kingnutcompany · 1 year
What did you get for Christmas this year?
Tell us in the comment below ✍️
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spiritedfairy · 11 months
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ANS 朱雀 by Kingnut Schaffer on flickr
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silverpuberty · 2 years
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Producer: JOY DOLL
Doll Makeup: KingNut
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kingnuts · 4 years
Công ty TNHH TM KingNuts
Thương hiệu hàng đầu trong lĩnh vực cung cấp sỉ và lẻ các loại hạt như: Yến Mạch, Hạt chia, Óc Chó, Hạnh Nhân, Mắc Ca,... Được nhập khẩu trực tiếp từ các quốc gia như Úc, Mỹ, Chile, và các nước Nam Phi,... Mang đến cho bạn những giá trị dinh dưỡng tuyệt vời nhất. Địa chỉ: 319 Bình Quới, Phường 28, Q.Bình Thạnh, Tp.HCM Điện thoại: 0921232428 https://kingnuts.net/
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missouri-witchcraft · 2 years
Hickory Correspondences & Associations
The more I saw "legal matters" listed in various places as a correspondence for hickory, the more I felt myself edge towards madness.
There are many kinds of hickory that grow in Missouri, such as the following:
carya aquatica (water hickory, bitter pecan)
carya cordiformis (bitternut/swamp hickory)
carya glabra (broom/coast pignut/pignut/smoothnut/swamp hickory, pignut, sweet pignut)
carya laciniosa (big/bottom/kingnut/shellbark/thick/western shellbark hickory)
carya ovata (shagbark hickory)
carya pallida (pale/sand hickory)
carya texana (black hickory)
carya tomentosa (mockernut/white/whiteheart hickory, mockernut, hognut, bullnut)
Yes, half of them do have rude-sounding names. That's just Missouri culture babeyyyy! Not included is the carya illinoinensis, better known as the pecan. Yeah, I was shocked to find out that pecans are hickories too. Pecans will get their own post later.
Comets & Planets
Jupiter [especially wood]
air [wood]
earth [wood]
fire [wood]
masculinity [wood]
acquisition [wood]
balance [wood]
childbirth support
dispelling evil [bark]
direction [wood]
family life
good luck
hidden messages
land nourishment
legal matters [especially branch, wood]
luck [bark]
new goals/possibilities
nourishment [wood]
protection from legal difficulties
receiving answers
spirituality [wood]
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laughing-thrush · 4 years
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Made my first concerted effort to start native plants from seed last year- collected a variety, potted them, and buried the pots over the winter so they could naturally stratify. Tragically, the squirrels got my sprouted kingnut hickory and burr oak (they must have thought they’d died and gone to heaven lol), but the smaller sprouts are doing well! First pic is brown dragon (aka Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Arisaema triphyllum) and green dragon (Arisaema dracontium), but I don’t remember which pots are which. Other pics in order are northern spicebush (Lindera benzoin), wooly pipevine (aka Dutchman’s pipe, Aristolochia tomentosa, the only seed I bought bc I couldn’t find any wild ones), something I don’t remember what it is (was busy with work and didn’t label anything rip me), and some volunteer stout blue eyed grass (itty bitty native irises, so cute omg) in the bed next to the pots.
I’m pumped for these! Especially the pipevine! Hopefully they’ll all do well, I can give some to neighbors, and maybe we’ll get pipevine swallowtails! I’m a little puzzled more species didn’t come up though- basswood, beech, wahoo, american bittersweet, zigzag spiderwort, ground cherry, and blatternut are all unaccounted for. Blatternut is pickier, but the others shouldn’t be too hard to start? My pawpaw seeds will hopefully sprout in June or July, so maybe there’ll be some other late bloomers yet!
And I’ll def make a cage for next year’s sprouted tree nuts, damn!
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clinicalherbalist · 6 years
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I wanted to post some more about kingnut, since it was unfamiliar to a lot of people. These three nuts—a regular hickory nut, a pecan, and a kingnut— are all hickory nuts of different types. As you can see in the second picture, the pecan and kingnut are shaped along similar lines, but the pecan is skinnier. . . . . #wildfood #ediblewildplants #wildedible #foraging #gathering #nut https://www.instagram.com/p/BpDsy8OB5eK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bcv9z8y0oymm
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kathleenmaryparker · 6 years
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jack-beresford · 6 years
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Shellbark Hickory; Kingnut Hickory (Carya laciniosa)
Mature Size - (60-100′ x 40-60′) Can grow to 120′ tall on occasion
Shape and Form - A tall straight trunk and an ovoid to oblong crown. The lower branches have a tendency to droop. Trunks mature to 3-4′ wide. Similar in form to Carya ovata.
Growth Habit - Relatively slow-growing
Leaves - Odd-pinnate compound leaves, each leaf having 7 (less frequently 5 or 9) dark green, finely-toothed, broadly lance-shaped, pointed leaflets. (Shagbark hickory, Carya ovata, has leaves of 5 leaflets.) Leaflets range from 4-8” long. Leaves turn yellow to golden brown in fall.
Flowers - Non-showy, monoecious greenish yellow flowers appear in April-May, the male flowers in pendulous catkins (to 4-8” long) and the female flowers in short spikes.
Fruit/Seeds - Female flowers give way to edible, egg-shaped nuts. Each nut is encased in a very thick husk which splits open in four sections when ripe in fall. Nuts are attractive to a variety of wildlife. Nuts are the largest of any hickory tree.  Nuts are not produced until a tree becomes about 40 years old.
Bark - Bark of young trees is gray and smooth, but exfoliates in long strips with age. Mature bark is grey and shaggy.  Young twigs are pale to medium brown with orange lenticels. Shagbark Hickory (Carya ovata) does not have these orange lenticels on its twigs, thus, this characteristic can be used to identify Shellbark hickory. Bark exfoliation of Shellbark is also less dramatic than that of the Shagbark.
Region - USA native. Native from New York to Iowa south to Tennessee and Oklahoma. It primarily occurs in the Ohio and upper Mississippi River valleys.
Hardiness Zones - (5-8)
Habitat/Growing Conditions - In the wild, it grows in areas that are periodically flooded. Frequently found in low woods, bottomland, river flood plains and streambanks along major streams and rivers. Best grown in humusy, rich, medium to wet soils in full sun to part shade.
Plant Community - NA
Eco-indicator - NA
Other info - Tree requires very large amount of space to grow. - Difficult to transplant due to deep taproot. - Cross-pollination generally produces a more abundant crop of better quality nuts. -  Saplings tolerate light shade underneath taller trees. - Temporary flooding is tolerated during the spring. -  The wood is close-grained, strong, and flexible; it is used in making tool handles and furniture
Tree attracts wide array of insects, and thus, attracts many songbirds, notably woodpeckers. - The nuts are consumed by many animals, including the Wood Duck, Red-Bellied Woodpecker, Wild Turkey, Ring-Necked Pheasant, Bobwhite Quail, and White-Breasted Nuthatch. The nuts are a particularly important food source for tree squirrels (Gray Squirrel, Fox Squirrel, Southern Flying Squirrel) and the Eastern Chipmunk. They are also eaten by such mammals as the Black Bear, Gray Fox, Raccoon, and White-Footed Mouse. Tree squirrels and the Eastern Chipmunk carry the nuts for some distance and often bury them in the soil for possible later retrieval.
Current Nursery Status and Availability - Because it is slow-growing and somewhat messiness from the large nuts, large leaves, and peeling bark, Kingnut Hickory is not often used as a landscape tree. This is unfortunate, because its value to wildlife is quite high and it is an attractive tree that resists storm damage. Dirr lists no cultivars of this species in his 6th edition woody plants manual.
Dirr - “Manual of Woody Landscape Plants”
Wessels - “Reading the Forested Landscape”
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kingnutcompany · 1 year
Shop our Peterson’s Nuts outlet stores for perfect game day gift baskets.
Our Peterson’s Nut - King Nut Factory Outlet Store located at
30600 Carter St. Suite 100 Solon (OH) 44139
Our store is in the back of the building.
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#Basket #Cavaliers #Knicks #Basketball #Spring #nuttysnacks #KingNut #SummerHarvestBrand #PetersonsNuts #Peterson #Petersons #FreshDelicious #GourmetNuts #Solon #Cleveland #Ohio
#KingNutFamily #Nuts #Nutsrecipes #white #easter #Outlet #Store
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spiritedfairy · 11 months
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Smallchar Yabi photo by kingnut on flickr
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dolltower · 8 years
Soom Dia
Soom Dia by kingnut schaffer
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kingnuts · 2 years
Giới thiệu KingNuts
Khởi nghiệp năm 2019 từ một cá nhân kinh doanh nhỏ các sản phẩm healthy cho dân tập gym và người ăn uống theo chế độ Eat Clean.
Nhu cầu thị trường tăng trưởng, đòi hỏi quy mô phát triển nên Công ty TNHH TM KingNuts được ra đời và có quyết định thành lập số 0316137561 do Sở KH&ĐT cấp vào ngày 20/02/2020, trụ sở chính đặt tại địa chỉ 319 Bình Qưới, Phường 28, Q.Bình Thạnh, Tp.HCM do Ông Đỗ Phương Chính – CEO & Founder, quản trị và điều hành.
Đến nay, KingNuts đã đạt được bước tiến mạnh mẽ và trở thành công ty hoạt động trong nhiều lĩnh vực khác nhau như: Cung cấp nguyên liệu nhà máy sản xuất, cung ứng giải pháp gia công đóng gói,,… đã có mặt hầu khắp các thị trường Bắc-Trung-Nam.
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Tầm nhìn: “Trở thành biểu tượng niềm tin số 1 Việt Nam về sản phẩm hạt dinh dưỡng và giá trị mang lại cho sức khỏe phục vụ cho cuộc sống con người tuyệt vời nhất”.
Sứ mệnh: “KingNuts cam kết mang đến cho cộng đồng nguồn dinh dưỡng tốt nhất, chất lượng nhất bằng chính sự trân trọng, tình yêu và trách nhiệm cao của mình với cuộc sống con người và xã hội”.
Giá trị cốt lõi: 5 giá trị cốt lõi KingNuts cam kết với cộng đồng:
– Đạo đức: Tôn trọng các tiêu chuẩn đã được thiết lập và hành động một cách có đạo đức.
– Tôn trọng: Tôn trọng bản thân, tôn trọng đồng nghiệp, tôn trọng công ty, tôn trọng hợp tác. Hợp tác trong sự tôn trọng.
– Sản phẩm: Cam kết sử dụng sản phẩm có nguồn gốc rõ ràng, đầy đủ hóa đơn chứng từ COA, Spec, VAT, Hala,…
– Công bằng: Công bằng với nhân viên, khách hàng, nhà cung cấp và các bên liên quan.
– Chính trực: Liêm chính, trung thực trong ứng xử và trong tất cả các giao dịch.
Chiến lược phát triển dài hạn của KingNuts là đạt mức doanh số cao để trở thành một trong 05 công ty cung cấp hạt dinh dưỡng lớn nhất Việt Nam, với mục tiêu trong giai đoạn 2021 – 2025 đạt mức doanh số 2 Triệu USD.
Trong giai đoạn này, 3 lĩnh vực quan trọng tạo ra đòn bẩy cho việc đạt sứ mệnh của KingNuts là:
– Phát triển quản trị nguồn nhân lực chiến lược.
– Duy trì và quản lý hoạt động với mục tiêu phát triển bền vững.
– Hoạch định và thực thi các kế hoạch hiệu quả.
Địa chỉ:  319 Bình Quới, Phường 28, Bình Thạnh, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Điện thoại:  0921012345
Website:  https://kingnuts.net/
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/kingnutsvn/
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/kingnutsvn
Pinterest:  https://www.pinterest.com/kingnutsvn/
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meldemeu · 8 years
KEWPIE 丘比娃娃 by kingnut schaffer
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clinicalherbalist · 6 years
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If you are a forager in this bit of the world, this month (lúnasa) is really important. As blackberries are finishing, nuts are becoming ripe. Here i have three different type of hickory nuts. They’re probably more like “varieties” than species, as the trees can freely hybridize with each other and not become sterile. This first one is pignut hickory, which i think of as being “plain old” hickory. There are a lot of hickory trees in the woods with this kind of nut. It has good meat but is small. . . The second one is kingnut. It grows on shellbark/shagbark hickory trees, which have bark that shreds and peels off the trunk in long strips. The hull around the nut doesn’t have “wings”, the long seam-like projections some other hickories have. . . . And then the last one is a pecan [pə ka:n], which has wings and is more elongated and much larger than the pignut. It would be unusual to find a pecan in the wild in this part of the state (or in the mountains), but it is wild along the ohio river, and here it is often planted and often outlives those who plant it, surviving in a wildlike state. The name pecan is an Algonquin word, and sounds like it could have started as an imitation of the sound of cracking a nut with a rock. . . #wildfood #wildedibles #pecan #hickory #nuts #foraging #wildhuman #kentucky #foodways
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clouetvis · 8 years
Photo by iPhone par kingnut schaffer
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