#knives loses it the moment he has to assemble ikea furniture
sevensimian · 1 year
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Doodles of people wanted for manslaughter+ Ikea knives
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chaotic-noceur · 4 years
pedro boys + IKEA headcanons
warnings: swearing, food, javi’s has one line of suggestive content
a/n: so this is what happens when you put @din-damn-djarin  @ezrasarm and I in a group chat together when two of us are bored and one of us has just been to IKEA... enjoy! (We had too much fun writing this)
Din Djarin
Agreed to do it because it sounded like a cute couples activity
But then you actually do it 
He can’t get his gloved fingers in between the creases
The Allen key keeps falling out of his hand
He can’t see anything through the bucket on his head
He storms off eventually saying he’ll fix it later
He comes back to find you sitting amongst the scattered mess
Yodito’s in your lap, turning the Allen key with surprising ease
Din swears he’s cheating with the Force
Don’t get him started on the actual trip
You drop Yodito off at the kiddies playground thing
Din goes running back not even 5 minutes later because he is sTrEsSeD™
You lose Yodito in the maze anyways
Several times
Din loses 10 years of life every time he realises
But he keeps showing up in empty flower pots
...and levitating stuffed animals into the cart
Din doesn’t have the heart to put them back
You get back to the ship with a bag full of toys
Din swears you are never going back there again
But when he realises you didn’t actually get everything you needed
He refrains from slamming his head into the nearest wall
Is indifferent about the actual shopping part
Loves spending time with you though so he will go anywhere you take him
Is personally offended that the books in the showroom are props
Throws an excessive amount of scented candles into the cart
*deep inhale*
“But this one smells like ‘afternoon escape’, we need it”
Will ramble about the “dire importance” of this candle until you give in
Knows exactly how everything should fit together
*hurls the Allen key across the pod*
Takes to hovering over your shoulder as you assemble it
Makes everything more complicated with his fancy vocabulary
You’re getting annoyed but he can’t help it
“No that goes there” “The other way”
You regret the words as soon as they leave your lips
The teasing smile on his face drops instantly
You’re stuttering out an apology before either of you can move
“I- I didn’t mean that.”
“I know.” He giggles 
This time you’re the one who wants to chuck an Allen key…
...At his head
“You should’ve seen your face!”
Frankie Morales
Going to IKEA with Frankie turns into an entire day trip
He refuses to let you leave until you get meatballs
It takes you 3 hours to get to the checkout
Because he gets distracted by everything
“Come feel this bath mat!”
“Do we need new knives?”
You try out every piece of furniture in the showroom
He doesn’t let you touch the tape measure because “it keeps giving me paper cuts”
You end up buying twice as much stuff as you originally planned on getting
Insists that everything will fit in his truck 
It does...barely (but only if you end up sitting on one of the boxes...no one has to know)
Swears that he doesn’t need help carrying anything
You step in when you see him dragging a box through the door, clearly labelled ‘fragile’
He’s good with his hands so he loves building it
It’s like therapy for him
If he’s in a good mood, he tosses the instructions out because “I can fly a helicopter and shoot a target a mile away. I don’t need instructions.”
10 minutes later, he’s digging through the garbage looking for it
He tries to pretend he’s just emptying the garbage bin
But you see right through him and hold the crumbled sheet up with the biggest smirk on your face
Javier Peña
Does not have time for this bullshit
Hates the concept of IKEA
“Who turns a furniture store into a fucking maze?!”
Is complaining the whole time about how you don’t need new furniture
“Your couch cushions are basically two layers of fabric.”
Wants it to magically assemble itself
“I paid 60 dollars for this and it isn’t even built?!”
But also refuses to let you touch anything 
Loses his patience in 0.5 seconds
But would rather be shot dead than read the instruction manual
“I take down entire drug cartels for a living. I can build a fucking couch.”
Spoiler alert: He cannot.
“Get these out of here” *instructions go flying out the window*
“How did you lose all the spare screws?!” “I’ll give you a spare screw” he grumbles
You both wind up binge eating pepparkaka (IKEA ginger snaps) on the floor shamefully because you couldn’t figure out how to put the legs on your chairs
You also may have called Steve to help
Steve can’t stop laughing at your pathetic attempts
Until he tries it
He ends up calling Connie
She gets the whole thing done in 10 minutes flat
Marcus Pike
Loves the idea of building IKEA furniture with you
Because he thinks it’s the boyfriend-ly thing to do
He insists that he knows what he’s doing
But in reality, he hasn’t got the foggiest clue what’s going on
“tHeRe aRe nO wOrDs iN tHe iNsTrUcTiOnS?!”
He also has no spatial awareness which means not only can he not figure out how the pieces fit together, but he also keeps tripping over everything
He just about wiped out on a piece of cardboard
“How are you an FBI agent?! You have no stealth whatsoever!”
You try really hard not to laugh when he can’t figure out why the Allan key won’t fit
(He was using it backwards)
“They trust you with a gun?!”
Eventually you can’t stand watching him struggle anymore 
You delegate him to DJ-ing while you take over
It takes you hours to assemble what should have taken you half an hour at most
But you’re not even mad about it
You’re having too much fun
He won’t stop dancing around you like a dork to ABBA 
(Which isn’t distracting at all)
Oberyn Martell
Would not be caught dead building IKEA furniture
He has people to do that for him
“We don’t need more furniture Dove”
Refuses to entertain the thought of going to IKEA
“IKEA could not compete with Dorne’s craftsmen”
You end up sneaking out with Ellaria
Ellaria is on ‘distract Oberyn’ duty while you assemble the chair as quickly as possible
He figures out something is going on when Ellaria does everything imaginable to stop him from leaving
He’s not complaining but his curiosity has peaked and he will not be kept in the dark about the events taking place in his own castle
You hurl the newly assembled chair across the room when the door flies open
It splinters apart on impact with the floor
He’s smirking at you from the doorway
“I did warn you my love”
A week later, Dorne’s best craftsman is going head to head with you, Ellaria and another box of IKEA furniture
The entirety of the royal staff are watching as the competition unfolds
They’ve placed bets on who would win
You and Ellaria work seamlessly to assemble your “pathetic excuse for furniture”
He’s lying if he says he doesn’t find it a little attractive
You both refuse to talk to him for a week when he picks the Dornish furniture
Loves going IKEA shopping with you
You make your first trip a few weeks after moving in together
You’re just putting plates into the cart when he freezes
Images of your future together start falling into place in his mind and he panics
He never thought he’d find something like this again… not after his late wife
This is real now
“Earth to Jack,” you call, waving your hand in front of his face
When you ask him what’s wrong, he chokes out a ‘nothing’
You don’t push it, he’ll tell you when he’s ready
He burns the instructions as soon as you get home
“Darling, I’m part of a secret intelligence agency. I can handle a few nuts and bolts.”
He lives to regret that statement as soon as he lays out all the pieces
But he’s too stubborn to ask for help
You can tell he has no idea what he’s doing but you go along with it
You hand him misnamed parts and tools when he asks for them and you breakdown cardboard boxes when he tosses them carelessly to the side
The radio’s playing in the background but neither of you are paying it any attention
Three hours pass before he proudly presents his masterpiece to you
“See that wasn’t so ba-“
It collapses to pieces the moment he tosses the Allen key he had been using on top of it triumphantly
He swears he’s reading every single word diagram next time
You’re dozing off in his arm on the mattress on the floor (the bed frame in a dozen unassembled pieces around you) when he tells you he loves you for the first time
“I love you too.”
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