#kirarin analysis
pure-kirarin · 3 years
Some aspects of Law’s personality P#1
As I read the Law Novel I took some notes about some passages. I decided to publish them as a little series of thoughts I get while reading. Also thanks for @sam-vangell​ because they’re always up to read my rambling thoughts hehe. 
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Please keep in mind these are based on young Law in the Law novel
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What are Law’s dreams made of ? 
A common headcanon about Law is that he is often sleep deprived as we can see from his eyebags. The reason behind Law’s sleepless nights are his multiple nightmares. Let’s look at one of his nightmares related to the Flevance country tragedy. 
[A child is crying.  Cries of terror.  A city is burning.  These cherished beings that I once called mom and dad, my sister Lami as well.  My family.  Powerless, I can’t save anyone, I am unable to help anyone.  Everything disappears in the furor of flames.  I run everywhere in the city. I want to save anyone at any cost, to save one person.  But no, my wish isn’t granted.]  (p.105) (Translated from frecnh by me ]
If we look closely at Law’s nightmare we could sum it up in a few concepts : Absence of power - Desire to help - Frustration. These few traits say lot about Law’s behavior. Nightmares are the expression of the subconsciousness and of fears.
The paragraph is torn between two times : The past where these “cherished beings” (family) belong and a present of frustration linked to his inability to help. 
Loss of family is major in Law’s backstory because family is viewed as a support, he had a loving family. When the tragedy happened, Law was faced by his “weakness”. We can look closely at the negative charge of the verbs and adjectives that are used in this excerpt. 
“Powerless” is an adjective formed by the adjunction of the suffix “less” that evokes the idea of loss, the construction of the adjective is representative of Law’s situation, of power being taken away by adding the deprivative suffix. He then emphasizes his inability to save “anyone”. The use of the indefinite pronoun “anyone” shows that for Law it didn’t matter who to save, all that mattered was the act of saving someone because in his frustration he felt weak and powerless. Saving “one person” wouldn’t have changed much in the outcome of the losses but it would’ve changed something for him as it is all about that feeling of helplessness. 
Loss of control : In a way, loss of power relates to a loss of control of the situation. From that moment, Law’s life became a mess, turning upside down. He totally lost the feeling of security that his old life offered him. Therefore, holding onto the desire to save “one person” was like a desperate try to save what remained of his old stability. This is the reason why Law seems to be a person that values taking control and this is probably why Law is a captain, it’s because he needs to protect and “save” people that matter to him. 
This nightmare explains Law’s biggest fears : being powerless and being unable to protect people that matter to him most. Law would do anything for people that he considers as “family”. 
We can’t also overlook the obvious and the fact that Law is a doctor and therefore saving people is his “duty”, not being able to save even one person represents a big frustration and a failure. 
I also think that this is the reason why Law travels alone and doesn’t “rely” on his crew as much as the others, he’d rather put his own self in danger because he can’t stand losing one more person, especially crew members that he considers as family like Bepo Shachi and Penguin that grew with him. 
Law’s frustration : 
Law is often prey to negative thoughts, especially when he thinks about Dressrosa and Corazon’s plan to out Doflamingo to the Marines. The fact that Law gave the letter to Vergo still haunts him. 
Frustration dominates Law’s thoughts again 
[If only I had given this message to another soldier. If only I had understood Corazon's intentions. No, even better, if only I had never met him ! (...) I knew that Corazon wouldn’t have been happy to see me analyze things in this way.
It was impossible for me to not cry over my helplessness.] (P.106 translated from french by me]
Law’s word is made of “What ifs”, or frustrations. It shows in the frequency of the past hypothesis. Not only is Law (at this point of the story) fixated on the past, but the past hypothesis expresses regret and therefore frustration. The cause of regret is him being powerless and hence Law’s desire to get stronger and stronger.
The use of the verb “I knew” expresses Law’s lucidity towards his own fate. Despite knowing that it wasn’t the way in which Corazon would have loved for him to think, he couldn’t help, he was still powerless, two times powerless : powerless because of not being able to save his family, Corazon, and now powerless within his own self, not being able to resist that thought. 
This explains a lot of Law's desire to “save” and protect people that he considers as his family, it’s related to the trauma of not being able to save anyone. 
These might be some obvious thoughts for now but as I analyze more parts I’ll get to Law’s speech and discourse ! =) 
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sahesha · 3 years
~30 days challenge~
Day 7: Pirates or Marines?
For some reason, it was forgotten about the third force in this story: Revolutionaries.
So, Schizo Bird is chirping!
I think my dear friend @pure-kirarin did a brilliant analysis of the situation! You can watch her post here. I wouldn't be able to write about it in such detail as she did, lol.
I was thinking about what I could bring to the series of other people's answers to that question. And I had an idea.
Two points:
1. From the One Piece fan's point of view.
2. From the One Piece universe inhabitant's point of view.
1. I wouldn't really pick anyone. I like some of the characters who are representatives of the three forces mentioned. Yes, history is made by the victors. But also, it's created by those who invest their energy, feelings, and will in changing the world. This story is more about people than about their associations. Within these groups, they vary greatly, and each of them is individual. So I'm interested in watching how the characters influence what's going on. I'm an observer here, not a supporter.
2. If I were a resident of this world, I would choose the Revolutionaries. At least they weren't seen in having in associates people with an impure conscience. The top of the Government is rotten through, and pirates are far from heroes. They (in general) and the World Nobles allow themselves to oppress the people. So if I were a citizen of the World Government, I'd vote for the Revolution Party, lol.
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projectchampionz · 3 years
KIRARIN SARAKI A BAKIN MATA: NAZARIN ZABIYANCI A {ASAR HAUSA Abstract: The study, entitled ‘Praise Epithet: An Analysis of Female Royal Praise Singers’ like numerous others, aims at examining the folk culture of the Hausa people from a literary perspective, through the application of ethnographic theory for analysis. As a systematic theory that notes cultural practices in any given society. The…
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attorneyandlawyer · 4 years
The study, entitled ‘Praise Epithet: An Analysis of Female Royal Praise Singers’ like numerous others, aims at examining the folk culture of the Hausa people from a literary perspective, through the application of ethnographic theory for analysis. As a systematic theory that notes cultural practices in any given society. The…
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
Bellamy’s illusions (Symbolism)
Here is a little analysis of Bellamy that I wrote and posted on reddit. I sometimes like to do analysis of arcs, characters and such stuff, If anyone cares for them, maybe I’ll post more. 
For me, Bellamy is one of the characters that makes me the most emotional. His fight with Luffy as the allegory between the fight of Freedom vs Dogmatism
I- The symbolism of the hyena
The epiteth of Bellamy "The hyena" is very interesting regarding its symbolism. The hyena is a despised animal in most cultures. It's an animal that originally feeds off other's corpses. It symbolizes rudeness, ridiculousness and cowardice. It is also considered as a dark force that opposes to knowledge and enlightment. So, the hyena is included in a system of antagonisms, wisdom, spirituality and enlightment that is represented by gods.
So it's only clear that Bellamy was introduced this way in the show, he seemed fierce and cruel, provoking in a low manner. He didn't hesitate to cheat and steal other's treasure. Just like a hyena, he fed off other people's corpses, chasing pirates that had lower bounties and lower grade than him.
His character was early one based off antagonisms as well, he seemed to have an obsession with the New age being the age where the era of pirates chasing their dreams ends. He keps repeating that that age is over and that anyone who believes in it is the shame of pirates. That is the principle of a blind belief.
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Bellamy's speech was quite repetitive, his character is dogmatic and fixed on the idea that a new age doesn't exist. Just like a hyena is included in a binary system (Ignorance/knowledge) Bellamy's thoughts are based on a manichean way of viewing things where he is 100% sure that his values are the right ones. Therefore, Bellamy's identity is solely constructed based on that.
When we see Bellamy's past the first thing he says to introduce himself to Doffy is "We are different from these dreamers" that is how he percieves himself and his identity. Giving up on that thought is giving up on himself.
2. Childish beliefs :
Bellamy was characterized in a very childish way, he was just like one of those primary school bullies that enjoy showing off the amount of power they get and that thrieves off humiliating other people.
Just like a kid, we later on discover the way Bellamy admires and copies Doflamingo and views him as a role model. At this point Bellamy is seen as a knock off version of Doflamingo, the way he holds himself and repeats the same speech becomes endearing as he looks like a child that is trying so hard to prove a point. He acts like a delusional character, living in a lie that he perpetuates and in continuous denial. When Luffy takes down Bellamy for the first time he brings him back to the ground and that symbolizes a big shutter in his belief system.
3. Bellamy's development :
A huge development happened in Bellamy's demeanour after the timeskip and that is the time I personally started liking him. He wasn't going to laugh at Luffy anymore, he says that he went to the sky island and that shows that there was a shift in his belief system, he no longer repeats that "age of dreamers crap"
As we have already seen Bellamy was a dogmatic character that held onto his beliefs like a "clutch" to make a sense out of his existence. His new goal seemed to become an executive of Doflamingo's pirates.
4. A tragic fate : The reason why I enjoy this character so much is how tragic he is. At first, Bellamy was characterized as a cruel pirate since his bounty was high relatively to other characters at that point of the show. He was the one humiliating everyone else and he was the one being humiliated by Doflamingo, his role model, in Dressrosa. That proves that all what Bellamy was early on in the series was on for show, it wasn't his true nature, it was just how he acted according to his dogmatic beliefs, just like a kid trying to act cool and show off.
Why did Bellamy keep on fighting Luffy even after he discovered that Doflamingo didn't give a crap about him ? Well, the answer for me is when Bellamy asks Doffy "Is there any hope left for me ?" Bellamy viewed his belief in Doflamingo as his salvation. I think that at that point he was once again so much in denial that he couldn't accept that his belief system was once again shattered to the ground. He kept saying he admired and respected him but honestly I think that it was more talk once again, Bellamy was all talk from the start, bluffing to keep his belief system safe because Bellamy was scared of freedom of thought.
  5. Freedom vs dogmatism and a circular vision of fate
The last fight between Luffy vs Bellamy was an allegory for a fight between freedom that is represented by Luffy ; chasing his dreams, being true to himself and thinking freely vs Bellamy that was delusional and scared of thinking for himself, needing a clutch to hold onto.
Till the end Bellamy tries to hold onto his own lies because it's how he has always lived. He recognizes that he is a fool but keeps going on. The dramatic irony is that at first Bellamy view people like Luffy as fools but that he starts to understand now that he is the delusional fool. The tables are flipped and that makes the character endearing as he is trapped in his own system of belief and unable to snap out of it despite KNOWING he is wrong. This is just extremely tragic : the infernal machine of fate can't be stopped. What started needs to be complete in order to achieve that perfect circle that makes sense. It's just too late to stop now. That just shows that Bellamy is just one other victim of dogmatic views as One Piece is a show that promotes overall freedom.
The final scene is exactly the same as the first first when Luffy punches him into the ground, but this time, Bellamy is basically asking for it. With that final punch the circle is complete, one from each cheek, Bellamy finally gives up on his delusions which leads him to give up on piracy. This is included in a circular vision of temporality as everything needs to go back to its initial way to be complete. By punching him, Luffy frees him and brings back harmony. That is his salvation.
Tldr ; To sum this up I like Bellamy's fear and tragic potential, he represents something very human that is human's desire for stability and strong value systems, he refuses to understand that the world isn't manichean and he is scared of the freedom that Luffy represents.
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
30 Day One piece Challenge : Most hated character
I can feel that this is gonna be really controversial. Oh god. Please, don’t throw tomatoes at me...I CAN EXPLAIN. *laughter*
WARNING : This is a really VIOLENT post. 
It’s not Orochi, not Saint Charloss, not EVEN Trébol. It’s no one else but the crowd’s beloved 
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Guess her charm didn’t work on me
I will first explain why I chose her out of everyone. Because “morally” speaking, so many other characters are way WAY worse than her. The explanation to this is quite easy : She isn’t SUPPOSED to be hated. 
♡ I can’t hate on a character that is supposed to be hated. Orochi is supposed to be horrible and disgusting, same with Spandam, same with Trébol. In my eyes, I can’t feel a strong dislike towards these characters. They make me feel indifferent, and I do admire some morally questionable characters like Doflamingo because they are written to evoke that kind of feeling (mixture of fascination and horror.) 
♡ On the other hand, One of Boa’s role is supposed to be an “ally”, a help to Luffy. Her flashback is supposed to make us feel compassionate towards her. But nothing is an excuse to act like she does. 
♡ Because...She hit a puppy and she threw an elderly woman out of the window. 
♡ I dislike arrogance, I hate when people act like they can be forgiven everything because they are “Beautiful”. I dislike that people are willing to forgive a criminal IRL because they’re attractive.
So this is personal, I guess Boa triggers that subject that is so sensitive to me.
♡ The fact that a 29 yo woman is into an underage character really messes with me. 
♡ The fact that she is ONLY a love interest, how it all feels staged and forced, how flat her character seems because she’s all lovey dovey once Luffy appears...Ugh..I just don’t stand that. 
♡ The only development she got was falling in love with Luffy. 
♡ So.Much.Fanservice.
♡ Her power is kind of meh ? I mean, I can see a LOT of men not getting affected by it. For starters, my beloved Koby. So it’s useless towards such opponents. It feels kind of bullshitty too, because I am sure that so many men aren’t into her type, and also, it doesn’t work on straight women. (I assume?)
♡ How on earth is she the most beautiful woman in One piece ? I can name a lot of more beautiful characters. 
♡ I would have loved her if some changes were made to her character tbh. The biggest one acting like she can be forgiven for everything because she’s pretty and the “omg I’m so in love with Luffy” while being terrible to everyone else- part. I mean, she is EVEN terrible to Amazon Lily citizens. Yikes. 
♡ She has a huge forehead . Ok I know there are some things “good” about her, but the bad outweighs the good for me. It’s my personal opinion guyz <3
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
One piece 30 day challenge : Day 13: Favorite Canon Couple
I am but a hopeless romantic~
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I love love love this couple ! The cutest, and honestly, all I want ouf of life <3 a happy marriage.
Their dynamic is just amazing and their relationship so healthy. Bege trusts Chiffon so much and Chiffon found in him the loving family that she couldn't have with Big Mom~
They're so wholesome, and I like how despite being a Pirate and having questionable morals Bege is an amazing dad when we see him take care of his kid and baby talk him while he is in a serious talk. It's funny, the discrepency between him being all serious with the Strawhats and only accepting to see them in "correct" attire while he just goes on and babytalks his kid...Hahha. This proves that he would do anything for his son <3
Respect : Bege respects Chiffon and her opinions. He also let her be independant and go on with Pudding to bake the cake despite being super worried for her. This proves that he trusts her and respects her.
They're verbal with love and it's so endearing ! Before seing Bege with Chiffon I didn't like this character. But fatherhood made him look more human. All in all, this is my favourite couple <3
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
One piece 30 days challenge : Days 5 : Favourite devil fruit
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This wasn’t an easy one, but my favourite is the Ito Ito no mi
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The shape of this pear is so round and fascinating. The shape alone sparks joy in my heart. And pears are delicious. Alright, let’s be more serious now. I like how innovative Doffy is with his devil fruit. It wouldn’t be the one I’d pick if I chose a power. 
🍐 In one piece, some Devil Fruit seem to revolve around “thematic”, which means that they can do a lot of things related to the theme they evoke. Like, Horo horo no mi (negativity) or Boa’s / Sugar’s devil fruit. 
🍐 I think Ito Ito no mi as a semantic field that includes following items ; Manipulation - Puppeteering - Strings - control etc. So he could basically do anything that is related to these notions. What I like is that it plays on so many motifs and symbolism. Like, this devil fruit is so theatrical, it was essential to knit the theatrical metaphore in Dressrosa. 
🍐 I like all of Doffy’s name attacks and the fact that they end with “ito” haha. 
🍐 He can fly~ Control things~ Make clones~ A FUCKING birdcage ?? His power is so OP and also aesthetically pleasing which is important for me alright ? It looks so badass. 
I prefer it to “logia” type because it’s sooo innovative and more complex >o< I don’t have much to say on this matter. 
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
One piece 30 day challenge : Day 9 : Character you have a lot in common with
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Perona  & Pudding are the characters that I relate to the most. Actually, if you mix both of them, you would get a something close to me. 
I relate to female characters more, but this was 100% a “coincidence” this is kind of personal as I tell a lot of things about myself and how I relate to these characters. 
Perona : 
What we have in commun : 
Himedere : Huge princess complex. Since I was a kid I was obsessed with Disney princesses. I love princesses and even my name translates to princess.
Sensitive : She is so soft and sensitive inside. I can’t count the times I related to her crying hahaha. The moment when Mihawk said “Take care” and she started crying. Like, don’t be so nice to me hahah. When people are nice to me I just get so emotional I want to cry. 
Huge sweet tooth: Who doesn’t like bagel with jam honestly ? 
Negativity queen : I am so negative. I am working on it though. >< now it’s much better,
Teddy bear & kawaii things obsession : I am okay paying something 3 times its price because it’s pink. This is self explanatory. 
Fashion sense : Perona’s way of dressing up and sense of fashion is really close to my aesthetic. Actually, I think that me & her could easily exchange our wardrobes haha. I love the mix of pink and black in her outfits. These are my two major color schemes when I dress up. Even thought I am more into the pale palette. 
On a funny note, I always dreamt of dying my hair pink, but now I like its brown color. 
Do you guys need a picture of me with pigtails, eyeball hair pins,  lolita platforms, and black lacy dress ????
--> Let’s say me and Perona are similar on a “superficial” level. On general physical and personnality traits. My darker side is very close to Pudding’s personnality. 
Pudding : 
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What we have in commun :
On a shallow level : My mom actually said we looked alike when I was watching OP on TV haha ! The moment I saw her I just loved her so much. She is so cute, seemed so pure. 100% The image I give off to people who don’t know me well. 
On a deeper level : I was surprized when she showed her “true colors”. I was taken aback, but I kind of related to her when I finished watching WCI. We have the same “dark side” and the same insecurities. As someone that has been rejected and called ugly by her own mother I really understand that it can mess up with your brain. I have so much anger bottled up in me against the whole world sometimes. I understand her so much. How she acts tough outside, how she is double faced and shows a facade to the world. 
Never believing that she’s beautiful : A very hard one for me. After years I still feel like an ugly duckling haha. Can’t make peace with myself. When Sanji told her that her third eye is beautiful, how shocked she was, how she didn’t want to accept it...Aaah...This is me everytime someone compliments my insecurities. 
Fashion sense-wise: I feel like her “pale” color palette is my main go to style actually ! I love her frills and most of her outfits.
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Favourite outfit : 
This is definitely something I would wear. Actually, I have a Lis Liza dress and jacket that looks very similar to this style ! And pink bag too...And the way she styles her hair and the bows and everything. God, so adorable. This is exactly my sense of fashion 
On a funny note :  When I am hungry. I am exactly like Big mom and I eat as much as her.
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
One piece 30 day challenge : Day 7 Marines or Pirates ? Who are the bad guys ?
Ahem, this wasn’t the question hihi It depends from where you’re looking at this question. But...I would say MARINES. 
WARNING : A bit controversial.
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No I am not influenced by my love for Koby
I swear I have my reasons. >o< Well, let’s look at my point of view in more details. 
You could either base your opinion on the Marines and Pirates that are shown in One Piece universe or you could try to take more distance and try to “imagine” the story being written from a neutral focalisation or another character’s point of view. 
✖ The importance of POV : One piece follows the Straw hats, who are “good” pirates, so it’s natural to feel more empathy towards the pirates. The reader/watcher always relates and feels compassion towards the protagonists, even if they are “criminals”. Some other Pirates are shown in a badass way (like kid Pirates, Red hair pirates, etc) so it’s really hard to put things into perspective, because we don’t get to see the “bad” things that they do. (The killing civilians parts, etc...) So, we have a very biased point of view on pirates.
✖ What is a pirate ?  
noun. /ˈpaɪrət/ /ˈpaɪrət/ ​ (especially in the past) a person on a ship who attacks other ships at sea in order to steal from them.
One of the characterization traits of a pirate are to steal, rob etc. A lot of the Pirates in One piece are like that ! (Like, Alvidia let’s say) however, we follow the adventure of “good” (?) pirates. Also, we don’t get a lot of brutality and horrible moments of Pirates being terrible to innocents because it doesn’t serve the plot. 
But I assume that most pirates are like this in One piece. This is the reason why someone like Isshou is in the Marine. This is why Garp is in the Marine. These pirates make people’s lives living hell. 
✖ Let’s take an example : Kid who kills innocent civilians. (Because I love Kid!!)  What we see is good hot Kid, his quirky personnality, his badass character design, etc. So it’s only natural to love this kind of pirates ! We get mostly the good. 
✖ Blackbeard is a good exemple of this. Blackbeard is hated. But really ? Why is he hated ? He is just being a pirate. Pirates kill and steal, that’s the meaning of the world. I think that this also shows how character design plays a big role in our appreciation of the character. Edit: actually, I think a lot of people hate him for being sneaky, killing Ace and betraying WB. So my exemple was a bit hasty, lol.
✖ Are strawhats good ? : To get to his goal, Luffy is not letting anyone stop him. His motive is freedom and isn’t “heroic” and he does state it ! I think that Luffy is just a good pirate, someone that has a good heart but that he doesn’t have a strong sense of morality. His motive is selfish and personal. Same for let’s say, Nami, who is a perfect example as she used to steal for a living. (Of course, she had her reasons, this is not the topic, I am not antagonizing any character here ! I LOVE MY STRAWHATS please don’t hate me, okay ?) 
✖ What is good and evil ? What is “Justice” ? This is one of the main themes of One Piece. This is the reason behind the justice crisis of characters like : Smoker, Tashigi, Garp, Koby. This is what One piece teaches us. 
Justice is subjective. You can’t fight in the name of justice. There will be always people that are victim to injustice. Law is not personnalized to every singular case (and that sucks). This is why the marine couldn’t accept to recognize they were helped by the strawhats. This is why Smoker spared Luffy. He is still a criminal, but he did something good. 
✖ One piece shows us different ways to see justice ; from the dogmatic way that Rob Lucci represents, from the rigid application of justice that Akainu embodies, the “justice” of Celestial dragons that is linked to aristocracy, the justice of the oppressed represented by the revolutionaries...Etc... 
✖ A case example : Doffy being a visionnaire like always and speaking gold : (giving us his vision of justice) 
“Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!”
✖ Oda’s take : I remember that part (I forgot) when Luffy said that it’s up to people to decide wether they are good or bad. And this is for me the ZIST of One piece. Oda doesn’t give answers, but he pushes the reader to think for themselves. He doesn’t say this is bad and this is good. It’s up to us to “chose” a camp and honestly, I don’t think it’s about chosing...It’s more about accepting that life isn’t white or black but a lot of gray zones. Good and Evil are social constructs. Humans write in law what is good and bad but it’s such a biiig field. This is the problem with vague concepts. 
✖ WHY WOULD I STILL CHOOSE MARINES ?  I know. The problem with Marines are that they work under a corrupt government. They are “people who spill water on hands” as we like to say in my beautiful dialect which means people that have little or no say in higher decisions. 
✖ HOWEVER I generally (and it’s personal) prefer something more...”framed” ? I think that If I was in One Piece Universe I’d be a marine like Koby, or Isshou. I look up to Isshou a lot. I would be working for the marine and using my position to try to limit inhumanity and limit “absolute justice”. 
The more I think about it, the more I think marines aren’t better. When I think about Buster Call, genocide of Ohara, not doing sh*t against slavery...Ugh...Well. I came up to say I preferred Marines, but I think I would JOIN marines if I had the choice, but that I prefer neither. (Of course in the P.O.V of the Show, I have more empathy for Pirates, and therefore, I love my Kid pirates !) 
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
Hii! I have a question to ask you, how would you describe Cracker and Katakuri’s personality?
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Hii ! thanks for asking. Cracker & Katakuri aren’t characters I think of often haha. Let’s see... 
WARNING : This is my personal interpretation. I am sorry if anyone doesn’t agree but I am open for discussion. 
Oh god I feel so sorry for this...?
Flat character ? 
I feel like he is not as well developped as other characters. In fact I don’t feel like there is much nuance going on and I am sorry if some think otherwise, it just didn’t catch my eye. 
He seems pretty dogmatic, as in he believes “blindly” in the bond of blood and that seems like a common trait of Charlotte Linlin’s sons (apart from some of course). He is very loyal, but I don’t think it’s for the “good” or for deep reasons, I feel that he is just that way, as in, he has been brought up like a soldier that works to protect the “monarchy”. We didn’t see much emotion going on on his side. 
Over-confident : 
Something I disliked : he was so over confident he told Luffy how his power worked. This is such a strategic mistake. In my eyes, he didn’t stand out as an opponent (not power wise, charisma wise) and this is a somehow “objective” view, as in, I don’t feel any animosity towards this character, I just think that he was too predictible. 
(Please prove me otherwise if I am saying nonsense >o<). I think that he is a very “basic” opponent, which can be okay sometimes, not every character needs to be over the top. His fight with Luffy wasn’t impressive, but it was a nice twist. It showed that often times Luffy won over characters that are more stronger than him by using strategems and tricks. I really love this because it felt “realistic” in a way, as in, power is not enough to win every fight. I think that this was Cracker’s downfall. 
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Hear me out, my vision about Katakuri is really controversial. Till this day, I don’t know what I think of him. I still can’t tell wether he is a flat or round character yet (as in : a one dimension, “cliché” character or a more developped one.) One thing is sure : he is the “main” antagonist in WCI and he is the character that was meant to stand out the most. (Which is normal. Not all characters have the same importance ) 
Your “basic” cool demeanour : 
He is show to be very calm and “cool”. From the start, he had some mystery vibe around him. He seems quite introverted and good at hiding his emotions. He is loyal, but not in the same way as Cracker. He is the most human out of the Charlotte brothers. His character has way more nuance. I like that he wasn’t idealized. 
Fair-play : 
Katakuri is very “fair-play”. He doesn’t seem stubborn (unlike Craker who gave me that impression). He seems like a person that reflects a lot on their actions. I really appreciate that in him. For example, during his fight with Luffy, he was extremely chivalrous. I strongly believe that he let Luffy win. He also hated when his sister (the annoying lady-bug girl) interfered with his fight. This man values fair-play. He also loves being challenged. He isn’t arrogant at all.
Soft side : 
It is very usual for writers to add a “soft side” by showing the character’s past etc as a strategy to make the reader feel empathy towards an antagonist. Honestly, I don’t know if it felt forced or not, I am tempted to say that it didn’t...I think that Katakuri’s past (being made fun of etc..) is basic as in it’s predictible to have a cool character have some kind of past like that...But who said that basic/predectible things were always a bad thing ??? I personally think that it was alright. 
I don’t think that Katakuri was truly an antagonist. I think that he respects Luffy at all as shown by that last scene between Luffy & Kata-chan (and when Katakuri asks Brulée about him). I like when opponents start developing respect feeling for the protagonists. It just feels so wholesome, and way more nuanced because it’s not “too good” or “too bad”.
The only thing that makes me a bit hesitant is the way in which Katakuri was portrayed. Everything was a little too predictible. But my veridict is that this character is multi-dimentional and well written to a certain extent. (Yay ! I made up my mind.) 
Thanks for this question. It helped me put my thoughts into words ! 
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
One piece 30 day challenge : My least favourite Arc
Hold my cup. I hope that I won’t upset anyone with this. As I could’ve chosen any other arc. But honestly the fact I chose this one proves that One piece is top quality. I had big expectations for this and they weren’t met. :<
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This arc wasn’t all that bad, however, it was very underwhelming. Have I not watched One piece in one go, I think I would’ve gone crazy following it weekly. Before getting into the bad part, I’d give this arc some positive points because I am not a heartless woman : 
I loved the ambience. I liked mermaids so much, and fishman Island, the palace, the places all looked so beautiful and lively. I also liked Neptune’s graphism ! and the OSTs. >o<
It was a “necessary” arc. The idea of it is good, but the execution was terrible. I mean, it was necessary to show the Character’s power development. It also tackled the issue of Racism and introduced major information such as Shirahoshi being an ancient weapon yada yada. 
Caribou is such a funny character. And Sharly is so hot >:D
Now weaknesses of this arc : 
🐟 Bad pacing : It went terribly slow. I hated Sanji’s nose bleed part. It was pretty much unecessary.
🐟 No charisma whatsoever : All the characters introduced had 0 charisma in my eyes. Shirahoshi was terribly bland and annoying for someone that has such a power. She could’ve been so much more. Hordy was a very underwhelming vilain, power wise he didn’t stand a chance. His character design was pretty meh and disappointning. I disliked Otohime (even though I see her point of view, I just disliked her pacific temper).
🐟 Cliché : It was too predictable for me. 
To sum up, I think it would’ve been really better if the characters were more interesting. Now, I think that it was only underwhelming because of the greatness of other arcs and because of how much potential it had. All in all it wasn’t THAT bad, but still my least favourite arc 
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
Analysis of Sabo's speech patterns
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Hello! I looove this question. I am a stylistics student (with the bestie@donvampiro *coughs* ) so I like to pay close attention to speech. What helped me for Sabo is downloading his interactions in the manga, anime, and games so I can have a hold of his mannerism and way of speaking. I try to replicate the speech patterns that he uses. I do this with Law as well. I don't do it with every single character because it can be hard but I'll show an example:
This is my PERSONAL interpretation. I'm not saying that it's perfect and I based myself off translation so it can be inexact.
Analysis of Sabo's speech patterns and tips on writing Sabo in canon:
Every character has certain mannerisms related to their use of language. We call this idiolect, it's the sum of personal speech traits . But you have also to take into consideration the character's position and expressions while they speak to have a global idea.
1) "Vice admiral huh? I guess you're right."
This scene is in a serious setting where Sabo is fighting marines. We can make out :
- Use of rethorical questions (asking questions without waiting for an answer)
- "Huh" at the end of the question. I use this a lot, it's a way to engage the listener but also to mark amusement or surprise.
- "I guess" = modalisation. This creates an ironic effect, as in he is doubting the opponent's words.
-Note how Sabo has a dominant position in the speech. He starts his second sentence by "I guess", it doesn't serve an informative purpose in the sentence, it's just there to assert his dominance in the speech. (Note that these traits can be conscious or inconscious)
2) "My fingers are the claws of a dragon. They can break your skull, just like an egg."
This is the sentence that had all the fandom assume that Sabo has a Yandere side haha.
- Use of metaphor (= fingers being the claws of a dragon)
- Use of comparison (= like an egg)
-> I won't go into boring details, but this makes us assume that Sabo is the kind to use figures of speech, but only in certain situations. I also think that his metaphors/comparisons are clichéd, and this is why I think that Sabo would be the kind to say/write pretty clichéd things haha.
3) "Everyone out of the ring! I'm the winner." -Note the use of imperatives (orders) and exclamation.
-He is pretty confident/straightforward in the way he speaks as he openly declares himself the winner. He has no shame in that.
4) "You are a man. You have to take care of yourself."
-Note Sabo's moral code. He is a gentleman based on that. This interaction with Bartolomeo is not to take literally I think that it is playful. I don't think that Sabo thinks that women can't take care of themselves, of course not. I think that he was teasing Barto, but this says that he's the type to make over the top gentlemanly comments here & there in a playful tone.
5) "Here" *Sabo walks in and throws alcohol bottle to Zoro* "Yo'" "I just came to see his face before I leave" (note how Sabo is sitting with his legs spread)
-This interaction is interesting because we can see how Sabo interacts with the strawhats also people that he feels comfortable around. Despite not knowing the strawhats he is very casual, which means that Sabo isn't easily intimidated by socializing with people he doesn't know.
-He is well mannered (he didn't come with his hands empty)
-He uses "Yo'" as a way of greeting, which is familiar and casual, contrasting with his appearance and overall impression (he is dressed like a noble))
6) "Don't mind me, I am just borrowing the key for a moment."
-Note the playfulness once again. Use of "borrowing" for stealing is an euphemism which creates a comical distance. In this scene (from a game) Sabo is indeed stealing a key from a guard and once again he's keeping composure and being his playful self.
7) Yo. What are you guys up to here ? What are these pipes and equipments for ?
-Once again, using "Yo" as a greeting =) He also asks a lot of questions.
8) You'd really be better off just telling me, but suit yourself.
- Note the use of the threat and how attenuated it is because of the casual way in which he speaks. Sabo's speech is pretty moderated. His threats don't sound "threatening" and that's what makes them scary. He doesn't hesitate to use his powers on the opponents.
9) Let's not waste any time dilly dayllying
-Use of "let's" engages the listener once again. Sabo's speech always has an "interlocutive" dimension. Interlocutive means when the speaker includes the listener. This creates a dominant demeanour.
-Note how he is straight to the point.
10) « My brother's in danger, I don't care !
-You should care !
-Screw it ! »
-I think everybody knows that Sabo cares a lot about Luffy. He loses his temper when it's about people he loves. So Sabo CAN indeed lose his temper.
-Note the use of sland "screw it!", it's a (mild) vulgar expression. Sabo is a being of contrast, he is as impolite as he is polite. I like to use this expression whenever Sabo is frustrated.
11) Sabo to luffy : "you've become so dependable, leave the rest to me."
- He likes to take the lead.
-He often speaks out loud about his thoughts and impressions. (Unlike with Law for example. Law would be the kind to just mentally think of this instead of voicing it out.)
-Sabo often uses phrases like "leave it to me". He likes to take the lead. He is a born leader!
-A mixture of formal and informal speech.
-Use of metaphors/comparisons in his writing. (I assume he would write cheesy things, I also assume that he has a wide written vocabulary since due to his love for literature, let's not forget that Sabo wants to write a novel about his adventures.)
-Use of irony. (You can use a lot of irony figures, you can look them up online =))
-Interlocutive dimension (always including the interlocutor by asking questions, adding little "filler" words like "huh?" "hm?" as if urging you to answer)
-Use of modalisation (I won't get in depth abt this, use "I think" "I guess" "maybe")
-Gentleman moral code (that isn't taken seriously, but rather just to be playful)
-A LOT of playfulness, wit, cheekiness.
-Dominant posture in speech. You can use his bodylanguage here.
-Don't forget to smile A LOT. Grinning and smirking.
-Loses his temper and uses slang when he's frustrated.
-He doesn't hesitate to take the lead or make the first step. He's most likely to start a conversation.
-Frequent use of interrogation.
- - -
I hope that this helped you. I wish I could've went into more details but this took me a long time as it is. If you have any questions feel free to ask them away.
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