#knowing me I’d probably fall asleep super fast cause I’m a sleepy baby
rosicheeks · 8 months
Thinking about being snuggled up with someone. All soft and warm. Playing our favorite songs and artists and music we think the other would like. Eventually falling asleep on their chest listening to the rhythm of their heartbeat…..
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dontcare77ghj · 4 years
Steve x reader x Bucky x Tony
Spiderman was Peter Parker. Peter Parker was only fourteen. Tony had found videos of Spidermans earlier days and had made it his goal to find out who the hero was.
It had taken him a week, a week in which he refused to sleep, but he did find out Spiderman's identity.
He'd tracked down Spiderman's identity to a then thirteen-year-old Peter Parker. Tony, being the secret dad he'd always been, had offered to help the spider boy with his powers and trick him out with a new suit.
Everyone on the team could fondly remember Peter's first visit to the Tower. The boy, who was quite small for his age, was looking at everyone and everything with wide eyes and taking everything in eagerly.
You were all for the kid learning how to defend himself and how to understand his powers better.
Bucky enjoyed being around the kid because he never once made him feel poorly about his metal appendage.
Steve was on the fence. A part of him liked being around the kid, and Steve couldn't stand the idea of this kid not knowing how to defend himself properly. But Peter was thirteen. Steve wanted the kid to be a kid.
It was only after being around the young genius for a week that Steve backed off on the too young argument. That boy was wiser than his years and had been through more than any other kid his age.
Peter had been training with the Avengers for a year when his world shattered. May Parker had been in a hit and run and had not survived.
Tony had refused to let this kid go into the system and had filed all the paperwork immediately to get him, and the three of you registered as his guardians.
Peter shut himself away for a while during his grieving process. In his mind, he was alone, but the four of you refused to allow him to continue thinking that.
The four of you always made sure that Peter knew you were there, constantly made sure he knew you cared about him, and after a couple of months, Peter accepted this fact.
He was just a kid, but he was your kid.
"Morning, Pete," You smiled at the child as you placed a jug of milk on the table.
"Morning, kiddo." Tony greeted, flipping a pancake onto a stack next to the stove.
"Morning Y/N, morning Tony." Peter yawned, stumbling into the nearest chair.
"Someone looks like they need more sleep." You smirked, taking the pancakes over to the table.
"I stayed up all night to finish my English assignment." Peter groaned, hitting his head on the table.
"Don't dent your head." You said as  Tony told him, 
"Don't dent the table." 
"Okay, moms." Peter snarked, slowly raising his head and leaning back in the chair.
"Eat." You ordered, putting a large plate in front of him. "Spider kids with enhanced metabolisms need as much as super soldiers. Especially ones who stayed up all night."
"Are Bucky and Steve still on their run?" Peter asked between large mouthfuls.
"Chew your food, Underoos," Tony told him, placing a plate in front of you. "It's not going anywhere."
"They should be back soon." You assured the teenager, leaning up to kiss Tony in thanks.
"According to my calculations, they should be back in five, four, three, two, one." Tony counted down and then pointed to the elevator doors, which didn't open.
"And you're incorrect. Must be your old age." You teased, causing Peter to laugh and Tony to scowl.
"That's it, no more pancakes," Tony said, reaching forward to take your plate.
"No. Not my pancakes. I love you." You said, pulling the plate away from him and kissing the man.
"There is a child present, you two," Bucky said as he and Steve entered the floor. "I thought we agreed to keep those activities in the bedroom."
"Gross." Peter coughed, refusing to look up from his pancakes.
"Only when the kid's home," Tony smirked, pulling away from you and turning to the two.
"He's kidding." You assured the teen as Steve sat next to you. "Good run, hon?"
"Good run." He confirmed, kissing your cheek. "Though I'd prefer to stay in bed with the two of you."
"Did Bucky and Sam make it a competition again?" Peter asked, passing Steve his box of old person cereal.
"Sam started it." Bucky pointed out as he poured himself a coffee. "I just finished it."
"Good for you, babe." Tony smiled, kissing him and handing over a stack of pancakes as large as Peter's. "Take that to Steve."
"Pete, don't you have to get going soon?" Steve asked, glancing at the clock.
"Oh shit." The teen cursed, hurrying to finish his food.
"Language." Tony reprimanded with a smirk.
"Relax, Pete, I'm driving you. You'll get there on time." You said, causing the spider to choke on his food.
"Are you sure? Because I could walk." He stuttered as Tony and Bucky snickered.
"I am a good driver." You narrowed your eyes.
"You learned from your sister, doll. Not the best instructor you could have had." Bucky said, patting your hand gently.
"I'm telling Nat you said that." You told him. "I'm a great driver, now hurry up and finish your breakfast. You have Spanish first up." You said, standing from the table and kissing Steve's cheek.
"Why does he get a kiss?" Bucky whined as you prepared to leave.
"He didn't laugh at my driving."  You smirked as Peter joined you. "I'll be back. I love you!"
"Love you too. Have a good day at school, Pete." The three replied.
"You're hogging all the blankets, Steve," Tony whined, pulling the thick blanket towards him. 
"Now, I don't have any blanket." Steve sighed. "Buck, can you bring the comforter out here, please?"
"I have Y/N, and Pete curled up with me. We need a lot of blankets." Tony said, throwing his arm around Peter as you burrowed further into his side.
"Don't worry, Stevie. You can cuddle with me." Bucky announced, entering with the comforter in hand. "Once I get the snacks." He said before moving back to the kitchen.
"You better not be bringing back any of that black licorice crap." You called, continuing to watch the screen as Peter flicked through movies.
"No-one is making you eat it, kitten," Bucky said as he reentered, balancing bowls of snacks in both hands.
"No I'm with Y/N on this. It's gross." Peter piped up, staring disdainfully at the bowl in Bucky's hands.
"Don't make me take you out of my will." Bucky mock narrowed his eyes as he curled up with Steve.
"You'll still be in mine, Spider-baby." You said, reaching over Tony and taking his hand.
"Everyone knows the only movie snack is popcorn," Tony said, pulling the bowl onto his lap.
"Say that to my M&M's." You snorted as Peter grabbed a handful of the chocolate.
"Steve, who's side are you on?" Peter asked the blonde.
"I like both, but I prefer Doritos." Steve shrugged as you, Bucky, and Peter all descended into laughter. "What did I say?"
"Nothing, honey." You shook your head. "Just something Peter showed us a while ago."
"I'm getting worried about the three of you on the internet." Tony shook his head. "Underoos, you better not be choosing Star Wars again."
"I already promised I wouldn't." Peter raised his free hand in innocence. "Bucky said he has not seen Batman I'm changing that." He said, clicking on his desired movie.
“Thanks, kiddo.” Bucky smiled.
Non-reader POV
After watching three Batman movies, the night had turned into day and the group of five were all in varying states. Peter was fast asleep, drooling on Tony’s shoulder, Y/N rested her head on the billionaires other shoulder, said billionaire was half asleep, arms wrapped around both people, and only Bucky and Steve were coherent enough to make a decision.
“Do we move back to bed?” Steve whispered to the brunette.
“Nah, better not risk it.” Bucky shook his head, grinning at the sight of his family.
“We should probably lay them down properly.” Steve suggested, getting a nod in return.
Both men slowly moved over to the three and began to gently lay them down. 
“Go back to sleep, bud.” Bucky whispered as Peter’s eyes blearily opened as he Steve moved the boy.
“’Kay, ‘ight, dads.” Peter mumbled, closing his eyes and falling back to sleep. Both Steve and Bucky froze at the name but smiled after a second. 
“Night, kiddo.”
Reader POV
“Okay we’re here! Christmas can start!” Tony announced, entering the living room with a sleepy Peter.
As Tony had announced, Christmas had come. It was your fifth Christmas as a closed poly group but it was your first Christmas with Peter. Peter had been with the four of you for almost a year and a half now.
The four of you had spent months plotting and planning the entire day out to make it the best for your spiderson. If not to show your love but to distract him from his grief.
“Why did we have to get up at five again?” You asked as Bucky handed you a coffee. “Thank you, Buck.”
“Because it Christmas you grouch!” Tony said, sitting on the floor next to Steve. “Present time!”
“How much coffee have you had, Tony?” Peter groaned, sitting next to Bucky who wrapped an arm around him.
“Would you believe me if I said none?” Tony asked, playing the role of Santa and handing out presents.
“Are any of the other Avengers going to join us?” Peter asked, looking between you all.
“Later they will. Bruce and Nat didn’t want to get up at five and Clint’s bringing his family and Wanda at around three.” You told him with a smile.
“Besides you don’t want to wake Bruce or Nat without warning.” Bucky chuckled. 
“Code green?” Peter rose a brow.
“Yep.” You nodded. “And after training for years as an assassin, your reflex’s get really good.” You told the boy.
“Alright you four,” Tony started. “Present time.” He said, gesturing for you all to open your gifts.
“We might have gone a little overboard.” You said after all the gifts were opened. It was nearly half-past seven and the floor was covered in wrapping paper.
“It was our first Christmas with Pete, we had to.” Steve shrugged, pulling Tony in closer.
“Oh! That reminds me!” Peter exclaimed, jumping to his feet. “Wait here.” He told you all before running towards the elevator.
“That was strange, right?” Tony asked after a second.
“Not stranger than anything else he’s done.” Bucky shrugged. Within minutes Peter was rushing back out of the elevator, holding four bags.
“Merry Christmas!” Peter grinned, handing each of you a bag.
“Oh Pete, thank you.” You smiled, leaning up and kissing his cheek.
“Yeah thank you, Peter. You know didn’t have to, kiddo.” Bucky added, wrapping his arm around the teenager.
“I know, but I wanted to.” He shrugged. “Go on, open them!”
“You got it, Underoos.” Tony nodded.
Opening your bag you pulled out a selection of small chocolates, jewelry that you loved, and other small trinkets that were incredibly thoughtful before pulling out a mug.
“Oh Peter. It’s perfect.”: You said, holding the mug close. It was a normal sized mug with a picture of a cartoon Yoda on the front. Above and below Yoda were the words ‘Yoda Best Mom.’
“I didn’t want to overstep or anything, but I really love being here with you all. I can’t ever thank you enough for all you’ve done for me. You didn’t have to train me, you didn’t have to take me in, and you didn’t have to be so nice to me but you have. And I really appreciate it and I love you guys.” Peter began to stammer, refusing to meet any of your eyes during his speech.
“Peter, look at me.” Tony said as he and Steve shifted closer. “We love you too, kid.”
“We really do. We love you being here. You’re like our kid.” Steve smiled at the teenager.
“Not like. You are our kid, Pete.” Bucky said, putting on a dad themed hat.
“We love you, Peter. You don’t need to thank us for anything.” You said, pulling him into a hug. Within seconds, all three of your partners had joined the hug.
“I love you, mom and dads.” Was whispered as the five of you clung to one another.
Peter Parker was fourteen. Peter had been through many tragedies in life but never allowed them to break his spirit. Peter Parker was Spiderman, but he to the four of you he was always your spider-baby.
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beetlebop · 5 years
Numbers 1 and 12 for the love tropes meme~? For the OG Juice man!
f/o love tropes asks
Aborted Declaration of Love: How long did it take for you to finally confess to your F/O? How did it go? Were there several attempts, or was it just The One?
it took fucking forever for me to confess to him cause I’m a big nervous baby. i work myself to do it numerous times and chicken out every single time cause I’m scared. I get a lot of pep talks from ghost mom and dad they mean well but I’m so fucking nervous about it that whatever they told me just goes right out the window. I honestly probably confessed on accident like he made me laugh and something and I just smile at him and go “god I love you” and he just whips his head around really fast at that and just stares at me. It takes a minute but I finally realize what I said and get really embarrassed and flustered and just go “I have to go” and go out of the room super fast and lock myself in the bathroom and just cover my face in my hands and scream cause I just said what I’d been hiding for months. he for sure follows cause he’s not about to not have an answer why. he’s thrown for a loop sure but he’s also super smug about it. he ignores the locked door and pops up inside finding my embarrassed ass and I’m like fuck this is the worst possible thing and immediately start word vomiting all over the place like it’s ok if he doesn’t feel the same way it just slipped out and he probably didn’t like a silly little breather like me anyways and he just zips my mouth closed literally and goes “babes why do you think i even bothered to stay around this shithole? sure stirring up shit for the Maitlands and deetz is fun and all but I stayed for you.” and oops there I go I’m crying and he doesn’t know what to do except unzip my mouth and look away awkwardly and I just hop up and immediately rush to hug him
Accidental Hand Hold: When did you first hold hands with your F/O?
Lydia probably put on a scary movie to watch and forces me to watch with her and keatlejuice just tags along cause he likes making fun of breather movies tbh and me being the scardy cat i am I probably unconsciously reach out and hold his hand. hes fucking confused as all hell cause he’s way scarier than anything in this damn movie and yet I’m holding his hand as if my life depended on it. he’s not complaining though. nope not one bit.
After-Action Patch-Up: How does your F/O react when they see you got hurt? How do they tend to your injury?
oof boy if he ever sees that I’m hurt he’s immediately pissed the fuck off and ready to find whoever did it and send them to a worse fate than death. spoiler alert: it was me most of the time. once he calms down he definitely goes and grabs shit outta the bathroom cabinet and cleans my wounds and put band-aids on them. I just hold out my wounded area and go “kiss it better?” and he grumbles but totally does it. it’s only cause I asked not that he wanted to do that
Almost Kiss: What was your first kiss with your F/O like?
It wasn’t anything special just mostly him sliding up to where I was grabbing my waist and dipping my down and planting a big old smooch on my lips and I’m so frazzled I don’t kiss him back and he sets me back on my feet with a grin and starts to walk away and I just reach forward and grab his arm and he turns back at me with a brow quirked, grin still on his face, and I lean up to kiss him on the mouth which he returns obviously
Beautiful Dreamer: Who’s usually the first to fall asleep while the other stares and admires?
I always fall asleep first once it gets late enough or I just get sleepy. I always end up falling asleep on him on top of him an he just lazily runs his fingers through my hair with the most loving smile watching me sleep. Lydia has pictures of these little encounters and he wants to burn them cause he ain’t soft no matter what she says.
Bodyguard Crush: How does your F/O make you feel safe?
Makes sure if we are in public to just generally touch me maybe a hand snaked around my waist pulling me next to him, ready to fight / murder anyone that even dares to look at me or make me uncomfortable. if I’m scared he lets me snuggle into him arm draped across me drawing patterns into my back. just like being around?? something about his whole presence makes me feel super safe.
Caught In The Rain: How does your F/O react if a sudden rainstorm interrupts your date with them?
gets really grumpy and angry for sure ready to 100% fight the weather and / or that stupid breather weather man for getting the weather wrong but that all stops once I start yawning and I lean forward rest my head on his shoulder. eh maybe that’ll get done later, much later
Grow Old With Me: How long have you and your F/O been together?
if we are talking real time? it’s about 8 years it’s been a really long time time for me and him honestly
Laugh Of Love: What are some things your F/O does to make you laugh?
cracking jokes! complete with references and costume changes! definitely pulls out the sexually charged jokes once he knows that I laugh at those too. just yells out curses sometimes and it just gets me so tickled I snort, “gosh babes you’re making me fall to pieces with how hot you look” cue him actually falling apart and me crying from laughing so hard, scares people cause it always, always makes me laugh and he loves that.
Love Epiphany: When and how did you realize you loved your F/O? When and how did they realize they loved you?
I probably figured it out once I realized I was constantly staring at him way too long and getting caught every single time and he just winks at me going “like what’cha see, baby?” and I get embarrassed and almost blurt out that I do and I’m like fuck shit oh no fuck I love him shit for him he’d probably have to be beat over the head by barb and Adam about it and he’d deny it rambling that “he doesn’t like breathers especially ones not cute little pretty ones who laugh at his jokes and has a fuckin cute laugh. it’s not like he’s thought about kissing her — he means breathers — all the time and he definitely hasn’t thought about wanting to fuck her senseless definitely not.” and oops did he confess yes. but fuck you.
Marry For Love: Are you and your F/O married? If so, how was the wedding like? If you aren’t, do you plan on getting married, and if so, how would you like it to be like?
listen I have stated before that I would 1000% get over my commitment issues for this fool but that being said it’s gunna take a lot for me to actually agree. he’s been trying boy has he been trying. I do call him my husband off hand sometimes and he just goes “wanna make it official then, babes?” and maybe one day I’m just like “yes” and he’s already prepared for my whole “yes but not right now” speech and he’s thrown off for a second but he so genuinely happy because he’s been trying to marry me for ages. the wedding wasn’t anything big he took over the house again for it though and insisted that I’d wear the dress he made me with his powers — he wasn’t about to let his girl go wear some dumb old breather dress. he totally wears the same suit he did during lydia’s wedding cause that’s all he has and my dress is obviously a black and white motif. Barbara and Lydia did my makeup and he actually bought stole a ring — it’s a tarnished sliver ring with a emerald in the middle
Post-Kiss Catatonia: How did you and your F/O react to your first kiss together?
I was a fucking mess and couldn’t think straight bc holy shit we’re kissing we’re kissing we’re kissi—
he on the other hand hand been wanting to do this since day one and is really happy he did it especially after I decided to kiss him back. he’s smug about the whole thing but also he has the most zonked out look on his face the fucking sappy bastard. he decides right then and there he likes kissing me so he’s going to do it any chance he gets.
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Got to spend New Year’s Eve with my baby 🥰
(Tl;dr: I love my boyfriend so damn much and I journal about our NYE together)
Today and yesterday have been wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful 🙈 drove down to see my boyfriend and spend New Year’s Eve together- he was having a little get together so it was us and his roommate and a few friends. I’m home now but I’m still all giddy !!!! Some amazing things about last night/today:
He feels like home he really does. I see him and I light up. I melt into his side like it’s the easiest thing in the world. He is my home 💖
His roomie is his childhood bff (she’s super cool and sweet) and it makes me really happy that we’re getting to bond too! Number one she’s a great person number two she’s important to him and I wanna get to know her better :)
She insisted on giving me a hug when I left and !!! I just felt happy bc I feel like she’s accepted me and approves of me which sounds silly but she’s his best friend in the world and it means a lot to me that we get along well
I’ve missed his kisses so much 🙊
He and I are touch starved as hell and when we were at the same college at least we could see each other on a daily basis and get it out of our system a bit more but he had zero complaints about me being close and cuddly. At most points last night if we were sitting, we’d be smushed into each other or he’d put his arm around me and pull me closer or we’d just hold hands/share gentle touches/etc
We don’t go super crazy on the pda when we’re in front of other people but we do have a very easy and very lovey energy I guess where we’ll share little touches or kisses or call each other sweet things like honey or dear so our friends like to tease us about it 😝 they were teasing us a bit for being so touchy and sappy 😂🙈
It’s weird but I always want to find a way to be closer! It’s probably (again) that I’m touch starved and it’s been a few weeks since I’ve seen him but I always am ready for him to hold me tighter, ready to scoot closer, ready to wrap ourselves around each other and cuddle
Oh! Also we got to exchange Christmas gifts cause we hadn’t seen each other for Christmas :)
he gave me the sweetest most heartfelt card with mine 🥺
one of the gifts I gave him was a personalized picture frame I painted with a sappy quote ☺️ it has a picture of us inside bc duh and he put it on the nightstand next to his bed so he can see it always 😭🥰
His bedroom smells like him (he smells so good all the time and I always miss his scent when I’m not with him maybe that sounds silly)
I walked into his room and I could feel every muscle in my body relax because being able to smell him makes me feel so calm and happy
He had dinner waiting for me when I walked in 🥺🥺🥺🥺 he’s literally the cutest thing in the entire world I can’t wait til we can come home to each other as a regular thing
I also didn’t remember telling him my wine preferences but he’s v thoughtful and good at remembering the little things about me so like? They had wine and I was like oh that’s cool I really like that kind and his roommate was like oh yeah he knows you like this one :)
I maaaaaaaybe started to fall asleep on him later in the night
Like somewhere around 3 am we were all hanging out and he and I were next to each other on the couch. I was starting to get pretty sleepy and he pulled me really close
I mean I could tell he thought it was cute (why does this boy adore me so much oh my god 🥺❤️) but I was also probably drooling on him a little and I couldn’t keep my eyes open
Sleeping together in the same bed is so much better than I even imagined it would be and I had imagined it’d be pretty damn perfect
We cuddled for a while, just laid there and held each other as close as we can ❤️ I’ve never felt so overcome with happiness and love love love
Every time he’d scoop/pull/toss me back on the bed with him? Thrilling oh my god he gives me butterflies
Oh fuck and the kissing oh my god
I’m not gonna be super tmi here or anything I swear but fuck he knows what he’s doing 🥵😍🙈
And even just laying together laughing like idiots telling each other ridiculous jokes
Realizing that we’re writing more into our story bit by bit. Building more trust, falling more deeply in love, creating new inside jokes, becoming even more in sync, talking about our differences and our world views like adults
Getting to know more and more about each other- every time he tells me more about himself I’m so happy. I love sharing ourselves with each other. He’s held pieces of me no one ever has before and it’s invigorating
His hair is so soft
And so are his lips
He’s so warm
Like when I first walked in he held me close and held my cold hands 🙈 he was like oh my god you’re so cold? And snuggled me to warm me up
I wanted to kiss him forever
I kept giving him little kisses all over because god I just love him so much
And he knows just what makes me melt like he kept kissing at my neck and fuck I was putty for him
We’ve always been pretty soft but like.... last night oh my god we made out 🙊 and maybe that sounds silly to be so enthralled by that when I’m a woman in my 20s! But it’s different when it’s him. No one else has ever or could ever make me feel the way he does. And laying there making out in his bed, sighing into each other, learning each other, holding on as tight as we possibly could.... god I’ve never felt more alive and more electrified
We’re so in sync and I love that. We move and flow so perfectly together, we fit like puzzle pieces. He and I can understand each other so fully and fittingly without even needing words
He learned that I’m ticklish 🙈 (I am very ticklish) he thought it was so cute and even though I usually don’t really like being tickled? It was cute and the grin on his face when he found out? Like the pure happy enthralled lovestruck laugh when he realized? Ok honestly tickle me anytime you want you get a free pass
(I got him back later by tickling him a bit)
When we *eventually* decided to actually sleep, I was out of bed so he tugged me in onto him and 🙊🙊🙊💖💖💖💖💖
He also was privy to my sleepy babbling as my words steadily got less and less coherent and I was just mumbling into him
Sleeping wrapped up in each other was perfect
Laying on his chest hearing his heartbeat
Holding each other so closer
Our legs tangled up together
The way we both gently rub or stroke each other- hair, back, arm, even just thumb gently stroking the other person’s hand- it’s a seemingly simple action, but when he rubs my back or strokes my hair to help soothe me to sleep, that’s one of a million ways that he says “I love you.”
Ok he snores a little baby bit and he warned me about it but is it bonkers to say even his snoring is kind of cute? Like oh my god everything about him is adorable
And the little sighs he makes in his sleep
Waking up together is probably one of the sweetest experiences I’ve ever gotten to have
Rolling over with sleepy morning groans and sighs and smiling hello at each other
Him pulling me close and me burying my head in the crook of his neck and thinking I could fall back asleep and stay there forever easily
Sleepy early morning convos
Morning kisses
Ok if I could make out with him in bed every morning I guarantee I’d become a morning person so fast you can quote me on that
I’m in love with him
I’m so in love with him
I feel like I’m truly myself with him. Never have I felt so at ease and understood
I love him
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