#kissu for sousou
na-nase · 10 years
'I want the K'
Send me ‘I want the K’ and I’ll generate a number
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Any of the above - Chest Kiss
       Haruka stretched lazily, feeling the strain in his muscles after a long day of time consuming arguments. Unfortunately, he and Yamazaki weren’t one of those ordinary couples that could express their view points and feelings properly with words. They, in fact, communicated the best after an all-day session of shameless hay rolling. Yamazaki would become too exhausted to speak above a calm, quiet voice and Haruka would have still been too overwhelmed by the experience to throw up his usual shield of ice. 
       Perhaps this wasn’t such a terrible thing. After all, it gave them an excuse to be together all day. One of them always tried to excuse themselves when they realized they’ve been together for too long and were acting too…Couple-like. The arguments and mattress jumping distracted them both from something they must have both realized by now but dared not to acknowledge.
       Haruka was fairly certain Yamazaki was beginning to fall in love with him. And he was getting wrapped up in the same curse. He noticed this perhaps a month back, when Yamazaki looked at him with a gentleness that Haru thought he wasn’t capable of. It wasn’t quite the look he gave to Rin either. They shared a different sort of bond. Though it was bizarre and sometimes frustrating, that connection did not look ready to fade any time soon. 
       And Haruka…He was glad.
       "Yamazaki?" He peeked at the sleeping figure next to him. The other’s lack of response was his cue to move closer and take up that spot on Yamazaki’s chest which was his favorite to rest against. It would take them months yet to gather up the courage to speak of true affection. Even now, they must hide what they felt for when they thought they weren’t being watched. 
       Beside his ear, Yamazaki’s heart rate was picking up. So he was awake after all. The raven turned slightly, pressing his lips to the area above Yamazaki’s racing heart in a kiss. ‘Don’t count on me saying I love you before you do’, Haruka mouthed the words onto the warm skin underneath. It would be impossible - at least he thought - for Yamazaki to feel what he was saying, otherwise he’d never do it. 
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