#kmpk's drawing
kmpk-art · 6 years
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Bonus: Why have you betrayed me father (meme)
It’s about the last drawing I made, you can find it [here]
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sui-senka · 7 years
Tagged by @mustachioedmoose
Rule 1: Tag nine people you’d like to get to know better @karie2055 @xsoldier @imagineleonkennedy @caerula-parma @inquisitivemoth @life-avec-wifi @kmpk @intrascholar @thembtitruth
Rule 2: Bold the statements that are true
Alright. I can’t be asked to bold it so I guess I’ll write my answers next to the statements. While writing this I've seen that my format has gotten messed up, but I hole you guys know what I mean.
Originally posted by forfoxesonly
I am 5′7 or taller (NOPE. I’m pretty smol. Like 5’ 2" or 5’ 3") I wear glasses (Yep, at least that’s what the opticians say) I have at least one tattoo (Nope, but I want one) I have at least one piercing (I guess earlobes count…) I have blonde hair (Browny-black) I have brown eyes (very dark brown) I have short hair (short-ish, it’s currently in a lob right now) My abs are at least somewhat defined (Haha, I wish) I have or have had braces (most awkward phase of my life so far….) I love meeting new people (true - but I get social anxiety every now and again) People tell me that I’m funny (yep. I get that a lot. I’m unintentionally funny) Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me (not so sure about this one) I enjoy physical challenges (NO.) I enjoy mental challenges (NOOOO) I’m playfully rude with people I know well (Sorta. I guess it’s a bit of dirty/flirty humour) I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it (Yep. -> “Innit”) There is something I would change about my personality (EVERYTHING. So I could be a bit cooler like Dante or Bayonetta) I can sing well (not confident about singing but I do it from time to time) I can play an instrument (piano) I can do over 30 pushups without stopping (pffft, no) I’m a fast runner (no way) I can draw well (Well, I’m not bad) I have a good memory (pretty decent) I’m good at doing math in my head (sometimes, but it takes time) I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute (haven’t been swimming in a while so I don’t know if this is true) I have beaten at least two people in arm wrestling (don’t think so. I’m not that buff) I know how to cook at least three meals from scratch (Yep, I can do this, but only when I am angry for some reason) I know how to throw a proper punch (noooooo) I enjoy playing sports (again, it depends) I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else (noooooooooo) I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else (was in my school’s Pop choir) I have learned a new song in the past week (nope) I work out at least once a week (Ha, I wish) I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months (I hate running) I have drawn something in the past month (yes) I enjoy writing (not really) Fandoms are my #1 passion (yesssss) I do or have done martial arts (yes, but i’ve quit very early and I have sucked at it) I have had my first kiss (no, but I wish) I have had alcohol (again, want to do it) I have scored the winning goal in a sports game (noooo - whats with all the sport questions?) I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting (gotten close, but no) I have been at an overnight event (yes) I have been in a taxi (who hasn’t) I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year (still applies either way) (Nope) I have beaten a video game in one day ( i wish) I have visited another country (lots of countries!) I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts (noooo) I’m in a relationship (nope) I have a crush on a celebrity (Does orlando bloom as Legolas count?) I have a crush on someone I know (yep) I have been in at least 3 relationships (no) I have never been in a relationship (YEs.) I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them (yes….) I get crushes easily (yessss) I have had a crush on someone for over a year (….yes) I have been in a relationship for at least a year (…no) I have had feelings for a friend (…..yes, it’s so painful….) I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” (not sure….) I live close to my school (yes) My parents are still together (surprisingly so, yes) I have at least one sibling (elder brother) I live in the United States (nope. across the pond) There is snow right now where I live (it’s August, so no) I have hung out with a friend in the past month (yes, it’s also the same one I have a crush on ;__; ) I have a smartphone (yes) I have at least 15 CDs (not that many, no) I share my room with someone (not currently, no) I have breakdanced (ummm, i don't dance....) I know a person named Jamie (nooooooo) I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce (Yep, Year 9 computing teacher had a name we couldn't pronounce. And we kept asking but he didn't tell us until the end of the year....) I have dyed my hair (nooo, but I want to do a blue or a silver ombré dye) I’m listening to one song on repeat right now (Blue Monday - new order) I have punched someone in the past week (not yet this week) I know someone who has gone to jail (no, but it would be interesting If i did know someone with jail experience) I have broken a bone (no, but I wish I could just to say I could.) I have eaten a waffle today (Nope - but I want to get some waffles in the near future) I know what I want to do with my life (Ha, no) I speak at least two languages (not really) I have made a new friend in the past year
(I suppose I have... ☺️) Thanks for tagging me!
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kmpk-art · 6 years
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Don’t ask me why I have done it... Even I don’t know... The only thing I know - is that it was funny to draw! XD
Inspired by this meme: [whyhaveyoubetrayedmefather?]
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kmpk-art · 6 years
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Some Ogata sketch / inktober I have done this month
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kmpk-art · 7 years
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A quick drawing with Naruto and Himawari
- Tou-chan!!
- Ha! Ha! Don’t worry Hima, Tou-chan is very strong!
I need more interaction between them… even if it’s only few seconds… and something positiv… please… a smile… give me two beautiful uzumaki smile! 
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kmpk-art · 7 years
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Naruhina - The Wedding
Hi guys! The final version of my drawing! <3
Hope ya will like it! :-)  
You can found the black version [here] 
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kmpk-art · 7 years
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First I wanted to do something a little more serious but then I remembered Kurama... :-DDDDD
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kmpk-art · 7 years
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How to resume Rage of Bahamut episode 1?
What have I done??? *run away*
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kmpk-art · 7 years
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Hey guys! An another fanart of the wedding of Naruto and Hinata!
This is the b/w version. (sort of preview) I am coloring the original one. :-) 
I really like this one! It's a “clin-d'oeil” about the ending of Naruto The Last! (don’t know how to say this expression in English.. sorry..) Tchuss!!
[colored ver]
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kmpk-art · 7 years
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How to resume Rage of Bahamut ep 02
[episode 01]
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kmpk-art · 6 years
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A little sketch about the new ver of the opening <3 <3 <3
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kmpk-art · 8 years
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Huevember 09 - Kushina
[prev] [next]
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kmpk-art · 8 years
> ASK ME <
Hello! I am quite new in doing this sort of things but... 
I was thinking... if someone want to ask me questions like the Kurama one, I can try to answer it with a drawing.
Afterall, this can be a good training for my daily sketching and english.
You can ask at: Naruto, Hinata, Boruto, Himawari, Kurama, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi, Gaara, Sai, Yamato, Iruka, Hiashi, Hanabi, Ko, Shikamaru, Shino, Kiba, even Neji, Kushina, Minato and Jiraiya is okay (I can draw them in ghost mode... ouhhhh~ ... big sob...). Or an another character from Naruto if you really want .
The ask must be in relation with the Sunshine Family or one of his members.
Example of questions : "Shikamaru how is to be the advisor of Naruto?", "Hiashi did you know Himawari has awakened the Byakugan?", "Neji! Naruto is going out with Hinata. What do you think? PS: I love you... Rest in peace... :,-("
Example of random question I don't want: "Naruto. Why are you married to HER? She is so %a#°§¬gah!!!! Ò^Ó", " Yamato what are your feelings about Kakashi? Pssscht... I think he likes you....", "Kurama do you poop?" ... ... ... Uh? Wait...>__________<" Good question! lol but don't ask me! xDD
Note :
- Please don't ask me NSFW ones. Try it and I will censure the drawing. You will only see a blank panel. lol 
- You can write me in english or french.
- My english is basic - so don't expect perfect sentence! lol
- Of course... Some questions can be unanswered -and I am sorry in advance- it all depends on my imagination...
If you are interessed, don't hesitate! :-)
>>> ASK ME <<<
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kmpk-art · 8 years
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a small sketch :-)
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kmpk-art · 8 years
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"Can't help falling in love with you" ♫
(I really love this music <3)
Sorry. The resolution of the other picture wasn't great... We couldn't see well Naruto and Hinata... So I decided to adjust the colors and to crop it! <3
Better quality: link DA (Note: I have a problem when I want to upload a bigger picture in Tumblr (ex: 1200x1700px) am I the only one?)
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kmpk-art · 8 years
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A little preview
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