#knowing me im not going to be like 'uhhh lost order' and get some assistence
beaversatemygrandma · 2 years
Ordering things that have restrictions in some parts of the countries while hardly any others will bring you right back to the anticipatingly stressful times of 4-6 week shipping times of times of nostalgia.
#taks speaks#i don't miss those times#it's said 'coming tomorrow#for two weeks now#bc they made some law on the PACT update recently and now it's like#'yeaaahhhh so there's this inspection and processing and shit to make sure you didn't buy something illegal'#when it's legal and i could literally go down the street and buy it#its too late to go back now#and im going to Lose My Actual Shit if it comes the one day i'll be unable to sign for it#as in thursday. i've got an appointment and i'll be across town#the last possible day to be within '20 business days' is friday... so. fuck.#that or monday idk if the 4th was a business day or not#UNLESS it meant the 'processing/inspection' would take 7-20 business days#if that's the case. what the fuck man.#knowing me im not going to be like 'uhhh lost order' and get some assistence#ugh. my vape is broken and i just want the new one already bc it was cheaper to buy it online than at the store#like half the price....#even with the absurd taxes that come from it bc of these laws that shot up from nowhere#i mean yeah. getting the 21+ signature thing was necessary due to kids ordering them#but... $10 added on AFTER state tax? now. Come on. that's just stupid#(tbh it was like 6 per thing and im bitter)#so. about $18.#i get why shops in town are overpriced now but.... ahh??#it's cheaper to get cigarettes now but cigarettes are literal poison and smell like shit#ah the us tobacco industry... its now treating vapor products from the west coast like i'm ordering illegal weed#literally just got an ad for that 'real cost' thing and its literally working with the tobacco industry now#'these kids got addicted to juuls and addiction DRIVES Them TO Digging their juul from the toilet to hit it'#'but god save them if they smoke a cigarette which is just as bad if not worse'#i dont even remember when i last saw one of those and it had stuff about cigarettes#*drive the healthier alternative down so the tobacco industry won't die*
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encore- Harry Hook x reader - taking care of business - part 15
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two story parts in one day?!?! am i being....productive?!?!
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--warning!!! Talk of rape and sexualizing a minor, beginning and end of the scene will be marked with bold words!---
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Harry woke up the next morning to an empty bed and a note from you, he yawned and clumsily grabbed the note, rubbing his eyes as he read your hurried scrawl.
-going to auradon for a bit, taking care of things be back soon, love you
- love, (nickname that harry gives you)
Harry smiled softly and fell back onto the bed, yawning once more and rolling over, hugging your pillow to his chest.
You sighed, pulling your hair into a ponytail, smirking as you caught your reflection in the mirror.
(y/n), the war chief of the lost revenge, the one who took care of Captain Hook. You wore your long red coat, the ripped grey shirt, ripped black pants, scuffed boots, fingerless gloves, skull studded belt, and your multiple rings.
You took your sheath and swung it over your head, setting on your (non-dominant) shoulder and sliding your cutlass into the sheath.
“alright” you muttered with a smirk, flipping your hat onto your head. “les do this”
You felt your lip twitch as you stared down at the disgusting gang of older men. All talking smack about harry.
--warning! Talk of rape and sexualizing someone half their age!--
----last warning!---
“hehehe, you think his ass is tight after all these years?”
“ohohohh I bet it is, god what would I give to get my hands on him”
“Remember when he would cry? Oooh that would make me shiver~”
“ha! I remember the blood on my dick from when I popped his cherry!”
One of the disgusting man whipped the beer off his chin, a large grin on his face “I saw him yesterday, still, as yummy as when I last had ‘im, too bad the king was around, I would have gone after him and givin him a treat~”
“its also too bad that that war chief of Umas is around him all the time too, shes a scary one”
“thank you for the compliment~” the men screamed, looking up, catching your glinting sword.
“how-how you get-“ the lights shut off, the men screaming again as you disappeared.
“pigs like you don’t deserve to live”
----end of the scene! Made it quick---
-you may continue reading!-
Uma tapped her fingers on her arm, staring ahead as she listens to the bloodcurdling screams of the gang.
You walked out 10 minutes later, scraping the blood off your sword on the wall. “thanks for the assist captain” you smiled at her, she grinned back and snapped her fingers. The blood disappearing from your clothes and skin.
“no prob, no one talks about harry that way” you laughed and fist-bumped her.
“true that!”
“come on, I need to check up on other things” you nodded and dutifully followed her, sheathing your sword and glancing around, smiling as you saw flowers and natural grass beginning to grow around you.
“seems the isle is becoming healthy” you spoke up, grinning as Uma nodded.
“yep, its finally getting sun and rain for the first time in 22 years” Uma was proud, knowing she was apart of the reason that it was happening.
Ben appeared around the corner, his face pale and his hands clenching onto his phone. “did you hear the screams?!”
You and Uma glanced at each other quickly before nodding “yeah, it was just one of the bands here playing one of those horror movies screams with their music”
Ben scrunched his face up confused “bands wha-?”
You chucked and patted his shoulder as you walked past him “you still have much to learn about the isles way young padawon~” Uma smirked and followed you.
“there's a couple of bands here, but they’re notoriously bad” she laughed, gesturing for Ben to follow the two of you.
“oh….alright but they sounded pretty real” Ben muttered nervously, glancing behind him to the warehouse where you had found the gang.
“they usually do” you laughed, walking into the tunnel connecting the warf to the main Isle.
You sighed, smiling as the rotting fish smell had long since disappeared and was replaced with the saltwater of the ocean.
“captain, (y/n)!” the crew yelled, most of them chilling on the rails while the others were having a sword fight.
Bonnie leaned back, grinning widely, pointing her thumb at the deck “Gonzo and Desiree are fighting who you bettin’ on!”
“DESIREE!” you yelled back, walking down the deck and ��up the gangplank “20 bucks!” Desiree grinned, spinning away from gonzo.
“won't steer ya wrong chief!” she cheered, parrying another attack from gonzo, he pouted and kept trying to get a solid strike on her, but she was small and fast, so it was hard.
Uma grinned “go Desiree!” gonzo turned to look at Uma quickly, a horrified look on his face.
“capt’in!?! But- ah!” Desiree flipped him on his back and stood on his chest, grinning down at him.
“I win~”
The ones who bet on Desiree cheered, you hollered and cackled as Bonnie chucked a wad of $20 at you. “thank you~” you cooed, stuffing it in your pocket.
Just enough to get Harry some cold stone!
When you arrived back in your world, Harry was still asleep, so you took off your hat and sheath and walked out to your car, humming to the Hamilton soundtrack as you drove to Coldstone.
Arriving at the ice cream shop you hopped out of your car and walked in, smiling as there was no line.
“Hello! I'll have a gotta have it birthday cake remix and a love it (fav thing at cold stone)” the worker smiled and nodded, getting to work on your order.
“I love your outfit by the way!” they complimented you, scoping out the cake batter ice cream.
“thank you! I like your headscarf!” she blushed and thanked you, asking you if the ice cream was to go “yep, thank you”
She capped the ice cream and started on yours.
You walked out of the shop minutes later and unlocked your car, placing the bag in the passenger seat and driving back home.
You unlocked the front door and smiled as you saw harry sitting on the couch, watching the last Jedi.
“liking it so far?” Harry jumped slightly, breathing a sigh of relief as he realized it was just you.
“aye, I like the kylo r-……uhhh” Harry's jaw dropped as he caught sight of you, it had been so long since he had seen you in all your pirate gear.
You laughed and did a little spin “you like? Felt appropriate for what I had to do in Auradon.”
“u-um” he coughed into his hands, shifting in his seat slightly “y-yeah, looks good on yeh” you mentally did a fist pump as you could tell he was a little hot and bothered.
(for you smut lovers I might do an a03 exclusive smut chapter? But yall gotta ask for it~~~)
“thank you~ I got ice cream by the way!” harry perked up, making grabby hands at the bag he finally noticed.
“thank you thank you now gimmie!” you snorted and opened the back, handing him the large cup of ice cream.
“your welcome, don’t get it on the couch.”
You plopped next to him and (sipped ate) at your dessert, grinning as harry muttered that he wanted a lightsaber.
Now you knew what to get him for his birthday~
--end of part 15--
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