wickedmilo · 3 years
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PLACE: A nightclub TIMING: 3:00 AM SUMMARY: Milo is desperate to forget and Alex is more than willing to help him WRITING PARTNER: @kitsunealex CONTENT WARNINGS: Drug abuse, alcoholism, alcohol, mentions of drug manipulation, addiction
Milo couldn’t remember when he had arrived at the club with Alex. Hell, he could barely remember when they had begun their little bender. As the music washed over him, as the sights, smells, and sounds attacked every one of his heightened senses, he only knew he was incredibly happy. He had met the man beside him at a supernatural haunt, one he had finally been brave enough to attend alone, and having somebody by his side who shared his love of the White Crest night life was proving to lend him an incredible sense of freedom. One he was no longer used to. He hadn’t been home in at least three days. It quite possibly could have been longer. They partied until the sun came up, then holed away until it set again. Perfectly in tune with each other, and more than willing to work around his body’s ridiculous schedule. For the first time in his life, he had met somebody as Milo the Vampire. Not Milo, the awkward kid trying desperately to navigate his new life. Not Milo, the nervous wreck who tried to dance around the subject of death until he was inevitably forced to talk about it. Alex knew from the start what he was, and in the same vein of honesty had shared his own identity. He didn’t know a lot about Kitsune, but if the rest of them were anything like Alex then as far as he was concerned there wasn’t a whole lot not to actively love. Throwing an arm around his friend, he felt a sudden rush of gratitude, making an effort to drag him in the direction of the bar.  
“Come on…” He whined, following his gaze to find a group of relatively attractive humans. They were huddled in a corner together, talking, and laughing, but more than one kept glancing towards Alex, no doubt trying to figure out whether they stood a chance with him. “You can flirt later. Or better yet, you can flirt with me while you’re buying me another drink.” He teased, catching his eye with a mischievous grin. He hadn’t done this in so long. Hadn’t disappeared for a week, consuming substance after substance in a bid to avoid sobriety. Hadn’t harmlessly flirted with people he barely knew for the absolute thrill of the attention. He wanted to enjoy it, wanted to revel in it. And apparently he had found the perfect person to encourage him, so there was no way he was allowing that person to become distracted. Letting out a huff of breath, he moved to stand in front of Alex, blocking the humans from his view. Reaching up to cup the man’s face, he did everything he could to feign sincere reassurance, confident he was going play along. “They will still be there in ten minutes, I promise you. And if they aren’t, you know as well as I do you could have literally anyone here, I mean- is being hot is a kitsune thing?” 
When Milo’s arm appeared around his shoulders Alexander couldn’t stop the grin from sliding along his lips. It had been serendipitous to meet Milo when he had; new to town, trying to get a feel for the place and he just happened to stumble upon a haunt that seemed to be filled to the brim with other supernatural creatures. The two had met and instantly seemed to form a connection. They had enough in common that spending days together drinking themselves into a stupor and sleeping it off was actually great fun. Their conversations, though he couldn’t always remember them, he knew were enjoyable otherwise he was pretty sure the fox side of him would have been trying harder to mess with the man. But alas, it seemed like both his more humanistic and fox side enjoyed Milo’s company.  
“While I would love to flirt with those silly humans,” He said, tossing them a glance and a wink, over Milo’s shoulder as the man held his face, “You’re not wrong, flirting with you while drinking does sound much more fun.” He teased, his voice dropping into a deeper, huskier range. He was just slightly tipsy, and in the mood to play. While his fox could be malicious Alex himself was much more mischievous. Teasing the humans, teasing the supernatural, it was all in good fun… and sometimes with the intention of getting laid. Right now though? Right now he focused his attention on Milo. Dark brown eyes not leaving the man’s face. “Besides, I don’t know if those little humans could keep up with the side of me that is in the mood to cause some chaos or ravish something.” He continued to tease Milo with a wicked grin on his lips. “I think in general yes, Kitsune are rather attractive. I’ve never met one that wasn’t at least somewhat pretty.” He paused and placed his hands on top of Milo's, pulling them down from his face, moving one to his own hip and snaking his arm around the man’s torso. “Let's go get a drink.” He said, leading them towards the bar.  
As they neared the bar another human stepped between them, a pretty thing, covered in sweat from dancing and enjoying themselves. He reached out trying to grab Milo’s hand and pull him back towards the dance floor, apparently oblivious to the fact that Alex had his arm firmly around Milo. He couldn’t help but chuckle. “Oh little one.” He said in a sweet tone, “I hate to break it to you, but I’ve claimed this one for at least the next fifteen minutes. Try again then okay?” he said and with his free hand patted the man on the head and sent them on their way. “You say I could have anyone but I think you really meant yourself Milo. Or at least, if we teamed up we could have literally anyone and no one would tell us no.” He chuckled, coming to a stop at the bartop. “Now, order yourself something to drink so I can flirt with you.”  
Milo grinned as Alex referred to the humans as something other, a group separate from the one he belonged to. It almost felt right now, it was very nearly beginning to make sense. He could see himself as inhuman, and yet cling to his humanity. The two terms meant entirely different things, and that was okay. It was okay to be a vampire first. It was okay to accept the truth of what he was. For a brief moment the memory of the man responsible for killing him forced itself to the front of his mind. He could still see him cowering under the threat of Dani, still see the look of relief on his face when he realised somebody had come to his rescue. “Hm, and they would definitely love to flirt with you too.” He pointed out, feeling a vague sense of satisfaction as he realised he was being chosen over them. Alex would much rather bathe in his attention, which felt incredibly good to acknowledge. Fuck his killer, fuck the trauma that had been following him. He was going to live his new life, and he was going to enjoy it. “Oh yeah?” He asked, holding his friend’s gaze. “Is that the fox thing?” Over the course of their brief but enthusiastic friendship he had come to realise how much Kitsune’s craved mischief, and chaos. If there was a way to cause drama, or rile people up, Alex was going to take it. He still didn’t quite understand the logistics of why, but he found it fascinating. His entire energy was fascinating.  
It was ironic that, standing next to somebody with so many impressive skills, of all the abilities that came with being a vampire, it was the inability to blush he was most thankful for. At the mention of ravishing, human Milo’s face would be burning red, his embarrassment and self consciousness would be impossible to hide from his company. Now though, he raised his eyebrows in a silent question, brushing off his insecurity with the help of his intoxication.  
“And humble.” He added, sarcasm dripping from his tone when Alex insisted all Kitsune were attractive. He knew some people would find that level of honesty off putting, but it didn’t bother him in the slightest. He appreciated the fact that Alex wasn’t feigning modesty. He was honest, and blunt, and unafraid to be exactly who he was. All traits that unashamedly drew him in. Allowing his hands to be repositioned, he leaned into his friend’s embrace, using his new leverage to maintain his balance. They barely made it three steps, however, before a man he had been talking to earlier in the evening came bounding up to him from the dance floor. He grabbed his free hand, encouraging him to abandon the bar, and before he could say anything, somehow Alex had taken control of the situation. Offering the man a genuine smile, he couldn’t help but suppress a shudder, secretly enjoying the way Alex wanted to claim him. He knew it wasn’t deep, they were having fun, and enjoying themselves with absolutely no strings attached, but nobody had ever wanted to claim him before. Unless you counted his sire, and he definitely did not count his sire. Besides, given the way he had run without offering him a second glance, that might not even be true. 
Biting down on his bottom lip, a vain attempt at repressing a smile, he sheepishly caught Alexander’s eye. “I may have overdone it earlier when I was trying to charm him.” He admitted. “His friend’s holding so… I was hoping he might share if I won him over.” A laugh escaping him at the complement, he shook his head, pulling away so that his disbelief would be visible. “Please.” He rolled his eyes. “I’m dead, and apparently I look it…” He thought back to his encounter with the man on the street. The one who had made it very clear he still looked sickly, and weak. He couldn’t think of anybody attracted to those particular features. He was never going to be someone people noticed, and he was more than used to that fact. Leaning against the bar the moment they finally reached it, he ordered himself a double Gin and Tonic, waiting patiently for Alex to place his own order. “I guess I kind of brought that on myself though, I wasn’t exactly the picture of health…” He lowered his voice, in the same way he always did when discussing the supernatural. “I looked like a vampire way before I actually became one.”  
“I would hope they’d like to flirt with me. I’ve got 300 years of practice under my belt, along with some other things.” He said tossing Milo a wink. Shut up. His brain screamed at him, he always had such a bad habit of flirting and making dirty jokes when he was inebriated or even on the verge. Not that most people minded but -- Well he wasn’t sure he wanted to give away his hand just yet. “Is what part a fox thing? The flirting or being attractive and wanting to ravish someone? I think, either way, the answer is yes. I mean… there is a reason they say someone is ‘foxy’.” Alexander smirked, cocking his head to one side. “As for the need for chaos? Also yes. I’m nogitsune. We’re the classic Kitsune idea -- the tricksters. Zenko are “good” foxes. ” He said, rolling his eyes. They were good and also sometimes so boring.   
Alexander’s eyes darted to the bartender then back to Milo a bad bad idea forming in his little fox brain. He shoved it down, it could come later, for now he wanted to enjoy his time trying to figure out where Milo’s limits were to embarrassment and flirting so he focused all his attention, all his hearing onto listening to Milo talk. “Overdone it? I mean -- you clearly did make an impression enough to tempt the silly little human to take you from me. I think I need to upgrade my intimidation level.” He joked puffing out his chest playfully before laughing. “Oh shut the hell up, you don’t look dead, you look hot.” Alex said, rolling his eyes. “But if you’re worried about your appearance of looking ‘dead’” he air quoted with his free hands, “Wear makeup.” He then turned his attention to the bartender ordering himself a double whiskey on the rocks and smirked to the bartender. After a moment he focused his attention on Milo and smiled, “You know you don’t need to get quiet to talk about the supernatural with me, or in this place right?” he asked, eyebrow raising, “How did you turn into a vamp anywho?” Alex asked as the bartender set their drinks down.  
Milo rolled his eyes, trying not to feel intimidated by the reminder of just how much older than him Alex was. Flirting was flirting, right? It didn’t matter whether you had flirted with a hundred people, or a thousand. “Are you telling me to get on your level?” He grinned easily. “Because I may need a little help with that.” Laughing when Alex confirmed all three traits were in relation to being a Kitsune, he supposed the term foxy needed to come from somewhere. Regardless of whether his friend was telling him the truth, it made sense to his inebriated brain. “Ah, so you’re one of the good guys?” He cocked his own head, pretending to look Alex up and down. “Gotcha.” Raising his eyebrows as he was posed with a question, he couldn’t help the shy smile tugging at his lips. It felt so difficult to believe anybody found him genuinely attractive. “That silly human has access to drugs, so be nice.” He answered pointedly, glancing back over to where the man was now standing, offering him affectionate grin.  
Turning back to his company, he caught Alex’s eye just in time to make his skepticism clear. “There’s a difference between looking hot and knowing what to say to charm someone.” He explained. “But I guess you kind of have both of those things so…” Letting a few beats of silence pass when make up was suggested, it definitely wasn’t beyond the realms of possibility. Dani had taught him how to use it back when he made an effort to cover up the track marks on his arms. But applying it every day in an attempt to look less like he was about to keel over felt like an awful lot of unnecessary effort. “I’m not that worried.” He insisted. “It is what it is.” Picking up his drink as the bartender set it down, he let out a playful huff of breath. “I know, I can’t help it... It’s a habit.” He whined. It really was a habit, he wasn’t used to having conversations about the supernatural, at least not so openly.  
Glancing down at his glass, unprepared for the subject of his death to be raised quite so suddenly, his smile faltered. Once again memories came flooding back to him. Memories of Dani screaming at him for letting a vampire escape. Memories of the man he had rushed to protect, the man who supposedly had been responsible for his murder. He swallowed his emotion, a frown creasing his brow. He couldn’t think about it. He didn’t want to think about it. “Some asshole got me high, I woke up like this…” He figured that would be a decent enough explanation. “It isn’t so bad at times… just sucks I wasn’t given any kind of choice.”  
Alex laughed, hand to his belly, full blown smile and laugh at Milo’s comment. “ME? One of the good guys? To most kitsune no I’m one of the bad ones. The ones who give them “a bad name”” he said throwing his hands up to air quote the words with the most over dramatic eye roll. His hand slipped back to his drink and he downed a fourth. The little bit of a burn, the heat on his tongue and in his throat was exactly what he was craving in that exact moment. It lit his senses on fire and forced his focus to the sensations in his fingertips. One hand was wrapped around the cool glass of whiskey, the other had -- well the other had wondered and was resting on Milo’s hip slowly, painfully slowly, playing with the edge of his shirt in a not-so-sneaky attempt to lift the man’s shirt up a little so he could caress his hip bone. “But being nice is so boring.” He frowned giving Milo his best puppy dog eyes. “What drugs?” he asked, eyes following Milo’s gaze.  
“So are you asking me to teach you how to charm someone?” He asked eyebrow shooting upwards as his thumb slowly grazed along Milo’s hip bone. Alexander’s lip slowly curled at the thought that Milo had a crush on someone that wasn’t him -- he had mentioned a man a couple times --- someone Rika? Riley? Ria? No no It was Rio. That was the name he had heard Milo slur out when they were truly wasted and there were no filters between them and the stories they wanted to tell one another. “I can teach you if you want, get you someone you like. And, well, breaking you of the habit of whispering about sups when we’re in a sups bar is something we gotta work on.” He said with a dramatic sigh and shake of his head.  
Alexander’s eyes searched Milo’s face as he seemed to draw into himself remembering what happened. He was always curious about those who could be turned supernatural. It was -- so foreign to him considering he was born a nogitsune. He knew nothing but the supernatural world so hiding it was always strange… though he understood it in some places. “Being forced to do anything is unacceptable… If you want me to have a conversation with whoever turned you….” He let his voice, and the threat trail off. He really would have a conversation -- that might end in a little bit of bloodshed if he had his way. But only if Milo actually wanted that. 
“Wait, you give them a bad name because you like having fun?” Milo asked, trying to understand what Alex was saying based on the little information he had. Clearly there was still so much to learn about Kitsune, but he kind of already knew that. “Why? Tell me about it!” He was eager to hear what Alex had to say, eager for him to expand on his world, and more specifically how he fit into it. Downing his own drink, making an active effort to keep up with his drinking partner, he put the glass back down on the bar, relishing the burn of the alcohol. In the same way spicy food, and garlic retained a little of their taste, so did any drink with a high alcohol content. Something he was incredibly grateful for. A smirk playing at his lips as he intentionally ignored the fingers ghosting the hemline of his shirt, he rolled his eyes in a playful show of annoyance. “I was working on finding out until you scared away my source of information.” He teased. “But I’m sure we can win back his affection.” A laugh escaping him, he turned back to Alex, catching his eye with an easy grin. “No, you asshole. That’s what I’m saying I’m good at. You can just stick to being hot. It isn’t fair that you get to have both.”  
Letting out a gentle sigh, he spun fully to face his company again, leaning heavily against the bar beside him. “I’m looking at the person I like, and I think I’m doing a pretty good job of making them like me back.” He waited for his words to register, watching Alex for his reaction to them. If the skin on skin contact was anything to go by, he was definitely right in his assumption. He forced himself to focus, ignoring how strangely intimate their position suddenly felt. “I don’t come to these places very often… so if anything keeping the habit is probably a good thing.” He countered, if only to distract himself from the feeling of his friend’s fingertips. His touch was light, and gentle, but simultaneously demanding his attention. Noticing the shift in his expression, it took him a moment too long to realise why he looked so fierce, so defiantly protective. They hadn’t known each other for very long but he was confident he would look the same way if he discovered anybody had ever hurt Alex. It was a comforting thought, even if it wasn’t a happy one. Shaking his head, he struggled to find his voice. Only a week ago he would have been able to answer honestly, tell Alex he didn’t know what the man looked like and therefore had no information to go on. Now though, he had seen the man. Even briefly heard the sound of his voice. Admitting that meant admitting his own mistake, which was far too painful to consider. So he smiled instead, tired, but overwhelmingly grateful for the offer. “I don’t even know who he is.” He murmured. It technically wasn’t a lie. “But thank you... I’d much rather be here, y’know? With you- saying fuck it, and just… living. This is where I want to be…”  
“You sweet summer child.” He chuckled, “I didn’t give them a name, humans gave kitsune a bad name, they called us tricksters, evil, and chaotic. They think all kitsune are the same -- like we are not a whole species just like them. Where some are good, some are bad and some are somewhere in between.” Alexander rolled his eyes at the mere thought of this. Humans were so -- human-centric that they never thought that even their “mythological” creatures could have shades of gray. No to humans all other creatures were either good or bad there was nothing in between the two.  “As for why being nice is boring? It’s because it can be predictable. I can be nice, don’t get me wrong, but not always falling into the “oh so nice” category has its advantages. People never expect things from you, so when you actually do things because you want to, it's either a pleasant surprise or just -- ‘ah yes, this makes sense.’' Alex said, raising a shoulder in a shrug as he swirled his whiskey around in the glass. He then rolled his eyes and slowly nodded his head. “Right right, okay, you can charm people -- then charm me.” He said, propping his head up on his hand as a wickedly dark smile slid over his lips. 
Alex’s bit his bottom lip and raised both eyebrows as he leaned in to Milo. “Oh really, looking at the person you like?” he asked, chuckling. Some part of him had a hard time believing that he was what Milo wanted. Maybe it was just the memories floating through his head of Milo being drunk and talking about that man -- maybe he just wasn’t used to wanting a vampire. It had been a long time since he had liked one. He lifted the hand that had been cupping his drink and ran it through his hair as he glanced at his friend. A frown slowly creeped over his lips as his other hand squeezed Milo’s hip. It annoyed him that he didn’t know who turned Milo into a vampire. He wanted to destroy the man who hurt his friend, who made him think so sideways about himself, about life -- that made him question. It was -- unacceptable and he was determined to help him in his own way. “If you ever do figure out who it was -- please tell me I’d be more than happy to prune them from the timeline.” He smirked, “but since you seem to inclided to just say fuck it -- then lets fuck it and get wrecked tonight.” Alexander smirked, picking up his drink and downing the other half before grinning to the bartender to order them more drinks. 
“Hey, I’m not-” Milo fell silent, pouting in response to being called a summer child. Even though he knew Alex was teasing, and it was technically a term of endearment, his instinct had been to protest. But his last name was Summers, and the irony of him being unable to step into the sun was too great for him to ignore. “Okay, fine, whatever…” He grinned, letting him know he wasn’t about to put up a fight. Leaning closer as his friend began to elaborate, he tried to imagine anybody knowing Alex and describing him as evil. Didn’t everybody enjoy a little chaos from time to time? “I know a slayer who feels the same way about vampires.” He admitted. “Like there’s no room for personality. You’re just one thing and… that’s it.” Listening intently as the logic of being unpredictable was explained to him, he could definitely understand his company’s way of thinking. Hell, he had adopted it on more than one occasion himself. He wanted the people close to him to know the real Milo, and he wanted them to like the real Milo. The one who could be rude, aggressive, and unfiltered. The one who had flaws. Any friendship built on false etiquette wasn’t actually genuine. He laughed as Alex moved to rest his chin against his palm, somehow managing to look like a lovesick teenager, and an experienced seductor. He wasn’t sure he would ever know how that was possible. “I already am.” He insisted, glad to move onto more lighthearted conversation. “If you noticed then I wouldn’t be very successful, would I?”  
Feeling his breath catch unexpectedly in his throat, he realised how easy the reaction was to hide now that he no longer needed oxygen. Jeez, Alex was so close. Their bodies were only a few inches apart. It would be all too easy to close the gap between them, to capture his lips with his own. But where would the fun be in that? As badly as he wanted to, they had been playing this game for days, and it was far too enjoyable to end it all so abruptly. As if to distract him from his wandering thoughts, it didn’t take long for his killer to be mentioned again. Staying silent as he mulled over what he was being told, he knew even if he did discover the man’s identity, it was his own trauma to deal with. Involving other people wouldn’t bring him closure, as easy as it would be to set a Kistune on him, to make him pay for the terrible things he had done. Catching his friend’s eye, he reached up to run a hand through his hair, pushing it back and away from his face. It was dark, so much darker than his own tangle of dirty blonde. It made his eyes seem so much deeper, almost impossible to look away from. “Fuck it.” He agreed, offering Alex a smirk. He only tore his gaze away as the bartender set down another round of drinks. Picking up his own, he did his best to take a careful step back, immediately missing the close proximity. “Let’s get wrecked.” He toasted clumsily to the sentiment. “And y’know… make some chaos.”  
If he rolled his eyes again he wasn’t sure they’d stay in his head… but he was pretty sure he just rolled his eyes. The idea that Vampires were only one thing -- that some hunter, of course it was some hunter, thought that. Idiots. “Well that’s their fucking loss. If they think you all are just one thing, think us kitsune are just one thing…” Alex let his voice trail off as his eyes drifted back to the drink set on the bar, he picked it up and took a long sip before setting it down and letting his fingers walk over to Milo’s to tease the skin on his fingers. Hoping to elicit goosebumps at the light touch. “I guess you’re right. If I noticed I wouldn’t be as charmed. And yet, here I am trying to charm you too.” he winked.  
There was something about the drumroll that was building between Milo and himself, something about waiting for the beat to drop, for the moment to change, for silence to surround them when they finally took that last little step to close the gap between them. There was an enjoyment that came from letting it build up and edge itself until they just -- wouldn’t be able to resist any longer. And when he felt Milo’s hand in his hair he could have melted. There was something so… so calming about someone stroking his hair, he felt the same way when he was in his fox form and someone started to pet him. It made him sleepy, made him cozy and want to snuggle. He was much too tempted to lean in and close that gap as Milo’s hand danced its way through his hair, so when the man stepped back he felt himself snap out of the haze he was in and his vision, his focus cleared snapping to attention. “What sort of chaos shall we make tonight Darling?” He asked, moving so he was a bit closer once they toasted as if keeping a secret between the two of them on what they were about to get up to. 
Milo smiled, deciding not to elaborate on the mention of Dani. There was something so liberating about not using her name, about leaving her as a faceless slayer. For a few blissful seconds, it felt as though any power she held over him had entirely disappeared. It would be back, of course it would be. But for now he wanted to appreciate the newfound freedom. “You’re right.” He said, grinning at how good it felt to agree with Alex, to say yes, it was her loss, and resist any ridiculous urge to defend her. Without realising, he leaned back in, the hand still ghosting his bare skin finally causing a shudder to run the length of his spine. Knowing there would be no way to hide his reaction, he laughed, undeniably breathless when he spoke again. “It might be working.” He teased, holding his company’s gaze as though daring him to take the next step. Neither of them wanted to be the first person to break, although as the alcohol levels in his blood continued to rise, so did his petulant impatience. This entire adventure was about feeling good, about doing exactly what he wanted to do. Here, in this club, with Alex by his side, he was able to put the past week behind him, able to move on from how much he had been struggling to work through his pain. Maybe it wasn’t healthy, but it was incredibly effective. He could override that pain with pleasure, and honestly… what better way to distract himself?  
Humming softly as Alex moved to close the gap he had just created, he began to wonder whether maybe they were both feeling weak. Both inching closer and closer to inevitably letting go. Reaching down, he took the hand resting at his hip, linking their fingers so that he could pull Alex against him. There were so many things they could do tonight, but he knew from experience Alex was far more skilled at utilising potential situations, twisting them, and turning them into something fresh, something exciting. He was content to follow his lead, so he grinned, unapologetic in how much fun he was having. “Why don’t we start over there?” He suggested, his voice barely louder than a whisper as he glanced back over at the man who had initially tried to drag him to the dancefloor. Maybe they could work as a team. Flirt together until the group of friends decided to generously hand over whatever drugs they were holding. After that? Wasn’t that the beauty of their friendship? The not knowing?  Anything could happen, and it was so beautiful he might cry. 
“Only might?” Alex asked. He made his eyes just a touch wider and pushed his bottom lip out ever so slightly. It had been effective in the past of luring people to say what he wanted, that little hint of innocence he actually let reflect in his eyes. There wasn’t truly much innocence in Alex, especially not if alcohol was involved, and there was already a decent amount of alcohol involved between the two of them right now. He knew one more drink and he’d be hitting a notion he put on himself, one that he liked to call ‘flirty fox’. One more drink would have him stumbling face first into his overly flirty, less inhibited self. He actually liked going there though he wasn’t sure if she should push it right this second with the way Milo was looking at him. Gods he wanted to but he liked this drumroll too. 
But when Milo linked their hands together Alex felt his stomach flip and he grinned. Ah -- there it was, the drumroll taking hold and switching beats slightly, extending itself out further in front of them signalling more fun to come. He followed Milo’s gaze to the man who tried to pull them onto the floor and shrugged. “Sure, let’s see what we can swindle out of some drunkards.” A mischievous twinkle danced in Alex’s eyes as he led the two of them through the crowded dance floor and to the men from earlier. The mischievous look dissolved between one step and the next and instead turned into a more sultry look. The men were flirting and falling on one another, clearly either drunk, high or both. Either way this could make for some great fun. Alex still had his hand intertwined with Milo’s as they came to a stop. “Want to dance with us?” He asked, offering out his other hand 
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litewolf101 · 6 years
Added Ancient Ocean
Added new mobs: Eye Guardian, Eye Master, Pyronant
Added a bunch of new particles (Thanks KitsuneAlex <3)
Fixed up some of the biomes
Placing a Ancient Laser perpendicular or in the path of another laser causes "laser fighting" and lag
The laser projectile faces a weird way sometimes when fired
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