#kouei116 dllp
kouei116 · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami
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C: You are mine, so is your life. From now on, as long as I'm here, you won't die. 
(Carla saved her when she was abt to fall from Earl Walter's castle's balcony)
A cute scene that I really like: Y and C were walking in town, there were so many people bumping into Y and then:
C: Good grief, I can't take my eyes off you. If I wasn't here, will you be able to walk straight? *hold her hand*
Y (Somehow walking while holding hand like this ... it's like we're on a date *blush*)
C: Why is your face red? You have a fever?
Y: ... Uhm... Walking while holding hand like this ... I was thinking this is like a date
C: It's not like-a-date, isn't this a date?
Y: Eh!? You really think so?
C: What are you surprised about? A man and a woman, only two of them, walking holding hand. If you don't call this a date, what do you say is a date then? 💯💯💯
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C: There is a snake from the demon world called Medusa snake inside Zatan's mouth. 
In this town, there is a Zatan’s mouth at Diamante fountain, if you put your hand inside the mouth, it will tell you the truth, but no one have tried yet because it’s said that a disaster may occur to you (I included its picture in Lunatic Parade's Kanato's post). C put his hand in and got bitten by the Medusa snake, and he's gradually turning into stone aka he still has his consciousness but unable to move. 
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Y: Kyaaa...!! (Carla's lips... it's hotter than usual...)
C: It's really strange how much you capture my heart ... 
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C: Be quiet
They were hiding from the group of pureblood advocate vampires chasing after C asking him to guide them. In the end, he did give them advices, C is such a kind king :3
Old lady Aji from Reine de Aji general good store offered to help make the antidote, but some vampire kids sneaked in and stole some stones (that is part of the ingredients for the antidote). C and Y found the kids, turned out these kids were trying to save their dog Gatsby, which also got bitten by the Medusa snake while trying to protect the kids playing in the wood. C let the kids have the ingredients to save the dog :’( 
Then he went to Zatan's mouth again, put a curse on the snake to catch it (the stones they need are inside the snake’s body too), However C was weakened from the first bite, the snake resisted and bit him the second time :((( He still managed to bring the snake back to Aji. Y asked if Aji’d kill the snake, then C said if there's a way to take the stones out without killing the snake, pls do that, even if it'd take more time. While waiting, the kids gave C a candy to thank him. He muttered he wasn't good with kids but Y thought he was very kind to kids, and wondered about how he'd be a good father in the future //v// By the time the antidote finished, C lost consciousness and couldn't drink it by himself so Y fed it to him mouth to mouth (*゚∀゚*) They made it just in time, C was fine now yay!
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Earl Walter returned Y's heart, the butler came to say it was great they were safe and dinner was ready. Y was excited to go to dinner but 
C: Ah, but before that, there is something for me to do. You make me hold back for a long time. I have been as patient as you want *kiss her* There is no need for me to hold back right? I won't go easy on you. 
Y: ..But dinner...
C: Is dinner or more important than me to you? (can I answer dinner :3)
Y: That's not it...
C: Y, I love you. How about you?
Y: Of course, I love you. Even if I don't say it, you can see through me right?
C: Fufu... well it's true, but sometimes hearing you say it (from your mouth) isn't bad. Say it one more time.
Y:... I love you.
C: ...More
Y: I love you
C: Fuu... You pass. 
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Care for vampire
C: Apart from you, there isn't anyone that I trust this much, no? (...) Now it's time for your reward... come here Y _(:3」∠)_
Ok I love Kaji Yuuki and Kimura Ryouhei too much, but story-wise, Carla’s routes are my favourite out of the 3 I've played Kanato-Kou-Carla in Dark Fate and Lunatic Parade. He is strict, but also wise and kind king, and there are lots of cute convo btw him and Y that made me dokidoki (*´﹃`*) Erm I was surprised how chilled he was with the turning-to-stone thing. In my head, I pictured him to become like the ojizou-sama stone statues wrapped in his beloved scarf ha..ha...OvO
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kouei116 · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Kanato Sakamaki
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Earl Walter stole Yui's heart and replaced it with Kleinod. Yui and Kanato went to the earl's castle to ask for it back, but he wasn't there. They were advised to try find the butler to ask where his master was. Kanato wanted to get some rest first so they headed to a hotel. Due to the parade, the hotel was fully booked, Kanato demanded to see the manager - who recognized Kanato was Karlheinz's son and ordered staff to prepare the best room for him. While they filled in the accommodation card, the receptionist asked if Y was his friend, and Kanato replied: “She is my wife" (♡´艸`)
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K: Hey Y, do you hate becoming a vampire that much?
Kanato told Y if Kleinod broke, it'd still be fine because he'd turn her into a vampire and they could be together forever. Y couldn't make a decision abt becoming vampires yet, Kanato got upset that she didn't understand his feelings and ran out of the hotel room. Y ran around town shouting his name looking for him. Seeing her desperately trying to find him, eventually Kanato came out in front of her. She must be tired from all the running so he suggested going to eat. While eating, Y suddenly fainted. Kanato brought her back to the hotel, he apologized it was his fault causing Y to run around earlier, he was very worried that if she remained human and someday she will die, he'd really hate it, he wanted her to stay with him forever. Y told him again that she wanted to find her heart first before making a decision. Kanato respected her decision and agreed to help get her heart back. 
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K: If you don't use cunning/dishonest means, you won't get the things you truly want.
They went to Reine de Aji general good store (Aji the lady owner here is the younger sister of Saba - the shop owner in Vandead Carnival game) to ask abt the butler. Aji asked them to get her the forbidden apple pie before answering. This forbidden apple pie was extremely popular and too many people queuing to buy, Y said this couldn't be helped and was drinking smoothie talking to Kanato in this CG. He wanted to use his dad’s power to get the pie but Y wanted to find other ways. 
A boy bumped into Y, spilling smoothie all over her clothes. Kanato was angry demanding the boy to apologize to Yui properly and the boy started crying. Y told the boy she didn't mind, it's alright. The boy apologized to both of them and ran away, then came back with his Dad - who was the forbidden apple pie shop owner. The Dad said Y forgave his son with a smile, she was a kind vampire (Y noticed that he mistook her as a vampire) so he wanted to gift Y a forbidden apple pie. Kanato accepted it but Y wanted to return the pie bc she didn't treat the boy kindly to receive rewards. Kanato got mad (bc he wanted the pie to exchange for the butler's info) and ran off. Y tried to follow him, she bumped into the boy and he said his Dad was testing Y, it was actually a poisoned apple pie; if Y was a genuinely kind person, she'd return the pie.
Kanato arrived at the shop, giving the pie to Aji, but now she said she didn't remember any promises with Kanato?! She was happily having the first bite when Y rushed in and warned her abt the poison. Aji was skeptical but Yui's face didn't look like lying. Aji thanked Y, said from the start she didn't plan to tell Kanato the butler's whereabouts, but for Y, she'd help. The butler liked medicine herbs so when the Earl was away, very likely the butler would be at the Smaragd volcano to gather them.
Kanato told Y he found it strange why the Earl still put the Kleinod inside her after stealing her heart, and he felt like everybody they met in town today were testing them. He worried abt Y's health and suggested returning to the hotel to rest. Y slept and had a dream abt a mysterious man telling her: he granted her wish, since he took the heart away, she didn't get into any troubles with the vampires; the Kleinod can work forever, the Sakamaki lied to her abt it being temporary because they want to suck her special blood. Y woke up to a worried Kanato but she lied that she didn't remember this nightmare well enough to tell him. She trusted Kanato but she got anxious if he would still love her without the special heart. 
Y and Kanato went on a gondola to get to Tirkiss waterfall near the volcano. The scenery was very pretty, Kanato said in town they couldn't enjoy the parade so they should take a break now, they know the butler is here, no need to worry. A fortune-teller lady invited them to try her shop that was famous for accurate love fortune. She gave Y a cup of tea to drink up then looked at the remaining tea leaves to predict that Y was having doubts abt Kanato. Y denied this but suddenly her body felt hot, her consciousness started fading and she fell into the water. Kanato jumped straight into the water to save her but the water was strong, she realized if going on like this, he’d drown...
K: ... Quiet! Only I can decide your fate. Don't die without my permission, I won't forgive you!
Y got drifted away and couldn't see Kanato anymore. She woke up in a cave with Kanato collapsed nearby. She was very happy he was still alive. She apolozied and told him the truth abt the dream. He said he only knew those kleinod to work temporarily, and:
K: Besides ... Even if the heart disappears, I will always love you. It's more important to me that you are alive than being able to suck your blood. I thought even if I don't say it in words, you already understood ... but seems like I was wrong. I ... love you *kiss*
Suddenly lots of bats appeared <Minigame Whack a Bat>
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K (patting her head): It's a reward for your working hard (fighting the bats in the minigame). I’m praising you. 
After beating the bats, it wasn't likely that the butler was here so they should return to the hotel. Y sneezed, Kanato asked if she was cold, checked her forehead and sensed a bit fever, told her to give him her hand bc it'd be troublesome if Y collapsed (aweee) Y saw somebody collapsed and ran over to check even when Kanato didn't want them to get involved. This man woke up and explained he was picking up a rare moss growing inside a cave that has poisonous gas even to vampire. He bowed his head to thanks Y and Kanato for saving him. They noticed he had a red granite stone on his forehead and they realized he was the butler! Y explained her situation, the butler could only give them the card written by the Earl hinting the location: On the full moon night, when it raises the crown at the very high peak, I'll return. (sorwy, I don't understand what this means TwT)
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Y thought the Earl could be either at the tower or the mountain. Unexpectedly she overheard the girls nearby talking about the Zatan's mouth at Diamante fountain: if you put your hand inside the mouth, it will tell you the truth, but no one have tried yet because it's said that a disaster may occur to you e.g. splitting up with your lover. Kanato was very cool put his hand right in and got the answer: The Earl will appear at Onyx tower. Y asked if he wasn't scared of losing her, but he said: “If that happens, I will take you back. It's not likely that you belong to anyone else but me...”
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They came to the tower and Earl Walter was there. He said he’d return Y's heart with a condition that she vowed to part from Kanato forever. She replied that he was wrong, he didn't take her most important thing. There's no way she'd exchange the 2nd most important thing (her heart) for the most important thing (Kanato). Kanato was very happy to hear her feelings. Suddenly the tower started to crumble and they got thrown outside, Kanato managed to catch her and said: 
K: Y! Don't leave my side. Hold on more tightly. Please don't let go no matter what. I will definitely protect you, now and ...in the future. You can stop worrying, it'll definitely be alright. I love you... I love you.
When Y woke up, she and Kanato were in the Earl's castle. He said he did want her heart but he realized that Y and Kanato were worthy of keeping such a treasure hence he returned it. Kanato demanded him to show his face but he refused. He hoped they would enjoy the festival and he needed to leave for his next target to steal.
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Y had fun at the parade because Kanato was at her side. The forbidden apple pie shop owner gave them an apple pie (not poisoned one this time yay) and Kanato fed Y from his fork
Y: ... It’s extremely delicious! Just like you said Kanato!
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K: That's good. You can eat the rest.
Y: Eh, is it ok for you Kanato? Does it not suit your taste?
K: No, it's not that. Because, as expected, I like this better *kiss*... Fufu, thanks to you eating the apple pie, this feels sweeter than usual *Nnn....n...Nnn.....*. You're a special. Y, to me you're probably the forbidden fruit. I love you ... From now on, you're mine and mine alone, forever ....
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Care for Vampire:
K: ... Thank you. Thanks to you, Y, I've felt much better. Let's sleep together like this. If you sleep with me, I will get well. (...) From today, you will be my personal pillow. ... Are you happy? ... Fufu, me too. Please let me hug you like this forever...
I really like Kanato's sub scenario with Carla. Kanato requested room service to hold a sweet party just for the two of them in the hotel's guest room aaaand Carla was eating their sweets there. Kanato was getting grumpy but Carla complimented Kanato's taste in choosing sweets - esp the religieuses that have high artistic value and sweeter than anything he has eaten, he’d ask Shin to get it for him - making Kanato smile again. Then Carla, Kanato, and Yui ate religieuses happily ever after hahaha. Just like my sis-in-law said, it's nice to see my old man and little boy getting along (人´∀`) The route is sweet, Kanato always worried abt Y’s health, he jumped straight into the water to save her, I squeaked for 15′ when he said Y is his wife haaa(˶′◡‵˶)It's just... I guess bc Yui's heart was missing, there wasn't any sucking blood scenes, only a few kissing scenes at the end, my ears starved playing this oughhh ;u;
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kouei116 · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Kou Mukami
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K: If you show me such a cute face, I won’t be able to stop... I want more, Mnekochan ... is it okay?
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K: I will give you this eye in exchange for Y’s heart. 
(When Earl Walter stole Y's heart, they went to his castle and Kou offered his eye to get Y's heart back, noooo ;u;)
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K: Fufu, your blushing face is cute ♪ 
Y (Good, at this rate, I hope we can get back my heart and Kou's eye safely.)
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Mirror House Staff: You are the 1000th person that successfully escaped!
Y: Kou...! There are a lot of people looking...
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K: I wanted to show you the scenery from this place. I want to burn it into both of us' memories, Mnekochan. Look at the sky, isn't it beautiful? If we can't look at the sky together, I'll be lonely...
K: Hmm... Can we walk like this for a bit more, just the two of us? Now we have our eye and heart back, we can be at ease but there isn't much time left. Of course, if you say you’re tired... how about we get back? 
Y: Fufu, the truth is, I was about to say the same thing... I'm happy to! ... I was thinking I'd be happy if we can be together, just the two of us like this. 
K: ...Next year ... and the year after, shall we go to the parade like this again? 
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Care for Vampire 
K: Nnnn... it feels good.... Mnechan's hand is the best. 
(Aaaa his hair looks so fluffy I want to wash it too ~(=^・ω・^)ヾ(^^ )
I was very touched when Kou gave up his eye to exchange for Y's heart, he treasured the eye from Karlheinz so much but he willingly gave it up for Y's sake :((( I like his PDA, when he kissed Y in front of everybody (I'm always weak for Kimura Ryouhei's kissing voice (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ) and told the kids she is the most beautiful person in the world. Why are you so cute Kou ;u; I'm happy with this route, I still believe in Kou that he loves Y so much and willing to sacrifice a lot for her (e.g. his eye in this game), not just... forget her like in Dark Fate that made me so so sad (´;д;`)
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