mayhutamkosmen · 2 months
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VIETNAM MEDI-PHARM EXPO 2024 là một trong những sự kiện hàng đầu trong lĩnh vực y dược, thu hút được nhiều sự quan tâm của các chuyên gia, doanh nghiệp cũng như người tiêu dùng từ khắp nơi. Kosmen tự hào là thương hiệu máy hút ẩm đến từ Đức tham gia triển lãm VIETNAM MEDI-PHARM EXPO 2024. Tại đây, Kosmen sẽ mang đến cho quý vị những giải pháp kiểm soát độ ẩm tối ưu và toàn diện nhất, cũng như giải pháp về lọc không khí hiện đại và tiên tiến. 🔻 Đến với gian hàng của chúng tôi, quý vị sẽ có nhiều cơ hội:
Trải nghiệm trực tiếp các sản phẩm của Kosmen ngay tại gian hàng
Nhận được sự tư vấn chuyên nghiệp và tận tình từ đội ngũ chuyên viên giàu kinh nghiệm của Kosmen
Được hỗ trợ làm khảo sát và nhận được những ưu đãi vô cùng giá trị khi mua sản phẩm trực tiếp tại gian hàng
Tham gia triển lãm VIETNAM MEDI-PHARM EXPO 2024 cùng Kosmen Việt Nam, quý khách không chỉ được tiếp cận với những sản phẩm tiến tiến nhất mà còn có cơ hội mở rộng kiến thức, kết nối và hợp tác với những chuyên gia và doanh nghiệp uy tín trong ngành.
📛 Vậy còn chần chờ gì nữa mà không đến và khám phá gian hàng của Kosmen tại triển lãm VIETNAM MEDI-PHARM EXPO 2024! Hy vọng Kosmen sẽ được đón tiếp và mang đến cho quý khách những trải nghiệm tuyệt vời nhất tại triển lãm lần này!
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Với đặc trưng nóng ẩm mưa nhiều nên độ ẩm không khí của nước ta thường sẽ rất cao gây các tác động xấu đến sức khoẻ con người và làm ảnh hưởng đến quá trình sản xuất trong nhiều lĩnh vực. Dưới đây những tác động của độ ẩm tới một số ngành sản xuất.
Đối với các doanh nghiệp sản xuất đồ gỗ, đồ nội thất, độ ẩm không khí tăng cao sẽ làm gỗ bị ẩm mốc, mối mọt làm ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng đầu ra của sản phẩm. Bên cạnh đó, vì đặc trưng dễ hút ẩm nên gỗ cũng sẽ bị thay đổi màu sắc nếu không có các biện pháp bảo quản phù hợp. Ngoài ra, khi độ ẩm giảm xuống ở mức quá thấp gỗ cũng có thể xảy ra tình trạng nứt gãy hoặc cong vênh làm giảm chất lượng và độ bền của thành phẩm.
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the-river-carrion · 5 months
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The World of Hemaia
Welcome to Hemaia, the land of dyads.
I figured, what better way to start worldbuilding than to introduce the world in which I'm building! Briefly, about the map, I drew it in a tiny notebook at work so it's not the full world; primarily there's the rest of the main continent and the odd, small island missing, and the dotted lines indicating ocean borders are a work in progress, but this is my base.
So, Hemaia is made up of two primary land masses/land collections. You have Therrera, the biggest landmass, inspired by supercontinents like Pangea and Rodinia, and The Kosmene Isles, a collection of islands where the story of the Seafarers trilogy takes place. It has two moons, two primary Gods, and pairs and dyads are this land's bread and butter.
Therrera ↴
Talking about this first because it's not the focus of Seafarers and is inherently less developed, most of its details right now come from wanting it to feel real, especially in relation to TKI.
Anyway, literally named 'the land of beasts', Therrera is the birthplace of the mountains and the thirchainum. It spans across the better part of Hemaia and is split into dozens of regions with a deeply diverse array of people but rigid and unyielding Kingdom lines.
While those at the coast often worship both Gods, the closer you travel to the centre of the land, the more faith skews towards the sky god Caelumann. Every set of mountains has a shrine and/or monastery as they're considered deeply holy places, and those who wish to climb the mountains must receive a blessing first.
It's very common for the lower class in more landlocked areas to have never seen the ocean before, some outright even considering it a myth or not knowing it exists at all.
The Kosmene Isles ↴
The woman of the hour. The icon herself. The girl I could talk about for hours. Our setting for the Seafarers Trilogy.
The Kosmene Isles was named as such for the way the moons reflect on the ocean, appearing as though made of crystal; it's made up of six primary islands with a handful of small pieces of land dotted amongst them (usually inhabited by smaller trade villages but a few providing a home for the less accepted folk). While the populace of the Isles come from many different backgrounds and mingle quite easily, the overarching culture of this region is affected by The Murex Crown, who reside on the smallest island in the archipelago but whose influence has morphed into an empire.
While the Kosmenians live on the land, they share their oceans with the merfolk, Cayotia's children, creatures of the water who are said to eat the hearts of those that slip beneath their waves. While a handful of thirchainum species have been brought over to the Isles by Therreran traders, the main source of magic in this region is the merfolk; humans are not born with magic unless there is some ocean in their bloodline.
The Kosmene Isles fear magic. They fear the sea and her people, and they hunt them under the guise of protection. They can hide in plain sight, growing legs, teaching themselves to speak, and choosing names any normal person might use; a hint of magic, a slip in their step, or not quite fitting the binary, and a pyre is where they'll find themselves.
King Nicolas is the only human capable of using magic unscathed.
The Murex Crown, while building their empire, have perpetuated this need to hunt and kill, and never has a greater divide been created. Hunters are employed by the royals, paid a handsome sum for tails or heads they must get before these creatures die, and use ships made of trees only born underwater that have long been driven to extinction.
Where there are Hunters, there are always Pirates; outcasts, rebels, and self-proclaimed free-thinkers. They cause trouble where they can, disrupting trade routes or hunts, and some say every pirate ship must come with a mermaid, a blessing from Cayotia herself. Pirate ships are not made of long-lost, unsinkable trees, they are made up of every place a crew has been, and the lives they've left behind; the bottom of the ocean is lined with ships like theirs because Pirates do not fear what lives in the sea quite as much as Hunters do.
Cayotia, the Goddess of the sea, is as worshipped as she is feared. The myths say she gave the Kosmenians their land, and they thank her for that; they thank her for water, coastal air, and all the beauty the sea has to offer. But she is still the mother of the creatures they fear, and they do not think themselves loved enough to pray for them to disappear into foam.
Miscellaneous ↴
I've mentioned Gods and faith briefly here, but there is a much longer rant I could go on regarding the High vs Low faith in Hemaia because there is very much a difference. Cayotia and Calumann are deities whose existence is reliant on a person's belief, their myths are bizarre and contradicting, they differ based on culture and location, and I enjoy them a lot, but they are beings a lot less tangible than some other god-like entities we actually meet.
Thirchainum is my world-specific word for dinosaurs lmao. Much like the merfolk (who they may or may not be connected to depending on what you believe), they are creatures of magic; each species has its own name determined primarily by either appearance or magic type, and they have different values to people depending on which culture you find yourself in as some locations view them as dangerous beasts while others integrate them into working life.
I plan to go on slightly extensive talks regarding my magic systems, and different elements of the merfolk in the future, but if you do have any burning questions about anything, feel free to ask them!
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@outpost51, @writernopal
Requests to be added are welcome in the tags, replies or inbox ♡
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cryptidswitch · 11 months
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For the first time in forever I'm back in CAS!
Made this lovely lady that I'm mildly obsessed with! Her name is Veronika Kosmen and she wants to be a master fabricator while also keeping her family's magic traditions alive
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forgottensibiria · 4 months
If we try to describe the essence of Forgotten Siberia, then this is a speculative project about... parareptilia. Hmm, perhaps you remember the same spec from Kozman, the author of "All Tommorows"? We took same idea, but whith 🤓 energy - basically decided to make it as realistic and able to fit into our reality as our data allows.
In shot, a primitive seymouria-like creatures traveled on Sibiria continent and slowly move in taiga-like north forests, were started evolving in some bizarre forms called Angarovenators before Siberian traps caused the Great Persian Extinction and burn almost all angarovenators bones.
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Kosmen's parareptilias
P.S. Some paleontologists, like Mikhail Ivakhnenko, include Seymouriamorphs in Parareptilia, but modern science considers they to be Reptiliomorpha.
Too complicated? Let's try to explain below.
Spec himself grew out of a little-known fact. In the distant past, before the beginning of the Triassic period, China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, as Laurussia well as the eastern part of Russia — Siberia, were not part of Pangea, but formed 2 separate continents — Katasia (China) and Siberia (the rest of the countries). The last continent is called Angraida in Russian, after one of the largest rivers in North Asia. At first, these continents were separated from the rest of the land by the Ural Ocean, then by the Ural Mountains and the new sea, then comparable to the Himalayas, when formally this territory collided with Laurussia, the northern part of Pangea. It was in this area that the Siberian traps spread, destroying 90% of the species on Earth and causing the Great Extinction of the Persians.
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Earth 340 million years ago. Yellow land - continent Sibiria or Angarida (not misunderstood whith modern region). Relative to the current position of Asia, this continent is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise, so Magadan was at the north pole. Angarida include Eastern Siberia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Red land is Cathaysia - modern China.
And now the main nuance: in Siberia (starting from the eastern slope of the Urals), almost no vertebrate fossils dating back to the Carboniferous or Permian period have been found. The exceptions are the branchiosaurid Tungussogyrinus (Sibiria), who lived 250 million years ago, as well as the reptiliomorphs (Discosauriscinae) who lived 300 million years ago: Ariekanerpeton (Tajikistan, possibly Uzbekistan), Utegenia (Kazakhstan, China) and to a lesser extent Gnorhinosuchus (Kazakhstan). At the same time, an extensive fauna of synapsids, amphibians and reptiles was discovered in China and in the western foothills of the Urals. This means that the species quietly migrated to these continents, but did not inhabit Siberia.
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Utegenia. Literally all terrestrial vertebrate from Angarida resembled axolotls. Also the Ariekanerpeton's larvae even had flippers that became limbs after metamorphosis. Interestingly, no fully grown individuals have been found in this species.
So, why Sibiria is empty?
First, it is worth remembering that relatively many insects, brachiopodas and other invertebrates lived in Siberia. Despite the lack of competitors, they did not grow as big as Arthropleura or Meganeura. Soon you will be able to guess for yourself why.
Secondly, it was a unique environment. Siberia was filled with a special, endemic ecosystem - humid Cordaites, taiga and even tundra. Yes, you heard right: in the Carboniferous and even the Permian period there was the Karoo ice age, which led to the formation of a temperate and Arctic climate. So maybe it was too cold?
Maybe. However, some African dicynodonts (they also found on the western slope of the Urals) lived in approximately temperate climates. Also, no one cancels the possibility of the existence of small reptilian and amphibian forms capable of hibernation, like modern live-bearing lizards and Siberian salamander.
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Siberian salamander. and her habitat. The species is known for surviving deep freezes (as low as −45 °C)
Our spec explores the strangest explanation: the territory was early (320-310 millions years ago) occupied by poorly preserved forms who not displaced by more advanced amniotes due to their high adaptability to cold temperatures. Perhaps their skeleton was not completely calcified, and they were rare, which prevented them from being preserved in the geological history of the Earth. Moreover, a unperfect paleontological study of Siberia could also play into the absence of fossils of Siberian tetrapods.
Ariekanerpeton, Gnorhinosuchus (subfamily Discosauriscinae) and Utegenia (family Kotlassioidea) turn out to be the best candidates, since they were the first to settle on the continent at all. Considering that Ariekanerpeton and Gnorhinosuchus are much closer to the European Discosauriscus of the same time than Utegenia, the migration of seymuriamorphs occurred at least twice; moreover, these species could well be the ancestors of the Kotlassia, Microphon and Karpinskiosaurus found in the Urals, respectively. Speck suggests that the descendants of Utegenia remained in warmer regions, while the more land-based Ariekanerpeton split into southern and northern branches. The latter gave rise to the Angarovenator clade - small and medium-sized amphibians animals, more adapted to the dry land rather the rivers and lakes shores. Technically, this group would become convergent to the real Seymourias.
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Kotlassia and Karpinskiosaurus, 265-252 millions years ago. Found in same place as Inostrancevia
Below is the first sketch diagram of Seymouriamorphas evolution, where the length of each rectangle corresponds to the life span of the species:
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So, some fist speculated species:
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Poseideongenia, "Mother of the Month of Poseidon". Ancestor of Seymouriamorphs from all Laurussia, 320-310 millions years ago. Omnivorous terrestrial predator, gravitating towards reservoirs. The skull is approximately commensurate with Seymuria and does not exceed 10 cm in length. The vertebrae are not fully fused and resemble those of embelomers: the body is squat and elongated, the head is quite large. It has osteoderms on its belly. Fist who migrated in Siberia. The process was similar to the migration sof Monkeys to South America on wood rafts, with the only difference that Poseideongenia can stop eating for month like modern amphibians and reptiles. A direct descendant of the Siberian Poseideongenia - Utegenia. Unlike the offspring, the species larvae also have fins instead of limbs.
Moropeton, "Baby snake": ancestor of Discosauriscus from Moscow forests, 310-305 millions years ago. The collapse of forests in the Carboniferous divided the European population of Poseideongenia into several parts, one of which became. This population also began to crumble, and it was the inhabitants of the Moscow forests who were able to cross the Ural Ocean again, but in Siberia they faced the future Utegenias. Some species remained in the south, gradually losing competition to their relatives (Ariekanerpeton, Karpinskiosaurus), adapting more and more to an aquatic lifestyle: but the rest went north. The vertebrae are not fully fused and resemble those of embelomers: the body is squat and elongated, the head is quite large. The skull is slightly less than 8 cm. Osteoderms are found only in larvae.
Erimopeton, "Desert snake": ancestor of the Angarovenators, an animal with a shortened life cycle and adaptation to deserts (300-280 millions years ago). Perhaps (it has not yet been clarified) the southern territories and the taiga of Siberia could be separated by a desert area and mountains - another barrier for animals, so that Angarovenators are divided into mountain and desert species. The size of the skull is about 5 cm. Desert forms have a special wrinkled skin, dry and covered with a lot of keratin plaques, which they shed. Wrinkles are designed to preserve and collect moisture from the desert air. They lay caviar during the rainy seasons or migrating to wetter mountains, where the larvae undergo an accelerated development cycle (a week versus 20 years in Ariekanerpeton). Later species evolved from this clade. Some species, on the contrary, rely on desert rains and eventually became completely neotenic one-day forms.
Pustulasuchus?, "bubbleskin crocodiles": Descendants of late desert forms that developed a special bubbly skin. Keratin shields have become scales, under which bubbles are formed that can be filled with either water or carbon dioxide (taken from the blood). These bubbles can work both as a hydraulic muscle that lifts scales, and as a cooling or heat-trapping surface. These species are medium-sized predators that inhabit the northern forests of Siberia.
Pennasuchus?, "feathered crocodiles": It's a crazy idea that Angarovenators create their own analogue of a feather and archive new ability - gliding flight. This idea is taken from Spec's early ideas and we are not sure if it will be possible.
So far, this is all that is on the list. New issues will be released soon that will more accurately consider the evolution of Hangar Generators and their neighbors. And before we say goodbye, we'll give you some early spec concepts…
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Old concept of Pustulasuchus. Initially, the ancient diapsids were considered the ancestors, but this idea has become too far-fetched
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Discarded evolution of Angarovenator skulls as eureptilians. In this version, the Angaroventors, independently of other treasures, had temporal windows for 15 million years due to acidic upper marshes and demineralization of the skeleton. However, it turned out that the forests of Angarida were not so deficient in minerals
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Papiasaurus, duck-like lisard is the penosuchus occupying the niche of a platypus. Most likely, the seymouries retained electroreceptors.
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Pustulasuchus and Pennasuchus Kikimosaurus. These concepts were created before the Seymouriamorphas idea, so drawings are not relevant.
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Pennasuchus Kikimosaurus and primitive Pennasuchus species. These concepts were created before the Seymouriamorphas idea, so drawings are not relevant. There also used to be the idea that Angarovenators are the ancestors of Longisquama, which explains the presence of dorsal feathers in these versions.
The article was created with the help of a translator. If English is bad, I'm sorry. If you have a VK account and speak Russian, then you can get acquainted with the project here.
The project has been created by ANIMARAPTOR.
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dude1818 · 9 months
Namekkos: The Clockwork Plane
On the plane of Namekkos, everything is mechanical. The beasts and birds whir and click across the land, the people wind themselves up each day, and even the vegetation consists of simple machines. Whether the plane was artificially created as a mad experiment by an oldwalker, or was once truly alive before technology ran unchecked, no one knows. To the inhabitants, this is what Namekkos has always been.
In the northern reaches of the continent of Terle, the Kosmengeve Empire plots dominion. Led by Kosmen, the self-titled World Mind, Kosmengeve is a singular hive mind that aims to enfold all sentient organisms into itself. The proliferation of telegraph technology in recent years has allowed Kosmen to rapidly extend its reach. The lack of wireless technology limits how fast Kosmengeve can expand; however, long enough exposure to Kosmen can break down an organism's individuality enough that, even disconnected from the World Mind briefly, it still thinks of itself as an extension of Kosmen. Having expanded to the northern border of Terle, the Empire now feels its way southward, where the people are less than pleased to be absorbed.
South of Kosmengeve and somewhat protected by the Gensto mountain range lies the Association of Artina. Led by the Council of Vyst, Artina is a scientifically-focused society. Home to artificers, bioengineers, and naturalists, Artinans believe that nature is the greatest inventor. That's no excuse for stagnation though: it is every person's right, and even imperative, to continuously improve the mechanisms of nature. The Association doesn't have an end goal in mind, but posits that the process itself is the point. The leading minds of Artina are known as clockmakers, and their latest discovery is a mysterious energy called anima, which may be the motive force powering all life on the plane.
To the south of Terle, on the smaller continent of Tersol, the Morex Syndicate is in control. Less a political structure and more a response to Kosmen's growing reach, the Syndicate is an anarchistic collection of individuals who simply want what's best for themselves. Inhabitants of Tersol disdain the Terlian notions of societal evolution; rather, they desire merely to be allowed to modify themselves however they want, and don't care how that impacts those around them.
Venser has come to Namekkos while in search of another metal world. Intrigued by the artifice he finds, he decides to spend just a little time looking around, and discovers something shocking. He meets a promising young naturalist named Temmar; to Venser's surprise, he can tell that Temmar has a planeswalker spark, throwing into question what it means to be alive. As the Kosmengeve Empire presses into Artinan territory, Temmar gets thrown into the labyrinth of Association higher political and academic circles, while also trying to study this stranger who seems to be studying him in return.
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nguyen-viet-loc · 16 days
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quanghaiminh · 4 months
🇻🇺 🇻🇦 🇻🇪 Máy hút ẩm Kosmen KM -180S ---------------- ️🦅- Công suất hút ẩm: 180L/D (30℃ 80%RH) 🦅- Nguồn điện: 220V~50Hz 1 Phase 🦅- Công suất tiêu thụ: 2120 W 🦅- Độ ồn ≤65dB (A) 🦅- 1 tốc độ quạt 🦅- Lưu lượng gió: 1400 m³/h ---------------- 💯💯💯 Hàng chính hãng 👉 Giá tốt, chất lượng cao 👉 Freeship nội hà nội, hồ chí minh 👉 Có chế độ bảo hành đầy đủ 👉 Kỹ thuật hỗ trợ tâm 👉 Đội ngũ tư vấn đúng mẫu, nhiệt tình ----------------- https://sieuthihaiminh.vn/may-hut-am-kosmen-km-180s.html
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phuonghaiminh · 4 months
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🇻🇺 🇻🇦 🇻🇪 Máy hút ẩm Kosmen KM -180S
️🦅- Công suất hút ẩm: 180L/D (30℃ 80%RH) 🦅- Nguồn điện: 220V~50Hz 1 Phase 🦅- Công suất tiêu thụ: 2120 W 🦅- Độ ồn ≤65dB (A) 🦅- 1 tốc độ quạt 🦅- Lưu lượng gió: 1400 m³/h
💯💯💯 Hàng chính hãng 👉 Giá tốt, chất lượng cao 👉 Freeship nội hà nội, hồ chí minh 👉 Có chế độ bảo hành đầy đủ 👉 Kỹ thuật hỗ trợ tâm
👉 Đội ngũ tư vấn đúng mẫu, nhiệt tình
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haiminhfour-blog · 5 months
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🇻🇺 🇻🇦 🇻🇪 Máy hút ẩm Kosmen KM -180S
️🦅- Công suất hút ẩm: 180L/D (30℃ 80%RH) 🦅- Nguồn điện: 220V~50Hz 1 Phase 🦅- Công suất tiêu thụ: 2120 W 🦅- Độ ồn ≤65dB (A) 🦅- 1 tốc độ quạt 🦅- Lưu lượng gió: 1400 m³/h
💯💯💯 Hàng chính hãng 👉 Giá tốt, chất lượng cao 👉 Freeship nội hà nội, hồ chí minh 👉 Có chế độ bảo hành đầy đủ 👉 Kỹ thuật hỗ trợ tâm
👉 Đội ngũ tư vấn đúng mẫu, nhiệt tình
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mayhutamkosmen · 3 months
Máy hút ẩm công nghiệp Kosmen KM-250S là sản phẩm có khả năng xử lý ẩm hiệu quả trong không gian diện tích từ 350 - 400m2. Với thiết kế chắc chắn, sử dụng linh kiện bền bỉ, Kosmen KM-250S chính là dòng sản phẩm vô cùng thích hợp với khí hậu Việt Nam, đảm bảo độ bền, ít xảy ra sự cố, hư hỏng.
Lưu lượng gió lớn lên đến 2300m3/h, máy hút ẩm Kosmen có thể khử ẩm triệt để ở mọi ngóc ngách trong không gian mà không cần lo lắng về các vấn đề như ẩm thấp, nấm mốc hay độ ẩm làm ảnh hưởng đến độ bền của máy móc thiết bị. Ngoài ra, Kosmen KM-250S còn có thể hoạt động hiệu quả trong môi trường có nhiệt độ từ 5 - 38℃ với khả năng kiểm soát ẩm trong khoảng từ 10 - 90%.
Bên cạnh đó, máy cũng được tích hợp tính năng kết nối wifi nên người dùng cũng hoàn toàn có thể điều khiển máy từ xa, bật/ tắt các chức năng hoặc lên lịch hoạt động cho máy theo nhu cầu sử dụng của mình.
Tìm hiểu thêm về sản phẩm tại: https://bit.ly/KM_250S
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Máy hút ẩm công nghiệp Kosmen KM-180S ứng dụng công nghệ hiện đại đến từ Đức được nhiều doanh nghiệp, kho xưởng sản xuất có quy mô vừa và lớn tin dùng. Sản phẩm có công suất hút mạnh mẽ thích hợp cho kho xưởng diện tích từ 200 - 250m2 như phân xưởng, văn phòng, kho bảo quản, ..
Máy hút ẩm Kosmen KM-180S có thiết kế hiện đại, nhỏ gọn, không chiếm nhiều không gian diện tích trong không gian lắp đặt. Với gam màu trắng chủ đạo giúp sản phẩm thêm phần tinh tế, thanh lịch, thích hợp đặt trong những khu vực sản xuất, thư viện, phòng lưu trữ bảo quản tài liệu.
Vỏ máy được làm bằng kim loại có khả năng chịu lực cao, chống va đập, lớp sơn tĩnh điện an toàn hạn chế bám bẩn và dễ dàng vệ sinh. Bên cạnh đó, sản phẩm còn được trang bị bốn bánh xe thuận tiện di chuyển, hỗ trợ khách hàng khi vệ sinh khu vực đặt máy hoặc thay đổi vị trí lắp đặt.
Xem chi tiết tại: https://mayhutamcongnghiepkosmen.com/may-hut-am-cong-nghiep-kosmen-km-180s.html
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mayhutam88b · 2 years
Máy hút ẩm giá bao nhiêu? Loại nào tốt nhất?
Hiện nay, nhu cầu sử dụng máy hút ẩm ngày càng cao nhờ khả năng xử lý và cân bằng độ ẩm nhanh chóng, trong thời gian ngắn có thể mang đến không gian khô ráo, thoáng mát, hạn chế tình trạng nồm ẩm kéo dài. Vậy máy hút ẩm giá bao nhiêu?
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Máy hút ẩm có giá dao động trong khoảng từ 500.000 VNĐ đến hơn 100.000.000 triệu VNĐ với nhiều thương hiệu nổi bật như FujiE, Sharp, Electrolux, Edison, Harison, Kosmen, Xiaomi, Panasonic, Mitsubishi,...
Loại máy hút ẩm nào bền xịn rẻ?
Máy hút ẩm mini nhỏ gọn có thể cầm tay với trọng lượng nhẹ khoảng 1kg, công suất hút ẩm dưới 5 lít/ngày giúp cân bằng nồm ẩm, làm khô thiết bị đồ dùng trong không gian nhỏ hẹp nhất định như phòng ngủ, phòng làm việc, phòng em bé, xe ô tô,...với diện tích lý tưởng dưới 10m².
Máy hút ẩm mini đáp ứng nhu cầu sử dụng thấp, giá "sinh viên hạt dẻ" chỉ từ 400.000đ là đã có thể sở hữu, nhờ thiết kế nhỏ gọn cùng công nghệ hút ẩm chuyên biệt mà điện năng tiêu thụ thấp, mang đến giải pháp hút ẩm tiết kiệm được khá nhiều chi phí điện.
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Máy hút ẩm lọc không khí là thiết bị kiêm cả 2 chức năng là hút ẩm tách nồm và lọc không khí khử mùi, vừa giúp đánh bay nỗi lo nồm ẩm mang lại không gian sống khô thoáng, vừa giúp kiểm soát chất lượng không khí gia đình khỏi bụi bẩn vi khuẩn, đảm bảo an toàn sức khỏe cho mọi thành viên trong gia đình. Ngoài ra máy hút ẩm không khí còn giúp bảo quản thiết bị gia dụng, nội thất đồ gỗ, máy ảnh, giấy tờ,...không bị hư tổn.
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Công suất là lưu ý đầu tiên và cực kì quan trọng ảnh hưởng đến hiệu quả tách ẩm chống nồm cho căn phòng, ngôi nhà của bạn. Cũng giống như quạt, điều hòa, máy lạnh,...thì bạn cũng cần chọn mua máy hút ẩm giá rẻ có công suất phù hợp diện tích cần sử dụng để tránh việc lãng phí nếu công suất lớn vượt quá nhu cầu thực, máy làm khô nhanh nhưng lại tốn điện, còn nếu chọn phải máy nhỏ thì sẽ không đáp ứng đủ yêu cầu sử dụng.
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Để biết thêm thông tin chi tiết sản phẩm quý khách vui lòng truy cập website giaiphaphutam.com hoặc liên hệ tới hotline
Hoàng Quân TpHCM: (028) 73 00 99 73
Hoàng Quân Hà Nội: (024) 73 00 99 73
Để nhận được sự hỗ trợ tư vấn tốt nhất! Rất mong sớm được phục vụ quý khách!
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cryptidswitch · 11 months
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Worked on Veronika's daily outfits more! Two for fabrication and the rest for casual times
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haiminh · 2 years
Máy hút ẩm Kosmen KM -180S ✅ Cam kết chính hãng ✅ Chất Lượng ✅ Uy Tín ✅ Giao hàng hoả tốc 1-2h ☎ Tư vấn sâu
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dienmaysacomex · 2 years
Máy hút ẩm phòng ngủ loại nào tốt?
Hiện nay Việt Nam nước ta đang bắt đầu vào mùa mưa bão, cho nên độ ẩm trong không khí khá cao. Việc độ ẩm cao sẽ dẫn đến khá nhiều các tình trạng gây ảnh hưởng nhiều đến sức khoẻ, vật dụng của con người, đặc biệt là trong phòng ngủ. Vậy máy hút ẩm phòng ngủ loại nào tốt?
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Theo như kinh nghiệm nhiều năm trong lĩnh vực máy hút ẩm giá rẻ nhưng lại hoạt động tốt của Sacomex. Thì sau đây là top 8 sản phẩm máy hút ẩm phòng ngủ tốt nhất hiện nay như sau
Máy hút ẩm phòng ngủ Kosmen Km-12N
Fujie HM-912EC-N - máy hút ẩm dân dụng chuyên phòng ngủ
Kosmen KM-20N
Máy hút ẩm phòng ngủ Fujie HM-914EC
Sharp DW-D12A-W
Mã sản phẩm Sharp DW-D20A-W
Mã sản phẩm FujiE HM-920EC
Máy hút ẩm phòng ngủ FujiE HM-614EB
Chi tiết từng sản phẩm hơn tại: https://sacomex.vn/top-8-may-hut-am-phong-ngu-tot-nhat-hien-nay.html
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