansop Lockil Lodson Lunking Lynniellyon Mabifull Mading Madle Mahabata Malde Malio Malton Mandam Mandle Mandona Mandric Manitton Manteheath Mantlevey Manto Manurce Marlyn Marnard Maron Marrist Marry Marryas Maxter Mccalvill Mccater Mccusancurg Mcfaireend Mciste Mckie Mckina Mclake Mcpher Mejik Mellin Melyne Meron Micins Middle Midenzi Minge Molexap Mondotong Monglew Moodemuris Morna Mortintomel Muarkevil Muley Munte Murakku Nalde Nasio Nglorie Niagomi Nueris Ocard Odgeevehen Odgels Oldselagne Openjack Oradso Orelian Orgeord Orimon Oshaziel Packy Pacquell Pacquer Parlandanas Parna Paruz Patalline Pathyla Pathym Pattes Peacip Peang Pedichie Penchwaltz Pereen Pershanno Phambhari Phawn Phergie Phermura Pricanio Prise Pritton Prufforne Rahiles Ralvalistes Raminsosa Rannios Raphrie Raprob Rathym Reedaels Reley Rentifer Riarleme Richel Righes Ringra Robbimiddle Rochandacy Ronne Roodon Roston Rubyroa Rucimariggs Ruinartyl Rusirlyn Sagathes Sagnez Sanda Sannicks Sarroniel Satoy Schanixon Schmirdson Semyredrie Senson Sharria Shell Shephie Shersophon Shiel Sicilins Sicky Simey Skine Skings Skintyrd Snorte Snowebstie Soneverryn Spaguez Spechitt Spelen Spett Stammyazet Stegie Sterew Stespeal Sthernickes Stich Stimmes Stoks Stowlee Suarjohavy Surces Surne Swerethich Syanghand Sykens Tafandal Taley Tamson Tridi Trierence Trigus Truzuella Tucclucill Tuerrikina Unchen Urtlemhard Vacood Vallivel Vande Vaney Vazquell Vegownand Verntren Vetcher Vichax Vindia Waddinch Wadon Wagne Waltoney Waron Werrae Whiggs Whitan Wilaur Wilinsons Willa Willauraws Willory Wilse Wolsakarks Woords Woova Wricer Xapowelanix Yorey Zarkimood Zephiel
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ifreakingloveroyals · 3 years
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28 April 2016 | A dog called Kinggy Leung meets Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall as she visits the Queen Mother Hospital for Small Animals to celebrate its 30th anniversary in Hatfield, England. The Duchess saw how ACT funds are helping to support state of the art animal care whilst touring diagnostic facilities and meeting animals. (c) Chris Jackson/Getty Images
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twitchyglitchy · 4 years
as a kinggie i legally have to say something about you being a monsterfucker /j
This is what happened:
Me, thinking it’s for AI Cascade: Oh I got an ask in my ask box.
*Opens this*
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producermokyo · 5 years
Kinggy you're going to give me an aneurysm trying to figure out how all of your stories are connected! Alter Arthur threw me for a loop! Does this mean that Orgel is somehow connected to this timeline? You have me so invested in this medium sized family, I just want Hakuno to contract to all of these kiddos!!
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Happy you’re enjoying!
You should see my notes in my notebooks. I look like I’m trying to prove a conspiracy theory or something. 
Hope you’re having fun. I honestly credit BTS for helping me write complicated timelines lmao. 
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stitpics · 5 years
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2019. A “Kinggy” nibbling on my crab apple. King Parrot. Alisterus scapularis. If it is our regular visitor, then he’s lost his partner who always used to accompany him on these foraging missions. Interestingly, he appeared to be eating both the seed and the flesh, but as you can see, he’s a messy eater.
visit project-messiah.com
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gowoe · 3 years
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"Kinggie Boy" #SEALS❤ https://www.instagram.com/p/CNqCva9nWrJ/?igshid=r49ogml1rci2
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jeremykingg · 7 years
and tomorrow I'm prolly not gunna wake up and think about you like I did today
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kingofkinnie · 3 years
Gordon kinnies come here rn I need to. conversate
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kingofkinnie · 3 years
*sees Centaurworld episode 5* Cool :) *immediately adds Durpleton to my kinlist*
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kingofkinnie · 2 years
hi sorry for not posting for eight billion years but just to update you I am now fictionkin otherkin and therian so yea
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kingofkinnie · 3 years
I like just read a fuck ton about things like fictionkin and stuff and let's just say I may have. realized a few things about myself
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