#koa'ki meiru bergzak
trident-dragion · 2 years
Over the Nexus Deck Profile: Warrior Beatdown
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Warriors are one of the strongest types in the game, rivaled only by Dragons in terms of strong monsters and support. Unlike Dragons, though, most of the best Warriors are level 4 or lower. This is especially good thanks to Reinforcement of the Army, which allows us to add any of our level 4 or lower Warriors to our hand. This Warrior toolbox concept was played for years, and this deck utilizes it in Over the Nexus as much as possible. In fact, most of the tools in this box are really big swords. Koa'ki Meiru Bergzak is the frontrunner of these monsters, having 2000 attack and being able to attack twice, with the only cost of needing a Warrior in our hand. Similarly we have Twin-Sword Marauder, which can only attack twice if it attacks a Defense Position monster, but it gets piercing damage, which is a worthwhile tradeoff. It only has 1600 attack, but what if we made it bigger? In fact, what if all of our easily accessible, level 4 or lower monsters became so oppressively powerful, even staple level 8 Synchro monsters would crumble to them? Enter Solidarity and Burden of the Mighty. The former increases all of our Warriors by 800 attack points each as long as we have at least one Warrior, and only Warriors, in our graveyard, while Burden of the Mighty, a thoroughly obnoxious card I dislike playing against, reduces the attack of all of our opponent's face-up monsters by 100x their own level. Combined, these two give us a significant offensive advantage, especially since they can stack with more copies of themselves. Command Knight provides another boost, 400 to all Warriors, while also protecting itself. Elemental Hero Stratos paired with Elemental Hero Neos Alius and Evocator Chevalier enable one of the best removal options in the game: Gemini Spark. It's a quick-play spell that, in exchange for tributing a level 4 Gemini monster, allows us to destroy one card on the field, and then we get to draw a new card. This card does it all, it removes troublesome cards, replaces itslf, and even puts a Warrior in the graveyard to turn on Solidarity! It, along with our other important spells, are also easy to find thanks to Pot of Duality, a massive consistency booster, letting us look at the top three cards of our deck and add one to our hand. Sure, we can't special summon the turn we activate it, but with such strong normal summons, we don't really need to most of the time anyway. But if you DO want to special summon a boss monster, this deck has ready access to the usual lineup of staple Synchro monsters, but few benefit from the deck quite as well as Colossal Fighter; not only does it not interfere with Solidarity, but even without Solidarity it can reach truly massive attack levels in this deck. WITH Solidarity though? Good like finding a monster that can contest it. If you liked my Jurrac list, consider giving this one a try! MONSTERS (22): Command Knight x3 D. D. Warrior Lady x2 Elemental Hero Neos Alius x3 Elemental Hero Stratos x1 Evocator Chevalier x2 Koa'ki Meiru Bergzak x3 Marauding Captain x3 Rose, Warrior of Revenge x2 Twin-Sword Marauder x2 XX-Saber Fulhelmknight x1 SPELLS (15): Burden of the Mighty x3 Cold Wave x1 Gemini Spark x3 Monster Reborn x1 Pot of Duality x3 Reinforcement of the Army x1 Solidarity x3 TRAPS (3): Royal Decree x3 EXTRA DECK: Ally of Justice Catastor x1 Armory Arm x1 Black Rose Dragon x1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1 Colossal Fighter x1 Driven Daredevil x1 Goyo Guardian x1 Lightning Warrior x1 Naturia Barkion x1 Red Dragon Archfiend x1 Scrap Dragon x1 Stardust Dragon x1 Thought Ruler Archfiend x1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1 X-Saber Urbellum x1
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fyeahygocardart · 10 years
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Koa'ki Meiru Bergzak
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trident-dragion · 2 years
I've got three new decks to discuss, being Chaos Dragons, Flamvell Zombie, and Warrior Beatdown. Chaos Dragons is like a hybrid of Dragon Turbo and Hopeless Dragons, leaning on the raw power of Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Dark Horus while using their LIGHT and DARK attributes to enable Chaos Sorcerer. Chaos Sorcerer, along with Dark Armed Dragon, Allure of Darkness, and the Red-Eyes monsters, fill our banish zone with powerful Dragons we can bring back with Return From the Different Dimension, making a quite explosive deck, albeit a kinda bricky one. Flamvell Zombie is a deck played in Edison Format, less popular than the Diva Zombie deck, but cooler in my opinion, as I quite enjoy the Flamvell engine. The premise to that one is both Flamvell and Zombie monsters are good at Synchro summoning, and are easily revived from the Graveyard, so cards like Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter are quite good at enabling this synergy. And Warrior Beatdown is a deck I originally built in Over the Nexus that combines Solidarity and Burden of the Mighty to make level 4 Warrior monsters oppressively powerful, using D.D. Warrior Lady and Gemini Spark as removal and Koa'ki Meiru Bergzak and Twin-Sword Marauder as the primary beatsticks. It actually works better in OTN, honestly, because Pot of Duality is incredible for the deck.
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fyeahygocardart · 11 years
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Koa'ki Meiru Bergzak
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