#kougyoku would be a wonderful granddaughter in law but i don't think she's prepared to enter JA family
teammagi · 7 years
for ship thing: ALAKOU
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Since Aladdin is my grandson, I want the best for him. Kougyoku comes really close to that. 
Her character development was… interesting. And I think a lot of us can relate to her development, I certainly can. AlaKou was not given a lot of fan service, not like AliKou, but I still ship is a lot harder. I think Aladdin and Kougyoku deserves each other, in a good way. 
Overall: 6/10, I dig it, but not as much I dig David x Arba, because Aladdin is still a cute little 10 year old to me. DOn’t make him get married, please.
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