#kkfos muse
bone-honey · 21 days
The Klown gods Sock, Buskin and Muse
The two Klown gods are just like their human equivalent name sakes, the comedy and tragedy masks. 
Buskin is typically associated with misfortune
Sock is typically associated with fortune
Two sides of the same coin, of sorts, and are actually the same god but will show you a different face based on your fortune.
Regardless of which is “being spoken to” klowns can praise either based on their own preferences. Speaking to an effigy of Sock like it’s Buskin will still allow a klown to communicate with Buskin.
Sock is heavily praised by those still on their home planet of Karnival, as everyday life there is heavily saturated with carny like activities and foods and such.
Buskin is heavily praised by those on invading force ships, as the klowns on those ships often pray to him in an effort to cast misfortune on the planets they invade.
There’s also Muse, who is a separate entity that klowns praise and pray to specifically for talent and skill. Regardless of those wanted skills being music, art, agility or invasion based.
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