#ko'kalavari oc
jorisjurgen · 5 months
for the ask game #26 with your ocs?
26. What are the top three most distinguishable personality traits of your character?
I hope it's alright if I also link some songs that remind me of my OCs to explain the vibes, and link my art of them to explain what they look like (and also to brag. and to explain the vibes as well.)
Mao-Maud: My second little catgirl... and my only Krosmoz oc. She started out as a joke, and she kind of still is by the virtue of how pathetic she is. She is convinced she can't do anything ever and that her life is ruined beyond repair and that it's all over. Even though she's really young and nothing is that big of a deal. Worlds most awkward person.
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(She doesn't have an ex wife it's just what she calls the girlfriend/friend she liked that left her. she's That pathetic.)
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Estaera: My oldest oc. Walking-talking cautionary tale of what not to do to live a happy life. Violent. Unpredictable. Amoral. Nothing is ever their fault. Even if it is. Yep. And they're definitely not feeling any guilt. And they will never change, and if they want to change, it's probably far too late, considering they're doomed to suffer ego death and lose their entire self.
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Mathias: Estaera's Failbrother. Tired. EVERYTHING is ALWAYS his fault. even when it isn't. And he WILL feel bad about it. Very silently. He's a quiet and closed off person, outwards. kindajoriscore--
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Ko'Kalavari: My first silly little catgirl... She wants to know everything about the world, and that will destroy her moral compass little by little. She wants to con Cthulhu out of all the knowledge, y'know. She's very brave. Or overconfident.
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atchamcrepin · 3 years
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The oc doodles from the ask game on my main blog. Reposted here in part so they can all be in one place, and in part because I think tumblr text posts and ask posts may diminish image quality.
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jorisjurgen · 5 months
Mao Maud: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26, 28, 37, 38, 42, 46 im so fucking sorry im so so so so
I'm also going to take my other (non-krosmoz, they're all from a different fandom) ocs for these asks because unlike Mao Maud I had actually thought about them in-depth before this point because I'm a blabbermouth.
Also if you don't stop apologizing I will attack you violently with a deadly weapon (in my imagination due to the fact I am not in america and in real life it would be bad.)
What motivates your character?
Mao Maud: the desire to escape her old life, despair.
Ko'Kalavari: thirst for knowledge, and later, desire to help people.
Mathias: his friends and fear, and later, desire to help people.
Estaera: the desire to survive, thirst for treasure, despair.
2. How does the public view them? (Doesn't have to be anything major, it could be classmates, friends, strangers in the park, etc.)
Mao Maud: The public doesn't notice her.
Ko'Kalavari: People are very racist to her.
Mathias: Outsider. He doesn't belong.
Estaera: Gaudy peacock of a person.
4. Does your character care about their reputation and/or how others perceive them?
Mao Maud: She will die if people don't like her, but she'd like people not to think about her at ALL.
Ko'Kalavari: She'd rather study temporal cross-timeline shadow magic and lichification of the undead... Wait, what do you mean people fear that?
Mathias: He NEEDS to be perceived as good, and sadly, it means that everyone sees him as a sucker-up on the political ladder. Though them not taking him seriously doesn't end well for the nobles — sucker-up or not, he is ambitious.
Estaera: Cares about reputation, good and bad, equally. Their dream is to be a celebrity everyone knows has committed atrocities and can't prove anything against <3
6. What, if anything, sticks out about their appearance?
Mao Maud: She just looks like any old ecaflip, eh. She likes red a lot, so that probably sticks out.
Ko'Kalavari: She has fully black fur. It's pretty rare.
Mathias: Orange eyes. Very tall. Light teal skin.
Estaera: Redhead. Green eyes.
7. Is your character good with kids?
Mao Maud: No. She is afraid of them.
Ko'Kalavari: Yes. She LOVES kids. But she shouldn't be let near them due to the necromancy and vampirism. She wouldn't hurt them, I just think she's a bad influence + most people fear magic.
Mathias: He's wonderful with them. Like Kalavari. But unlike her, he also doesn't have unsavoury and dangerous interests, which is even better.
Estaera: They think they are, but they aren't. They wouldn't scream at a child, but they would get exasperated and leave, or unironically make fun of/argue with a kid.
9. What emotion does your character feel most frequently?
Mao Maud: Shame, deep-deep shame, for her entire self. "Sorry for my me" kinda character.
Ko'Kalavari: She is in awe of the beauty of the world. Also fear. She gets herself into a lot of trouble with forces even she can hardly comprehend.
Mathias: He tries not to feel emotions. But when he does it's probably shame, or tiredness. Life is a burden on him.
Estaera: Despair internally, and a small shade of whimsy from how little they care about life anymore. Life is a joke, and they are a clown.
11. What events in their past helped shape and influence them into who they are today?
Mao Maud: Having other kids throw fireballs at her, and her dad's death. She can barely remember him. She wishes she could.
Ko'Kalavari: Her kind and loving parents who instilled her with a love for travel and passed away peacefully of old age. Also being forced to eat human flesh once, while already travell—-
Mathias: Being beaten by his mom, and eventually beating her to death when he was 20, and running from the law ever since.
Estaera: Being beaten by their mom, developing alcoholism, and running away from home, falling into a life of crime.
12. What are some of your character's pet peeves?
Mao Maud: Joris, Kerubim, and Atcham keep vital information about the house and their relationship from her because they Forgor or "Didn't Think It Was Important" or "Didn't Think It Would Come Up"
Ko'Kalavari: People don't trust her just because she is a cannibal necromancer vampire witch who studies interdimensional time-travel magic that is reported to make its users "disappear from existence".
Mathias: People asking about his past.
Estaera: They have some specific ass alcohol and cheese opinions.
15. What habits does your character have?
Mao Maud: Fiddling with her clothes and hair because she's constantly nervous.
Ko'Kalavari: She dog-ears her ancient manuscripts. Remarkably casual about the most insane things.
Mathias: Smoking and hurting himself. He's scared of accidentally becoming addicted to something that muddles his mind (he's Seen The Horrors), but he has long accepted that life is simply unbearable if he doesn't do that.
Estaera: They're The Horrors that made sure Mathias DOESN'T have substance abuse issues besides smoking.
16. What is your character's relationship with their family?
Mao Maud: She feels like a disappointment to her mother. Her mom grew up on Rok Island, after Ogrest's Chaos, completely cut off from the outside world — while she grew up somewhere in Amakna, constantly travelling between Rok Island and her home, because her mom wanted her to be a huppermage. She wishes she was born a huppermage immediately, instead of being born an Ecaflip, and she isn't good at huppermagic at all.
Her mom has accepted it — she isn't a bad woman! She just loves her culture and wanted to raise Maud within it. There's no huppermage supremacy sentiment there. She loved her cat husband a lot too, and tried to get Maud into ecaflip stuff too (very cornily, and sadly, she is BAD at it, she doesn't get ecaflip beliefs at alllll.). But childhood bullying and projection (and the protectiveness her mom has due to the bullying) have Maud convinced that this is a deep-seated flaw within her.
Ko'Kalavari: Wishes her parents could have lived forever. I think seeing them age made her afraid of mortality. I think she was really close to them, and hasn't had success in establishing other close relationships since then. So she had to leave, and search for something more. It's one of the reasons she never wants to die too.
Mathias: Killed his mom who liked him more than Estaera and so, beat him less. Hates her, but wishes he had not done that. Misses Estaera a lot. Wears the earrings he gifted to them that they left at home, together with all of their other belongings, while running away.
Estaera: Ran away from home. Feels like they failed their mom, and if they worked harder she might have liked them more than their adopted "brother." Misses said adopted brother. Wishes they could meet again. Is weirdly not mad about Mathias killing their mom.
17. Overall, is there anything special or peculiar about your character compared to others in your story?
Mao Maud: Not really. She is an average girl. I think she's gifted in Ecaflip magic — on the clairvoyance side of things, when she really puts in the effort, but there's thousands of people just as gifted at that as her. Like literally one of her three employers.
Ko'Kalavari: She's the chosen one and it might be poisoning her brain with ideations of domination and power (literally on a cosmic level). Sadly.
Mathias: He's the chosen one, or fakes his way into being one, which is the same thing. Sadly.
Estaera: They're the chosen one, and also a partial soul-shard of a dark evil god of chaos. Sadly.
19. Summarize your character's goals in one sentence.
Mao Maud: Become normal.
Ko'Kalavari: Stop end of the world + become powerful.
Mathias: Stop the end of the world + end slavery via becoming a warlord on Vvanderfell.
Estaera: Don't let the only people who gave them a chance die.
23. If your character is at a loud, people-filled party, how would they act?
Mao Maud: She starts to cry. Nobody knows why. Not even her.
Ko'Kalavari: She's in her prettiest dress and she is so ready to be beautiful and pretty. Ends up leaving early due to boredom but liked the beginning.
Mathias: Soaking in the vibes. Listening on to conversations.
Estaera: Actively taking experimental party drugs.
24. From childhood to their current age, how has your character changed?
Mao Maud: Got more and more embarassed. I think it would help her, to know, that there are people out there far more embarassing, and yet happy. Like, at least three of them, all men, all in their 600s.
Ko'Kalavari: Got more and more scared of death. But... while she is ready to do anything for knowledge, and to save her own life, there is a sort of maturity obtained when she realizes, just how sick it makes her feel to take the lives of others for her selfish goals. She has to find a balance between the horrible things she is ready to do, and the horrible things she cannot do.
Mathias: Felt more and more responsibility. For Estaera's fate. For his mother's death. For his own life. For the lives of his lovers. For the House, for The Guild, for The Country, for The Continent, for The World. In the end it was too much, and he gave up. He will not be responsible anymore, after he fakes his death and leaves everyone.
Estaera: Got worse and harsher, if we're talking about childhood->canon events. Became a different being, if we're talking about post-canon->ko'kalavari's era.
26. What are the top three most distinguishable personality traits of your character?
Mao Maud: Clown the Jester. Weirdly endearing. Scared.
Ko'Kalavari: Fun-loving. Amoral. Scholarly.
Mathias: Ashamed. Secretive. Dead inside.
Estaera: Bojack Kinnie. Party animal. Desperate.
28. What emotion is the most unfamiliar to your character and how do they deal with it?
Mao Maud: Confidence. She doesn't even notice it, when she gets confident — and she keeps being confident as long as she doesn't acknowledge it.
Ko'Kalavari: Empathy. She doesn't really understand other people, at least not until after maturing. But truly connecting with, and understanding other people, is one of the wonders of the world to her. It's special.
Mathias: Pride. It's so rare for him to feel pride, and he feels a bit shameful, when he does. But... he tries to savor it.
Estaera: Happiness. They can't deal with it. It makes them choke up.
37. What does your character want to change about themselves?
Mao Maud: She wants to be a normal well-socialized member of society who has skills that aren't related to "doing huppermagic badly" and fumbling through her words.
Ko'Kalavari: She wants more power and knowledge. Always more. To protect herself and be respected and never die.
Mathias: He would like to be able to change things, but he doesn't really have hope. So, he'd like to have more hope in life. He really wants to have hope.
Estaera: Nothing. Everything. Yes. No. Honestly — they know they're awful, but they're under the impression that they cannot change. In some ways, they're right — they have no home, they're a criminal, they're addicted to multiple different substances. They have no way out of the life they fell into. But taking out their frustration on others has always been their choice.
38. Someone your character dislikes goes up to them and confesses. How does your character react? (Doesn't have to be a rejection.)
Mao Maud: She accepts and then ghosts them, moving to a different city.
Ko'Kalavari: Blushes and fumbles through a refusal.
Mathias: Politely declines. Very graceful and kind throughout the interaction.
Estaera: Humiliates them publically, says they'd rather fuck a cactus, and tells them "kys".
42. What is one thing that your character dislikes about themselves? ("Nothing" is also a valid answer.)
Mao Maud: Actually weirdly not a lot. She hates how talentless and spineless she is, but these aren't innate qualities of her character. She's hoping that working at a real job will fix her.
Ko'Kalavari: Her own actions. She is afraid of half the things she does. Why can't she stop digging through ancient dark magic tomes and summoning demons? The world may never know. But really — she hates how powerless she is. Like an insect. She wants to be powerful, deadly.
Mathias: He's a coward. It shows in many ways — he doesn't like being honest with people, and he doesn't take action when injustices happen. When he attains power — he is forced to play the long game, painfully aware that, technically speaking, he has the power to help so many people.
Estaera: Everything. They disgust themselves completely.
46. Does your character specialize or have remarkable talent in anything? If so, what is it?
Mao Maud: You see..., one of her main talents is inspiring 3 men in particular to pity her.
Ok I'm joking — I think she has some talent for fortune-telling and predicting the future, more than Kerubim (he's so lucky that he can predict what will happen, and Ecaflip has canonically given him future visions). She's not the first nor the last Ecaflip to have prophetic visions, but it's not a normal thing. I think being a maid for the fam, and connecting with her Ecaflip heritage for the first time that way, lets her actually work on this gift.
Ko'Kalavari: She is a walking, talking, cat-shaped, magical nuke. Also, she is good at healing and surviving. Very interested in how human bodies work and how to fix them up (both so they DON'T die and AFTER they die...). She is very young for someone who has a ko' scholar honorific.
Mathias: Politics. Also, while for Ko'Kalavari magic is a natural gift, learning it came hard for him — so he knows a lot about theories, maths, geometry, and biology of it. It made him a gifted enchanter first and foremost — when he can't rely on his strength, he can rely on the way he enchanted his items.
Estaera: They have a magic disability, so they can't use it too much — but it does mean they don't get hurt as easily. They like to use their small pool of power to do illusion magic and employ psychological warfare and human engineering in combat. They are very manipulative, even outside combat. Also, very skilled at ruining lives. Even their own.
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jorisjurgen · 3 years
the difference between tes protags
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jorisjurgen · 3 years
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[50. How would you describe their style of clothing? How would they describe their style of clothing?]
(Part 3, and also last part, of the oc ask thing. I had a lot of fun doing these, even if it took a while!)
First of all, I don’t really think she has much of a consistent style as my other characters. I think she cares the most about being comfortable first and foremost, and looking good secondly? That, and I think of her as a person who just likes to try new things, especially stylistically. She’s grateful for all the clothes she has. Her favorite materials got to be furs and leather, and she probably wears a lot of hoods and shawls. She hates being in the sun for many reasons, mostly starting from “It’s not a good time to have black fur in sunny weather”, and ending with her eventual vampirism. The styles she has a reoccurring affinity for is various magic user looking stuff, some darker things, and just... random street wear? I also think she really would like to dress more traditionally khajiiti, if she could find something of that nature in her travels. Her wardrobe does not look like it belongs to one person for the most part.
She would probably die if someone asked her about her style, because she doesn’t really think about it much, and when she does she gets really embarrassed. She would then describe her style as purely practical and about being warm and well protected. This is only partially right because she is far more into various different and conflicting aesthetics, trying new and interesting things, and looking good, than she really realizes, or thinks about.
[estaera magven post]  [mathias magven post]
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jorisjurgen · 3 years
My ocs and the reasons why they shouldn’t be punched.
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jorisjurgen · 3 years
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oc shitpost.
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jorisjurgen · 4 years
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I’ve been feeling very sick lately, but I managed to draw this yesterday. Ocs my beloved. To be precise, this is how I picture them end-game.
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jorisjurgen · 3 years
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[50. How would you describe their style of clothing? How would they describe their style of clothing?]
(Part 2 of the oc ask thing. Last part will be done in a couple of days.)
Mathias Magven:
He loves skirts, robes, and dresses. Never let them force you to wear pants. Jewelry, pauldrons, elaborate decoration - are all recurring themes, with hairstyles to match. A lot of layering, for a variety of reasons, including the climate, him getting cold easily, and him not really liking to show a lot of skin for personal reasons. His clothes, a lot of time, are pretty high-rock in style, him growing up adopted into a breton family in that province, though by the end of the story he fully embraces bug products as a way of decorating clothes. His favorite color to wear is blue. He almost always wears his pearl drop earrings. They used to belong to a family member.
He thinks of himself as a very elegant and feminine guy, and would describe his style as such. He’s open about the fact that being able to do whatever he wants with his clothes and hair is very important for him. And, forcing himself to take care of himself in such a way is probably like one of the only things that gets him through the day.
[estaera magven post] [ko'kalavari post]
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jorisjurgen · 3 years
for the oc ask: 50?
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[50. How would you describe their style of clothing? How would they describe their style of clothing?]
(I will answer this in parts because I decided to do some simple art for this, and it's taking a little bit of time. Will post the other 2 ocs in the coming couple of days.)
Estaera Magven:
They love frilly clothes, puffy sleeves on everything, pattern decorations, and very bright colors. They're very flamboyant in personality, and their clothes reflect that. They mostly like wearing shirts and pants, but are also into suits and over the top dresses. Very light to no layering going on, with the exception of if it gets cold. (If they were in a modern setting they absolutely be into clowncore, man.)
They would probably describe their style as "just wearing whatever they find!", downplaying how much time they put into their looks. They view themselves as a cool fancy rogue of some sort, and the illusion of them just Happening to look good is a part of the charm, in their opinion.
[mathias magven post] [ko'kalavari post]
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