#koala fort is a cuddle monster and i want to be in the middle of that puppy pile
bird-inacage · 1 year
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Peat & Fort React to Episode 11
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Can i request s/o move alot in their sleep and they accidentally kicked the boys ass or kick them off the bed
I don’t move, like at all, but I talk sometimes and apparently it’s cute, or something like that.  Plus I’m a light sleeper, so these poor boys… I just came back from a convention with the worst sleepers! Geez, I dedicate this to them and the fact I did not sleep!
Everyone had to wonder, how you and Noctis managed to sleep in the same bed at all and managed to get a good night’s rest. In the tent, you both seemed to understand that you had one side of the tent and anything beyond Ignis was forbidden territory, but in a motel bed, or any bed for that matter it wasn’t known how you two managed to survive a night without someone missing a tooth in the morning.
Currently you were laid, horizontally across the bed, your head and feet off the bed on top of Noctis who was starfished face down across the entire bed, the blankets and sheets were everywhere, and no one knew where any of the pillows went, they just disappeared.
Poor Prompto figured that he could easily fit on the bed with you two once, and it took the poor blonde only once to realize just what a horrid idea that was, when he woke up to Noctis, who started on the left side of the bed, as far away from Prompto as possible somehow behind him, an arm around his waist the Prince’s leg draped over the blonde and yourself, while you had somehow managed to lay on both his arms and legs trapping the sunshine to the bed along with Noctis who didn’t seem to notice at all.
People wondered why you two very small people needed a California king, and only your friends knew, that it was for both of your protection from the other.
Prompto adored you, he simply loved everything about you, but one thing. You slept like a fussy child!
You’d always start the night off right, one of you cuddled in the others embrace, yet by 4am, Prompto’s sweetiepie becomes the fruitcake from hell! 
Your arms were thrown hitting the blonde in the face, legs jutting out of the blankets if you were too hot. Or if you were too cold, you’d proceed to take every single last piece of bedding and create a fort around you.
Prompto didn’t understand, he couldn’t understand, how you managed to take every pillow on the bed, and the fitted sheet, and cocoon yourself before waking him. He didn’t think he was that hard of a sleeper. Yet what he did know was the trouble of trying to take stuff back, which often resulted in him either getting an open palm to the chest, or a numb arm from your koalaing around said arm.
The only real way to stop your theft/ abuse was to lay on you, Prompto learned. He would entangle himself in your limbs with his own, and hold you down. It was easiest when you were on your side or laying on your back, which luckily you prefered.
Yet on hot summer nights, Prompto would rather just lay on the ground and wait until you stop your fighting match before climbing into bed with a spare blanket he left on his side of the bed.
Gladiolus couldn’t understand, he had fought monsters twice his size, slammed iron giants into the ground, but you, his adorable sweet girlfriend, could always best him when it came to sleep.
For some reason in your sleep, you became straight fight club!
The first time the man was awoken to a sharp pain in his side, he jumped awake ready to fight! Who dare tried to take him in his own house! only to find you beside him, having rolled over into his spot. Thinking you were just having a nightmare, the man laid back down, gathering you in his arms before closing his eyes.
Boy, was he wrong.
The next thing he knew he was waking up from being tossed off the bed!
 HOW! Did you just Judo throw him!
 Climbing back in bed, the man watched as you laid directly in the middle of the bed. Right in the middle of the bed in a fetal position, cuddling tightly to his pillow.
Sneaking back in bed nursing a bruised ego, Gladiolus found that as long as you laid in the middle of the bed, no harm came to either one of you. Yet if you were moved back to “your side” all hell broke loose.
You would hit hard enough sometimes to leave bruises, or rack your nails against his arms. You once pushed against the man so hard that you managed to launch yourself out the bed. Which of course scared the man awake when your body hit the floor with such a loud thump.
You’re sleep self is slowly becoming use to the large body inside the bed, and has now taken to laying across his chest or koalaing to him. Most nights you’ll even allow the large man to spoon you all night, which leaves both of you happy. Even if some nights he would wake up to a face full of boobs, your arms wrapped around his head, legs on his shoulder, and the man wearing you like a hat, just snoring your cute little snores away.
Gladiolus knew that you were still rather bad, but you were a lot worse.
You weren’t bad, Ignis often told himself, it’s  just that after you pulled a couple of all nighters that Ignis realized that sharing a bed with you was rather difficult.  
Most nights when you went to bed on your schedule you would curl up on your side, one hand resting on the man’s chest, your head tucked underneath his jaw and sleep soundly all night, not a peep.
Yet on nights where you haven’t rested in more than 24 hours, Ignis found you rather insufferable. You didn’t so much fall asleep, as you would pass out on your side of the bed, face down, half on half off the bed. He would often have to move your head to the left or the right to ensure you were still breathing, and by doing so he would release the demon that was your loud snoring!
You would then flip, seamless like some type of pancake to your back, covering the entire space of the bed, which Ignis never understood as he could not do that himself, and he was much longer than you, all the while snoring louder.
He often did find that, even when you were in this state, you would still cling to things with his scent on it, such as his pillow or a shirt that need wash. Yet should he himself climb into bed, you seemed to become aggressive and would often push, shove, or toss him away.
So the man would resign himself to the couch, knowing that it was only for a night, less than a handful of times of year, and he wanted to make sure that you had rested easy after working so hard.
Only to feel something climb onto the couch beside him around 3 in the morning, tucking into his side, he would pull the covers from underneath you, tuck you in tightly at his side, before wrapping an arm around you as he rolled to his side, assuring you wouldn’t fall from the couch.
After all what was loosing a couple of hours of sleep to assure your comfort?
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