mercyburned-aa · 2 years
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@kohlapsar​ liked for a one-liner  //  felix.
      Annette leaned over and peeked at whatever Felix had in his hands.  “Whatcha got there, Felix?”
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deificdeceit-a · 2 years
@kohlapsar​​​ asked:
imma ask you the 3rd question from each section of the questions for the mun :3c
Mun Questions - Accepting    
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Lmao thanks for this there’s so many and I’m very sleepy but I’m still answering lmaooo
If your mother tongue is not the language you write now, what caused you to switch languages?
Unfortunately I can only speak English. I’d have loved to learn a new language but I just didn’t the attention span when younger nor did I like being forced to learn French and Spanish at school so I refused to learn them and just do the bare minimum to pass my exams :’)
Are you happy with how your favorite canon muse was portrayed in canon?
I mean... Eh? We haven’t really got much Zhongli lore wise since his second Character story and he’s only briefly appeared in a few events. Even then not much is really revealed bar crumbs. I don’t like how fanon likes to idk... Make him seem innocent and stuff like. Mans morally grey. He doesn’t hate the Fatui nor the Tsaritsa from what I remember and I see people seem to believe he’s some beef with them. 
I also think people tend to forget who he was. We only know what Genshin feeds us and even then we learn that some stories like Rex Lapis Incognito shouldn’t be taken as truth as even some things aren’t true/exaugurated. Even then people forget he was a warrior and that and seem to idk... Act like he isn’t? And that he abandoned his country when he didn’t???? Idk he’s very complicated and in canon we only get crumbs and with them crumbs fanon likes to make him seem innocent and stuff half the time so. With what we see in the main quest I do like but I do wish he got a bit more love in some events. Same with Tag but I don’t wanna open my can of worms on him!
Who is your favorite OC?
I don’t write him here. But his names Rohan and he was originally an RK900 from Detroit Become Human. I’d like to bring him here eventually but I don’t know if I will??? Mainly cause I don’t really have good Faceclaim for him that’s like animation style. Only realism right now. If I pick one I like maybe I’ll bring him here. He’s based kinda in futuristic settings due to DBH so think like Cyperpunk and games that have that as he does have a prosthetic cybernetic arm. And he’s a lowkey corrupt Detective for the police atm. Yeah we’ll see.
Is there any fandom you regret exploring?
Yes... I do. I won’t mention any really but just there are certain fandoms I just avoid for personal reasons due to how they where in the past and because of that I like to avoid them for my own sake.
Have you ever developed a ship based on writing with a certain other character / mun?
I have in the past. Just ships I didn’t think would occur just happened or wouldn’t consider and they just happened and I always enjoyed them in the end. It’ll hopefully happen here maybe one day but then again I don’t mind if it doesn’t. Sometimes it’s fun to develop unlikely relationships with characters that you didn’t think would occur uwu
What trend would you wish to see on here?
I honestly don’t know. I’ve seen so many over the years and they’ve all be kinda fun. I think seeing like promos with a silly little tumblr/twitter shitpost quote would be nice to see. I’ve had like 2 over the years. The first was like my Marvel days so like 8+ years. The other was with The Arcana so that was like 2/3 years ago I think. Like they where always easy to do and just a bit of fun. I might do one again one day.
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gnosticreign-a · 2 years
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@kohlapsar asked: questions for the mun - i am asking youuu the first question from each section ! :y
Questions for the mun. | accepting!
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When did you first start writing?
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ehhhh i wanna say 13 years old? on paper with pencils and pens. i was introduced to tmnt and for some reason i wanted to write fanfic. but i wanted to also be a part of it. ironically, the self-insert i had for that was just as shallow as literally everyone else, but it did get me started on my love of writing. i just had to learn.
What is your favorite canon muse?
on this blog, i guess it might be diluc, but i also think it's because i've projected some things onto him, both from myself and character archetypes i've much enjoyed.
as a whole, it's hard to choose, but i can at least give a handful. donnie, shredder raph, miketrap...okay so they're all canon divergent in a few ways, but shhhh.
let me put the rest under a readmore, because things do get more nuanced from there.
Who was your first OC?
honestly, this is also even more hairs to split.
there was one from a batch of my very first writings who began to show more of a personality over time, and eventually she became a longer-lasting oc, until i eventually wrote an original story for her. unfortunately, as i shared her and even rp'd her on tumblr to return her to her fandom-based origins a bit, things began to stack onto her that i hated associating with her.
people godmodded her. one even wrote in/ce/st about her and her goddamned daughter. they acted like they knew her more than i did. eventually, she no longer felt like my character, but a stranger. i still have everything for her, but i couldn't look at her the same after that point onward.
ironically, she wasn't even the self-insert of that group of characters. she just happened to develop a personality first.
HOWEVER. if you want to talk about the character i first called an oc and had the term for it, that would be roza. she was also the first self-insert that i'd made simply because hee hee hoo hoo comphet feelings.
In what fandom did you start?
that would be the tmnt fandom, both for writing and rping!
What are you looking for in a ship?
honestly, you have to hit that wire just right for me to talk for ages about a ship. i don't know how, but it really just happens sometimes, with some ships sticking to a wall better than others.
What are the trends when it comes to writing that you adore?
post-length icons are a blessing, honestly. you get a lot of room to express yourself on them, and it really helps with designing a vibe sometimes.
not sure what else i can come up with trend-wise off the top of my head tho.
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knayv · 11 months
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𝖙𝖊𝖒𝖕 𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖉. independent arlecchino of genshin impact. headcanon-dependent until canon proves otherwise. minors dni. #𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐘𝐕.
BLOGROLL: @baishouqijia ✦ @capitaneus ✦ @kohlapsar
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I. no homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, harassment etc. i do not reblog callouts unless the individual is genuinely harmful (i.e. behaviour related to those listed), rather than being called out for personal grievances. you are welcome to block the tag 'callout /' for this purpose.
II. i do not interact with minors. if you are a minor, i ask that you do not interact with me or this blog. i cannot guarantee that this blog will remain sfw, therefore this is a blanket rule.
III. arlecchino is a villain, and i don't intend to shy away/soften her up, so dark topics may be present. that said, i do not write incest, nsfw involving minors or sexual violence - i'm okay with these topics being included in a character's backstory but will not be writing these explicitly.
i do write nsfw headcanons/nsfw themes in my threads. this may include sexual content and explicit gore / violence, with my rp partner's consent.
as an aside, i appreciate that a lot of people enjoy the villain/victim dynamic but please don't reach out to write with me if you're only focused on tragedy/victim plot for your muse. it's very one-sided for development, and i get very little enjoyment from writing it. i want to explore arlecchino as her own person, and not as a plot device.
IV. please specify muse before interacting with me if you are a multi-muse. i'm very original character friendly, so long as there's a viable way for arle to interact with your muse.
V. please check out headcanon tags before interacting! arlecchino has little canon information so will be reliant on these. some are supported by canon lore, some of these will just be based on pure vibes alone.
my arlecchino uses she / he / they pronouns and i use them interchangeably.
VI. this blog will be low activity. i work full time in a demanding job, so please don't interact with me if you need fast replies to maintain a muse. i am quite responsive ooc, but when it comes to writing, you will just have to take my word for it that i am worth the wait ʚ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ɞ
VII. shipping is very cool and i am open to it! i ship with both genshin and non-genshin muses, and occasionally ocs. i prefer headcanoning more than actual writing due to my writing speed, but i am still interested! i prefer shipping with chemistry rather than what's considered canon, and i'm generally singleship but this is not a hard rule. i’m also poly friendly.
ship bias: tsaritsa, columbina, sandrone, signora, beidou, rosaria, childe, capitano
all others are welcome to explore, no hard feelings if it doesn't work out c:
VIII. i'd appreciate it if you didn't use heavy metaphors / poetry in our threads. absolutely no hate or anything, i just find it very difficult to understand what the characters are actually doing in this writing style. i also ask that you don't use real life face claims in our threads; i write characters who do not have irl images so it feels very space jam.
IX. i write muses without knowing most of their lore from in-game text because i am lazy. i play genshin daily, but most of it the lore supplied by youtube/wiki because i genuinely cba going through all of the texts in game to get pantalone crumbs. if i write something incorrect to canon, like hideously wrong, feel free to let me know. chances are i just didn't read the small print.
X. i go by dima or vodka! i'm 27 and use they/them. i'm a hobbyist artist and i love fantasy, liches in particular. i will draw our muses whether u like it or not. my dms are open, feel free to ask for my discord, or genshin uid if you play on EU!
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baishouqijia · 1 year
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#𝖇𝖆𝖎𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖖𝖎𝖏𝖎𝖆 independent PANTALONE  of the FATUI HARBINGERS ( genshin impact ). headcanon-based portrayal until canon confirms otherwise. themes of violence, adult content and spoilers. minors do not interact. by dima. ⓒ
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BLOGROLL: @capitaneus ✦ @knayv ✦ @kohlapsar
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I. no homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, harassment etc. i do not reblog callouts unless the individual is genuinely harmful (i.e. behaviour related to those listed), rather than being called out for personal grievances. you are welcome to block the tag 'callout /' for this purpose.
II. i do not interact with minors. if you are a minor, i ask that you do not interact with me or this blog. i cannot guarantee that this blog will remain sfw, therefore this is a blanket rule.
III. pantalone is a villain, and i don't intend to shy away/soften him up, so dark topics may be present. i do not write incest, nsfw involving minors or sexual violence - i'm okay with these topics being included in a character's backstory but will not be writing these explicitly.
i do write nsfw headcanons/nsfw themes in my threads. this may include sexual content and explicit gore / violence, with my rp partner's consent.
as an aside, i appreciate that a lot of people enjoy the villain/victim dynamic but please don't reach out to write with me if you're only focused on tragedy/victim plot for your muse. it's very one-sided for development, and i get very little enjoyment from writing it. i want to explore pantalone as his own person, and not as a plot device.
IV. please specify muse before interacting with me if you are a multi-muse. i'm also original character friendly, so long as there's a viable way for pantalone to interact with your muse.
V. please check out headcanon tags before interacting! pantalone has little canon information so will be reliant on these. some are supported by canon lore, some of these will just be based on pure vibes alone.
my pantalone uses he/they pronouns and i use them interchangeably.
VI. this blog will be low activity. i work full time in a demanding job, so please don't interact with me if you need fast replies to maintain a muse. i am quite responsive ooc, but when it comes to writing, you will just have to take my word for it that i am worth the wait ʚ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ɞ
VII. shipping is very cool and i am open to it! i ship with both genshin and non-genshin muses, and occasionally ocs. i prefer headcanoning more than actual writing due to my writing speed, but i am still interested! i prefer shipping with chemistry rather than what's considered canon, and i'm generally singleship but this is not a hard rule. i’m also poly friendly.
ship bias: dottore, capitano, childe, yelan, tsaritsa, pierro
all others are welcome to explore, no hard feelings if it doesn't work out c:
VIII. i'd appreciate it if you didn't use heavy metaphors / poetry in our threads. absolutely no hate or anything, i just find it very difficult to understand what the characters are actually doing in this writing style. i also ask that you don't use real life face claims in our threads; i write characters who do not have irl images so it feels very space jam.
IX. i write muses without knowing most of their lore from in-game text because i am lazy. i play genshin daily, but most of it the lore supplied by youtube/wiki because i genuinely cba going through all of the texts in game to get pantalone crumbs. if i write something incorrect to canon, like hideously wrong, feel free to let me know. chances are i just didn't read the small print.
X. i go by dima or vodka! i'm 28 and use they/them. i'm a hobbyist artist and i love fantasy, liches in particular. i will draw our muses whether u like it or not. my dms are open, feel free to ask for my discord, or genshin uid if you play on EU!
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capitaneus · 1 year
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#CAPITANEUS. independent IL CAPITANO of the FATUI HARBINGERS ( genshin impact ). headcanon based portrayal until canon confirms otherwise. themes of violence, adult content and spoilers. minors do not interact. by dima. ©
CARRD.   / BLOGS: @baishouqijia ✦ @knayv ✦ @kohlapsar ✦ @castsblight
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mercyburned-aa · 2 years
@kohlapsar​ liked for a one-liner I can’t actually write one-liners //  glenn
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     “Hey, Glenn,”  Sylvain sat down across from Glenn at one of the tables in the dining hall.  “You seen Felix around?”
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gnosticreign-a · 2 years
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@kohlapsar's post reminded me of the very important and totally canon notion of harbinger weekly bingo night, so i'm bringing this back.
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