peculiary · 1 year
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Wolverine #1 February 19, 2020
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Made Kinshe a new ref for this year's artfight!
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discommunicator · 1 year
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This is Kinsh, the master hairdresser of Wrongworld
Although she enjoys the Coven fashion and has a close acquaintance among the witches of Wrongworld, she's just one of the general hex-weavers, not a witch. Kinsh had the passion and expertise for her job to the point of getting an invitation to the Coven as a member but she wasn't really into group affairs, and above all, her flair was more of a physical prowess than a witchcraft. So she just chose to remain only as a good neighbor of the Coven, providing hair-styling service for the witches from time to time, while teaching her mortal apprentices.
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rcedutalent · 10 months
Entrepreneurial Journey Mr. Nishant Desai: Founder & CEO of “Kinsh Technologies”
Mr. Nishant Desai is Founder & CEO, “Kinsh Technologies”. He started his first job as a PHP Developer and was promoted to team leader in just 11 months because of good communication and client handling.
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skendong · 11 months
Africanistan: The Ultimate War on Terror
“We love our country. But to love it you have to be alive. A corpse has no homeland.”
On an enslaved mass Europe drew cold lines. Millions tangled in exploitation’s cruel dance. The hope for a continent in Barbarian hands, A united, stable Alkebulan a utopian dream.
The General Act of Berlin announced in 1885, Only Ethiopia and Liberia would be spared. Foreign soldiers descend on coastal shores, The latest weaponry blots out Africa’s light.
If trading in its people weren’t brutal enough, Now minerals overflowed in Europe’s dockyards. The conniving aggressors greedy for more, Almost wipe out each other in two world wars.
Post-1945 nations clamor for independence, Communists subverting old colonial rules. America and the Soviets in devilish mode, Instilling their doctrines lit a hellish fuse.
Carnage in Africa, the frontiers unclear, Instability, ethnic conflict and terror ushered in. Popular movements had freedom in sight, Extinguished by a cold war decadence.
The Berlin Wall tumbled and a flicker of hope, Now Africa is courted like a beautiful bride. China’s approach is different from the west Understanding Africa’s worth, they invest.
Excess supply meets unlimited demand, Building roads, schools, bridges and ports. Russia still supply 50% of its arms: Africa seeking fresh prospects anew.
Twelve years ago, Clinton’s emails revealed, Whispers behind closed doors unveiled. Muammar Gaddafi’s vast hidden wealth, Treasure trove of aurum and silver’s stealth.
Nearly one hundred and fifty tons of gold, Knowledge of this secret stash WikiLeaks told. A plan was conceived in the Colonel’s heart, A pan-African currency, a project to impart.
Franco British intrigue craft a motive strong: Oil, boosted influence and reputations to uphold. In Tripoli the embattled streets run red, No-fly-zone, armed clashes and countless dead.
Islamists and Tuareg separatists in Mali, An excess of arms has primed the north grizzly. Thousands have perished, a million displaced, In an endless conflict Mali’s fate defaced.
4,000 of Timbuktu’s manuscripts plundered, Ansar Dyne’s destruction leaves culture sundered. Pick-axed and hammered saintly shrines and tombs, Protecting faith’s purity, the extremists fumed.
Burkina Faso ravaged by relentless perdition. Executions, looting and arson the story. Civilians in the crossfire recruited for militia: Volontaires pour la défense de la patrie.
A coup thwarts another coup’s dark intent, President Captain Traoré standing firm. Jihadist activity distresses the land, Neighbouring countries offer a united hand.
As in Niger, skating on alert’s icy brink, Deposed President Bazoum a bargaining chip. Charged with treason, he’s already condemned, ECOWAS threaten war but their plan is insane.
Twenty-nine dead soldiers in the south ignite, A counter-offensive killing terrorists overnight. Niger taking measures to neutralize the threat, France’s withdrawal cast conspiracies of doubt.
Boko Haram and Jama’at Ahl al-Sunna, Spread fiery rhetoric stoking angst in Nigeria. In the troubled north their dominant sphere, 3.6 million have been displaced.
In Zamfara state the usual tale of woe, Gunmen agitate and lawlessness flows. Many lives lost; sixty villagers snatched, And students wheeled off in pick-up trucks.
In Cameroon, lingering tensions of old, The struggle for language, a tale unfolds, Torturing, killings and arson explodes, Amnesty International raises its voice.
Rebel groups rise, in the bushes they hide, A decade of turmoil, divisions collide. Factories halt and roads broken wide, This anglophone crisis the violence divides.
In Central Africa, where hunger takes toll, Half the population in an arduous hole. To be born and survive is a fragile goal, 8% don’t see their first year of life.
Wagner’s entry and the Rwandans fight, Purged Séléka rebels from the country’s towns. The first in a decade, a calm before a storm, In a region still marred by conflict’s blight.
Congo-Kinshasa remains insecure, Six million displaced as suffering obscured. UN’s future shaky, talks aim to repair, Gender violence haunts, survivors in despair.
Poison of greed smeared diamonds with blood, Minerals fueling war, displacement and hunger. Political solutions urged as elections draw near, UN peacekeepers targeted; challenges severe.
Chad, with oil wealth, yet so impoverished, Bearing the weight of war-torn refugees. 300,000 and counting fled from Sudan, A fragile security, a nation in unease.
Under guise of wiping people’s tears away, The UAE covertly aids with brazen lies. In a remote town of Chad an operation thrives, Weapons and drones for the RSF side.
Hemedti and Burhan, once brothers share, A conflict spurring chaos in Khartoum and Darfur. Bullets, rockets, and the fighter jet’s snare, The devil on horseback returned with flair.
Sudanese Armed Force’s strafing strews panic; Home invasions, bombed hospitals, people can’t go out. The pillaging and the killing systematic – As night fell, death lingers, ready to pounce.
In Ethiopia it seems the madness rages on, Sexual violence and other crimes scarring the soul. Terror in Tigray and now fighting in Amhara, A nation’s recurring agony takes a heavy toll.
Government battle with their former kin, Allied forces turned foes in a war so grim. Abiy Ahmed planned to unite within, But too many militias disagree with him.
Somalian troops have engaged for years, Hide and seek with Al Shabab, left a brutal scar. Thousands have fallen but does anybody hear? Screams and blood sacrifice an endless affair.
A truck bomb in Beledweyne’s town square, Killed 21 innocents sprouting anguish over here. Buildings razed, plenty wounded on the ground, Never-ending turmoil like Black Hawk Down.
Mozambique is a land in flux and dread, An insurgency’s deadly shadow looms overhead. A million displaced in Cabo Delgado’s fright, Another nation struggling as violence excites.
Loved ones beheaded, homes razed to ashes, Men and boys compelled to join armed groups. Livelihoods vanished, education’s lost ground, Healthcare and food scarcity in critical loop.
South Africa’s parliament hall burned down, Tensions with the U.S. begin to install. Naval drills in the Indian Ocean enthralled, South Africa, Russia and China allied.
ANC has past links with these erstwhile friends, USA frustrated and controversy found. Accused of arms smuggling aim to undermine, South Africa’s neutrality in the war in Ukraine.
Changing alliances and strategic coalitions, South Africa chooses in this dangerous game. Africanistan unfurling amid proxy’s friction, Ever-evolving struggles in a global campaign.
Djibouti is a gathering of strange hosts. Military bases for France, Spain and Germany, The United States, United Kingdom, and Italy, Japan and Saudi Arabia: if there’s revolts?
Russia and India seek a presence to be, Thugs guard the continent by land and by sea. On African territory set long-term plans, Colonial frontiers drifting in the sands.
African nations in the Arab League’s clique? Non-Arab lands in a union they sit. A paradoxical blend of conquest and culture, Arabs enslaved blacks so lest not forget that.
What does America bring, a weak dollar’s sway? Backed by the military they print dollars every day. What does Britain bring but a duplicitous role? Preaching democracy, education, and birth control.
The sordid past of Françafrique’s grim view, A fierce dawn breaks and the policy renews. Africa’s roar is a force to be reckoned, Winds of change, chains strained and broken.
For too long held in their pernicious stay, Imposing notions that affect us today. White supremacy’s harshness, Arabian superiority, The darker skinned hue lambasted with no pity.
A narrative marred by such horrible stains, Yet within our hearts, resilience remains. Awakening from this long and troubled sleep, No longer inferior, our dignity we’ll keep.
For we are equal, capable with open eyes, Our brilliance shining as our spirits arise. From depths of subjugation, we’ll break free, A proud united people and strong, we’ll be.
Youth and time is aligned on terrain, The West grows decrepit and demographics wane. Empires decline as the past conveys. Like a sphinx we’ll rise even a millennium away.
So, bear the turmoil Alkebulan my land, Relay this on the hills and shout up to the sky – Proclaim to those seeking to seize our hand, AFRICA RISING, we shall cry again.
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444namesplus · 11 months
Aboo Aboods Aboothim Aboothitch Abountiond Abourgeluxe Abournext Abous Aft Aftenchan Aid Aigh Aight Ainim Allassy Allcod Alless Alo Amard Amid Amnecam Ampac Ana Ander Ang Anget Anoth Anothem Ansa Ansaw Anshisseet Anta Antimellcom Antioun Anywall Anywallaps Anywarg Anywart Anywasomell Anywaying Arch Ard Argelcof Argelven Arinit Aripenhed Arkneed Artia Ash Asherew Ashvinsa Assequoia Ast Asto Astrangdom Astric Atch Atchashell Atiesh Atrip Bac Bace Bachythick Backhee Backs Backwoop Ball Ballcample Ballcome Ballefter Ban Bangle Banibblay Banim Banywan Banywaying Bat Batch Batiatimels Beack Bead Beamel Beamided Bece Beck Bee Beed Beence Beet Beetlefore Beford Befou Befoutsaing Beftep Beftery Ber Berfuck Berfur Bergetle Berry Bieck Biereadron Biery Biesia Bion Biournesice Biours Biscooke Biscra Bishy Bisruck Biss Bit Bitchout Bitchy Bitim Bitirchorger Blast Ble Bled Bleford Blefortime Bler Bles Blesheackher Blesiansh Blet Blippinsh Blo Blocks Blooker Blord Blorup Blove Bloving Blowall Blowania Booked Bough Bourned Bousaw Boutter Bric Briones Briot Brioted Brix Broking Brom Bron Brong Brop Brought Brout Broutsa Browaskushoe Brown Bubblew Bubblooby Bubbloop Bubblor Bubblorger Bubs Buff Buffall Bur Burnecart Burned Burneed Burs But Buthing Buthm Buttanyway Cad Caded Cadied Cadracke Calle Calooking Cam Camagged Came Camids Camiltes Camnexamos Camoniand Camplacs Campletler Canta Cantive Car Card Cargoldbe Carice Carionitted Caris Carknes Carounds Cartackheye Cartiand Carting Cat Catchaver Catiana Catrack Charowly Chee Chem Cherres Chimelf Ching Cho Choke Chy Chythe Cir Circadiating Circampack Circan Circhatramid Circhy Cireaded Ciren Cirl Cive Civen Civenchyth Civenting Cives Civiltere Clubblion Clubblock Cluxe Cods Com Coods Crackwoopen Crag Craggelacke Craggerry Cramansh Cramid Cramnes Crantag Crat Cratch Cre Cred Crew Dan Dana Dard Darger Darget Daron Dart Dave Daven Ded Dedle Del Delcoffall Dels Delsonds Denchave Der Ders Dia Dian Diang Dianywant Diatchought Dic Dickeroned Dicoff Died Diergerough Diff Dinch Dingdonds Dink Dis Doger Dogetlery Doldiamill Doldic Doldierought Doldint Doldiscods Doll Dollink Dom Dome Domega Domelcome Domelhoked Dond Donds Donecard Donit Doods Doogeto Dook Dooke Dooppids Dra Drack Drackilizat Drag Drame Drample Dran Dratrack Drickwook Dring Drioth Driscom Drix Droke Dron Drour Dun Dunder Dunto Ega Egave Egaven Egavers Egre Egreack Egredle Egypen Egypentiat Egypter Entir Eve Event Everom Everry Eves Evid Eving Evingdon Examan Exame Ext Extrip Extrish Extrupi Fad Fadelf Fall Fallike Fallippinch Fard Farowly Fartiotessy Fee Feet Feeto Fer Ferrenhe Ferry Fil Filike Fill Flack Flard Flash Flashed Flassels Flay Flifer Fliot Fliotes Flippentep Flippi Fliza Flizathrel Ford Fore Foren Forenheat Forentive Forew Forg Foung Fourned Fournes Fours Fout Fre Freadelhor Fred Fregype Freluxe Frenhed Frent Frenty Fres Froked Frokerry Fronit Frowly Fur Furgery Furne Furs
Garing Gart Ged Gelf Gelho Geore Geort Ger Gerry Getop Gir Girch Girchaventy Gire Given Giventown Giver Givergerfuck Givesick Givess Givids Givil Givill Givilled Glaps Gle Gler Glew Glooding Gloods Glooke Glove Glovic Glovid Goll Gollew Gooby Goodinchoker Gooke Gookin Gookink Gookitim Gootevill Goted Goten Gotep Goterfuck Goth Gre Grel Han Hanywastep Haress Harowarchy Hass Hatick Hatinds Havence Havering Havillas Heack Heamill Heen Heence Heime Heimos Helac Helcod Hell Hels Hem Heren Herged Herregaville Herren Herry Hers Hey Hicousaw Hign Higna Hime Himell Hin Hind Hing Hinglarond Hisruh Hit Hithick Hities Hoff Hoffeed Hok Hoked Hokinta Hoo Hoodiamneck Hookeroked Hookitivice Hoopencheed Hoottentery Horeampaiden Hountiece Hournee Houss Ifeed Ince Ind Inded Inds Ing Inimoked Ink Jast Jibbis Jibbisruck Jibbit Jibbitchas Jibblaying Jibblip Jord Jordan Jordave Jored Jorentive Jorg Jorgetowly Joruh Kil Kilter Kin Kinch King Kingelsom Kinshed Kit Kith Kitionder Kitir Kund Kunk Kunt Kusack Kusherre Kushythery Kuss Kustupier Lack Larknesic Lartic Lash Lay Les Lew Lif Ling Linglas Link Lins Lioneshigh Liza Lizatch Lizating Llaps Lock Loo Looby Looke Lookill Loop Loops Lor Loreshel Loruck Loventy Lovid Lovil Lovink Lowall Lowallaring Lowiting Lowly Mag Magged Magn Mand Manotep Mans Mansaight Mansaw Mar Marchy Mard Maric Marout Mart Mat Match Matimegaric Matimel Megren Megypter Melcather Melvent Merry Mid Mill Milted Mokerreat Mokind Mon Monimer Mont Monty Mor Morgoods Mort Mortier Moruh Mos Mot Moth Mother Move Movink Mus Musack Musaign Mush Musheluxe Mushem Mushoking Mushou Musseed Necatching Ned Nee Neelf Neels Nes Neshed Neshyna Nesid Nextracks Niat Nibbiss Nim Nime Nitiesheim Nor Notta Notters Nut Nuthrokinds Nuttep Nuttevid Offe Offer Onitiver Ontop Ope Opence Openchy Oper Operel Opperew Oppi Oppids Oppip Ought Ound Ournes Ours Outh Pace Packwooger Paid Paids Paing Pains Pass Passeentime Passymbis Pen Pid Piderokiltep Pier Piess Pinds Ping Pingeores Pingloo Pink Pip Pipen Pippen Pis Piscoody Piscountam Plack Pled Pric Prick Princh Pring Pringelubs Prink Prix Pusa Pusaign Push Pushem Pushoe Pushoff Pushvills Pushvind Pushving Pustentand Pustran Pyrag Pyrami Pyrantami Pyranywas Quaden Quadentag Quoia Quoian Quoiang Rach Rack Rame Ramot Reack Readriong Readrom Reat Reating Red Renteve Res Resiang Rew Rhy Rhyna Sackhee Scodiantana Scoffad Scom Scomelver Scoog Scooked Scou Scough Scout Scra Scrach Scragna Scramatch Scran Seed Seedle Seence Seench Seenty Selay Self Selsom Seluxe Selve Sequad Sequoiang Sheadisseet Sheat Sheed Shem Sher Sheye Shvillaps Shyna Shytheelver Sia Siang Sic Sid Skund Slo Slock Sloo Slook Slovillew Slowarowan Sme Smegave Smoke Smokillet Smot Smovenhem Snor Snot Snoten Solliff Sollion Son Sonee Sonia Sont Sount Sountinchy Sour Sout Soutterread Sted Sten Stent Ster Sterrellcome Steve Stevid Sto Strace Strinchy Stris Striscought Strup Stunded Stunten Stup Stupi Stuptind Stur Symbied Symbion Symbiondel Symbishe Symbithit Tac Tach Tack Tackwoods Tagn Tagna Takerry Tamid Tamill Tamoruh Tampack Tampastep Tana Tand Tans Ter Teren Terournee Terry Teve Thad Thave Theamids Theat Theatch Ther Therfuck Therg Therick Therournee Therred Thers Thigna Thingdoll Thisruh Thit Thitiren Thittevink Thm Tho Thoothm Thre Threamord Throme Tia Tian Tiang Tianter Tice Tick Tiece Tieck Tiesiatick Tim Timove Tingerfucke Tink Tir Tive Tivids Tivills Topisruh Toppipe Tops Town Tra Trache Tracs Trami Tran Tring Tringdollask Trucke Truckingdom Truh Truptesiat Tund Tup Tupterfucked Turs Twe Twel Twelhoked Twelliked Twels Twelubbiting Typtereadier Und Ung Untaked Upishisheim Uptered Vid Vids Viliked Viling Vill Viltesia Vin Vind Ving Wall Waloodicom Wands Wanor Wans Wansaw Wanshy Want Wanto Warknes Wartia Wayinds Waying Wayinibble Welf Wenheat Wenhedletle Whoff Whoking Whoodiamant Whou Whough Whout Whouthigh Wingedled Wink Witch Witchis Witchough Witire Woo Wooby Wood Wooking Woopen Wrom Wron Wrough Wrous Wrowallaps Wrown Yought Yourbubbiss Yourg Yournecame Yours Yoush Youshem Youshishvill Youssequad Youst Yout Youtta Youtted
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deeisace · 3 years
Since I've got my old (51 years old, updated in 1970 from a 1956 edition) dictionary out, here's a selection of words from opening to random pages -
demirep (dem'-i-rep) n. a woman of doubtful reputation [Fr. demi, half; abbrev. of reputation].
pseudograph (sū-dō-graf) n. a spurious writing or literal forgery [Gk. pseudes, false; Gk. graphein, to write].
kinsh (kinsh) n. a quarrier's crow-bar [etym. uncertain].
calembour (kal'-em-boor) n. a play upon words; a pun [Fr.]
zarzuela (thår-thoo-ā-la) n. a kind of vaudeville [fr. La Zarzuela, name of a royal residence in Spain].
airphibian (ār-fib'-i-an) n. a motor-car which can quickly be converted into an airplane [air and (am)phibian].
immortelle (i-mor-tel') n. an everlasting flower, one whose flowers, when dried, retain shape and colour [Fr.].
sarn (sarn) a. a pavement, a stepping-stone [Welsh].
merry (mer'-i) n. the common English wild-cherry [Fr. merise].
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templetuesday · 4 years
19 May 2020 - Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo (KINSH)
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163rd Temple in the Church
4th Temple in Africa
1st Temple in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Announcement:  1 October 2011 Groundbreaking and Site Dedication:  12 February 2016 by Neil L. Andersen Public Open House:  12–30 March 2019 Dedication:  14 April 2019 by Dale G. Renlund
The Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple currently does not have an angel Moroni statue on the steeple, but the steeple was designed to support the addition of one at a later time. Members of the Church in the region previously had to travel more than 2000 miles to attend the Johannesburg South Africa Temple. President Thomas S. Monson announced the Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo temple only 15 years after the first stake was created in the country, and ground was broken during the 20th anniversary year of that first stake.
Sources: Photos 1-4 from churchofjesuschrist.org, photos 5-7 by Sean Donnelly from churchofjesuschristtemples.org. Facts and dates from churchofjesuschristtemples.org.
NEXT WEEK: Fortaleza Brazil
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johnny-dynamo · 5 years
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Happy Wednesday !
Wednesday Addams by Mon Kinsh
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hostinge-tech · 3 years
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festardc · 4 years
Are you looking for the best natural energy drink in Kinshasa, DR Congo, Africa? Festa offers the best healthy energy drink with amazing flavor in DRC (the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa).
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kinshtech1 · 2 years
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The 11 most common on-site SEO issues
Kinsh Technologies is a leading SEO company in India. Hire SEO Expert from us to meet all your SEO needs and improve your rankings. For more information, please visit - http://kinsh.in/dedicated-resources/hire-seo-expert.html
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kinshaus-blog · 5 years
Web Design Concepts All Beginners Need To Know
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wagagabaga-blog · 7 years
nina is so angry i outted her as court jester kinshe has to take any chance she gets to call me a clown kin
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bipolarize-i · 5 years
"Sabe quando você pensa que ama uma pessoa, pelo simples fato dela te tratar bem? Dela te dar carinho, atenção, prioridade, ela percebe cada detalhe seu, detalhes que nem você mesmo sabia que tinha. Claro que você quer essa pessoa incrível na sua vida! Mas tem algumas pessoas que são isso tudo e também tiram sua paz. Livre-se aos poucos de tudo que tira sua paz. Ligue menos, converse menos, se encontrem menos. Quando você menos esperar aparece uma pessoa com o encaixe perfeito e aquela pessoa fica só em uma lembrança boa. Afinal ela passou na sua vida pra te ensinar a ser melhor pra quando chegar a SUA PESSOA." -minks kinsh
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