#kingsglaive au
mrsmneme · 2 months
Beyond the Sunrise
Nyx week 2024 day 5 : Magic/Healing 
Also Glaiveweek 2023 day 1 : hurt/comfort
Warning : Graphic depiction of violence, Major character death
Note: Nyxweek 2024 ended about 1 month ago. This is a belated work due to my tight schedule, but I need to finish this short story with two-page comic. Drawing Nyx is always challenging but enjoyable.
Insomnia : The day after Niffelheim's attack
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The evacuation from central Insomnia started shortly before dusk, and it deemed accomplished a few hours before dawn.
Most of Niffelhelm's troops pulled back from Crown City before midnight, only General Glauca and some daemons remained fighting with the Old Walls and a Lucian glaive. When the fight was over, the city turned awfully silent. The Nifflhelm's General lain still. His breastplate was covered in blood. His mask was partially broken, so the face of Titus Darutos was exposed in sunlight. His eyes were fully closed and would never open again.
A few meters away, Nyx Ulric, the general's opponent, was leaning against debris. Though he was still alive but he did not look much better than his ex-commander. His skin turned ash gray from Kings of Lucis' fire. They had allowed him to use their power then their fire would burn him to death, as they had agreed.
Nyx sighed. Darutos had been nearly invincible. He should thank Kings of Lucis for being kind enought to give him some extra time. Now his mission accomplished, he did not only revenge Crowe and King Regis, but also save Lady Lunafreya and the the Kingdom's hope. "Not the worst way to go." He whispered to himself and looked up to the sky with a smirk, choosing the beautiful scenery as the last thing he would see. 
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But a nearby footstep distracted him from his thought. Nyx did not bother turning to see. Whoever came, Nifl or not, it did not matter at all because he was about to pass now. But when he heard a female voice calling his name, he could not help turning to face the source of the sound.  
So it made him really startle to witness Lady Lunafreya Nox Ferret rushing toward him.
"I found you! Thank goodness." She said with a smile of relief.
"Why are you here?" He was not sure that was really her or just an illusion, but he still asked. 
"To save your life." Lunafreya answered softly. She sat beside him and started healing him. Her fingers glided over his chest, golden aura glowed between her fingers. And it greatly relieved his pain.
"No, stop it, please, stop." He refused. "This is not what you can heal. Darutos couldn't harm me this badly." He paused, collecting more strenght to continue. "I made a contract with the Kings. They made me a nightlong superhero and in the end they'll take my life."
"They will." Lunafreya nodded. "The price must be paid, the Oracle saw it. But her vision showed some more details that caused her to head back." She looked straight into his blue eyes. "Considering all danger and risks awaited, The Kings of Yore agreed, upon the Oracle's appeal, to give the hero another twenty days to finish a mission for their sake, escorting the Oracle and the ring to Tenebrae's border. But they can only temporarily halt the ongoing process so she must undo what had already occurred herself."
Nyx's eyes widened. Lunafreya's magic shone aggressively as she spoke. "Please consider my healing as my plea to you, Nyx. I need your help, one last time."  
Nyx was blinded by extremely bright aura for a moment. But when he regained his vision, all the wounds were healed. He saw Lunafreya with sweat all over her face. She looked extremely exhausted and was about to fall. Nyx wrapped his arms around her, offering his support. She rest her head on his shoulder. 
"Now rest. We have a long way to go." He said softly. 
"Thank you." The Oracle smiled and closed her eyes, passing out in his arms.
"Another contract to sign, huh?" Nyx whispered, smiling at her. "But, you know? If it's about you, I'll help without thinking twice." Lunafreya did not respond. She looked soundly asleep under the shade of him. He looked up to the brighter sky. The sun shone strongly and would make debris too hot to stay soon. 
Nyx stood up, carrying her in his arms. Thanked to her magic, he regained enough strength to do so. He wished he had some more to take her to a shelter. They needed some good rest after a very long day. Then he would collect supplies and start making an escape plan. He had another journey to begin, it sounded tough yet amazing. 
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nyanykamito · 4 months
Seepy Bois Plushie interest Check
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[Reblogs are greatly appreciated 🐣💙]
Interest check for 15 cm Prompto, Cor and Nyx Seepy bois plushies, if you’re interested in purchasing one or all of them please fill out the forum. I'll be using the form to yay or nay this project.
Link to Interest check Forum
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garbria · 2 years
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A scene from my fic Have a LIttle Faith, by the wonderful @wombywoo
Cor celebrates after finding out that he and Nyx are engaged!
Her art is amazing, I can't recommend her enough!
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calling4glaives · 10 months
Legends 2023 - Day 2
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Sorry, this was supposed to posted last night but shenanigans!
It is Day 2 of Legends! Again, look at @starjunco's amazing art, today of Crowe looking appropriately fiery.
We see there is already some lovely content for day 2, so it will be reposted soon. Good luck to everyone still planning to post, and thank you to all the lovely people who have been creating beautiful art and wonderful stories for our lovely glaives. <3
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blossom-adventures · 10 months
Kingsglaive Legends 2023! Organised by @calling4glaives
Day 2: AU & Life After (Feat. Luche & Nyx, Pelna, Crowe, Libertus and Drautos)
I’m classing this as an AU even though it will appear in my fic, because I am intending most of the Glaive to survive… so it’s kind of AU but most of the main plot of the game and film still happens
Little context: at the start of The Long Night, Cor and Titus buy a penthouse apartment in Lestallum and they get bunk beds to accommodate their close friends and “family” so that they all have a safe place to live and don’t have to worry about accommodation themselves… also there’s a little teaser to Violet and Nyx’s relationship ☺️🥰
A year into The Long Night
Luche climbed the stairs to the apartment he shared with the rest of the Glaive, he’d just got back to Lestallum after a supply run.
He unlocked the door and pushed it open, being hit by the strong smells of curry being prepared in the kitchen, Libertus was working with Crowe to prepare the evening meal for everyone, there were a lot of people living in this apartment, so Libertus was hard at work, throwing various spices into the large 2 handled pan, while Crowe was carving up the Dualhorn steaks into bite sized cubes.
“Hey, Luche!” Nyx stepped out the bathroom, he had clearly just had a shower, “how’d your supply run go?”
“Ok, not great, we didn’t get much, but I did manage to bring back some more resources for the Power Station, so it wasn’t a complete loss” Nyx clapped him on the shoulder while Luche looked around, it seemed to him that they were the only ones in the large apartment at the moment. “Where is everyone?”
“Pelna was called to help Monica with some communication problems, Drautos and Cor had a meeting with Holly, Violet was helping Iris at her shop and the Kings friends are still out on a mission, most of them will be back soon” Nyx pointed over his shoulder to the bathroom, “we’ve still got some hot water and you’ve got time for a shower if you want, dinner is probably going to be another hour or so”
By the time Luche had showered and changed most of the others who lived in the apartment had arrived; Titus was now helping Libertus and Crowe prepare dinner, Cor was discussing something with Pelna and Iris was bouncing her nephew on her knee while Nyx and Violet sat together on the opposite sofa, Violet saw Luche leave the bathroom and gave him a smile.
Luche had been so unsure about the apartment at first, the idea of so many people sharing a space was bound to cause issues, but he’d been wrong, so far there had been no problems, the people who could cook took it in turns to cook the evening meals, and if they needed help, others would step up, but there was never any arguments or shouting. Everyone offered to help Violet and Nyx with their son if he was crying, or they offered to babysit him, like Iris was doing now, just to give them an hour or 2 to themselves. The house work was everyone’s responsibility, you cleaned up after yourself, it was only fair, and everyone was responsible for their own belongings.
Luche sat down next to Iris and reached over to her nephew, who was laughing and clapping every time she bounced her knee, Luche tickled him under his chin and he squealed happily before he took hold of Luche’s finger and looked at him, he had the same rich amber eyes as his mother and aunt but he had his fathers hair colour; an unkempt tuft of slate grey hair covered the top of his head.
“You always grab my finger when I do that” Luche spoke to the baby boy, who cooed in response
“He likes you Luche” Iris said “isn’t that right!” She said and she gave her nephew a tickle, now that his attention was back on her she began pulling faces, making him laugh even more than before.
Luche leant back on the sofa and looked at the group, Titus, Lib and Crowe were working together in the kitchen and Cor and Pelna were joining them on the sofas now that their discussion was done, they had become a family over the year they’d been living together and although times were much harder now, Luche wouldn’t change it for anything
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ruinedbycatastrophe · 10 months
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It's not everyday you fall through a portal. And it's not everyday, you stumble into unfamiliar lands. His greatsword tight his grip, the Shield set his eyes on the figure in front of him. "Who are you? How did you summon me?" Clarus set a hard gaze. "Take. Me. Back."
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a-world-in-grey · 10 months
Do Prompto's parents know about her health issues? Or did she manage to hide it from them?
Oh, Prompto's parents are fully aware of her health issues. The issues don't develop until at least a few years after she discovers her magic, so probably when she's ten or eleven, but even with how often her parents aren't around it's just not possible to hide that from them. Partially because her babysitters notice and tell her parents, but also because before she's taken to various doctors her health issues are obvious enough that her parents would have to be blind and dumb not to notice them.
Prompto's parents, of course, are really fucking concerned about Prompto's sudden health issues. They take her to doctor after doctor, but no one can figure out exactly what's causing the issues or how to fix them, which just leaves mitigation and coping strategies. Unknown to Prompto, Prompto's parents figure that her health issues are inherited from her biological parents and debate asking Cor or the King for more information. I haven't decided if Prompto's parents know she's a clone or not, but Regis and Cor, who do know, probably figure Prompto's health issues are a result of the cloning process when they hear about Prompto's health problems.
Meanwhile, Prompto - and by extension Noctis, Ignis, and Gladio - never really think too hard on the cause of Prompto's health problems. Her health is what it is, they don't really put much thought into it beyond helping her cope. Which, they probably should, what with Prompto's health noticeably improving after they start training her magic, but dumb teenagers will be dumb teenagers and they're more focused on hiding Prompto's magic from anyone that might report it back to Regis. (Might even have Prompto's doctor put her on a new drug around this time, so Prompto's improvement gets attributed to that instead.)
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sainthermelin · 2 years
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some luna outfit ideas I drew a couple months ago!
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guard-and-glaive · 1 year
Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XV, Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Lunafreya Nox Fleuret/Noctis Lucis Caelum, Aranea Highwind/Ignis Scientia, Crowe Altius/Gladiolus Amicitia Characters: Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Cor Leonis, Clarus Amicitia, Regis Lucis Caelum, Aranea Highwind, Prompto Argentum, Crowe Altius, Nyx Ulric, Pelna Khara, Luche Lazarus, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage, Rare Pairings Summary:
Gladiolus feels his chest burn.
It’s muted, subtle, so it’s easy for him to ignore it. At first.
But the burn runs up from his heart to his shoulder and across his back onto the other shoulder. It’s rapid and intensifying, and it gives him pause.
It can only mean one thing.
But now that they’ve asked, he doesn’t tell them. He doesn’t tell them he’s finally met his soul mate. Because frankly, he doesn’t know who she is.
And he rather he never finds out.
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“Crowe, what…”  Nyx didn’t even have a chance to get his words out before Crowe was running into him and hugging him. She had to be careful, despite wanting to squeeze him as hard as she could—she’d probably kill him if she did. He groaned a little even though she was being gentle, and his hands fluttered before he slowly brought them to wrap around her middle.  “Crowe, how’re you alive…?” He whispered into her hair, hugging her tight. “I saw you, the morgue, the body bag, I—“  “Me? What the hell happened to you, to the city? ” She demanded and pulled back to look at him. Her fingers came up to trace the silvery white scars on his face, traveling up from his neck and over his jaw, up to his temple and into his hairline.  He flinched just slightly and pulled away from her fingers, only for his head to snap up when they both heard the whir of an engine. “No time for that. Come on, let’s get down from here and then we can talk,” he said, glancing at her. “… you can warp?”  She wasn’t supposed to have magic. But neither was he.  “Yeah.” She said, and met his gaze squarely. 
-Astralfire Credence, Ch 5: Dead Soldier Walking
Whelp, this chapter finally got finished! :D I was aiming for 7k-ish and it's now 8.4k. Dammit.
Have some traumatized glaives dealing with the Fall of Insomnia.
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diamondcitydarlin · 8 months
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"Do you trust me?"
Lunyx Disney's Aladdin-inspired AU
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andywinter16 · 2 years
Traitor!Cor Leonis AU
This one was inspired by @midgarmosquito and their game theory. There is also added picture by @risingoflights that I can literally see when I wrote the last sentence of this.  And I have an excuse to write for Titus as a big brother and father/mentor.
WARNING! In this headcanon is mentioned abuse and beating.
- Cor was angry 15 year boy that despised war and decisions made by King Mors, like pulling the Wall to Insomnia's ramparts (he though that it was a honor to serve king, not anymore)
-  Cor started to be more bitter and cold towards everyone ( which did not escape a certain Drautos, who shared the sympathy)
-Titus took him under his wing, which blossomed into beautiful brotherhood (both of them cherish it dearly)
- It was slow and budding relationship from rivals to friends to brothers till death (Titus calls him affectionately “Little brother or tiny daemon”, Cor calls him “ Old bear or grumpy cat”, sometimes calls him “Big brother” when he´s feeling emotionally down)
- But the greatest confirmation of their brotherhood was when Cor came to Titus all bloodied and battered. Titus helped him bandage his injuries, gave him food meanwhile containging the rage inside. “Who did this to you, little daemon?” And afterwhile with choked voice came the answer. “It was my step dad. He tried to beat mum again, so ...” Titus didn´t need to hear anything else. He let Cor crash at his apartment, while he plotted. 
- Next day, Cor recieved a news that his stepfather was arrested, for what he didn´t know. He went to Titus, because he knew the older male had something to do with it. When sleepy Titus opened the door, Cor with no hesitation huggs him. “Thank you big bro, thank you so much.”  Titus never felt more alive than at this moment.
- Few years later, Cor is dissatisfied with Regis who acts as a puppet of the nobility. Especially with decisions of the reffugees, who are threated poorly and used as pawns for a war
- Titus introduced Cor to Nyx Ulric, his troublemaker protegee. Cor in private jokes with Titus that Nyx is more like his son. “Shut up, that´s not it!” “Yeah, yeah whatever you said Titus.”
- Titus takes Cor to Cavaugh more specificaly to his village. “This is where it all started for me. My quest for revenge.” Tells him about his family and friends who have died. How from loyal soldier to Crown he became the feared general Glauca of Niflheim.
- There Cor truly meets the real Titus, broken man with nothing  else to lose. And Cor doesn´t even hesitate when Titus asked him to join in their rebellion. “ You have my sword ,Titus. Whatever it takes, I am on your side.” 
- Cor met all the glaives that joined, promising them a better future. Is took by surprise by Luche Lazarus, who thanked him for everything he has done for them 
- Cor also received information about sleeping agent placed in Prince´s retinue, Titus didn´t specified it just said “ It´s insurance if anything goes wrong.”
- when the Day of Signing came, Cor did as Regis told him with exception that he joined Glauca in the fight.
Nyx´s eyes reflected pain and utter disbelief. “ Captain, Marshall ... It was you two all along.” 
- “ Forgive me, old friend.” Cor´s the one who deals the final blow to Regis. 
-  Meanwhile Titus went to fight Nyx alone while Cor was coordinating their forces (what's left of them, anyway)
- Whole fight sequence later  Cor at last came to the side of the battle, tired disolving Nyx sitting on other side of gravely injured Titus. 
- ” Titus, Titus goddamn it! Here, take the potion!” Titus stops him, his eyelids starting to feel heavy. “It´s okay little brother, you can´t help me ... “  Cor eyes started to water. “No, don´t do this to me Titus. You´re my fucking brother, the last good thing I have left.” Cor catch him by his collar. “As you were my, Cor.”
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nyanykamito · 4 months
how do folks feel about nyx with man bun? Like I think it gives him a comfy vibe, and he's able to relax? Maybe he just finished taking a shower or got back from gym? Who knows.
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garbria · 3 months
CorNyx 💚? 😍
true love’s kiss / magic kiss / healed
Galahd is attacked and Cor deals with the consequences.
For Nyx Week 2024 Day 4, duty and Nyx lives.
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noirbriar · 2 years
Culture Shock
[Video: A rather blurry, dark video. A blond in a comfy yellow purple hoodie trying to muffle his laughs, with only his lower half of his face visible. Even then, its mostly hidden by a fluffy domesticated coeurl’s snow white fur as a loud tirade in galah goes on in the background along with the sound of the tv.
The camera flips around and barely shows what seems like a very distressed man slouching in the sofa topless and in a patterned sleeping slacks. Although some tattoos are visible on his neck along with his braids. Obviously a Galahdian. Sounds of the Great Insomnia Cookoff echoes in the room. The man is supporting his forehead against the palm of his hand leaning on the side while the cat smoothly patters towards the man’s lap, laying down on its new perch to groom. There is also a immensely large cat tree at the side of the room.
A cheeky ‘pliss help me’ text is added overhead.
“-This is amazing, the smell is aromatic but just a tad too much that it overpowers the natural robustness of the Garula.”
Suddenly, he sits up and gestures wildly at the tv in great offence while talking in rapid Galah. The cat gets startled and leaps off. Rough subtitles are kindly provided for what comes next.
Subs:“How can you guys import spices from Galahd all these years but not know how to use them properly?! Ridiculous! Its not complicated-!”
Beep. Scene cut.
“-Also the rice is too wet-”
Subs:“Wet. Wet?! You wet curtain! Thats not even the problem! Wheres the pandan leaves? The damn coconut milk?? Somewhere, a grandmother will disown you for this, Etro forbid you to dishonour her name in her house with this travesty-!”
Beep. Scene cut.
“-And it seems like there is too much gravy that sticks to the skin, almost too starchy and pastey. Its, making it very dry in my mouth-”
Subs:“YOU are dryer than the paste.Its Garula Rendang!? Not Garula Stew! The pemasak IS suppose to be like a paste that is thicker than your foundation! Are you high??You-!”
Beep. Scene cut.
“-And I would appreciate more if its surface is more crispy”
The Galahdian’s fingers are pinched together with a tensed posture, audibly scowling incredulously at the screen. Almost hoping he can put everything before him out of its misery.
Subs:“What in great Etro’s graces is a crispy Rendang!? CRISPY!? Are you stupid?That Garula is crying in the Beyond just for that! A chef?! More like a damn hack! Legs on the Midgardsormr! In what way are you cooking actual Galahdian food? Where did you even learn all this?! 18 ancestors before you probably be rolling in embarrassment! This is a sin! Absolute crime! Pick any three year old and they can even cook better than this-!”
The video is shaking so much by now with a boy’s laughter that he is sniffling off camera while trying to persuade the Galahdian to relax and the video ends. ]
Choco_Pom Not an accurate translation but you get the idea lmao. #GreatInsomniaCookoff #ImAmazed #WTFaretheycookingtho #Sacrilage
As a Lucian, Im so sorry to our fellow Galahdians.
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I laughed, I’m so sorry, he seems stressed, is he okay though?
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LOL to be fair I been to Galahd for summer holidays and damn I feel the same way.That is not in anyway Garula Rendang. This show is a joke.
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wow, if you don’t like it then don’t watch? better yet don’t come here?
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I’m Galahdian and this was me and my roommate throughout that entire episode, such terrible, much cringe.
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LMAO ABSOLUTE MOOD. Tho dude seems awfully familiar to me tho…
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This video maybe dark as hell but dammnnnn I know a Snacc when I see one.
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His rage is absolutely valid! Hahaha tho should let him try some of the ‘authentic galahd cuisine’ we got here. Will be wild!
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[Pom 11:20pm] : (sadchocobo.gif)
[Noc 11:33pm] : sup. Y u still up?
[Ig 11:33pm] : Indeed. How peculiar.
[Gladdy 11:33pm] : ?
[Pom 11:34pm] : No sleepover this weekend. Im like grounded.
[Noc 11:34pm] : lollollol Y? Cuz u got Nyx trending?
[Pom 11:34pm] : Good thing that his face was not obvious and he didn’t get trouble at work!
[Pom 11:36pm] : Why am I so dumb???  (/ TAT)/
[Noc 11:37pm] : haaaaa was he mad?
[Pom 11:36pm] : NO AND THATS WORSE
[Ig 11:37pm] : On the bright side, the video was indeed not very obvious, Prompto.
[Gladdy 11:37pm] : it will die down lol shit on social be like that
[Ig 11:33pm] : Indeed. We’ll cross the bridge when we get there.
[Pom 11:36pm] : (baby chocobo falls over.gif)
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[Little Moon]
[Selena 1:20pm] : hahahaha I know those tattoos anywhere. With or without a face heh.
[Selena 1:20pm] :  also Zasiifa’s looks good!  
[Selena 1:20pm] : how did you end up trending on social btw?
[Nyx 1:33pm] : hello dear sister i’m very well I am having lunch yes thank you
[Nyx 1:33pm] : why have you invaded my space this lovely afternoon squirt?  
[Selena 1:35pm] : I’m just here to remind you to call mom as always
[Selena 1:35pm] : And that you are also trending here in Galahd hahahahaha
[Nyx 1:37pm] : [ √ message seen ]
From: Nelly Mason <[email protected]>
To: Nyx Ulric <[email protected]>
Good afternoon Mr Ulric,
I hope this email finds you well. This is to inform you of a faculty meeting later today. Please do note your attendance is compulsory.
With regards,
Nelly Mason
RUL FAC Faculty Administrative Office
*dusts off this strange scrap and drops it* Might as well clear up some random things sitting in my folder? Also I have no tiktok and it shows  Basically Nyx has a non lethal coeurl that look more like modern day white serval. Referenced from the ff kingsglaive concept art of the mini coeurl. 
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niaswish · 1 year
The Oathbreakers’ Trial
This is based on an au I introduced in 2020 for the NyxNoct week (Chapter 7 of the Heroic Start by Shiary on AO3).
Rating: Teen +
Warnings: Slightly graphic violence near the end. Implied character deaths.
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, implied character deaths, Nyx Ulric/ Noctis Lucis Caleum, eventual fluff, no major character deaths, Dark-ish Nyx, Royalty AU.
Chapter summary: The Lucian intruders are brought before Ramuh and the Storm for Trial. There is no doubt on their culpability, only the question of punishment for this new Oathbreaking.
Nyx strode into Ramuh's Temple with his Hunters at his back. The place was filled with his people, all waiting and watching the group of prisoners held at the center of the hall. He ignored the whispers that followed him as he headed to stand beside his parents and Selena. His Hunters spread on either side of the hall, watchful even as the Storm kept watch above them.
Nyx looked around the hall, tilting his head in acknowledgement of the Elders that stood by their Clan Pillar. The intruders had been stripped of all weapons, their injuries seen to, and all that was missing were the two who had escaped. Nyx held back the growl that wanted to escape. He wanted to go back into the jungle and track the princeling and that blond friend of his. 
There was nothing to do about it. The Storm would not allow Ramuh's royal sacrifice to leave Galahd, and considering how loyal the blond had been during their first meeting, Nyx doubted he would leave the prince.
As lightning struck the pillars behind Ramuh's statue, Queen Mirius Ulric, Voice of Ramuh, rose to her feet. Her eyes blazed with pure lightning and her voice held the rumbling of thunder. Through her, Ramuh spoke. "By the Storm and the Islands, let this trial begin! Those held in front of you have attacked you, and once more broken their Oath. I ask the Oathbreakers, do you have anything to say for yourselves?"
Nyx wasn't surprised as Marshall Leonis stepped forward. While his expression was steady, even almost bored, his eyes sparked with an anger visible to everyone in the hall. "We took no oath when you came to our home and demanded that we give up one of our own. We came only to recover what is ours."
"No Oath? Your King swore one in the name of all Lucis! Or do you claim to have forsworn your King and Lucis while wearing their colours?" King Gaius motioned towards the black crownguard uniform they were still wearing. "Which is it, Cor Leonis? Have you foresworn King Regis and Lucis, or have you broken another Oath before Ramuh?"
The man kept silent, though Nyx noticed his jaw clenching at the accusation. The silence drew on as Galahd and the Storm waited for an answer.
After it continued for minutes on end, Nyx stepped forward. "His silence speaks for itself as does the evidence we collected in the Hunters training caverns of Goary." When Leonis snapped his gaze towards Nyx, he smirked in satisfaction. With a nod towards Pelna, Nyx presented Ramuh's Voice with what they had found.
"Goary Training Cavern has multiple recording devices, visual and auditory, scattered throughout its grounds. We know this but these intruders did not. Hunter Pelna of Clan Khara, Hunter Sonitus of Clan Bellum; present the recordings to the Storm."
Pelna played the audio files first before Sonitus took over and showed the assembly what the cameras had caught. Discussion after discussion between the intruders and Lucis. Of planning how to find and 'rescue' Prince Noctis. Of the failed infiltration to find the prince's whereabouts.
The intruders had been there for days, ever since Pelna and Luche had found the empty boat almost 2 weeks ago, so only the discussions that provide clear evidence that Lucis broke the Oath were heard. And with each discussion, the intruders grew tenser as they realized they'd been overheard so often.
Nyx kept an eye on the Prince's retinue throughout. They were younger, more likely to react to revealing information. So far they were doing admirably well, keeping a blank expression though they kept glancing over at... Selena?
Nyx glanced at his sister. She met his gaze firmly, jerking her head towards their mother with a half-quirked smile. Oh? So whatever was going on had his mom's approval. Had Ramuh decided to test the Princeling?
Part of Nyx hoped so, something in his chest loosening at the possibility that his the princeling had not broken his Oath after all. Selena would have been able to find the intruders and bring the prince there quicker than Nyx and his Hunters. If Ramuh had allowed it then...
It didn't change the current Trial so Nyx nodded towards his sister before returning his attention to where it was needed. Once the last of the recordings were played, it was time for the Elders to make their Clan's opinion known to Ramuh. As Prince, Nyx's duty was to draw a random Clan name and invite them to state their Clan's thoughts on the Trial's outcome.
"Elder Khara, what does Clan Khara say?"
"Lucis has broken a second Oath so soon after breaking their previous one. They have shown complete disregard for our lives and culture. Clan Khara asks Ramuh to give us his blessing to declare war against them."
"Elder Bellum?"
"Clan Bellum agrees with Clan Khara. Lucis must pay for their slight against Galahd and Ramuh."
"Elder Lazarus?"
"Clan Lazarus is of the same mind. Furthermore, we have yet to receive the land promised to Galahd for their Oathbreaking. Clan Lazarus suggest that our first strike is to claim what is owed."
One by one, Nyx called upon the Elders and listened to the Clans thoughts. Once they had all said their piece, Nyx turned to his father and asked, "And what does the Crown have to say?"
King Gaius stepped forward, eyes sweeping through the hall, "The Crown has heard the Clans. There is no objection to the suggested course of action." The crowd started whispering to each other only to fall silent when Ramuh's Voice slammed their staff down on the floor. King Gaius turned to them and asked in a firm tone, "Galahd has found those on Trial to be guilty and Oathbreakers. The Crown offers War against Lucis as punishment for their transgression and that of their Ruler. What is the Storm's Judgment? What is Ramuh's Wisdom?"
Nyx watched as his mother's eyes grew brighter, lightning snaking up and down the staff she held with increasing strength, as she listened to Ramuh and the Storm. After a few minutes, a single bolt of lightning struck right in front of Cor Leonis, who didn't flinch at all. Nyx was slightly impressed, the man would make a good Galahdian.
"The Clans of Galahd call for War. And War shall be the path of the future. Let those who forget the weight of their Oath be reminded of it through blood and magic." Ramuh's Voice intoned. Their voice filled the hall with static and energy, filling the Galahdians with a thirst for blood, as they slammed the staff thrice against the volcanic stone floor. With each strike, the lightning snakes dispersed into the ground, leaving behind brilliant white streaks towards each Clan.
Just as the last strike faded into silence, a commotion broke out towards the Temple entrance. "Niflheim is attacking! Let me pass! Niflheim is on its way to attack you!" 
A young blond boy pushed his way past the crowd to stumble into the center of the hall. Nyx took a step forward as he recognized him. Their eyes met and Nyx saw the same fierce determination and loyalty he had seen in Insomnia. The blond set his shoulders back as he declared, "My name is Prompto and Prince Noctis has sent me to warn you of the Niflheim army approaching off your North coast."
Nyx didn't hesitate to give his orders even as he turned to his father. Instead, his mother's bright green eyes met his as she smiled and whispered. "Go to him and see who he truly is."
Nyx turned and ran.
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