#knives later: this is my girlfriend elendira and our boyfriends livio & razlo and my other boyfriend legato whom el & lr aren't dating
mydetheturk · 2 months
(from on the floor, feet propped against a wall) i just remembered how i redirected (because you can't fix him) legato in con au and i did it by "give this insane blue haired man who was in sexual slavery to the many mothers from mad max fury road. they won't fix him by any means but by god they can redirect him." and i did this because i knew - i knew - that if tesla in the con au got her terrifying hands on him she'd make him Worse.
oh im still letting him look upon knives as though knives is an angel though, don't worry about that part. knives just has to crash in the back of his jeep while still sharp and pointy and all fallen angel n stuff and convince legato to take him home
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