stuck-in-jelly · 6 years
Under Rated Ships in My Hero Academia Part 1
My Hero Academia is ripe with precious ships of all shapes and sizes and honestly some of them deserve more attention so whether you like it or not HERE I GO:
Midoriya x Aoyama
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This is the only ship name I found for them and that is just sad, if you read the manga you know that these two do become friends and the concept of them having a relationship is too cute and funny. On one had you have this really sparkly boy who wants to be noticed and this one plain one that is always noticed so Midoriya just constantly "Have you seen my boyfriend? He literally sparkles and I love him"
Kendou x Testutestsu
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I love these dorks they both appreciate each other and support each other. Tetsutetsu admires Kendo's intelligence and quick thinking and Kendo admires Tetsutetsu's determination and strength. Together they'd be so cute, Tetsutetsu making sure she knows she looks pretty on dates and telling her how amazing she is and Kendo teasing him for being a sap
Momo x Kendou
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Another Kendou ship cause you can't stop me. These two mom friends team up and become the entire Class A and B's moms but while at it taking care of each other
Momo: You're working too hard sit down I will make you some tea
Kendo: I will sit down when you stop staying up till 12 at night studying
Midoriya x Mina
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Shy bashful boi and loud hyper girl? Sign me the fuck up. Midoriya would help Mins study and get better grades while Mina teaches him to loosen up and relax every now and then. I can picture their first date starting with nice lunch and ending with running awake from Aizawa
Nano x Toshirino
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Super hero and a dectivete? Hell yeah! Toshi would be such a sap trying to be romantic but just being a dork while he apologizes and says he hasn't dated much before while Nao keeps reassuring him its fine. Nao on the other had is a fLIRT and teases Toshi to no end
Tokoyami x Aoyama
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Dark Prince of The Night and Sparkling knight of the Day?????????? Shit bitch that my jam. Just imagine this dark goth boy and his preppy boyfriend, their taste clash but all in all they love each other. Since he sparkled so much Aoyama sometimes helps keep dark shadow under control it he gets too much and Tokoyami just cherishes his bf for being supportive
Iida x Ojiro
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.....its fucking cute as fuck don't judge me. But just imagine these two. Iida constantly praises Ojiro for his nobility and his strength and Ojiro admires Iida for working hard and not being snobbish even with his family of hero's. Iida is intense and wants to show Ojiro he loves him but Ojiro is okay with simple stuff
Kouda x Jirou
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I had to make one up guys come on!! Both of them are kinda shy when it comes to their interest and they both would help each other express it. Kouda is Jirou's number 1 fan and always gives her feedback, Jirou encourages Kouda to speak more and express himself. They would be so cute guys please
Midoriya x Momo
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Nervous babies!!! Midoriya would help Momo with her confidence and reassure her she is a great hero and Momo would just coddle Midoriya, taking care of him as best as she can but you know what the best thing is though? The bEST!?!?! HEIGHT DIFFERENCE. IMAGINE MIDORIYA TIP TOEING TO KISS HER OR MOMO LEANING DOWN TRYING NOT TO LAUGH GUYS ARE YOU BLIND
Mina x Sero
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Guys. I'm starving. Think about these trouble makers just tHINK. Their first date is just pranking people and running around fucking shit up, they both cheer each other on like "THAT'S MY GIRL!!" "DAT MY BOI!!" Plus tHE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE. MINA WOULD CLIMB HIM FOR A KISS
Part 1 Part 2, Part 3
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pamayapaya · 6 years
Do you hate straight parings in heroaca because they’re straight?
No! Of course not.
My main problem with the straight pairings though is that they aren’t well written or just full on heteronormative.
I actually do enjoy some straight pairings and there are others that I think are fine even though I don’t ship them.
I ship:
And ships I’m cool with are:
IzuOcha (it’s not a bad ship it’s just really bland and cliche)
Kouda x Jirou
The only ships I actively dislike/hate are:
Aizawa x Ms. Joke
The problem with these ships isn’t that they’re straight per se. It’s more of the fact that their fandoms try to hype up their relationship like it’s so deep and well written when in canon... there’s literally nothing there... especially in comparison to the gay ships with much more chemistry/interaction/development
Sorry if that’s too long of a ramble
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