#kitabayashi hitomi
digitalgate02 · 1 year
Scrapped Himekawa Maki's parts in the dropped Hinode project.
So you know... I've said it before, with Kizuna showing the 02 group going well and being happy, I decided to drop this entire project because I was satisfied with what they had done there.
Though, I liked some parts of it and especially Himekawa Maki's "redemption" arc parts. Well, she wasn't totally "redeemed" -- Think about Ex-Aid's Dan Kuroto in this case. The idea was that she could help Daisuke and co. to solve this strange mystery connected to the parallel world from Lady of the Castle counterparts -- with them discovering that their world also had a counterpart for Pandora (the main villain of that series) and that those new villains were after said person.
Maki would just help with technical and analysis stuff -- but hey, why can't they just ask Koushiro? Well, this was ▽ compliant and the biggest traumatic experience from 2005 made Daisuke feel a little... out of himself. So he believed he was the culprit for all of the mess caused by the ▽ villains and forced himself to isolate from the others -- he would only keep contact with Ken, Miyako and Iori for some reason. No, he wasn't... angry with the other eight, but more with himself.
Anyway, here's the Maki's parts! I'll put the context for better understanding.
Ch 6 - Energetic Waves, Fauermon
It hadn’t been her end. She was pretty alive, but far away from her duties. Her partner, and by that meant her human partner, had been missing and possibly considered dead. Insanity had kept Himekawa Maki out of her job. “You… You’re not dead right?” She was glancing at a photo, her hands shaking but holding tight the portrait. “Tell me… You’re NOT dead…” She couldn’t believe in what they said to her. Not three years ago, not now. Maki was feeling an emptiness in her heart, the people she loved had left and she was alive. The Chosen Children had found her lost, after the events. Daisuke had yelled at her and had accused to tricking them. She had felt guilty… But learning that her partner had died… No, she hadn’t believed in those kids. All she had done caused that mess. It had been her fault. Once she had returned to the human world, her boss had forced her to retire. Maki hadn’t complained, and had left. Without Bakumon she had no power. BUT without Nishijima Daigo she felt incomplete. Now she was looking at that old photo of them, taken by the sweetest girl in the Chosen Children group, Kitabayashi Hitomi. “Call me.” Her eyes were fixated on the boy’s smile. “CALL ME…!!” If the price she had to pay for having Bakumon back meant Daigo’s death… … She shouldn’t have made a deal with Yggdrasil. “Himechan…!” - a voice called her, a feminine voice. The person opening the door was… “Daigo??” No, it was Hitomi. Visiting her from her day off. A woman -- with neck length black red hair and moon shaped glasses, wearing a black suit similar to the one Maki used to wear -- entered the room and frowned. “No, it’s just me.” Maki turned her head back to the photo.
Context: This was Maki's debut in the story, as well for Hitomi, who is the girl pictured in pt4 flashbacks. The one with Orochimon/Xuawumon as partner. You might remember her from this post here. Hitomi is a headcanon name for this girl.
Ch 7 - You never saw it coming
Ken was returning home when he received a message. Curiously, the Chosen of Kindness stopped nearby a store and checked his phone to see who sent him a text. He widened his eyes in shock about the sender. He didn’t expect THAT name to appear in a while, not when all of his troubles had started with her. But their exchange… What do you want? - Ichijouji I’ve been contacted by your friend, asking for my services - Himekawa I thought you had fun enough with us - Ichijouji My crimes had been paid with his death. I do not beg your pardon - Himekawa Which friend are you talking about? - Ichijouji Motomiya Daisuke, why do you ask? - Himekawa He would be the least person in this world to make a deal with you again - Ichijouji She got on Ken’s nerves. From all he had gathered about her, he couldn’t accept her help at all. Like, why would Daisuke contact her? My phone got a message from him, unless it’s a scammer - Himekawa Why did you contact me, then? - Ichijouji I need your digivice once again, to re-analyze it - Himekawa “What?!” - Ken almost broke his phone thanks to all the anger he felt - “Why would Daisuke want HER help??! Is he sane?! She was the one who tricked us in the first place!” You stole it from me to analyze it once, don’t you have the data with you? - Ichijouji The data is stored in the Bureau, and I was forced to be retired for a while - Himekawa … “Retired”? - Ichijouji You don’t need further details of my life, I’m asking for your cooperation this time - Himekawa How can I be sure you’re not going to fool us again? - Ichijouji I give you my word I won’t do anything against you or your friends - Himekawa Can he believe her?
Context: This is a follow up to the previous scene where Daisuke, Miyako, Hikari and Takeru discuss how to discover more about the digimon trying to murder Daisuke and how they can "freeze" the place during those attacks, blocking the digivice signal. Daisuke says "I can't believe I'm doing this, but we need her help this time." Note that he could've asked Koushiro, but he's still trying to not bother any of the older six and is still recovering from his own paranoiac episode. He will get better later, I promise!! But Ken is not very happy with that idea...
Not totally Maki-related, but here's the follow up of this scene with Hitomi:
A teacher had been observing Iori talking with a couple of kids and then left to talk on the phone. She, Kitabayashi Hitomi, was interested in whatever he was talking with… So she approached with caution to at least hear what he was saying. “I know, I need to pick Upamon and I can do it for you. No? Are you saying Daisuke-san contacted that woman?! Why didn’t he ask Ken-san for that information? Ah… I forgot about it… Ken-san suffered a memory loss once the Dark Seed stopped working.” He sighed, but proceeded: “No, I have nothing against her but… Is he sure we can trust her after all the things she has done to us? Is it even okay, because I do not want to remind him that she’s the one who sent us to the battlefield and probably encapsulated us once we were unconscious.” “The Chosen Children are trying to contact Himechan?” - Hitomi thought, but she decided to not call her boss. To be honest, she wanted to know more details… Perhaps asking Himechan by herself? “I see… He has some plan in mind” - Iori blinked in surprise - “I’m going to pick Upamon now, if you have more news please contact me immediately. See you there.” And he left the school. Not realizing Hitomi was around. “What would the children want with Himechan? Should I ask them?” - she wondered - “Maybe I should ask Himechan? I will keep my eyes on Hida-kun.”
In which you learn she's also an undercover teacher, but at Odaiba Jr. High School (aka Middle School) instead, as a Science teacher.
Ch 8 - Deals
If Daisuke said so, we can trust her… Not. That was what Ken thought, he was against that idea of asking Himekawa for help. But he had to, his memories about the Kaiser’s tricks and gimmicks never had returned. And knowing the Data Bureau wouldn’t let touch the analysis she did in the prior three years gave him no choices. The young kids met her after school, in her residence. There, the kids saw a few photos of Daigo, and some peculiar ones with them as children with a group formed by five kids and… five digimons?! But when… “Himekawa-san was one of the original Chosen Child” - Miyako explained to Takeru and Hikari - “That’s how she gained Daisuke’s trust.” “Why didn’t she tell us before?” - Hikari was in shock - “Does it mean Nishijima-san was one too?” “Yeah, he too” - Daisuke answered her - “I guess we know by the photos who were their digimon partners.” Most of them had Bakumon, some of them had the other digimon and their partners: A Muchomon with a chubby boy, a Guilmon for a sporty boy and a Kamemon for a girl with glasses. Daigo’s partner was a Bearmon and they were present in the group’s photo. Iori realized the girl with glasses looked like a teacher from Odaiba Junior High. Daisuke, Miyako, Hikari and Takeru too, since they had seen her when they attended the school three years ago. “Kitabayashi-sensei was a Chosen Child too?” - they said in unison. “Ah, you’re here” - Maki received them, and they glanced at her - “Oh…” - she realized they were looking at the photos - “I apologize for not telling you kids before, it was confidential information.” “Confidential?” - they repeated. “In the time we all were recruited, we were forced to not contact the new Chosen Children. Actually, the Data Bureau was only created after the incidents of August 1999 and we became the bridge connecting the human world and the Digital World. In other words, all our work was to represent the Bureau in front of Gennai-san and the Digital World’s deities. I also was the vessel for Homeostasis in the past, which means I got a higher position for being able to bring her to the human world for beforehand reunions.” “You were a vessel like Hikari-chan?!” - Takeru gasped. “I didn’t like it, because Homeostasis had betrayed me as a child. But that’s not storytelling time, Motomiya-kun said you kids needed my help.” “Ah yes, we were almost forgetting it!” - Daisuke then glanced at Ken - “Ken, please?” Ken wasn’t okay with that idea. “I don’t understand what you want to search on my digivice, Daisuke” - he answered - “Actually we’re trying to search for some way to discover what’s blocking our power when we’re… Dragged in a distorted reality.” “Hm…” - she was thoughtful. “That’s why we need to check your digivice, Ken!” - Daisuke insisted - “Because you had this power once… Because your digivice is the Digivice of Darkness, right?” “Yes, I agree” - the other nodded - “But it sounds like it’s my fault you’re unable to evolve your partners and I… I do not like to feel that I’m the issue.” “It’s not you, we know that! We want to know about the source of the dark powers. They must have something similar from your digivice…!” “I see…” - he hesitated, then he glared at Maki - “I will let you do your analysis, but I demand to keep an eye on you. Takeru-kun and Daisuke will stay at the door, Miyako-san and I will be with you. Hikari-san and Iori-kun will stay at the front door.” “Even if I wanted to do something harmful, I could’ve done once you all were here” - Maki replied calmly - “But if it would make you comfortable, then feel free to lock the front door and the windows so I can’t escape from them.” “She’s sassy like Ken-kun” - Miyako whispered to the others.
Context: You can clearly notice this is old because I used my own assumptions for the partners of the kids, that before ReArise game (suspiciously) released the playable Holy Beasts evoline in game, which also used the same digimon depicted in pt4. I had this funny idea of the leader of them all being not Daigo, but Qinglongmon's tamer -- So I made him be a Guilmon here.
Also this is the part I miss the most -- Because the funny clash of sass masters Ken and Maki lol. And yeah, this would be the part Maki just spills the beans about her, Daigo and Hitomi's connections with the digimon.
Ch 9 - Fire 'n' Ice
“I have the results, Please contact Motomiya-kun as soon as possible.” Why was she calling Ken? Why was she talking to him and telling him to give the news if she could do that by herself? Ken had no patience with her anymore, but he had to cooperate and be polite. She was older than him, more older than Osamu. But oh he hated her. Hated her voice and her mind. “I will, but could you tell me what you found in my digivice?” “Well, that’s supposed to be discussed with your group in the next meeting. I’m sure you would wait until then.” “I’m very curious about the results” - he was pretty irritated with her, but didn’t let it be noticed in his voice. He kept speaking calmly - “If you could give me some information by phone, I’d be thankful.” “I found an interesting mechanism in your device. Unique, different from the digivice of your friend Inoue. It’s able to generate Dark energy and Light energy, it seems it’s related to the World of Darkness, or as you kids call it, Dark Ocean.” “That we know already, it was how we sealed Daemon six years ago. I opened the gate to the Dark Ocean and sent him there.” “I found that plan stupid when I learned about the events.” “What did you expect us to have done?! Let him catch me?!” “You could’ve gathered your friends’ digimon and finished him. If you had Omegamon’s All Delete on your side--” “We couldn’t! Their digimon was out of energy to help us! We had no choice, so please avoid criticizing our decisions and give me details.” “Your digivice has some kind of shard, like a sand pebble, from the Dark Ocean. It’s not literal, there’s data from that world installed in your D-3.” “A program?” “Yes, what did you expect? It’s a program. If you could bring me some samples of this distorted reality, I could discover more about its functions.” “Um… I will tell Daisuke and the others about it, I’m sorry but I have to go.” “Anytime.”
Context: Still part of the sub-plot she was involved, by analyzing stuff and telling the children. Ken and her had this not-so-friendly relationship as well, because of the events of ▽ lol. Anyway, this was the last thing I wrote before dropping the entire story.
You can read a few redux version drabbles of the main part of the story (the ones related to Wallace, Dai-Lightnimon, the Digimental Weapons, and the evil guys of this dropped plot) on my AO3.
Hope you enjoyed it ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
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variouscolors-old · 2 years
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.:Himekawa's Memories
Himekawa Maki (11yo), Nishijima Daigo (11yo) and other three kids – Minamino Genki (13yo), Kitabayashi Hitomi (12yo) and Higashikata Kazuya (12yo) – were Chosen Children from a past Adventure, one which predated Taichi’s group. They were kids from an Adventure in 1998, in which they were the first kids to go to the Digital World. All of the previous generations, including its primordial Chosen – Oowada Rui – hadn’t been in the Digital World when they met their partners. And for the reason of the Digital World needing so hard saviors to help them beat a new menace, a digimon trying to cease the power of evolution… They yanked those five kids and threw them into their world.
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Maki, or Hime-chan as the others referred to her as, was partnered with a sweet and loyal Bakumon. Said Bakumon was so much important for Maki, to the point she hated to let them get hurt for her. Daigo was partnered with a serious yet sociable Bearmon, but said Bearmon also ended up being laid-back later, as if he were absorbing Daigo’s personality. Genki, a boy, was partnered with a chatty and enthusiastic Muchomon. Hitomi, a girl, was partnered with a shy and responsible Kamemon. Kazuya, the other boy, was partnered with a calm and wise Elecmon (Violet).
The group had formed bonds with everyone they helped out and with each other, being a perfect dream team to save their world. But…
Once, in a very horrible fight against the Three Dark Masters – Piemon, Pinocchimon and MetalSeadramon – the group was severely injured. Maki’s tears of rage for seeing Megadramon getting hurt for her gave birth to a new Dark Master: Mugendramon. Mugendramon destroyed Piemon, Pinocchimon and MetalSeadramon, but ended up going on a rampage. The remaining four companions in the group had to evolve into the four Holy Beasts and beat them. They ended up destroying Bakumon and reverting them into a DigiEgg.
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Maki had the egg in hands, but a strange glitch was appearing on its surface. The other kids asked Jijimon, the ancient, and he wasn’t sure what to reply to the kids. Maybe about the fact that Bakumon would never hatch? But Maki refused that fate. She refused to give up.
She became a little obsessed with the idea of reprogramming the digimon in order to bring Bakumon back. It was when Homeostasis decided to keep the egg sealed, acting as their function as the security entity of the Digital World.
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digitalgate02 · 2 years
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Something delusional i did for @shihalyfie​‘s Digimon Adventure ZERO delusion.
So you got the OP, inserts and EDs right? Now we need! Characters! And since we’re using Maki and Daigo this means we’re also using the unnamed kids too.
You must have seen them before. Back in 2019 @demonoflight​ helped me to name them, and thus i designed those kiddos based off the generic anime shot with low effort people from the scene (like, i don’t even think they needed to give input on those design if they weren’t part of the story hehe)
Anyway, here’s them:
Higashikata Kazuya: 12yo, the athlete chunni idiot. Very optimistic and and sporty. But also a carefree kiddo who freezes when in panic. Yeah, he got inaction problems if he’s too nervous. However, this still makes him incredible when he snaps out of it and fight for his friends and innocent people. His partner is Elecmon (Violet)
Kitabayashi Hitomi: 12yo, the kind and softie one. She’s a good friend for everyone, and tries so hard to keep them together. Might be the mom friend of the group, but less Sora-ish and more... A way more disaster mom. She’s clumsy and naive. Despite that, she puts her heart and soul when helping the others. She deeply cares about you!! Her partner is Kamemon.
Minamino Genki: 13yo, the wise one. He’s a bit shy and prone to panic (closer to Miyako’s btw) but if has to do something, he will do it for the sake of everyone. Him being the wise brain of the group means he’s always trying his best to be reasonable with the others, and to prevent things going south. He’s also a very happy kid, who will laugh at the stupidest and harmless bad jokes, but call you out if you do some harm. His partner is Muchomon.
Nishijima Daigo: 11yo, the laid-back yet fired up leader. He’s a charming person of course, but has the tendency to think he’s good at his job. No, he’s not. He’s kinda a worrywart and naive kiddo, but full of hope. Due to him being that bad at leading, sometimes the group have to hear Genki or Hitomi. Sometimes Kazuya. Somehow he gets along with Maki pretty well. His partner is Bearmon.
Himekawa Maki: 11yo, the serious and miko-like one. Maki is full of secrets, but is a very gentle and noble person. Her sweetness is what makes everyone do everything as she pleases. Deep down she’s kinda manipulative and ambitious, but this is hidden by her nice demeanor. Her partner is Bakumon.
The lines, which we’re borrowing from ReArise late game:
Bearmon → Gryzmon → LoaderLeomon → Baihumon
Elecmon (violet) → Tuskmon →  Triceramon → Qinglongmon
Kamemon → Dinohumon → Orochimon → Xuanwumon
Muchomon → Akatorimon → Hippogriffomon → Zhuqiaomon
Bakumon → Monochromon → Megadramon → coming soon :3c
※ This is full delusional what if scenario. We’re would prefer new original series than more Adventure content, btw.
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