akkermans · 4 years
i have feelings for u. not telling u which ones.
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akkermans · 4 years
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I’m surrounded by people who are grounded and who come from all over, with different backgrounds and upbringings and I really value that. We hold each other up and accountable. We don’t let each other take what’s in front of us for granted.
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akkermans · 4 years
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akkermans · 4 years
Latelt, she had gotten a strange habit of roaming the library in the dark, once everyone had decided it was time to call it a night and head back to their dorms. That was when the library felt hers and hers alone. She would head to the library around seven pm everyday to study once her classes were done and she would just stay. It wasn’t something she planned, it would just happed. There was something about the library that called to her, being surrounded by books felt somewhat comforting. More comforting than being left alone with her own thoughts — those would be waiting for her when she got back to he dorm, until then, she had the library.
She was putting back some of the books she had read over the past hour or so when she noticed how large her shadow was, caused by one of the lamps that stood somewhere behind her. Luna moved her head to the side, and so did her shadow, she tiddled her head to the left this time, and again, so did her shadow. As tall as a gigant, she thought. She was ready to go back to the table where she had set her things when another shadow joined in next to hers. If she hadn’t covered her mouth she would’ve screamed, instead what came out was an agitated gasp. “Jesus fucking christ! What the—” She exclaimed turning to face them. “You don’t do that to people, asshole!”
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        SHE SPENDS PLENTY OF TIME AT THE LIBRARY, be it for school, not wanting to be in her own house, or whatever. she likes the library, she likes the quiet, she likes the fact nobody usually bothers her, and on usually sleepless nights, she finds herself there working on whatever article was due at the newspaper. this is no different, and frankly, she needs a specific book she’s been scouring the shelves for for the past hours she’s been here to no avail. she’s trying again, stuck in her own little world, when she rounds the corner, nearly running into luna. 
        luna jumps, pip jumps, and then immediately relaxes when the threat vanishes. “didn’t know you were there,” she says, simply, eyes lingering on the other for a moment, before scanning the shelves. “sorry.” she hates the word, it sounds disingenuous in her mouth, but it comes out any way. “but i sincerely doubt there’s a real threat lurking in the library. i’m just looking for a book.”
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akkermans · 4 years
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Jiggling the doorknob of a Thates’ lecture hall, Iris let out a rather dramatic groan. About to turn to search for a janitor, she jumped when she almost collided with Pip. “Shit. Sorry,” she apologized, gesturing behind her toward the door. “You happen tom know how to pick locks? Left my phone in there.” @akkermans​
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         SHE’S ON HER WAY TO THE NEXT CLASS, early as always, when she bumps into iris. it takes her a second to register what’s going on, yanking out an ear bud of her too loud music to hear her ask that question. “i might,” she says, a bit wistfully. truthfully, she’s learned to get into places she’s not supposed to-- all for the sake of an investigation, or whatever. “but we’re gonna pretend i don’t for the sake of maintaining innocence. you have a bobby pin or a paper clip?”
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akkermans · 4 years
✉ texts: casper baraghani
casper: so i think i just turned in my original score instead of my business analysis report on accident
casper: you think i can say it's meant to show how you feel while looking at the data i collected?
pip: i think if you can lie well enough you can get away with anything
pip: or u can yk just say you made a mistake and turn in the actual thing
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akkermans · 4 years
Onyx polished nails tapped impatiently on the table as Carter made an effort to skim the required reading he’d neglected the night before, having opted instead to spent his time editing and re-editing a new song. Granted, it wasn’t likely there’d be a pop quiz, but it was important to maintain his grades for his scholarship. Letting out a slow sigh, he glanced up at the person across from him. “Think it’s time to file a missing person’s report for my brain. Or my sanity. Care to read my notes to me like an elementary school teacher reads ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ to a bunch of kids with frog legs hanging out their noses?”
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           SHE’S BEEN FOCUSED ON AN ASSIGNMENT OF HER OWN. they had been sitting in near silence for however long, she almost forgot he was there until he spoke. eyes flicker up to him, then back to her laptop. “i’m trying to edit my paper, right now, car,” she muses, leaning her elbows onto the table, chin resting in her hand. “maybe this is a sign you need to take a break. you know? focus on something else for a bit,” she says. “it’ll be here later, anyhow.”
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akkermans · 4 years
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          there were scarier things in the world than ghosts, raven thought to himself. he’d experienced his fair share of spooky whatevers, mostly as a kid, but those never quite set off an alarm in his head the way real fear did.  “  i mean, it’s possible.  ”  raven tried to remain nonchalant as he approached the fridge, face illuminated by yellow light that poured out from its open door. habit has him going to grab a beer, eyes fixating on a blue aluminum can before he decided to go with water instead. maybe pip had inspired him.  “  are you afraid of ghosts  ?  have you ever seen one before  ?  ”  tone is lilted as the male grabs a cup from the cabinet.
          though the mood quickly changes as the glass slips through his fingers, clattering against the countertop before shattering on the floor.  “  ah, fuck  !  ”  a deep sigh escapes him, brows furrowing as he observes the mess.
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GHOSTS ARE NOT A NEW THING FOR PIP, as much as she pretends they do not affect her, she tries to remain steadily unnerved. truth is, she’s a bit of a ghost herself, continuously fading away, disappearing. sounds emo-- but it is as such: pip is a bit of a flight risk.  “i didn’t say it wasn’t,” she replies, elbows propped up onto the counter. she watches his back, lazily, as he ducks into the fridge, then moves up to the cabinet. “not at all,” she tells him, and there’s a sincerity in her voice. “and maybe. i’m not sure.” if she has, well, she doesn’t want to get into it.  “have you?”
the glass shatters before there’s a response, though. she flinches at the noise, and leans over to peer at the mess that he’s made. “it’s fine,” she assures, already moving towards the supplies closet they have for a dustpan. “and don’t move, barefoot’s a bad idea, ray.” 
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akkermans · 4 years
“You’re probably right, but I’m still holding out hope that we solve the case by then,” she admitted with a sigh. If she hadn’t kept telling herself they were almost there, she probably would’ve given up by now. “I’m trying to do that. I brought a bag of gummy bears and I’m giving myself thirty minutes to do other things after every page. I think I got this?”
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“there’s no saying people won’t, but i’ve come to find if you keep pushing things off, shit never gets done,” she says, with a shrug. but hope is a good thing to have. pip treads more on the side of realism-- the reality of not knowing, even if they are trying to find the truth. “you definitely got this,” she says, surprisingly encouraging for who she is. “and i can-- help, too. i guess. keep you on track.”
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akkermans · 4 years
do you miss her?
“who?” yes. absolutely.
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akkermans · 4 years
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        yeah she was definitely as scrabbled-brained as he was right now. and the mentioning of a break sounded wonderful. nick frowned down at the work and put a hand on the back of her chair. “mm… naaah. this can wait. oh-!” nick jumped up from his chair and began to walk backwards towards the newsroom storage closest, keeping his eyes on the girl. “for our break– you know that super old stack of our newspapers from decades ago we’ve got in here?” he threw a thumb over his shoulder at the closet. “and you know those nights we have before deadline where one, maybe two of us copy editors are working our asses off late into the night getting all this shit done? well…” nick spun on his heel and rummaged up towards the highest shelf, a shelf most people except others of his height can’t reach, and pulled out a small bottle of sweet whiskey. “this is for those nights when it’s just me in here… don’t tell chief.”
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EYEBROW QUIRKS AS NICK EXCLAIMS, watching him as he retreats to the storage closet. when he speaks, she’s always entertained to listen, curious as to what sort of antics he continues to get himself in. it’s been weird, like they’re continuously darting around a subject that’s been gone for a long time now. “i’m listening,” she deadpans, head tilts as she watches him narrate. when he returns with the bottle, she lets out a snort, and shakes her head towards the bottle. “well, i’m not a snitch, so,” she says, actually cracking half a smile as she scoots back in her chair towards the water cooler, taking two of the paper cups from it. she scoots back, setting them both between them. “get pouring, macgill.”
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akkermans · 4 years
from here here or here
honesty hour 
pip  wes
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akkermans · 4 years
if you were to get a tattoo right now, what would it be? and if relevant, why?
“it would be a big ‘bite me’ right on my ass cheek-- or, you know, a fountain pen on my ribcage. something to remind me to keep writing.”
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akkermans · 4 years
what's something you miss about being a child? something you don't miss?
“i don’t know if there is anything i actively remember about being a child, if i’m honest. but i think the feeling of how easy everything seemed,” maybe it was because she had sophie, but it’s not something she says. “i was-- sort of invisible, though. i don’t think i miss that.”
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akkermans · 4 years
last three searches on your google history?
“honestly? i forgot how to spell the word assiduous for a paper, and the news around richmond-- specifically involving the case-- and also, uh, how much one of those backpacks you can put your cat in are. it is not interesting. i google a lot of random shit.”
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0 notes
akkermans · 4 years
honesty hour 
pip  wes
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akkermans · 4 years
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When I made that jump out to L.A., I realized that home is not necessarily a place, it’s the people around you. You find your community, your people that you can lean on. And that becomes your safety net. Friends become like family.
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