#kms ships s7 killian with legit everyone
killianmesmalls · 6 years
Watching The Little Mermaid for the first time in I don’t know how many years in an attempt to get some Hookriel headcanons going. Let’s do this! Random thoughts in italics, headcanons in bold, some weird mixture between the two just left alone because I don’t know what to do with them. All below the cut because none of you asked for this. 
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Awww, can you imagine Lieutenant Killian being this excited to set sail? Now that he’s not a slave, just barely containing his enthusiasm for the open ocean?
I vaguely remember this being the first movie I saw in theaters. I think. I mean, I was 3 1/2
Don’t think about how one of those ships belonged to Silver and was the ship Killian was raised on... Or do think about it.
Finding the fork: This is totally something Alice and Ariel would bond over and have in common: seeing something everyone else would see as totally mundane and they flip over it and try to study it like it’s theoretical physics. 
Alright, we need to figure out who in this OUAT universe would play Scuttle. 
Alice would totally be a Flounder-type person to Ariel. “So this happened, then this happened, and whoa! And then!!!”
Ariel and Alice would bond so hard over their packrat ways. “Let me show you this!” “That’s amazing! Look at this!!”
OMFG though, fireworks happening for Killian’s birthday party. First birthday after the realms are united, and Ariel is so entranced by them that she swims closer to get a better look, and catches sight of her old friend playing some instrument, looking carefree with his crew, and she’s thrilled but also remembers how much she cared about him back when he was a shell of himself, how much she started to love him for who he was back then, and this man is everything she knew he could be and more. 
Smee would totally get a statue made of Killian, thinking it’s a super awesome present, and Killian is all embarrassed and wishes he could regift something that clearly has his face on it. 
“Killian, you’ve dated a few times around the realms. But, when are you going to settle down?” Ariel listening to this and her heart going flitty-flutter. 
Gosh, half of this animation is super dated and looks hella 80s but some if it is totally where you can see them experimenting for what they’d later try for Beauty and the Beast or Aladdin. 
“Gotta save the dog!” says the husband. Hell yes. 
Killian would totally not like watching the Peter Pan movie, but Alice and Ariel would watch The Little Mermaid on loop one night and start singing “Under the Sea” and the top of their lungs. Alice takes to whispering “Kiss the Girl” until her father finally asks Ariel out. 
Triton, you really think acting like that to a 16-year-old is going to work?
Wow, I didn’t register how much "Poor Unfortunate Souls” after asking for Ariel’s voice is so against anything remotely feminist. It’s okay, Ariel, Killian would never ask you to not talk. 
There is totally a time Ariel stumbles and Killian catches her and it’s super precious, okay?
“I’m going to find that girl! I’m going to marry her.” This seemed so much less like a bad idea when I was super little. 
I feel like this chef is a total sadist. 
Yeah, Triton. You should probably feel bad for your hissy fit. You know who wouldn’t throw that massive hissy fit at his daughter? Killian Jones. Just FYI. 
Omg, that overeager look at taking the reins and turning into a total danger bean? Ariel and Alice similarity, again.
Ugh, the music in this movie is so damn good!
Look, with all those fish around helping to make everything work out, none of them saw those damn eels prepping to flip the boat??
Dude, you didn’t need to throw your flute away, you dramatic crazy man!
How did I not remember that Eric was under a trance??
Imagine some story where Ariel realizes that Killian’s life is in danger, and she has to save him before sunset. Go, Ariel! Go!
Oh, so for this version, they totally fixed the priest’s boner. 
Fitting seeing Ursula attacked by starfish...
The outfits in this are so insanely anachronistic. 
Self-sacrificing pops. There you go! Behave more like a Killian would. 
Pirate gentleman and mermaid cupcake fighting together! YES! 
Anyone who thinks Killian Jones wouldn’t self-sacrifice and go full on overkill with it to save the woman/women he loves is lying. Steering that ship into Ursula with zero fucks given is so him. 
It’s not like you guys can’t see each other ever again! You’ve proven you have an insane amount of magic! FFS just trade off holidays. Turn him into a merman sometimes. 
Well, that was fun, folks. 
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