otomebois-bb · 4 years
Kiro Month!
Here are the prompts for Kiro Month! You might not want to participate (or maybe you do), but maybe someone you know would; so reblog this so we can have as many people participating in Kiro Month as possible.
I really enjoyed doing and reading Gavin Month content back in July and would love to see Kiro Month get the same amount of publicity!
Keeping in mind that both April Fool's day and Easter are next month, two of the prompts have been influenced by that. Here are the prompts:
April 1: Pranks
April 2: Breeze
April 3: History
April 4: Cherry Blossoms
April 5: Nostalgic
April 6: Tradition
April 7: Blush
April 8: Letters
April 9 (Kiro’s Birthday): Cake
April 10: Library
April 11: Stars
April 12 (Easter): Bunnies
April 13: Innocence
April 14: Concert
April 15: Tears
April 16: Laughter
April 17: Floral
April 18: Lemonade Stand
April 19: Sunset
April 20: Soulmate AU (can be any of the many Soulmate AUs, or a different AU of your choice)
April 21: Backstage
April 22: Passion
April 23: Ocean
April 24: Obsession
April 25: Warmth
April 26: Silence
April 27: Springtime
April 28: Music
April 29: Sunflowers
April 30: Magic
Most of these prompts are meant to be fluff, but I tried to add in some that could be used for angst for a bit of variety. I added in the Soulmate AU partially for myself, because I want to experiment with more Soulmate AUs, and partially because I'm curious to see what others might turn it into.
Anyway! I'm excited for April and I hope you all are too, and I hope to see some other participants besides myself. See ya!
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kitty-kat-ty · 4 years
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Happy Birthday Kiro/ Zhuo Qiluo! April 9th 2k20 I wish I'd have done it better but this was kinda in a rush, yet it took me 2 days to finish the whole thing, hehe, I was mean to post him at midnight my zone time but crashed XD So, as he's too bright like a star on the sky using a bright BG would have stolen his sparkles. I kinda did the last two at the end trying to fix his lips XD but here we go. If I can, I'll do a Helios one for the next week. #kiro #hbdaykiro #kirobirthday #kiromonth #zhuoqiluo #zhuoqiluomrlovequeenschoice #mrlovequeenschoice #mrlovedreamdate #mlqc #mlqcfanart #mldd #fanart #loveandproducer #goldendoodle #shininglikeastar #kiro😍 #kirofanart #kirobday #april9th https://www.instagram.com/p/B-wvT9HJnLo/?igshid=1w69eptm8indt
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
Kiro Month, Day 20: Soulmate AU
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Title: I Promise
Pairing: Kiro & MC (Emci)
Notes: The long-awaited (for me anyway) Soulmate AU day is finally upon us! Due to my current circumstances, I wrote this many days in advance. I feel bad for not being able to participate in my own event too much, but I told myself I'd definitely do this one no matter what, so I did!
Before you begin, a few things you need to know:
1. Despite the Soulmate AU title, this is a bit of an angst! Nothing too bad, but proceed with caution.
2. There are slight spoilers from Kiro's backstory with the MC (I think from chapter 10? I really don't remember tbh).
3. I mashed together 3 different Soulmate AUs into this! They are:
Your soulmate leaves colored footprints only visible to you (for this, I added a little twist where the color changes each day.)
Your soulmate's first name on your wrist.
Meter of how in danger your soulmate is, below their name on your arm.
With that said, I hope you enjoy!!
Tagging: @producer-miss-chips for the banner ^^
Kiro's POV:
I stared out the car window, lost in thought while Savin, who sat next to me, ratted off the day's schedule for the third time today. I sat up straighter when I caught sight of the neon pink footsteps on the sidewalk, leading up to a tall building.
So she works inside the LFG building, huh...
I rolled up my left sleeve and stared at the engraved name on my wrist: Emci. I slipped it up a little higher to reveal the semi-circle meter below it, going from green, to yellow, to red from left to right. Currently it was all the way in the green.
I learned the hard way a long time ago what that meter was for, and ever since then, I always prayed to never see it go that far into the red again...
Savin's yelling snapped me back to reality, and I quickly hid my arm underneath my sleeve once more. "Sorry, Savin. What did you say?"
He opened his mouth, only to shut it again. His expression conveyed annoyance through his furrowed eyebrows and the deep scowl etched onto his face. Finally, he spat, "You realize your monthly schedule right now is too busy to fit in chasing down your soulmate, right?"
My heart sank, and my shoulders sagged. "Yeah... I know." I had asked him about it not too long ago, and his simple response had been showing me this month's calendar and telling me to find some free time on it. Of course, there wasn't any, unless I was willing to sacrifice sleep for it — but with the way things were, I couldn't even afford to do that.
"Then let go of that fantasy. If you're that desperate, why don't you look her up on social media? Everyone has a Moments account."
I scoffed. "I only know her first name. Without her last name, it'll take forever to find her."
"Well, guess you'll have to wait until your schedule clears up," he said, typing something on his phone.
"Yeah, with you as my agent, that'll never happen," I muttered.
"Without me as your agent, you wouldn't be where you are today. Be thankful," he shot back.
I wanted to retort that I'd have been just as well off without his help, but seeing as it was difficult to go from nothing to something without a good agent, I bit my tongue instead.
I sighed, resuming my blank stare out the window as the car kept going, the LFG building long behind us.
Four days after my argument with Savin, I managed to sneak out of an interview I really wasn't interested in, wearing a black hat and a dark gray hoodie for good measure.
As I mingled with the crowd, I caught a glimpse of a few seemingly painted footsteps on the sidewalk across the street. I smiled, and muttered to myself, "So, your footsteps are light blue today, huh?"
I headed for the crosswalk, fully intending on following her footsteps in hopes we'd be reunited today. As I began to cross the street, I decided, just out of curiosity, to check the meter on my arm; though I was sure it would still be in the green section.
I stopped dead in my tracks halfway across when I saw it, though.
The little arrow was in the yellow, slowly moving closer and closer to the red area.
My mind suddenly flashed back to several years ago: her screams echoing through the thin walls, while I was strapped to a cot, powerless to do anything while the meter stayed as far into the red as it could go — not to mention the countless experiments I was forced to endure as well...
When we were finally rescued from that hell hole, we were separated. "I promise I'll find you again! I'll protect you, I promise!" I cried as the police officers gently tugged me away.
No. I won't let that happen again.
I ran the rest of the way, shoving people out of my way once I was on the sidewalk, and they protested at my actions — but I couldn't care less if I was being rude. At that moment, the only thing that mattered to me was following those footsteps and fulfilling my promise.
The footsteps led me down an alleyway and through a rusty door. The room I stepped into was pitch-black, but the pale blue footsteps glowed, allowing me to continue following them without needing a light.
Heading down a set of stairs, I gasped when I reached the basement floor, which was dimly lit by a few spread out light bulbs. The footsteps on the floor here were splattered together, then drastically spaced — indicating a struggle had occurred before she was dragged off to the next room.
The meter on my arm now rested in the center of the red section.
I quickened my pace as much as I could without making too much noise. My hand reached out for the door knob in front of me, when...
A female's voice shrieked from a distance behind the door, and my blood ran cold. It took every ounce of will power to refrain from panicking and recklessly rushing in there, especially after glancing at my arm just in time to notice the arrow spike up as far into the red as it could go.
I managed to keep calm enough to enter the room, where the only light was coming from the far end of the room, behind a white curtain. I could see the shadows of two figures standing by what looked like a table, and another person writhing around wildly, seeming to be strapped to the table. Since the increased amount of panicked, struggling footsteps led all the way behind the curtain, my only guess could be that the person on the table was my one and only soulmate.
My hands balled into fists.
I won't let it happen again.
I quickly searched my surroundings for anything that could be used as a weapon or as a distraction, finding a hammer and a knife among a table of various tools and a fire hydrant behind a counter closer to the curtain. Clinging to the wall to stay shrouded in the dark, I slowly made my way to the fire hydrant.
"Please, stop," the girl begged, her weakened voice fueling me to move a little faster.
"Aww, doll, don't worry. It'll be a quick pinch, you won't even feel it!" A man cackled, and I could see one of the figures holding a syringe, moving it closer to the person on the table.
"No, please!"
I finally reached the fire hydrant and tipped it over, causing it to lang loudly as it hit the stone floor and echoed.
The man with the syringe paused and pointed at his helper to investigate the sound as he continued what he was doing. I got into position as the other person, another man, emerged from behind the curtain. When he passed me, almost completely oblivious, I swiped my leg out and knocked him down just as the screaming began. Before the man could recover from his fall, I swung my hammer at his head, and he stopped moving. I couldn't care less whether I killed him or rendered him unconscious as I searched his motionless body and grabbed a gun.
I stood and aimed the gun carefully at the man's syringe hand, pulling the trigger when he removed the syringe and no longer had his hand near the girl, since I didn't want to risk accidentally hitting her. The man, startled and in pain, stumbled away from the table, clutching his bleeding hand. "W-who's there?!"
I pulled my hood up to hide my hair before stepping into view, aiming my gun at him. "That was a warning shot. If you value your life and know what's good for you, I suggest you leave before I decide to use you for target practice."
"Why you—!"
He lunged for me, and I didn't hesitate in pulling the trigger again, and he fell at my feet. "I warned you," I muttered bitterly.
I traded the gun for the knife in my pocket, discarding it on the floor and facing the table. The Emci I saw laying there, struggling to stay conscious, looked mostly the same as I'd remembered her — only more mature and grown up, and, if possible, more beautiful. Her sleeves had been rolled up, and she had a small dot of blood and what looked like a yellowish substance on one arm, and on her other arm — her left, like mine — I could see her meter going down from red to yellow, and above it, I could make out my name engraved in cursive on her wrist: Kiro.
Using the knife, I cut her bindings and lifted her limp body in my arms. Carrying her while I followed the exit signs, she softly mumbled, "You came back..."
"I promised I'd find you again, and I promise you, I will never leave your side ever again."
The moment I rushed into the hospital, someone said, "Oh my God, is that Kiro?!"
"Yes, it's me, Kiro," I said, a bit irritated that that was the first thing they pointed out. "Now, can I please get some help over here?! My soulmate's life is on the line!"
Immediately, a few nurses hurried over, one calling for a doctor, and soon after, I was following as they led Emci to a room on an elevated stretcher. Before I could get through the door, a nurse stopped me, holding her hand up. "I understand she's your soulmate, but please wait in the lobby. The doctor can't be distracted while trying to treat her."
I sighed. "Fine, but what should I do in the meantime?"
"I'm sure your agent would like to know where you're at," she said before leaving to catch up with the others.
I dialed Savin's number, and he immediately picked up. "Kiro, where are you?!"
"I'm at the hospital," I said, walking outside.
"The hospital?!" Shuffling could be heard on the other end. "Are you okay?"
"Yes. I found my soulmate."
Savin paused before groaning, "Seriously, Kiro? This was an important interview, I can't believe you—!"
"If I had listened to you, Emci would've been more hurt than she is now, or worse!" I cut him off, and he fell silent. "Look, I'll see you later and apologize. Just wanted to update you. Goodbye."
Hanging up, I walked back into the hospital just in time for the nurse from before to spot me as she entered the lobby. "Good news, Kiro, she's going to be okay." I let out a breath of relief I didn't know I'd been holding as she continued, "The doctor just needs to flush the chemicals out of her system. He wants to hold her here overnight to monitor her for a bit, just in case, but you're very lucky you brought her here when you did." She smiled. "Anyway, I'll come back in an hour to give you another update. Hopefully I can bring you back to see her by then, too."
I nodded, taking a seat and anxiously waiting for an hour to pass.
Two hours later, Emci finally woke up.
"Kiro?" she asked, her voice shaking me awake as I was about to doze off. "Is it really you?"
I gently reached out for her hand. "Yes, it's me. I'm really here." I squeezed her hand, and she smiled.
"I was beginning to wonder what was taking you so long," she admitted, giggling — the melodic sound like music to my ears. "If you weren't such a popular public figure, I would've lost hope."
I chuckled "I know. I'm sorry, I got busy."
"Don't apologize." Her thumb softly caressed the back of my hand. "I'm just glad you're here now."
"I have so much I want to tell you," I said.
"Me too," she agreed, "but now is a bad time."
"Can I at least say one thing?"
"Of course." Her smile was like a ray of sunshine, brightening my mood instantly.
I leaned over and kissed her cheek. "I love you, Emci."
She giggled. "I know." Upon seeing my dejected pout, she laughed and added, "I love you too, Kiro."
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
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This Kiro Month banner is amazing! Thanks and credits to @producer-miss-chips for making it ^^ I will be using this photo on each Kiro Month post I make.
With that said, today marks day 1 of Kiro Month! I will be searching "#kiromonth" for every post made for Kiro Month as often as I remember to, and I will try my best to notice each and every one. If you especially have something you'd like me to notice, be sure to tag me!
Lets give our sunshine boy lots of love this month!
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
Kiro Month, Day 9: Cake
Title: Happy Birthday, Kiro!
Pairing: Kiro & MC (Emci)
Notes: This is short, mainly because I haven't been able to be connected to internet much recently. It's kind of a complicated and lengthy story, so I won't go into it. Enjoy!
I led a blindfolded Kiro into my living room while he whined, "Miss Chips, seriously! What is this all about?"
I nodded to Anna, who lit the cake's candles and and left in record's time. I was impressed as I moved to stand behind the cake and told Kiro, "Okay, you can remove the blindfold now."
He reached for the knot behind his head and slowly slipped the cloth from his eyes...
"Happy birthday, Kiro!"
His blue eyes lit up at the sight of the chocolate cake, and I could see the flames of the candles illuminated in them. "Emci, you didn't!"
I smiled. "I did. Come blow the candles out! And don't forget to mae a wish!"
Kiro bent down next to me. He hesitated a moment before blowing the candles out. As I stood to turn the lights on, I asked, "What did you wish for?"
"If I tell you, it might not come true!" Kiro teased.
I smirked. "Fine. Keep your secrets."
I grabbed a knife to cut a slice of cake for both of us. I slid one plate to Kiro, who eagerly gripped his fork and took a bite. Before he had fully finished chewing, he said, "Man, if Savin were here, he'd yell my ears off about gaining weight!"
"Which is why Savin wasn't invited." I winked. "This is our little secret, okay?"
"You got it, Miss Chips!" he whispered, also winking.
"Oh!" I exclaimed, suddenly remembering something. "I got you a birthday card, let me go get it."
"Sure. But first..." Kiro grabbed my waist and pulled me in close. He leaned into my face and breathed, "The only real present I want, is a kiss from you."
He pressed his lips to mine, kissing me slowly. Lost in the moment, I melted into it, tangling a hand in his hair.
When he pulled away, he licked his lips. "Hmm. The cake seems to taste better when it's coming from your lips."
My face was burning as I stuttered, "I-I'm gonna go get your card now."
Kiro chuckled. "Go ahead, Miss Chips."
2 new messages from: Kiro.
Kiro: I love the card! Thank you for giving me the best birthday ever! I'll never forget this.
Kiro: By the way... my wish, was to spend every birthday with you from now on. I love you.
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
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Day 1 of Kiro Month: Pranks
Title: Prank War
Pairing: Kiro & MC (Emci)
Notes: A bit generic perhaps, and maybe slightly on the shorter side, but I had fun writing this, and I hope you have fun reading it, too!
What began as an innocent prank turned into a full-fledged war.
One prank, in "honor" of April Fool's Day. Just one prank was all I wanted.
Kiro didn't appreciate that I tried to pass off caramel onions as caramel apples, so he retaliated by putting a fake spider taped inside the lampshade and laughing his ass off while I freaked out.
Of course, I couldn't let him get away with that, so I pulled another prank, sparking him to also prank me again, and it became a seemingly never-ending cycle of pranking back and forth...
It didn't matter where we went or who else was around; our prank war stopped for no one.
Savin was not very happy with the fake poop Kiro left on the couch, or the invisible saran wrap I had rigged in front of the door to the bathroom not long after bringing Kiro multiple glasses of water after his dance rehearsal.
"April Fool's or not, do not bring your pranks here!" he eventually yelled at us.
We promptly left to go home immediately after, only further irritating Savin, but we ignored his texts as our prank war continued.
The pranks became increasingly intense as the day progressed...
"Hey, Kiro," I said, skipping up to him. Holding my hand out, I asked, "Chocolate egg?"
Suspicion set in on his face, evident in his furrowed eyebrows and deep pout. "What did you do to it?" he accused, slowly reaching for it anyway.
I frowned, keeping my poker face. "Nothing, it's just chocolate. Consider it a peace offering."
His face began to brighten... until he unwrapped what was actually hidden in the chocolate wrapper. "A grape?! Seriously?!"
I ran away, cackling as I reveled in my victory while Kiro vowed he'd get me back.
"Get me back" he did — I later returned to the kitchen in search of a snack for a break from pranking and found a can of potato chips sitting on the counter, not looking too out of place. I thought it was strange for the chips to come in a can, but was hungry nonetheless...
Only to shriek and fall on my butt when a snake came flying at me after opening it!
When I heard Kiro laughing in the living room, my blood practically boiled from anger, and I immediately plotted my revenge prank.
Just as I had set my prank bowl of treats on the coffee table, Kiro hesitantly approached me, waving a white flag.
"Please," he said, "as fun as this is, I don't want to be afraid of standing next to you. I just want my girlfriend back."
I frowned. "You're serious?"
"Yes. Pinky swear?" He held his pinky out, still waving his flag with his other hand.
I inspected his finger before locking my pinky around his. "Fine."
He released a breath I hadn't realized he'd been holding, then pulled me in close. "Thank you," he muttered into my hair.
He let go of me and almost instantly noticed the bowl I'd forgotten I'd set out. "Cool, Skittles!"
"Kiro, wait!" I exclaimed.
But it was too late; Kiro had already shoved a handful of mixed together Skittles, M&Ms, and Reese's Pieces into his mouth. Immediately after, he made a distasteful face, but managed to chew and swallow everything. "I hate you."
"Sorry." I giggled.
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otomebois-bb · 5 years
Apologies and Announcement!
So first off, I want to apologize for my absence. I've been incredibly busy with school and parenting (infant). Now that my schooling has turned to online classes, I'll have more free time.
Second! I don't know if anyone is already doing this (so I apologize if someone is) but I've just noticed that next month is Kiro's birthmonth, so...
I declare April as Kiro Month!
I'll make a list of writing prompts for each day of April and post it here ASAP. ANYONE CAN PARTICIPATE! From new writers to experienced writers, you're welcome to join in! Use "#kiromonth" to join in, and you may also mention me if you'd like, too!
I only thought to do this since I've been noticing that my work from Gavin Month is still getting publicity on here, so I thought, why not give our pretty superstar some love too?
I'll hopefully have the list out tomorrow or Saturday; I plan on working on it in between assignments.
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
Kiro Month, Day 9: Cake
Title: Happy Birthday, Kiro!
Pairing: Kiro & MC (Emci)
Notes: This is short, mainly because I haven't been able to be connected to internet much recently. It's kind of a complicated and lengthy story, so I won't go into it. Enjoy!
I led a blindfolded Kiro into my living room while he whined, "Miss Chips, seriously! What is this all about?"
I nodded to Anna, who lit the cake's candles and and left in record's time. I was impressed as I moved to stand behind the cake and told Kiro, "Okay, you can remove the blindfold now."
He reached for the knot behind his head and slowly slipped the cloth from his eyes...
"Happy birthday, Kiro!"
His blue eyes lit up at the sight of the chocolate cake, and I could see the flames of the candles illuminated in them. "Emci, you didn't!"
I smiled. "I did. Come blow the candles out! And don't forget to mae a wish!"
Kiro bent down next to me. He hesitated a moment before blowing the candles out. As I stood to turn the lights on, I asked, "What did you wish for?"
"If I tell you, it might not come true!" Kiro teased.
I smirked. "Fine. Keep your secrets."
I grabbed a knife to cut a slice of cake for both of us. I slid one plate to Kiro, who eagerly gripped his fork and took a bite. Before he had fully finished chewing, he said, "Man, if Savin were here, he'd yell my ears off about gaining weight!"
"Which is why Savin wasn't invited." I winked. "This is our little secret, okay?"
"You got it, Miss Chips!" he whispered, also winking.
"Oh!" I exclaimed, suddenly remembering something. "I got you a birthday card, let me go get it."
"Sure. But first..." Kiro grabbed my waist and pulled me in close. He leaned into my face and breathed, "The only real present I want, is a kiss from you."
He pressed his lips to mine, kissing me slowly. Lost in the moment, I melted into it, tangling a hand in his hair.
When he pulled away, he licked his lips. "Hmm. The cake seems to taste better when it's coming from your lips."
My face was burning as I stuttered, "I-I'm gonna go get your card now."
Kiro chuckled. "Go ahead, Miss Chips."
2 new messages from: Kiro.
Kiro: I love the card! Thank you for giving me the best birthday ever! I'll never forget this.
Kiro: By the way... my wish, was to spend every birthday with you from now on. I love you.
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